Epilogue – Reincarnation
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The beating of the heart grew stronger with each moment, and with a final heave, Reijy Ishida's eyes flung open. Those eyes stared straight into the endless red sky as the musky, unpleasant smell continued to ravage his nose.

He went to his usual movements, but he felt no sensations from his limbs. None of the four limbs that he can see even responded to the bars holding them back. Instead, it felt as if they were never there to begin with.

The last thing that he remembered was the outpouring of grief and hatred, a certain bloodlust. Perhaps it was that outpouring that killed him, and he's in Hell now.

"Is this Hell?" he muttered.

Strangely, the flames of inferno have yet to torment his unfortunate soul. Or maybe they have already burned through his limbs.

His sense of hearing was fine, at least. That's how he heard the next set of noises.


Looking over him was a purple-haired man whose entire face was covered in a giant visor. However, he and his doctor's coat did little to garner Reijy's attention, especially compared to his companion.

Accompanying him was a woman wearing a tight leather corset that left a big part of her breasts exposed. Paired with her elbow length gloves, she gave Reijy a tingling feeling in his stomach... and another region of his body.

That was, until he recognized the face of the woman wearing such an erotic outfit.

"Reiya... Utara?"

The woman with pinned-up hair smirked.

Reijy had always known the manager Reiya Utara to be extremely stiff and firm-laced. Very soft-spoken, she only had one tone of voice: business-like. It was a trait he really liked about her, as all their meetings were smooth and straight to the point.

Perhaps he really was in Hell. Having died, the manager had been warped into this form that brought out all her repressed carnal desires.

"All vital signs normal. Yes, the rescue was a success!" declared the visor man before walking off along with Utara.


"Ah, it might take a while to get used to your body, but can you try standing up?"

He heard the clicking of locks, and the mechanized straps holding his limbs down flipped open. The plate on his back also slid forward, supporting his feeble body in a half-standing position.

Reijy focused, and with much effort, he slowly managed to push himself up. Getting a clearer view of the surroundings, he confirmed that he was laid on a medical bed. Surrounding him was a group of contraptions against the backdrop of a historical-looking city.

"What happened?" asked Reijy.

"You see, we... actually, another ally and I found you in a state of near death. You had a really bad fall and some grievous injuries. Let me tell you something, kid. You're special."

The visor man slowly walked toward Reijy with a smile.

"Any other human being would have died, but you survived with only losing your limbs. Boss and I agreed that we should save you, so I gave you... transplants. That's why you might feel uncomfortable with your limbs for now. After all, they're borrowed, simply said."

Fall? Grievous injuries?

Like a flash of inspiration, the memories came flooding in. One after another.

That monster. The temple. Him losing control.


"Akane? Is Akane alive?!" he frantically asked.

He held his breath and braced himself.

The man shook his head, a face of sorrow likely behind that visor of his.

"She was the lone casualty in the entire ordeal. I'm sorry that we couldn't save her."

"No. No. No. No. Nononononononono...."

Reijy found himself repeating those words like a madman. A man possessed, he continued muttering that one word.

They're lying. He refused to accept it.

His sole reason for everything he has done. Gone?

It can't be.

Why did it have to be so?

Why couldn't it have been anyone?

Right. Arata was the only other one there, and he failed to save her. Had he not messed up, Akane could still be alive.

Such thoughts filled Reijy with anger.

"Heeey~" called a seductive-sounding voice.

From the corner of his vision, shadows gathered and swirled into a humanoid form. Reijy's tears and anguished words stopped when the levitating Akane Fujiwara appeared.

Her fairy wings flapped as she held onto her tender chest. "Are you going to believe them?"

Her chuckle was followed by her showing off the rest of her body. The skimpy, torn dress that firmly clung to her body was something that Akane would never wear, as were the stilettos that decorated her tiny, translucent feet. 

This was definitely not the Akane Fujiwara that he remembered.

Yet, she felt real.

Not caring whether those other people can see him, he turned his fury towards the two.

"No. You're lying," answered Reijy to the strange people. "Akane Fujiwara is alive!"

As he said that, a beeping sound preceded the visor man bolting backwards. After his visor lit up in various colors, he revealed a button out of his pocket.

With a yelp, he froze momentarily.

"Subject reactions reaching critical levels. Terminating operation!" he said to his companion while pressing the button. "What an unspeakable spike in readings! Shutting down artificial limbs!"

Reijy felt a tingling jolt run through his limbs before fixing his eyes on the visor man. The rush of electricity instead filled him with adrenaline.

"It's not working, dammit! Don't tell me he's overcome my implants! Ms. Utara, prepare for battle!"

"You heard that, Reijy? Implants? Artificial limbs? Who do these people think you are?" teased Akane. "Some lab rat?"

"Hurry, shut him down, Ms. Utara!" screamed the man.

"I'm on it!" answered Utara.

"They really think they can control you, huh? You're no one's pet, Reijy. You're the strongest being in the entire world!"


As Reijy roared, his heart pounded with excitement. It was a dash of ecstasy like he never felt before, and he only felt energy welling up in him at an incredible rate.

Alongside his roar came a sensual sound from the fairy.

"Ahhh. Yeah, give it to me, Reijy. Let me drink it!" happily squealed the winged Akane.

With her arms firmly clasped over her breasts, she trembled as a clear link formed from her body to his. "That's it. Feed me more, Reijy!" Her nails dug into her skin while she moaned.

The two of them howled in unison, and Reijy's vision turned completely red. All he felt next was the sensation of swords forming on each of his hand before letting his instincts run wild.

Liars. Sinners. You will all die!

He had little control over what happened next.

However, his joy entered its climax when he saw the blood gush out from Utara's arm. She was trying to do something with a knife, but that didn't matter. Not when he easily cut through the weapon and bits of her hand.

Her corset came apart with a second slash, and along with it, burst forth a stream of blood.

But Reijy's not finished and turned to his next target.

The man's visor was like tender clay with how easily Reijy's other sword cleaved through it. Before it even had a chance to fall, a horizontal slash had appeared on the visor man's chest, creating yet another eruption of blood.

Reijy roared in triumph, but before anything, the two swords broke apart, and he briefly lost his footing.

Akane appeared in his sights again, this time with her hand over her mouth. "Oops. Looks like we're at our limit, Reijy. We're still getting accustomed to those swords and limbs, after all."

Reijy did not have the chance to answer when his body moved on its own.

Turning away from the two people, he walked before slowly breaking into a run.



He had no destination in mind.

He did not know where the path would lead him.

He did not even know what his goal was.

However, that would be rectified when his childhood friend reappeared, flying at his side with a snide smile.

"Let us regroup, Reijy. Then, we strike back at that wretched world."

Hearing that, a silhouette of people formed in Reijy's tormented mind.

Yoshihiro Ishida.

Yuichiro Ishida.

Kazuki Arata.

He let out one last triumphant roar before running into the midst of the ancient city, deep in his maddening run into the abyss.