Chapter 1
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A cannonball fell next to luffy but he ignored it, he needed to be focused on the fight with Akainu, he had to defeat him not only for his dream, but for his friends and to avenge Ace.

But the fight was not in their favor, they had a serious disadvantage in numbers and it just kept getting worse, the fact that they were fighting on a ship with a rather remote island that he couldn't get to, was only for the worse.

If Robin had been scared with the Buster Call now she was terrified, there were the three admirals, and all the vice admirals each with their five ships in charge, they were alone, nine pirates, all were strong certainly but not to the necessary level, Nami and Usopp especially could take on the marines but it was almost impossible for them to take on a vice admiral.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were fighting the admirals without being able to help anyone, Robin and Chopper were having trouble fighting the vice admirals, Franky and Brook would not have as much trouble but since they were fighting against several they were having more trouble.

It was a pitched battle and the thousand Sunny was barely resisting, the sail was already destroyed, the eagle eye was already gone, it had several holes, the tangerine trees were all burned, the deck grass was blackened, it was not long before the ship would sink without them being able to do much.

They were already tired and extremely injured, as were the admirals and vice-admirals, but since they had the numerical advantage it didn't bother them as much as it did them " death awaits you Mugiwara, your demonic blood will disappear as well as Gol. D. Ace " mocked Akainu.

luffy was hurt but he was resisting very well thanks to the two vice-admirals and the many infantrymen by his side it was only a matter of time he knew it well, a few more minutes and he would have the head of the one who was closer to become the King of pirates "don't talk about my brother "shouted Luffy angrily, he was abusing his power, the Gear Second accelerated his blood cells to double but even if over the years he had learned to use it very well he still could not control it at all and it caused significant damage with prolonged use.

luffy quickly shot forward again "{ Gomu, Gomu no Red Hawk}"luffy shouted while his arm was engulfed in flames thanks to the friction caused by the speed of the blow coated by Haki armor.

The blow hit Akainu's chest sending him flying, the shockwave caused by the powerful blow and the expanding flame caused the nearby infants to receive severe burns and even sent some flying.

luffy spat blood as he knelt down, the Gear Second fading away, he was too hurt, he could even feel the wounds caused to his organs thanks to Akainu's lava, they were getting worse as he used his technique, if he didn't end this now, he would lose not only the fight he knew it very well "I got you"shouted a vice admiral thrusting a sword through Luffy's back.

Luffy with his eyes wide open looked down finding the red sword thanks to his blood, it pierced him completely, he coughed blood again now with more pain and more difficulty.

Everything seemed to be silent, his Nakamas with open eyes surprised by what happened and with much pain for the same, while the sailors still finished to assimilate it, Luffy turned around giving a blow to the man in the throat, his Haki making it stronger breaking the neck completely, the man fell dead at his feet.

He coughed blood again "they shouldn't lose focus "Fujitora muttered, cutting Zoro's left arm masterfully.

The green-haired man screamed in pain, besides that one less arm meant less maneuverability and one less sword "same thing "commented Kizaru kicking Sanji in the chest and knocking him down.

"Luffy"shouted Nami extremely worried.

"Careful Nami" shouted Usopp pushing her away and receiving the sword in nami's place.

The Mugiwaras could only see their friend losing his life in front of their eyes, each one of them felt the pain for the loss, they lost their concentration even more than they already were because of the tiredness and the wounds "damned"shouted Franky placing his already damaged arms in front of him to launch his laser beam.

The attack succeeded in defeating many of the marines among those a vice admiral and a couple of the ships "that's dangerous dara" commented Bastille, as he raised his huge sword and attacked cutting the cyborg's arms.

They had already faced each other once, in Dressrosa but now Franky was hurt and tired his arms couldn't resist anymore and were shattered, with another fluid movement Bastille thrust his sword into the cyborg's chest, he still had his heart as he was half human and died quickly.

Luffy tried to get up and help his Nakamas but it was impossible, the constant use of the Gear Second had had its consequences and his muscles began to break, the skin would have let blood out in different sectors and the large wound in the chest made by Akainu hurt and did not let him breathe.

"{Thousand Fleur giant hand}" shouted Robin crossing her arms, copies of her arms began to come out of the ground joining and forming two giant arms that crushed the marines.

"My apologies miss," said Fujitora appearing in front of Robin with his sword raised, "you must die."

Zoro appeared immediately protecting her and looking at Fujitora with blind fury "you already have a rival"said Zoro keeping as he could the attack of the admiral, with only one arm and trying to get used to keep the balance it was very difficult for him.

"Cold is synonym of death"said Brook while he put away his fine sword.

The air around them was cold and ice appeared on the bodies of the infantrymen, the vice-admiral who was fighting with Brook managed to avoid the fatal blow but his left side was useless.

"Don't be careless skeleton"shouted another vice-admiral, Brook avoided the blow with the right but an infantryman managed to hurt him in his side, although they were only bones they were seriously injured and he knew he would soon crumble like his two Nakamas, friends and family.

He managed to cut the vice admiral and the infantryman when he received an avalanche of uniformed men, all at the same time they attacked him throwing him to the ground and making him drop his sword "kill him"shouted another vice admiral.

They grabbed Brook by his limbs and pulled hard, detaching them "take his head off" shouted another vice admiral.

With that they were sure that he would not return, with that they were sure that a skeleton and bearer of the Yomi Yomi no Mi would definitely die. Before they turned around a flurry of crushing blows was killing them faster than they thought "they're going to pay for that "shouted Luffy, with every blow he gave his wounds grew and his blood spilled.

But he had to get to Nami, she was the weakest, and he had to protect her no matter what "Mugiwara"shouted Akainu appearing again with a stream of blood coming out of his mouth "I'm going to kill you."

"Thunder volt tempo "shouted Nami electrocuting all the Marine that separated her from Luffy "Luffy are you ok?"

"Damn "said Luffy falling again to the ground "Nami stay behind me."

he got up as he could and sent a wave of Haoshoku Haki, it wasn't as strong as at the beginning of the battle but it still caused a lot of marines to lose consciousness, Akainu didn't care and continued walking towards the injured and practically dead body of the once most feared pirate of the new world.

The ship rattled loudly, implying that it would soon be sinking and a section that was on fire collapsed "nobody touches my mellorines ' shouted Sanji jumping up and hit Kizaru in the face, sending him a few meters back.

"You still have enough strength kawai" he mentioned still with his characteristic calmness despite being quite injured "but as far as I see your mellorines already have a knight."

Sanji got depressed at once "those idiots"sanji was soon engulfed in flames of jealousy and revenge and went on the attack again "let's cook."

His foot collided against Kizaru's knee causing a huge shockwave that sent the Marine men who were shooting nearby flying " shoot" shouted one of the Marine men to some who had cannons aimed at monster Chopper, being too big he was an easy target.

Several cannonballs hit chopper in the face making him fall backwards with a scream of pain "now is our chance "shouted another one closer to Chopper.

Several began to climb on the chopper's body, cutting with their swords any place in front of them "let me go"shouted Chopper, moving abruptly and managing to throw some of them.

"Out of the way "shouted a giant with an axe bigger than him, he ran towards the injured Chopper with his weapon in the air and let it fall splitting in half the reindeer's body that with a new scream lost his life.

The small island where they had ended up arriving in the middle of the battle was completely destroyed as two huge forces clashed against each other repeatedly, some of the marines were dying of fear to see Akainu and Luffy hit each other with a devastating force.

Nami was trying as best she could to keep everyone away from Luffy's fight, she was sure her captain would win if he wasn't constantly being interrupted by all these marines who seemed to breed like cockroaches.

They didn't even have time to mourn the losses of four of their friends. A bang echoed throughout the island moving even the ocean, everyone turned back to watch noticing how Luffy's body shot out towards the thousand Sunny and opened a huge mouth on the side, wood flew out everywhere killing some of the ordinary Marines as there were many more of them.

Nami watched as Akainu approached her grinning unhinged, she instinctively took a step back and tightened her Climate Touch, she could easily with the ordinary marine were much weaker than her, but she knew she didn't stand a chance against someone as monstrous as Luffy.