Chapter 1
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Ryotaro is just an ordinary boring guy like many. He goes to work and is mostly lonely. I mean, he has parents and siblings, but nevertheless the emptiness was deep within him. The world became more and more boring every day, and the things he used to like became boring. Only the anime and novel somehow kept it stable.

As for his appearance, he had black short hair and blue eyes. He wasn't good, so finding a girlfriend was really hard. Ryo was also lazy, he didn't really feel like doing anything else, he theoretically understood that he should do some things, but it all seemed so pointless. Nothing fancy, just boring.

In fact, Ryo lacks a spark, something to drive him. However, he did not have it and was stuck in stagnation.

His character, apart from boredom, in some cases when someone offended or provoked him. He was aggressive and more than once fell into fights, which when he won, he trampled someone's head and insulted him quite sarcastically. And if he lost, he never gave anyone any satisfaction.

But today, after a tiring day at the factory, Ryo came home angry. Due to being offended by a co-worker for his mistakes, without the possibility of being justified. Not a very nice experience.

Then Ryo was browsing the internet while eating some burgers from the supermarket, looking for something to eat him up. And since he always dreamed of reincarnation or transmigration, he checked various forums. Where people list what wishes they would give and what worlds they would like to go to. Ryo was actively involved in the discussion himself and was having a really good time. When suddenly a user with a strange name "R321O531B", which Ryo did not pay attention to anyway, link to the page where, according to the added comment, you can try to make a set of wishes and even a look.

Ryo was curious, after a while he thought he was a fan of this topic. With web design skills, he created something like this. And Ryo thought it might be fun, he clicked on the link. And there he first found a greeting and a brief description of the rules.

Welcome to "Choose wishes and get the fuck off to another world". You have a chance for a new ... better life. First of all, we have a Marvel period this year. So pick your three wishes and transmigration / or reincarnation. Because you will land in the world of Marvel But with a mix of MCU / Marvel 616 / X-men Evolution and much more. Finally, you'll be able to choose your starting location and circumstances. And regarding the three wishes, you are limited to the Marvel world (powers and the like) and to terrestrial beings. good luck, get started.

Ryo was intrigued by all of this, below he had three "Appearance / Wishes / New Life" sections. And below them "finish and to the new world".

Ryo found it fun and started by creating the look. And to think about his plans for power, he decided to follow Azazel, the mainand the bangs, but white. His eyes turned slightly golden. Ryo was trying to do something interesting and original thanks to a really advanced system. (Cover FF)

After finishing the look and getting everything right. Ryo went to the wish section and seeing what he wanted to start writing.

He would wish for the power of the Apocalypse first, but instead of taking over another body. He could copy the powers of others and improve them.

However, as a result of modifying the power. The system announced that it would not be getting any powers that Apokalipse had previously had. In addition to upgrading powers and collecting them. And having a body that is powerful enough to wield many high-level powers.

Ryo's second wish was to be able to combine powers and create new ones from the gathering. Unfortunately, Ryo had to use this second wish because restrictions prevented him from doing so. So he had to waste the second.

For the third wish, Ryo had no idea. So, thinking it was fun, he wrote that he would like to keep all the memories and have an improved memory and intelligence so that he can better work on the powers he can.

And moving on to the last feature, Ryo knows he is starting out as an Apocalypse screwdriver. He decided to be a bit fanciful. He wrote that he wanted some small organization to find an old tomb with him. And she took him to her base and with the help of some device she taught him the world and tried to make a weapon out of it. But they couldn't brainwash him. And later when they're finished, except for no brainwashing. That the X-men would find him and take him to the Xavier Institute. And all traces of Ryo's organization and data. They were destroyed and the X-men managed to save him at the last minute. And Ryo would wake up only in the institution with all the memories and those he got from the organization.

However, what happened when the "Quit" key was pressed, was what was written on the entire computer screen. Saying, "Have fun." And Ryo, as if fainting, fell to the ground with a bang.