Ojou-sama in Aisle 5
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    Idle chatter filled the aisles as people rummaged through the shelves. Friends who hadn’t seen each other in years stopped to chat, reminiscing about old times and making plans to meet again over lunch. Some were fast with their shopping carts, zipping through the aisles with little concern for those around them while others took their time, examining each item carefully. The smell of cleaner spilled from a knocked over bottle permeated the nearby air. So distinct and fresh, yet so concentrated and off putting.


    The grocery store was such a place one would find all of this, and on a busy Saturday afternoon no less. People stocking up after the week had gone, maybe picking up supplies for an upcoming event. Or a hasty last minute purchase for dinner. Whatever it was, the aisles were packed with all manner of people in their routine. 


    From the cash register a woman stood scanning items through at incredible speed. The beeps and blips from the machine practically tuned out at this point, a sound she stopped listening to a long time ago. Her gaze wandered around the aisles, looking for something interesting or out of the ordinary at the very least. 


    The woman was dressed in her store uniform, the name ‘Stella’ printed across her name tag. Hair tied back in a black ponytail and a store hat on. Eyes half closed with dark circles beneath them told many stories of her relationship with sleep. But...she did have a fun little secret about her.


She went to reach for another product, only to grab onto nothing at all. Oh, it was the last item. After quickly tapping away at the console, a total popped onto the display.


    “Your total comes to 166.23$,” Stella muttered, sounding about as enthused as she would be staring at a blank wall. But the man on the other side didn’t seem to care as he tapped his card onto the device. A moment later and his receipt spun out from the machine. Without missing a beat, Stella tore it out and handed it to the man with the fakest smile she could manage.


    “Thanks for shopping with us. Have a great day.” she droned on. The man didn’t respond, instead opting to take his groceries and leave right away. Stella sighed as the next customer came to the cash register, loading the belt with items. 


    Time to do it all again... she thought. As she scanned the items, the sound of metal crashing echoed through the store. The rattling of two shopping carts smashing into each other was distinct, and right next to her register too. Two men, both not particularly looking where they were going, now had each other's undivided attention. Finally, something interesting!


“Oh, sorry!” Dan, one of these men, started. A nervous smile spread across his face. He sported messy brown hair and a bit of a beard. Dressed in a simple opened up black hoodie and jeans, he wasn’t particularly interested in making a fashion statement. His posture was poor and he had an almost timid air about him. 


    “Yeah, watch where you’re going next time,” Bill, the other man, grunted. There was a hint of smug arrogance in his voice. While not towering over Dan, he certainly had a more intimidating aura about him. His arms folded across his chest and over his plain white t-shirt, unimpressed. His blonde hair was cut short and clean, his face a bit more gruff with some stubble to his chin. 


    “C’mon, it’s not that big of a deal…”


    “Well, this could certainly prove interesting,” Stella smirked. With a mischievous thought in her mind, she waved a finger toward the two men as she reached for the next item to scan. A stream of sparks shot from her finger, flying toward them before vanishing entirely. Neither felt it, of course. Nobody but Stella could even see it. And with the stage set, she tried her best to enjoy the show while she did her job. 


    Bill furrowed his brow at Dan. “If you don’t smarten up, it will be a big deal.” 


    Dan threw his hands up in the air. “Good lord, relax. It was a small accident. And really, it was your fault.”


    Stella had the power to call some kind of security or manager, of course. But she didn’t want to, really. Even if this was a disturbance in the store, what she had cooked up would be far more interesting.


    Bill’s blonde hair began to grow out, tickling the back of his neck as it waved down. Dan’s hair followed behind Bill’s growth, flowing further past his shoulders, though neither noticed. The two were lost in their little squabble.


    “My fault? You’re the dumbass who was looking at his phone!” Bill pushed his cart out of the way, stepping right into Dan’s face, spittle flying from his mouth as he shouted.


    “Really? If you even looked slightly to where you were going, you’d have avoided it. Maybe stop looking at anything but what’s in front of you!” Dan’s voice sounded...oddly softer yet still filled with an increasing rage. His face turned beet red from the frustration, wanting both to get out of this situation and at the same time show this idiot who was boss.


    Neither realized that any facial hair they had faded from their faces. Their eyes shimmered with a new light, framed by long, fluttering eyelashes, yet still reflected their scorn over the other’s wrongdoing.


    People stopped what they were doing and turned to look at this squabble. For some, they had to turn away to avoid the embarrassment. Or perhaps they didn’t want to chance getting involved. While others were curious to see how this trainwreck would resolve.


    Both their arms slimmed down as hands took a more feminine look. Perfectly tapered nails painted in a soft pink replaced what came before as their argument continued.


    “Tch. Well, at least I’m not going out buying some...drab food like that!” Dan motioned to Bill’s cart. Which really wasn’t that bad - a variety of meats and fresh produce. 


What a weird thing to say… Bill thought.


    “Coming from the one in such dreary clothing as you? How rich,” Bill scoffed, not realizing either of their voices were several pitches higher than before. The swelling in their chests that had just started should have tipped them off that something was amiss. But no, they didn’t seem to notice. Or perhaps, they didn’t care. 


Their chests swelled and with the two of them practically butting heads, their breasts grew to a point where they squished into each other. But still no reaction. Or even a cursory glance at their new additions, nipples poking out. Not even the warm feeling of them growing in the first place could distract the men from their argument!


    At this point, there was a small crowd gathered to listen to these two. Stella sat back happily and watched the show, slowly scanning more items through the till. And thankfully the customers were largely more interested in this argument than getting through the line quickly.  Their silent gaze would not be broken, not even for a moment.


    “I’ll have you know that these clothes were picked from La Blanché! Not that your paltry allowance would ever let you get something like me.” Dan scoffed, turning his nose up to Bill. A certain smugness was present in his voice.


    While Dan’s clothes were once simple jeans and a t-shirt, the crowd could see that wouldn’t be the case much longer. Pants joined together with his shirt as the legs came together to form a skirt.  Slowly, it crawled up his legs, poofing outward from layers of petticoats that billowed from underneath. Now pink in colour with plenty of frills popping out at the bottom, the skirt stopped at his thighs. Dan could feel the softness of the petticoat on his legs, but he had other problems to deal with. 


    This new silk dress looked strange and awkward on him, hanging loosely at his hips but tight on his waist. Well, the top certainly fit as it cupped his new breasts perfectly. Long sleeves stretched down to his wrists as the shoulders puffed up. A small red bow formed at the collar, buttons coming down until reaching a corset. His waist pinching in as his hips pushed out to fill the form better. It should have felt amazing, like a warm touch moulding his body to a new shape. So gentle… Yet his mind was still elsewhere. 


    “How dare you! My family is incredibly wealthy! Why, I could buy your miserable house outright if I so desired! Though I could not possibly imagine why someone of such high class would want a trash heap like your home anyway!” Bill scoffed, his voice now higher and haughtier as well. 


    And with his retort, his clothes started to shift. Unlike Dan’s outfit however, his pants and shirt did not join. But the legs merged to form a skirt just as Dan’s had, crawling up his legs until they reached his thighs. Onlookers got to see the colour shift from blue to a more crimson red. Frills still formed, but this time the skirt took on a few layers, each with their own ruffles and frills. 


    His shirt turned white, with a column of buttons forming down the centre. Ruffles sprouted on either side as well. Something anyone might find a bit strange or over the top. But given the person now wearing it, that fit the bill quite nicely. A black coat split away from the rest of the top, though it was opened in such a way to show the clothing beneath it. A window split down this new blouse, revealing the tight cleavage of his ample new bosom. The coat’s sleeves stretched down to his svelte wrists as the shoulders poofed up to match this inflated ego Bill had found himself with in the last few moments. 


    Dan scowled. “A trash heap, you say? Bold words coming from someone like you! Why, I heard your maids were slacking off! What, is your house incapable of hiring the very best?” 


    The onlookers chuckled. These small things were enough to keep a fight fueled between two incredibly privileged and obnoxious brats? Ideas on what stupid thing they could argue about next floated in their minds, imagining all kinds of ridiculous scenarios.


    All the while, their crotches started to tingle. Even in the deepest part of their argument, they both shivered from the new sensation in their nethers. It was still incredibly sensitive for the both of them, after all. A light gasp escaped their plump lips before their crotches retreated into them, leaving behind something very new and different. The strange yet wonderful feeling was almost enough to make them lose their spot in the stupid fight. Almost.


    But it wasn’t done. Their thighs thickened as their socks climbed up their legs. To anyone not so focused on putting the other down, the way the soft fabric crawled up would have been enough to make them shiver. So soft and comfy. Both stopped at their very thick thighs, pressing into them ever so slightly. A little bow formed on either of Dan’s socks where Bill’s had a garter to hold them up.


    “What utter hogwash! My house only employs the very best! They spend an extensive amount of time training for the hopes of having the honour to serve me! Why, anyone would hire someone who once worked for me! But then, why would they ever want to leave and face a day not looking at my beautiful visage!? Preposterous!” Bill proclaimed. Though the name Bill seemed a bit strange to him now. At least, when describing himself.


    “To see your obnoxious face would only be a curse I wouldn’t inflict on my worst enemy! Though, I suppose that would be you. So I would have you look upon the horrors of your own reflection! For everyone knows that I, lady Rosalie, am the most beautiful woman this city has ever had the privilege to gaze upon!” The woman who was once Dan boasted. She brought her hand to her mouth, fingers extended out as she prepared herself.


    “Ohohohohohohohoho!!” She laughed. It was loud, obnoxious and yet oddly amusing to everyone watching. Should they have questioned why two men seemingly randomly transformed into these women? Possibly. But watching this sure beat whatever their plans were going to be.


    Lady Rosalie’s long and voluminous hair began to twist and curl in an exaggerated fashion. Two large coils spun from her head, stretching down to her butt without a single hair out of place  Her face had a subtle touch of makeup to make it pop, her lips were painted a beautiful pink colour.


    “Pah! I have heard more honest and truthful things from a snake oil salesman! You? The most beautiful? Why, one of my maids would make you look drab by comparison! The vanity and narcissism you exhibit is beyond gauche. A poor example for all those who watch! You should be ashamed! For I, lady Valentina, am far superior to you in every way! But if believing otherwise keeps you in your blessed ignorance, then let yourself be lost in your petty fantasy!”


    Just like lady Rosalie moments before, lady Valentina brought her hand up to her mouth, fingers extended.


    “Ohohohohohohoohoho!!” Lady Valentina laughed. And just like lady Rosalie, it oozed that same obnoxiousness. Just one laugh was bad enough, but two…?


    Lady Valentina’s hair also grew out, spiraling the same way lady Rosalie’s did moments ago. Though instead of two massive coils, it was a series of smaller ones cascading across her back. All perfectly curled, of course.


    The two new obnoxious rich brats continued to butt their heads together, their breasts pressing deeper into each other as the heated battle continued. Their shouting went on as their bodies changed further. Their shoes both shifted around into stiletto heeled boots coming just over their ankles. With lady Rosalie’s being pink and lady Valentina’s being red.


    Back and forth the argument went. Both trying to boast about how much better she was than the other. Both being offended at the accusations they’d make of each other. Things continued and even escalated now and again, but the changes did seem to stop once they were both buxom, curvy brats. 


    Stella watched intently, a devilish smirk across her face. About half an hour of this had gone on, which was a win in her book. A half hour less of work and it came with a front row seat to some live entertainment.  However, like all good things, this did eventually come to an end. But not because of any intervention from authority.


    “Harumph! I may as well be speaking to a potato for all the use I have gotten out of this conversation! I have allowed you to take far too much of my time - time others would happily pay for! Goodbye, and may I never have the misfortune of meeting you again!” Lady Rosalie huffed, crossing her arms under her breasts before spinning on her heels and storming off. 


    “Tch! Your time is about as valuable as the dirt beneath my shoes! A waste of everything, this was! Make no mistake, I do not intend not to even look in your direction for as long as I draw breath!” Lady Valentina huffed as well, mirroring lady Rosalie’s movements as she stormed off as well. The clicks and clacks of their heels against the floor echoed through the now otherwise silent grocery store. The small crowd quickly made way for the two to get by. 


    ...And of course, they left their carts behind. Typical.


    The chatter soon picked back up, though it was clear the entire conversation was about the two women who had stormed off. Who the heck were they, and why had they randomly changed? And how didn’t they notice? All questions without easily known answers. But that wasn’t important, really.


    Stella got back to scanning as quickly as she could though, a smile across her face. She wanted to giggle so bad, but knew she had better not. If nothing else, it made for the most fun day in a good long while, replaying the scene over and over in her head. 


    How ridiculous it all was…


    She’d have to do it again, some time.