Chapter 0.94938938
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The infamous Dr. Hower, the greatest doctor that ever lived. He has claimed to cure hundreds of thousands of life-threatening diseases, earning him thousands of awards from the world over. His detractors and haters keep complaining that he is lying because there is no proof, but he's so handsome and charming that the established medical institutions around the world have his back. No Twitter haters are going take down their Golden Child.

But he is a humble doctor and works in modest medical offices, where he helps everyone for a low price because he's so rich from his various experiments and life-saving techniques that he is willing to accept new patients at no cost to use his very high success rate medical procedures. He's so smart and intelligent and skilled that he doesn't need no FDA approval because he's just so darn nice about sharing it without profit. Yes, he is the best and nicest doctor but when people come to thank him for helping them get cured, he mysteriously vanishes. Some say its because he's so humble, he doesn't want thank you's. Others say the haters are coming after him, claiming that his procedure don't work and made them worse or they grew a third leg or something. But the ones who the procedure did work will stand up for him claiming he is nice and handsome and would never hurt anyone unless they really deserve it, which is what these haters are more than likely to be.

And thus the amazing and wonderful doctor roams the lands, to cure a sick world with his non-proven but sure-to-work-cuz-he's-so-darn-nice procedures.

There is a rundown shack in an unknown city. Poor Dr. Hower has no choice but to set up offices in such shabby places because he's being hunted down by a group of mean haters known as "The Authorities". Hiding in fear from these hooligans, he continues his pursuit of curing the world as he is now with a patient: a woman and her 5 year old son.

"So how are you today?" asks the doctor.

"I feel great doctor," the mother said. "Your pills worked. Now I feel like a brand new person. But I keep getting more hair on legs."

"Oh, don't worry about that. It's a little side effect. Nothing more than a shave will take care of that. And how about little Josh here."

"He's being so stubborn. He won't take his medicine."

"Ah yes. Children are like that. Come on, Josh. You need to take your medicine."

With a great scowl on his face, Josh responds, "I don't like the doctor. His medicine is yucky."

"Oh, but I made it just for you. It's Cherry Brandy flavor."

"I don't like your yucky medicine. It makes me want to throw up."

"That's the disease, little Josh. You need to take your medicine so you don't throw up."

"Mom, I don't like him. He's trying to kill me."

"Josh," said the concerned mother, "don't talk back to the doctor."

"That's okay," reassured Dr. Hower. "Kids will be kids. I prepared another medicine that I'm sure he'll like. This is Lemon-Lime Rum Cocktail. I'm sure this time he'll love it."

"For sure, Doctor. Thank you. I'll make sure he takes."

"I DON'T WANT YUCKY MEDICINE," yells Josh. "That's making me sick! I didn't throw up before I took it!"

"What a horrible thing to say, Josh. I'm sorry, doctor. He must have been born Republican, but I'll make sure he takes his medicine. Oh, before I leave, here is our urine sample."

"Thank you so much," says Dr. Hower as he accepts the samples.


As soon as they leave, Milian enters the shack and he sees her, with this eyes. He saw two beautiful, round, very voluptuous breast that were the perfect embodiment of pure perfection. This complimented her nice big round booty that jiggled so elegantly and sensually as she waltzes in with a stride that could drive any man crazy. With hips that were nice and smooth, with a perfectly honed mid section that was begging for companionship. She also had a head with a face, arms, and legs to walk with.

"Another patient? Today is my lucky day!"

Milian asks, "Are you.. uh... Doctor Golden S. Hower?"

"Yes, the very same. Who might you be and how did you manage to walk the streets naked?"

"I had to come here as soon as I could! I'm in love with myself but I can't rericiprocrated the love that I want to do but my brother who I dare not say who he is because he's so horrible, even talking to him is a capital crime, suggested I visit you so you can clone me and I can have a fun toy to do the horrible and inhuman things that I so desire to do."

"Whoa, slow down there, little lady. First off, I'm going to need a urine sample."

"Is this part of the procedure?"

"Ah... yeah. You can pee in this cup," reaching into his medical bag with a skull and crossbones, he takes out a sippy cup.

"Okay I'll just go to the bathroom."

"There is no bathroom but don't worry, just do it right here in front of me and I'll explain about the cloning process."


As she crouched down with the cup in the middle, he begins, "So here's the deal. Cloning is a very controversial thing right now as stupid haters are saying it's not right to clone a person, but I know better. But you must be aware that it is also very expensive."

"How much?" asks Milian as the trickle of urine begins to hit the cup's base.

"The price is so high, nobody believes me that it's a real number, but it's true because I looked it up. The procedure will cost you 3 unquadragintillion dollars."

"That sounds like a lot," cries Milian as the urine was now overflowing the cup.

"But that's the price, but I'm such a nice guy that I'm willing to forego the price if you can do me a favor."

"What is it?" asks Milian as she hands over the now filled cup.

"All  you got to do is promise not to tell anyone of the procedure, okay?" He winks at her as he places the sippy cup in the mini-fridge next to his hotdogs and coleslaw.

"I won't, I won't."

"Okay, then let's get started. In order to make your clone, I'm going to need to scan your body."

"Oh, like you're going to sculpt it?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"So how do you do that?"

"I have to use my hands to make sure I get the proportions right so that your clone comes out an exact copy."

"Oh no. I'm too embarrassed to have someone touch me. I don't think I can do that."

"But you came in here naked."

"I'm not naked. See, I'm wearing shoes."

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense, but if I can't manually scan your body, I can't proceed."

"Oh... I don't know. What about my purity?"

"Purity? You just told me you want to do horrible things to your potential partner for self gratification. I'm sure you've done somethings to yourself that you probably should be ashamed of, and I'm going to need a report on said things by the way."

"Oh sure, but I don't know. I've never been touched by someone before."

"Hmm... in that case, I have a plan. How about we use a robot. The robot will scan you with gloves so you will be protected, and it won't be an actual human being, so your purity will be safe."

"Oh, that sounds great. I'll do that."

"Okay, but the robot is shy around strangers, so put on this blindfold."

"Uh, I don't know how that makes sense, but okay."

And so she did the thing and put the blindfold on. As soon as she puts it on, the scanning began as the robot wasted no time in feeling her nice, smooth, curvy body. The hands were everywhere, caressing her, giving her a tingling sensation, putting it's mechanical but strangely human-like fingers in places she would dare no person to go into. It was as if it wasn't a robot but the actual doctor himself. How amazing modern technology really is. The robot was so sophisticated as well as it not only scanned her outer body but it needed to scan the inside, but it was okay as the robot was equipped with a probe that was inserted in every single orifice of her body, with its own glove as well.

"Ah, it hurts doctor," Millian cried as the probes forced themselves into every orifice, specifically her anal cavity, which it seemed to do a lot.

"Don't worry," said the doctor in a mysterious voice that sounded like he was struggling with some great burden, "the robot is safe to probe you. Don't forget, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this."

After 9 hours of having the robot scan her, she was then directed to a stand where a laser scanned her whole body in 2 minutes, and thus the procedure was done.

"Well then, Milian. We're all done." The Doctor said as he panted and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I'll give you the address to the cloning facility and remember, don't tell anyone, okay? Report to me tomorrow, and this time, wear clothes. Here, I'll write down the types of clothes I want you to wear."

"Yeah, okay. Thank you so much doctor. I would hug you but the scanning had tired me out."

"That's okay. I don't do this for money, fame, or love. But I will need another urine sample for testing purposes."

"Yeah, okay."