Chapter 92 – Meticulous Preparation
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Miss Planner manipulated the Farha-Smith executives carefully, constructively, strategically. In the beginning the managers from the mortgage firm were skeptical of the stories she told them and weren’t entirely sure about becoming Chosen Ones. Miss Planner had to work her hardest to get them where she wanted them to be, keeping her cool while lying to their faces, smiling sweetly all the while. Then she slowly, gently gave them tiny doses of reality, correcting her falsehoods one at a time by playing them off as misstatements or exaggerations. It was a very delicate process, but it worked. By the time Friday rolled around all twelve executives were firmly in place under Miss Planner's tiny little thumb.

In the past, Miss Planner might have been ashamed of herself for resorting to deception. But the way she was now, she didn't care one bit what methods she had to use to get things done. She knew the people from Farha-Smith would be happy at the Tower of the Chosen no matter how they got there.

Miss Planner wasn't quite finished with her elite leadership team just yet. There were a few minor details left to settle that would keep them tied to her a bit longer, a few problems she'd have to deal with later down the line, a few little errands that still needed to be taken care of. But nothing too big. For the time being, the new bosses had their feet firmly on the ground and were getting comfortable at the bottom rung of the Chosen Ones' managerial ladder. As they learned to think, speak, and act the way Miss Planner thought they should, she would start subtly helping them make their way up.

Miss Planner was thinking a few years ahead. She'd already decided which of her precious new executives she wanted in the top spots once things stabilized. None of them had a place in the research division, of course. That wasn't a place where people went to accomplish things. It was an organizational dead zone that existed for the sole purpose of facilitating Miss Planner's grand plan for total control. The new Chosen Ones needed real power and authority. She didn't bring them to the Tower to mess around with pet projects and half-baked initiatives, or whatever her idiotic analysts and researchers wasted their time with these days. The only real place for the new team leaders was in the production, distribution, or recruitment divisions, whichever suited their strengths the best.

The managers from Farha-Smith were smart, capable, and ambitious. They were well on their way to becoming the most influential group of people in the Tower of the Chosen. To finish off her week on a high note, Miss Planner visited each of these star players individually in their new offices one last time. She wanted to get them all thinking 'I can ask Miss Planner for help whenever I want.'

"Hello, Eliza. Looks like you're getting settled in nicely."
"The Shadow of Agony was a big help today. She ran all the way to my house today to grab my computer. She's really a sweet girl. Hey, I wanted to thank you so much for everything you've done for us, Miss Planner."

"Don't mention it. We need you. I know you guys are going to pull through for us in a big way."
"Well, I'm certainly going to be doing my best. If everything goes according to schedule, I'm going to start checking in with our accounts next week to see how we can improve the customer experience."

"Oh, great! You're really hopping right into it, huh?"
"It's nothing new for me. Same exact thing I've done at every bank and corporation I've ever worked at. Just a new set of products and services, that's all. We're going to get caught up on everything you guys are doing here pretty quick. Trust me."

"It's your time to shine! I love it!"
"Hope you're looking forward to the big meeting next week. The guys have been telling me about some of the changes they're thinking of making, and I know they're going to want your input. Be prepared to give 'em everything you've got, okay?"

"I can't wait. Sounds exciting."
"We have to take things step by step, of course. It's a process. One change at a time. That'll give us plenty of room to adapt to what the market tells us and correct course if anything goes wrong."

"Slow and steady. That’s just the way I like it. Let’s take our time and do things right. It’ll be easier on all of us."
"Keep focused, stay alert, be careful. That was the Farha-Smith motto. It's a shame how things ended up, but we're still the same old bunch."

"That's the truth. Sorry to cut things short, but I've got to check in on the rest of the good boys and girls to make sure they're all nice and cozy in their new offices. You've got my number. I'm always available. Questions, concerns, complaints, compliments. Whatever. Call me anytime you want."
"Thanks, Miss Planner. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome!"
"I'll probably be here pretty late tonight. What time do you normally go home?"

"I'm normally here pretty late, too. But I've got a martial arts class tonight so I can't hang around much longer. Have a good night, Eliza! Remember, don’t come in Monday. We’ll be closed. See you next week!”
"You too. Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday!”