Chapter 3
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Towering over me was a 4-meter tall golem made out of a bright purple stone called Mithril—something you'd find in a fantasy world. Oh wait, I am in one.

The Mithril Golem charged towards me and swung its ginormous arms down. I jumped out of the way to dodge it.

Despite its size, it was surprisingly fast, and its power was frightening. It left a small crater where I was standing, and my bones would've been crushed if it had hit me.

<<< Report; Mithril Golem is level 56.>>>

Level 56? that's the highest I've seen so far. Well, apart from myself, still I had to defeat it to win, but I have no weapons.

[Energy Ball] was off-limits, and my best bet was to try and grab one from a dead bandit.

"What the hell? Why isn't he dead yet!" yelled Bhatos.

"Be quiet! Or else I'll crush you too," replied Estiel with an annoyed expression on his face, "Now Mithril Golem crush him. Don't let him get away!"

Following its master command, it swung its arms down at me again. Again [Natural Defense] moved me out of the way.

I slowly tried to move our fight over in the direction of a sword lying on the ground. But Estiel had noticed what I was planning.

"Mithril Golem, don't let him near that sword."

"Tch, you noticed?"

"Haha, of course, I did. Even if you had a sword, you still wouldn't stand a chance against an A-Rank Mithril Golem." Estiel replied with a grin, "Now finish him off!"

An idea suddenly popped into my head.

"Guardian, is the Mithril Golem a living being?"

<<< Wild Golems are considered living things, whilst this Mithril Golem's core is its only part that can be regarded as living. And, the body parts are not considered as part of its core and thus not alive.>>>

That's all I needed to know that my plan would work, and I couldn't help but laugh at my ridiculous plan.

"Have you finally realised that you can't win?"

"Haha, of course not," I replied as I activated [Blink] to get behind the Mithril Golem and placed my hand on its left leg that was the size of a large tree trunk. "[Spear Creation]!!"

In my hand was a 2-meter long spear made from the Mithril Golem's left leg. The blade shone purple, reflecting the sunlight. The shaft had intricate designs and had a darker purple colour to it. Between the shaft and the blade had the head of a wolf. It would seem that the appearance of the spears made from [Spear Creation] was affected by my own imagination.

The Mithril Golem came crashing down, unable to move. I tapped it with my ring, and the whole body was sucked in, leaving behind a white orb. It's core.

"W-what the hell did you do?!"

"Made myself a new weapon?" I replied as I admired my creation. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Estiel's face distorted in anger.

"You bastard don't lie to me! Only elder dwarves and Godsmiths can use Mithril!" said Estiel as he pulled out a sword and pointed towards me, "That spear belongs to me, now hand it over, and I'll give you the honour to die by my hands."

"Nah, I'm good-"

"You bastard, how dare you refuse a noble's offer. I will make sure you die painfully!"

Nobles are a pain in the ass, I thought to myself. I should try and not to get myself involved with nobles, especially these arrogant ones.

Estiel charged towards me and swung his sword at me. But I moved behind him with [Blink]. When he realised, it was too late. I chopped him on the neck and knocked him out. The fight was over in seconds.

I looked around, but the remaining bandits and their boss Bhatos was nowhere to be seen except their wagons full of people and loot.

I moved to a wagon and untied the people inside. I told them to free the others and bring me anyone who was injured.

Ten minutes passed, most of them were free. An old man with a walking cane approached and thanked me.

"Sir hero, I am the village chief; on behalf of the entire village, we thank you."

"Please don't call me a hero. I'm just doing what anyone would do."

"How modest of you, Sir Hero."

"Village Chief!, please come over here. There's someone who you need to see." interrupted a young man out of nowhere.

"Can't you see I'm thanking our saviour here? Who is it?"

The young man's face turned serious.

"She says she's a dukes daughter."