Chapter 1: Begin
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[Chapter 1: Begin]


[Entity selected]

[Begin transmigration]

“Wait wha-"

Those being the last words I said before my surroundings turned to black.

“First voices and now this? This almost seems familiar.”

Regaining my sense of self, I take note of the void around me. Complete darkness all around without a single speck of light. However, I can’t help the suspicion that I am unable to truly perceive the space. The sensation in there is no better; like I’m both going at extreme speeds, and standing still all at once.

[Beginning character analysis]


[Optimal Class found]

[Class: |Scholar| obtained]

[ Int: +10]

“This really like those novels isn’t it. Well if it is anything like those I should be have a change of scenery right.. about.. Now.”

Just as predicted the world around me once again is filled with color. But this time instead of a castle or forest it seems like my surroundings simply switched from black to blue.

“Where is this place" I say as I look around.

“Could this be the ocean, wait no, I can still breathe normally."

While pondering my gaze drifts downward revealing a blanket of green far below.

“Oh I’m just falling.” I joke as I force a chuckle.

Despite the ground closing in at an alarming pace; I surprisingly don’t panic. Perhaps it is the fact the despite my rapid descent no wind is felt under me, hinting magic is in play.

Reaching the ground in just a few more seconds, I begin my landing. And with the sound of merely an average footstep I hit the ground. I promptly inspect the surrounding area for Precautions as the difficulty level of the area is yet unknown.

As I had previously learned while falling, I am in a forest. But instead of being a foot away from a tree in all directions; I found myself instead on the rocky shore of a small stream that cuts through the forest making a clearing.

“Not a terrible place to start.” As I proclaimed with a haughty grin. “No monsters or any other wildlife can be seen as of yet. Now on to other pressing matters. If I am right then this should work. Taking a breath then I yell a bit louder than necessary.


With that a light blue screen appears in less than an instant

[  |Name: Yellow Stone|

   |Species: human|

   |Class: Scholar|

   |Lv: 1|

   |Hp: 10/10|   |Mp: 33/33|

   |Str: 1|   |Dex: 1|   |Agi: 1|   |End: 1|   |Int: 11|   |Cha: 1|   |Luk: 1|

   |Skills: None   |   ]

“So these are my stats, pretty basic all things considered. But I always did dislike cheat novels. On the other hand, my Hp/Mp ratio is hilarious. This is what happens when you have too much of an Int focused class. That reminds me, other than the Int boost what does the Scholar class even do. Because as of now it looks pretty mediocre.”

[  Scholar:

Scholars have an insatiable desire for knowledge. They seek to constantly learn new things in order to surpass their peers.

   | 50% increase in skill experience obtained|   ]

“Wow, this is actually a really good ability. While it may not give me any benefits as of yet, it will definitely be amazing further down the line. Now all I need is to find food and shelter. Just those two things vital to my survival.  Oh man, I have mixed priorities. Well for starters I should follow the stream to see where it leads"

Before I left I picked up a straight stick a few inches shorter than the average man’s arm. While it is not much it is definitely an improvement.

The walk was rather uneventful finally giving me time to take everything in. The forest surrounding me was rather stereotypical of design; with assorted trees not to different from ones I already know off. There was however a lucky moment when I saw a rabbit, the first sign of animal life, which bounded away as soon as it noticed my presence. Despite nothing coming from the encounter it was still reassuring to know I am not the only living creature around.

So after about half an hour the streams source was found, a medium sized waterfall falling from a steep cliff that created a pond where it fell from which the stream sprang.

After observing the rather tranquil site I investigated the area closer; filled with the hope I may find a secret. Despite it being a mere hope, it was much to both my happiness and surprise that I found a small cave behind it with a thin stone path between the pond and cliff leading to the stone ingrowth.

Upon entering the floor opened up into almost a circular shape with enough space for me to completely stretch out in, which provided more than enough for my current needs. While the ceiling did indeed have stalactites none of them were low enough to cause a problem. Furthermore, despite being next to a waterfall, it was rather dry at near the back. Combined with the advantages of the waterfall block my sound and smell from traveling I naturally decided to use this as my base for the time being.

With a huff of anticipation I declared “Let the adventure Begin!”

[  |Name: Yellow Stone|

   |Species: human|

   |Class: Scholar|

   |Lv: 1|

   |Hp: 10/10|   |Mp: 33/33|

   |Str: 1|   |Dex: 1|   |Agi: 1|   |End: 1|   |Int: 11|   |Cha: 1|   |Luk: 1|

   |Skills: None   |   ]