Chapter 32 – Preparation and stuff.
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It took us a surprisingly long time to find the potion shop. Man, this city is hard to navigate. It doesn't help that I can't read and S's navigation skills being a couple dozen over par, but, eventually, we did find a place. We could tell it sold potions 'cus of the massive bloody potion logo on the front of the door. Well, despite the massive logo, the shop was actually a little hard to spot, as all it it was, was a simple black logo on the dark brown door. It easily blended in with the city background. The location was also a little odd, being in a bit of an out of the way dark corner of the city, in an awkward spot that was kinda by the wall, but a good distance from any entrances to the city. It didn't seem like guards got out here much. We saw some rough and tough looking guys loitering and hanging around out here, sharpening knives and stuff, creating a dark, crime alley atmosphere. Pretty cool, if a little creepy. Wait, why don't guards get out here? And how is it dark over here? It's barely late afternoon!

Anyways, I hope this place isn't, like, a dangerous drug den or something. No, I shouldn't be prejudiced. Even if it is, I just warp us outa there, probably back to the other town, and everything'll be just fine. Probably. 

"Ah, FINALLY, we've found one." S said, a little irritated that it took us this long. "Right, lets head in."

The inside was small, and dark. Y'know, dark colors, poor lighting and all that. It was also a bit cramped in there, with just a little space to stand just in front of the door, enough to fit, like 4ish people. And once you're inside you're surrounded by the counter, filled with shelves which themselves are filled with weird concoctions with different labels and colors and bubbles and such. 

Behind the counter was an old lady wearing simple, well worn clothes, with a hood that bore an odd floral pattern, and a door behind her. Not sure where it led. I presume the lady is the one running this place.  

As we came in, the old lady turned to us, and spoke, with the voice of a crow.

"What's this? New customers? And two fresh young boys at that? EHEHHAHAHEHA!"


Then she coughed really hard a few times before continuing in a more normal old lady-ish voice.

"Ahem. Terribly sorry about that. Potions can really do a number on the old vocal cords. Anyways what brings you youngsters in today?"

Oh, I see. Wait, what was with the mad cackling, then?! Oh, whatever. 

"Lookin' for somethin' that'll be useful incase a fight goes south." S said. Huh, how practical. Honestly, I just wanted to get something cool. I wonder if there's a potion that'll let me breathe fire, like a dragon?

"The adventuring sort, eh? Well, there's plenty to choose from, so feel free to browse."

S nodded, as we began looking at multi-colored potions on the shelves. All of them had clear labels on the front, but those are obviously useless to me, so mostly I just gawked at the pretty colors. 

As we browsed, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the old lady was subtly looking towards me. Does she think I look suspicious? Hmm... On one hand, that makes me a little sad, but, on the other, it's kinda cool, isn't it? Makes me feel a little like a scoundrel or a rough and tough thug or something. Fits with the area, too. How fun.

While I was thinking about all that, S was studying the labels intently, and muttering a bit as he thought of what to buy.

"Hm... jump? nah... speed, probably not... hmm? Oooo..." 

Seems like a lot of movement stuff. Yeah, that sort of stuff get's a little invalidated when I can bring us anywhere I can see or have seen in an instant. That said, they might still be useful for S, incase he and I ever get separated and he needs to make a quick getaway. If they're a good price, it might be wise to pick them up.

A small yellow bubbly bottle seemed to have captured S's attention, for whatever reason. 

"How much for this one?" He said, holding up up as he looked up at the old lady.

"Oh, that one? Well, normally those go for 5 coin, but, in truth, they're not exactly a hot product... tell ya what, if you buy 5 of 'em, I'll sell for 3 coin each." 

I swear I could hear a cartoon *Ka ching!* sound effect coming from S.


He handed over the 15 golden coins, and the old lady reached under the counter and grabbed 4 more of those odd yellow potions, which S stuffed under his cloak. He did the same with the one he grabbed earlier. 

Y'know, I think that's the first time I've seen S spend money, other than on food and the rooms at the inn. I wonder how much cash he's got?

"Now, if you don't mind me asking..." The old lady began. "Why're you so interested in those glow potions?" 

"A lot can happen in the dark, and carrying a torch is a hassle." S said, simply.

Huh. Y'know, that's fair. Being caught in a dark, unknown place without light is about as dangerous, or at least about as scary as things go, so having those on hand will, at the very least, give some peace of mind. Still, 5 of them, though? Ah well, it was a good deal. 

"Aye, that's fair." The old lady concluded. 

I kind of want to get something, too, but I'm not really sure what I'd want. I think I'll save my money for now, and maybe use it to buy stuff for the house. Yeah, that seems like a good idea. 

"Will that be all?" The old lady asked.

S looked over at me, and I nodded. "Yeah, I think we're d-" S began. "Actually... how much for that jumping potion?" 

"Eh, 'bout 15 coin." she said. Man, that's quite the step up in price. I can see why S said it can get expensive. 

"I'll take it, just in case." S said, grabbing 15 more gold coins. Seems like a good purchase, honestly. It's expensive, sure, but it could be invaluable in the event he has to escape something nasty. 

"Certainly. You can just grab that one there. 'Sthat all?" She said, putting the coins away. 

"Yep. Cya!" S said, grabbing the potion before we left the shop. We began walking towards the main part of the city once more. 

"Right, shall we grab some basic supplies from a general store and then head off?" S asked me.

"Yeah, that works." I said. Actually, speaking of buying things... "Y'know, you bought a lot back there, want me to cover some of-"

S interrupted. "Eh, don't worry about it. Just buy dinner or something. I hate dealing with small coins and crap." 

"Alright, that works." How generous. Y'know, would it be rude to ask how much money he actually has? I'm a little curious. Eh, I'm sure I'll find out at some point.

It didn't take us all that long to find a general store, and we didn't spend long inside. S and I each bought some more basic medical supplies, so now we're both carrying some, and we each picked out travel snacks. We really won't be travelling that long, but, I mean, c'mon, buying road snacks is a right of passage, you can't just not do it. S bought some sort of meat jerky which looked really good, and I got some pre-packaged chocolate sweets. I figure that if I ever get seriously hungry, I can just warp back to town, y'know? 

Ah crap, I hope they don't melt in my pockets... Ah well, I'll probably eat 'em quick, anyways.

Y'know, now that I'm thinking about it, that general store was really reminiscent of a convenience store, like ones from my previous world. There was even a small refrigerated section. Neat, I guess.

"Right, I think that's everything. Ready to head to Basenholm?" S said. 

"Yep, let's hit the road." I said, handing him the map. I know his navigation skills are a little iffy, but he should be fine reading a map. Probably. Hopefully.

Thus, we set out on our long-ish maybe journey to Basenholm. How exciting.