Chapter 8: The Terrifying Aura.
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He flashed an incantation and broke out of the fight. However, the price that he paid was extremely high, even for someone like him. He used a huge amount of his lifeblood and got gravely injured in the process. He would need years of meditation and medicines to recuperate and he was not even sure that he would be at his 100% after that. But, still he thought that his decision was the best that he could make. A drop in the cultivation base was a thousands times better than to be dropped out of life.
'Thank goodness that the vortex is now ready! I don't think that I would be able to hold for any longer. And even if I could, the price would have been a thousand, no, million times much higher. That demon is just freaking too strong. Now, I understand why it is said that Shans are not to be provoked. They are too bloody powerful. Even, after all that happened in the past, they still had that much power so I can only imagine how they were in their times of glory. I promise that if I ever come out alive from this, I will never ever, forget provoke, even cross the path of that jinxes. Too scary! '
His promise looped nonstop in his head, forever to be engraved in his mind, heart and soul. It was his biggest mistake to come here when he was being summoned. He now understood why the elders were hesitating to go and help. They knew that how the Shans were. They knew that even if they won, the price would be beyond comparison. And, he, a member of the junior generation, has dared to travel there where everyone was running away. He cursed his stubbornness, his arrogance and more than all, that descendant, that Ji Tian, the jinx. How dared him summon him in such a perilous situation? The dragon was not from this spacetime but he was not a fool either. So, to be able to summon him, without letting him know that his opponent had such a deep  resources, was clearly a trick. Someone wanted him to come. He needed him for something. The dragon's eyes turned towards Ji Tian.

His face was pale white. He was trembling. The dragon was his last resort and he paid an incredible price for it. So, seeing him losing like that,was something that he could never have anticipated. He felt as if his entire world was being crushed. All his hopes and aspirations were destroyed. His heart was filled with pain. It is very difficult to put in words the various complex feelings that he felt. His mind was blank and yet several thoughts ran through it.
'It's not him, ' murmured the dragon.

His gaze then came to rest on Yu Shan. The latter was extremely calm and even smiled slightly. For her, whatever that was happening, was something that would occur at some point in life so why not now? Her face was brimming with joy. However, only she knew how scared she was. To create that blood demon, the price that she had to pay was something that she would have given. It was powerful but, at what cost? Her mind was in chaos. She had absolutely no idea what was actually happening. She was scared, scared for Jack, for Wang Han, for her pets, for her servants, for everyone. However, her face was still the same. That was the personality. She would never allow anyone to know what was actually going on in her mind. Her face would always have a smile. A fake plastered smile. Just to be able to hide her real feelings from everyone. Her feelings had always resulted in her failure and she would never allow that. Never, ever! That was a promise that she made to herself 4 years ago.
'It can be her, ' thought the dragon, 'However, that smile seemed too fake. I doubt that she actually knows that is really happening! I may have...'

He was just about to put an end to his doubts when he suddenly sensed an aura. It was weak but was there. It was something that made the dragon to stop jump in his tracks. He turned his head slowly, afraid that he would provoke the anger of whoever that aura was from. He slowly raised his eyes and... Shocked! That terrifying aura was coming from the intact mansion. From the window of the first floor. From... Jackie Shan!!

Meanwhile, thanks to the gap that Jackie's aura gave the blood demon, the latter flew at top speed towards the dragon. His energy still the same as the start of the fight. However, if you looked closely, you would notice that his aura was now fluctuating. The fluctuations were only for a brief time but it clearly showed that his power was diminishing, slowly but steadily. It would soon be drained out of energy and disappear. However, the dragon was just too scared to notice that slight change.

The demon flew towards the dragon. He noticed it and tried to defend but he was just a moment too late. The demon had already turned irreal and entered through the chest of the primordial beast. It turned real inside and started to try to possess the dragon. That was what the flying beast had guessed since the very start. He knew that blood demons had a great aptitude for things related to blood, body and mind.
'No!!!, ' cried the dragon in a ear piercing voice. 'Ji Tian, if I ever succeed in suppressing that creature. I will use your blood and soul to destroy it! '

Ji Tian's mind reeled when he heard what the dragon said. His eyes turned bloodshot and he turned his gaze at Yu Shan.
'You!, ' said Ji Tian in a voice, capable of shaking the entire sky, 'You are the reason of all this. I know that directly or indirectly, you are the one who is directing the entire scheme. I will not spare you!! '
'Well, ' replied Yu Shan in a calm voice, 'I am indeed the one manipulating the entire game. But, before trying to attack, Ji Tian, you should go and help your ancestor. That guy is in such a pain. I admit that they are an impure blood dragon race but are still a dragon race. Go, and help! Come on, go. I will not do anything to you. I will not even move from here. Promise. '

Yu Shan erupted in laughter but kept her promise. She did not move from her place. Not even a tiny bit. Ji Tian looked at her for a while, conforming that whatever she said was true and flew away, towards his ancestor to help.