Ch 49: Fight or flight?
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That man was getting closer and closer to us and the decision time was getting smaller and smaller, should we run or fight, I was thinking at full speed of all the possible variables, this man looks like kind of a big shot due to his strength and clothes, so killing him will bring even more people after me right?

Dang, whatever it doesn't matter, I'll fight him and defeat him right here and now, if he dies, he dies.

"Oi you two, you need to get outta here or you'll die."

"Wait Rai, I can hel-"

"Sorry Nozomi, but this battle I must fight by myself."

She looked like she wanted to say something else but she didn't, she and Ethan land away from me, the man tries to catch them but I block him by standing in between them, now it was just us two, we kept staring at each other none of us making a move until I decided to talk with telepathy.

"Who are you, and why do you follow us?"

"So you can talk, I knew an intelligent monster like you'd be able to do that."

"Answer my question!"

"Well, you just need to know that I am going to be capturing you two, I absolutely cannot let you go."

"Very well."

I poise myself into a battle stance, the man has also taken out his sword from its sheath, it shines brilliantly up in the night sky, it may have something on it to make it stronger, I dunno but it feels sort of dangerous, the man points it at me, he stares at me for a second and then suddenly he swings his sword three times in an instant, three cuts had appeared out of the attack, I dodge the three attacks easily as I could move in the air with ease, he then moves in to attack with his sword from up close, he fires dozens of miniature metal bullets at me as he approached, the bullets had moved at really high speeds and I realize that he had also mixed air with that attack, by reflexes I dodge most of them but one or two had lodged itself in my leg, there was no time to react to that though, as the man had finally gotten closer to me, his sword was coated in golden fire and he tries to cut me up, I match his sword with my claws and they clash together, the fire did very little damage to me, as there was something I realized over time, I had a natural resistance to fire, with his free arm he tries to blast me with glacial daggers, I let them hit me and then they break as they land on my fur, they were too weak to hurt me.

The man swings his sword against my claws and forces us both to get back, I was the first to attack back, I create a large flash of light and close my eyes, when I open my eyes I see that the man had been stunned but was about to recover, I take that opportunity to attack him with a light arrow, the light arrow had dug into his clothes and what should have been a pretty good attack turned out that it was mostly blocked but had slightly ripped the clothes and left a small bruise there, I had the feeling that his clothes were also armor, small attacks won't work on him, I'll need to go big or I'll just be wasting energy, dammit I wish I could have regained my energy from the previous battle, if only I had just ended it instantly instead of being so damn arrogant.

The man had already recovered after that arrow hit him, he could now see again, I saw that he was smiling, he then goes on a vicious counterattack, he uses body strengthening, no he used an even more powerful version of that, and then he had created a small boulder that he had jumped off of, the speed generated from that was almost more than what I could see with my eyes, and before I realized he was about to stab me with his sword, I put on a hasty body strengthening to lessen the impact but it was too late, he had stabbed me in my side, the wound wasn't very deep and it didn't hit any vitals but it was a solid hit, he tries to go in for an axe kick after he had pushed me with his sword, I fly out of the way and he hits the air, I could swear that he was worse at flying earlier but he was doing all these complicated maneuvers, before he approached me I had prepared a flamethrower attack, he lunges at me while using wind to boost himself and then I fire the flamethrower, the flamethrower by itself was intensely hot and was really large, the wind from his flying had further boosted the intensity of the flames, I was sure that he was gonna suffer extreme damage now, suddenly an arm had lunged at me from the fire, and then it threw me towards the ground, as I was falling I could see that the fire that had lit up the forest from how great it was had burnt out, and from it, he stood there, his clothes had been badly burnt and his body had some burn marks on it, he takes the upper part of the clothing and then rips it off as it was now unnecessary, he then lunges towards the ground back at me, he shoots half a dozen air slices, I dodge all of them and the cut up the ground and leave all the trees in a 10 meter radius cut up, he then goes in for a drop kick from the air, I dodge that attack and let him hit the ground, the ground had cracked up and dirt, dust and rock flew into the air, he comes out of the dust storm but I already predicted he'd do that, and so when he comes out of the dust storm I use body strengthening and then cut his shoulder as I jumped above him, he had staggered from that attack and his brutal onslaught was cut short, he turns back and faces me, he was still smiling but his eyes now carried with him a glint of excitement, my heart was beating out of my chest, this battle was the most intense thing I've ever done, the battlefield had completely changed now that we were on the ground again, and the battle course might change again.

*POV Leven*

I was woken up in the night by the sound of explosions resounding, when I had looked outside, I saw from on top of the Silvercloud forest which usually was filled with clouds was empty of all clouds, but what was even crazier was that there was a sun on top of it, no it was an attack made by something, I had a feeling that it was Alvey, so hurriedly I wake the other 3 as they were the strongest in this place.

"Oi Fae, Jonathan, William, wake up."

"Bah, come on, why'd you wake me up in the middle of the night." Jonathan grumbled.

"Shut up fool, it looks like Alvey is in danger."

"Alvey? You mean that Alvey, we really do have to go now then!" Fae had rushed onto her feet and stormed off to get armor and weapons.

"Come on, you know how strong Alvey is, besides he's been ignoring us ever since he became a noble, why should we still help him?"

"Don't say such stupid things, he's still our friend, did you forget what we promised him when we became knights for him?"

"Tch, fine, I'm sorry."

I can't say I blamed him too much for the bitter feelings, we were adventurers together and were good friends, but ever since he became a noble he spoke with us less and less, the last time I remember when we were like the adventuring days was when we announced we'd be knights for him, that day seems so long ago.

When I was still thinking of all of that, suddenly Fae barges back in wearing her armor and throws armor and weapons to us.

"Hey careful! You could've injured me."

"Quit your shouting, we might be on a different floor from the infantry but they might still wake up, now quickly equip this and hurry up."

"Well, she is quite restless."

"Of course, she has already fallen for Alvey so she would have already been rushing outta here if she didn't need us."

Me and Jonathan hear snoring and just then we remember about william.

"Have you been sleeping throughout all of that?!" Jonathan shouts as he elbows william, william wakes up more clearly now.

"Equip this, we're gonna go help Alvey."

William was still confused but he picked up his equipment nonetheless, we all had  equipped ourselves and had met outside, then we ran towards the forest, Alvey, I hope that I was just overreacting!