Festival [Part 1]
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At breakfast, Ruth and Hera were the only ones in the dining room. Ruth purposefully encouraged Lyonnel to attend the morning training with Rayla, while Hera didn't even ask about her brother's whereabouts.

Ruth, on the other hand, kept glancing at Hera's radiant face during their meal, trying to see if her granddaughter was completely fine after what had happened the day before.

“Grandma, what's the matter?” Of course, being scrutinized like that made Hera feel uneasy, but she knew her grandmother's gaze was filled with concern for her. “I'm all right now. Don't worry.”

“Haa…” Ruth breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in her chair, fully at ease. “I know you enjoy playing with those kids, and I don't want to prevent you from doing so. However, Hera, you must also consider your physical condition.”

“I know, grandma. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.”

“If you become unwell later in the festival, return home quickly and let Sir Herveus escort you.”

“About that…” Hera set her mug down and fixed her gaze on Ruth. “If Grandma doesn't mind, I'll let Lady Rayla escort me. After all, that man had requested her to be a knight, but it was also her obligation as a Heiza family member. Just allow her to do her job. I've already spoken to her.”

“...” Ruth was silent for a moment. She didn't know when Hera found out about Rayla, but she couldn't keep it a secret after knowing that Hera already knew Rayla's reason for being here.

“Are you sure Lady Rayla will be enough?”

Hera smiled and nodded. “It's just a festival, after all, and Emma may not be comfortable being followed by so many people.”

“Alright, then. Do you have any money to spend on food or would you like to purchase something at the festival?”

... Hera wanted to refuse and spend her savings, but with her future plans in mind, there's no harm in accepting Ruth's offering, right?

As a response, she gave Ruth a lovely smile. “I'm just going to look for a mask for the next event. I hope I can find a stand that sells masks that are elegant enough for the occasion. Is there anything from the festival that Grandma wants?” She inquired.

“I'm not in need of anything. Don't worry about me, and have a good time at the festival.” Hera's excitement for the festival made her laugh heartily. But, as if recalling something, she added another matter. “Can you look for a mask for your cousin as well? She likes red with a glamorous design. I'll give you extra money for that.”

Hera nodded; she had seen Ysmay, who had attended countless events and banquets in vulgar yet modest dresses. Ysmay really likes glamorous, mature designs with vibrant colors, different from other noble ladies who prefer elegant and graceful dresses in natural hues.

She's also aware of Ysmay's preference for masks. Since their first meeting, she has bought it for Ysmay countless times as a gift.

Hera also knew what she wanted to bring to Ruth, an item she'd found while wandering around the festival. The only thing that had changed was the presence of the people who would later follow her. Thinking about it made Hera sigh.

All she had to do was accept the changes. After all, Hera expected something to happen when she requested that woman to do those certain things.

That was the end of their breakfast.

Hera then escorted Ruth to her garden, where the young lady refused to let her grandmother do anything other than sit while she watered all of Ruth's plants.

“Don't come home too late. Emma is still a child, so keep an eye on her and don't let her get separated from you.” Ruth warned her as she massaged her knees gently.

“I'm not going to let anything bad happen to Emma. We'll return when the fireworks have ended or Emma has fallen asleep.”

Hera glanced at Ruth, who was secretly massaging her knees, despair flashing through her eyes. She had attempted to save Ruth countless times throughout her multiple lives, but she was just an ordinary human with no connection to the people who could save her grandma.

Moreover, the medical world was not very good during this period of time. Only a select few of the nobility and royalty could afford to hire one of the kingdom's top five doctors, or only if they had a long-standing relationship, or maybe if they owed a debt of gratitude to a particular noble family.

The Silverna family, for example.

However, Hera would never seek that person's help again.

The disease slowly gnawed at Ruth's body and would leave her in excruciating pain. Greene's family doctor could only slow down the progression of her disease to a certain degree, but nothing could be done about the pain she was experiencing until she took her final breath.

Hera couldn't bear seeing her grandmother die in such a way again. She wasn't looking for a cure for Ruth anymore, but rather a way for her grandma to die peacefully and painlessly.

There were other choices besides asking that man for help, one of which was to seek permission from a certain family to create their secret pain-relieving medicine, which had been passed down through generations from their ancestors' last wish to their guardian.

But it wasn't as simple as it sounded, because Hera had no idea where the family had relocated after they had been gone for decades.

If Hera couldn't discover the family again in this life, she had to make her usual choice and share vital information with Rayla in order to earn Rayla's approval to use Helen's power.

But even though Hera had Rayla's consent to use Helen's power to relieve Ruth's suffering, she couldn't help Ruth live much longer than the day of her death, which was always the same.

Hera realized she couldn't outwit death.

Death is inevitable.

With that, Hera had one more attempt to outsmart her death at this point, but if that failed as well, she would accept her fate. She will accept the truth that if fate has already decreed her death, all she can do is wait.

“Hera... Dear... What's on your mind?”

Hera was startled by Ruth's voice. She put down her watering can and walked over to Ruth. “I'm just looking forward to it later. What does grandma want to do now?” She inquired, holding out her hand for Ruth to grasp and helping her to her feet.

“Grandma still has to respond to the letters that came today and also make next month's financial statements. Ah, grandma is too old to manage all of this, but your uncle is…” Ruth let out a long sigh. “I'm not sure why he decided to travel rather than be a marquis.”

Hera laughed meaningfully at Ruth's grunts. If only her grandmother had known the reason for her uncle's constant travel, a secret she only learned after many lifetimes.

“Thankfully, he took my advice and agreed to adopt Kyle and Ysmay. They'll be adults soon, and I'll be able to retire and spend more time with Lady Elizabeth.”

“Kyle and Ysmay would be excellent successors.” Hera said it bluntly.

Hera took Ruth to her study before she turned to the library to spend her time while waiting for Emma to come. She wasn't used to having to wait for Ruth to take care of the mansion's affairs, and her grandmother had never wanted her to be with her to begin with.

So Hera secluded herself in the library for several hours, and everyone in the mansion knew where to look for her, among the piles of books beside the wide open window.

“Milady... I brought you something light to eat. You should eat something before going to the festival.” Hera was reading in her usual location when Freya came in, carrying a tray of sandwiches and water. “Has Milady told Lady Ruth about Lady Rayla?”

Hera nodded without taking her focus away from the thick book on her lap.

“Then I'll tell them to prepare themselves soon. Ah, Lady Ruth also gave some money for you to use later.” Freya took the money pouch Jaz had given her earlier and handed it over to Hera.

“You can hold it for me.” Hera raised her eyes from her book and extended her hand to Freya, asking for her sandwich. “Sandwich.”

Freya was taken aback by her lady's trust in her. She hastily handed Hera the sandwich, who again ignored her and continued reading while munching on her sandwich.

“Then I'll have everything ready before Emma arrives.” Freya walked away, clutching the money pouch Hera had entrusted to her; Freya couldn't believe Hera still trusted her with her money after what had happened with the previous servants.

Freya was beaming as she walked past the practice field and approached Helen, who was sheltering behind a shaded tree. She informed Helen of the news, which made her ecstatic after they had to cancel their trip to the festival the day before.


I chose to divide this chapter into two parts because it is fairly long. I'll publish both parts today, although the second one requires a few more paragraphs and editing, which I'll do after I clear my mind.