Chapter 65 – Cultural Differences
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The noble Ancient Race lived side by side with humans at the Tower of the Chosen. No longer hidden away in the caves under the Grand Temple, they nevertheless continued to live modest lives, completely reliant on the Chosen Ones for food, shelter, and clothing. Their presence at the Tower was something of an open secret, and although they were more than content to keep to themselves, curious Chosen Ones started showing up at their communal dwelling more and more often hoping for a glimpse of the strange chalky-skinned beings.

"Allie, come here! I found them! Look! I told you they were here!"
"Hold on... sheesh. Let me catch my breath."
"You weren't kidding, Ricky! Why are they dressed like that?"
"Look at those helmets they're wearing!"
"Gabby, come on! Look! They're not scary... they don't even do anything. They just sit with their eyes closed all day long. There's one of them over there, he has this huge red jewel hanging from his neck!"

Michael's adopted children Ricky, Allie, Bunny, and Ellen had little to do when school wasn't in session. The four kids took great joy in exploring the mystical Tower of the Chosen and discovering its secrets. Recently, they made a new friend, Gabby, the nine-year-old Follower of Death. Gabby was a quiet girl who always seemed to be lost in her little own world, but she was just as curious as the rest of the kids, even if she wasn't quite as chatty.

"Ummm... they're kind of creepy..." whispered Bunny.
"Yeah! They're all weird-looking," said Allie. "They look like statues or something, don't they? And they're super pale... and small."
"They're not scary. They're not even doing anything," said Ricky. "I want to see if they can talk, too."
"Don't go near them! You'll make them angry!" said Ellen nervously.

The Ancient Ones were a strange sight. They had little hair and their skin was so white it almost appeared translucent. They wore trashbag-like raincoats and cone-shaped metal helmets that covered most of their faces, Around their necks, they each carried a large, round stone. Despite their unusual clothing, the Ancient Ones possessed a dignified air about them. The kids were utterly entranced.

Ricky cautiously approached the mysterious Ancient Ones. The rest of the kids (except Gabby, who was scared) followed him closely.

"Uh... excuse me! What are you doing? Why are you just sitting around doing nothing?" asked Ricky.

"We're meditating like the Sages taught us," said one of the Ancient Ones with a smile. "We meditate to clear our minds and relax. It gives us peace and connects us with the power of nature."

Ricky was surprised that the Ancient One answered his question. He reached out and touched the tiny pale man, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes shut tight. His body felt strangely warm.

"Why are you wearing those weird clothes? Are you aliens?" asked Allie, curiously examining the Ancient Ones’ helmets with a greedy grin.

"These are clothes that the great Planner made for us. We wear them to show her our respect."
The other Ancient Ones grunted in assent and nodded.

"Who's Planner?" asked Ellen. “Is she an alien too?”

"Planner is the wise woman who rules over the Chosen People. Her name means 'the one who prepares for the future.' Everyone follows her and obeys her words. Even the Sages obey her."

"I've never heard of her," said Allie. "What does she look like?"

The Ancient Ones stopped meditating and looked down. Their eyes were filled with reverence.

"She is taller than us. Her hair is the color of the sun."
"Her skin is as smooth as glass, but soft."
"Her aura looks like a white circle."

Gabby walked up behind them all. She was still scared for some reason, and she spoke timidly.
"Do you... do you know the Sage of Death?"

"Yes, we do. The Sage of Death tells stories to help people understand death. We don't have to fear it, because everything dies eventually."

Gabby nodded sadly.
"My whole family died. The people who took care of me after that... they all died too. And the Sage of Death told me that someday I would die, just like them."

The Ancient Race gathered around Gabby with compassion. They slowly took off their conical helmets to reveal sweet, childlike faces beneath them.
"The Sages are our teachers. They know much more than we do. You must listen carefully when they speak. Sometimes their lessons are painful, but the pain of learning is worth the reward of wisdom," said one of the Ancient Ones kindly, rubbing Gabby on the back with his fingertips. "Your life will be better if you listen to the Sages."

Gabby stared intently into the Ancient One's deep blue eyes. The little girl felt a strong, unexplainable sense of comfort from him. A calmness washed through her mind and heart like cool water.