A girls talk (short)
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Hey hey, How are y'all? Well, I hope y'all to be fine because I love you for reading this story.

It took time for me cuz I don't know how to continue this series, but I think I have an idea, so I'm back.

Don't forget to leave me your comments, I love to read them.

Without more to say, let's get started.

Severe dysphoria

Emilia paced the camp from one side to the other.

She just waited for night to come to go to sleep.

Being awake only served to make him think about how she looked, and they weren't pretty thoughts, she could sum it up in a discomfort with her current sex.

What was it exactly? She really had no idea.

She sat near where a water bowl was.

Her reflection was exactly what bothered her.

That short hair of hers made her look masculine, and in her, it means not being seen as a girl.

She looked at her face, she was not a girl's face, could she see herself as feminine if she wanted to?

It was sure not, that face was that of a man, with makeup it would only look ridiculous.

She looked at her shoulders, those things made her look masculine, she could hardly do anything to not show them.

Then she touched her chest flat with her, touching that part of her felt as if something was missing, as well as a strange sensation, as if by touching that part of her she pierced her soul.

Then there was the uncomfortable thing of her in her crotch, she hated that penis, she wanted to rip it out, but only once did she hit it and almost died of the pain.

Emilia still felt bad for other reasons, she was a lesbian, could she be accepted with that in mind?

Surely she would only be seen as perverted, just thinking about the rejection of society scared her.

Why was life like this with her?

Well ... I think it was obvious.

Emilia prayed every night to whoever was above that she had already learned her lesson from her, but nothing ever happened, she was still trapped in that body.

There were so many things she could no longer do.

"Hey are u ok?" a male voice was heard.

She look back and there was that person.

"Albert?" She asked.

"Well, can u call me Beatriz? that's my name, you can call me Albert but only when somebody is listening to us" she said.

"Well, Betty, I feel bad with myself" Emilia said.

"Me too girl, one dream tell me a name for that, disforia de genero or gender dysphoria" Betty told to Emilia.

"Dysphoria? What's that?" Emilia asked about it.

"Well, It is a discomfort with the sex, but the reason is always because the sex does not match the gender identity" she said "I could be wrong, you see I'm autistic and I don't know how to express myself correctly"

"You are autistic?" Emilia asked to Betty.

"Yes I am" Betty replied.

"Well, I think that's ok" Emilia said.

"Emilia, I want to help you, but I can't even help to myself, you know, I show me as funny when I want to cry" she said.

"Life is unfair" both said.

This is a short, I am running out of ideas, I accept suggestions.