Chapter 54 – Miss Planner at Rest
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After her long night of drinking, Miss Planner took a quick shower to clean off all her makeup and beer sweat. She had the (mistaken) idea that drinking improved her creativity, and came up with several crazy ideas while she was taking her cold shower. She left the bathroom feeling refreshed but also slightly tipsy. 

Miss Planner clumsily stomped around her cheap apartment, slipping on a perfect white bathrobe and grabbing a notebook filled with strange scribbles. Her handwriting was normally perfect, neat, and easy to read, but on the rare occasions that she got very excited about something... it became a mess.

Miss Planner's area of focus this late night was a clever new business idea she'd created. She couldn't remember how she had come up with it, but she was certain it was brilliant. She never seemed to stop coming up with new ways for the the Chosen Ones to control more of the Pit. It was hard to imagine that a girl so young could hold such immense knowledge. Most people only knew of her as a short and cute middle manager with a nice fashion sense, but inside Miss Planner lived the soul of a genius who worked tirelessly day and night.

"Hmmm. How would we market Nuke to the lowest common denominator? Imagining the Ghouls and Pit Kings were gone, of course... we could sell directly to the street gangs and have them take half our profits, or come up with a cost-effective way to distribute it ourselves... maybe we could set up a front organization that sells it alongside tobacco and booze. The people here will drink or smoke almost anything to escape from the pain of their everyday lives... hehehe. "

Miss Planner rubbed her chin and pondered the problem. She pulled out a pen and started rapidly writing illegible notes.

"I wonder if the Pit Kings would be open to the idea of a merger? If we were selling Tab instead, this would be so much easier... hehe... we could start with a deep friendship, like we have with the Cut Throats, and slowly sneak our way in... then, we create crisis after crisis and make them more and more dependent on us, until they're completely helpless."

Miss Planner made a few more notations on her paper. She held it close to her face and whispered something to herself.

"What if I created a crisis to make Chosen Ones completely dependent on me? A project that couldn't be done without me, that needed my brain to complete. Then... then, I'd make it seem like the key to our survival... and at the same time..."

The tiny woman's voice trailed off into thought. She flipped through the pages of her notebook and looked back up again. After a moment, she turned to one last page and wrote out an equation in a flowing script.

"Ahh! Hehehe! This is brilliant!" said Miss Planner with a wicked smile. She stood from her couch, stretched her arms, and walked over to her window. A gust of wind blew the curtain aside. Miss Planner moved it aside with a finger and peeked outside. It was dark now, but the moonlight illuminated her apartment. She pressed herself against the glass and leaned her head up against the sill, looking down into the Pit.

"Ah. What a night. The cool breeze feels great. But even up here, the air in Grandebelle smells like vomit and rotten meat. Hehehe."

After the recent rain, Grandebelle's ever-present pink and purple smog clouds had thinned a bit and the stars and moon were clearly visible. Below Miss Planner's cheap apartment, the shadows of the homeless and abandoned buildings mingled with each other and danced in front of her. Her mind wandered as she enjoyed the view.

Below the windowsill of Miss Planner's tiny apartment, a gang of four thugs were fighting with a mangy dog for a bag of food. They kicked it away, but the dog retaliated and drew fresh blood with its teeth. Miss Planner watched the battle with a smile on her face. It was a curious sight that only someone living on top of the Pit could possibly see.

"This world's full of violence. Violence breeds more violence... and we love to come up with reasons to start fighting each other."

Miss Planner waved to the filthy men below her window and laughed. The Pit was a harsh environment filled with monsters and violent criminals, the perfect breeding ground for powerful psychics like her. It was almost like it was intentionally designed that way.

"After we conquer the world, we should keep the Pit exactly how it is now... a place where the addicted and insane live. We'll destroy every city except this one... leave it alone for all eternity. And that way, we can watch the trash crawl around and kill each other like bugs for as long as we like... heheheheehee!"

Her shrill laughter echoed through the cold and dark streets of Grandebelle's slums. The sound of it went on and on and on...