“Well, we have a daughter, now!”
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Reminders that my intention is "Feel Good," not realism. That being said, there are minor trigger warnings as Ariane has  *some* self-deprecating thoughts. Thank you for reading and enjoy!!!

“Hey, Ariane." Sofia says in our first period. I involuntarily smile at the use of that name. She smiles back, “You know you’re really cute when you do that.”

 “What? Smile? Or talk?” I can't believe it's been over two months since I found a name I actually like, and I've gotten the rest of the school comfortable calling me that.

“Both, but I meant your genuine smile.” Now, she’s rolling her eyes at me before she drops to a whisper, “You might smile, but it mostly never reaches your eyes. If you ever want help, you know I’ll be there for you.” Looking me deeply in the eyes, “You’re not alone…never alone.” It's like she knows my self-destructive tendencies or something.

Feeling my cheeks heat up and at a loss for words over how much I mean to her. It’s nice to hear. I can hear my voice crackle with raw emotion, “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my guardian angel, and the other two are my silent supporters.”

This time her cheeks heat up which I can’t help but feel is adorable. If only she weren’t a lesbian, and I didn’t have whatever is fucked up with me, I would be interested in being with her. Though that part of me knows that if that were the case, she would probably still choose someone else.

Still blushing, she seems to snap out of wherever she was, “Hey, Ariane. What’s your costume going to be tomorrow?”

Ah! Yes! A changing of topic is good. “Oh, I was torn between multiple different things. I settled on a combination of two of them roughly 2 weeks ago. No offense Fia, but I want to keep it a secret until tomorrow. I'm going to need all my friends' support though.

“Aww, but why can't you tell me. I'll keep it a secret,” she pouts when I give her the look™. “Fine, but this means I want to keep mine a secret until tomorrow too,” she says as she huffs and puffs. “It’ll blow everyone away!”

“I'm sure it will,” I say, smiling at her antics again. This is one of two classes where all of us are not altogether. Sofia wants to become an engineer, and I want to become a nurse. I roll my eyes at how cheap the school is to combine them together. James and Edwin aren't as good at us in science, but they’re superior in English & Writing.

Just then a substitute walks in and I prepare myself. Subs never use Ariane to call for attendance. Just then I feel a reassuring hand on my arm, and I look over to see Sofia giving me a reassuring smile. She’s right before me in the class roster, so I’m sure she’s got a plan.

God! I'm standing outside the school, fidgeting with my costume, and I can't believe how incredibly nervous I am for people to see me. I don't even get why it means that much to me. It just does. What will people think? What will people say and do? I really should have chosen a different costume then catgirl witch.

I mean it's so cool and strangely uplifting for me to get to wear a black skirt that falls a few inches above my knees. It’s just barely appropriate length according to the school handbook. I wonder whether the other girls will be jealous that it has pockets? I've heard that a thing. Wait?! Did I just call myself a girl? I guess it's just easier to think of myself that way given the things I'm wearing.

Pulling my phone out of my left pocket, I checked the time and see that I burnt a lot of time to see Sofia, Edwin, and James prior to class starting due to my overactive mind. Gaining the nerve before chickening out, I mentally push my legs and head for the front doors.

Once inside, I look to our normal gathering spot and see them there. Before I head up to them, I take in their costumes. All of them have worked hard to make sure their costumes are excellent. It's kind of mind blowing! Edwin and James are playing into their strengths which happens to be anime and sci-fi lovers, respectively. Edwin is pulling off an Ikki costume cosplay of one of his favorite animes. It works well because he takes very good care of his body and is an excellent shape. 

James' costume is a character he loves from a long ago cancelled show on a streaming service. I don't know what the character's name is. He told us that the character is a hacker and that people’s opinions of him grew the more screen time he had.  

However, they both fail in comparison to Fia's costume. She's seriously rocking it with expertly created rainbow angel wings, midback black hair, white halter top with rainbow piping running around the bottom of the shirt, typical blue skinny jeans, and halo. Damn! She looks good! …I really hate myself for thinking that. She's a lesbian. We are not compatible, brain. Now, stop that, please and thank you. 

Well! I've stalled for long enough. Taking one last deep breathe, I start walking up to the three of them and say, “Hey, guys! How’re you?” God, the shakiness I hear in my voice. I really am pathe…NO! Knock that off! You’re better than that. No self-deprecating, I viciously remind myself.

Hearing nothing, I steel myself and lookup to see them visually buffering. Gang…I mean Fia is the first to reboot, and say, “Oh my god, Ariane! You weren’t joking when you said you had a costume in mind! It’s fantastic, and you look absolutely great!” I was expecting such enthusiasm and glowing review from her, but I'm not ready to admit how lovely that is to hear.

“Thanks, Fia! That means the world to me." My face starts hurting from smiling from using rarely used muscles. …That doesn’t seem enough to me, so I rack my brain before stumbling on something I’ve never done to non-family before. I firmly, but not crush, hug her. At first, she was stiff, but she quickly relaxed into the foreign display. “I’m glad you like it!”

At the angle, we’re currently at I can see the other two shocked. I mean their jaws are literally hanging open. I can’t help but laugh at them. “Now, boys, you wouldn’t want to swallow a fly, would you?” …I just couldn’t resist.

This snaps them out of whatever funk they were in because they both close their mouth and seem to have come to a consensus. They even speak at the same time though their words differ.

“We support you,” James says,

“What pronouns do you want us to use?” Edwin says. “Anyways, maybe that’s how I get my extra protein.”      

“Thanks. I thought about pronouns, and I know I’m still a guy, but I think it makes sense to use female ones while I’m wearing this costume.”

Fia and I finally break our hug. Extremely long one, I know, sue me, she’s a wonderful hugger. “Really?! That's disgusting Edwin,” obviously rolling her eyes, “and all of you just gloss right over it.” Mumbling and barely audible, she says, “God. I’m so gay. She makes a great witchy catgirl.” I blush…What day is it? Mess with Ariane day? Feels like it, but either way, I choose to ignore it.

After saying our goodbyes and promises to see each other at lunch, we quickly head to our classes. Sophia and I are barely able to a seat before the bell rings. Thankfully, the teacher is back, and attendance goes as normal.

What isn't normal though is the school’s speaker system crackles to life, and we hear a strange, sinister feminine voice begin to speak. “Hello, my preciouses! I know you weren't expecting this, but in the spirit of the spirits, I think we should spice some things up. For the rest of the day and for all of the weekend you shall come to understand the true meaning of this holiday.” She laughs and cackles so loudly that the speaker system catches her own voice echoing in the abandoned halls. “Whatever your costume, you shall become. Tata and enjoy, my lovelies,” she says, cackling once more before going silent.

Nothing feels different to me, so I assume it was just the theatrics until I look over and see Fia. She looks at me, and I see concern coming from her golden-rimmed brown eyes. Oh! that isn't the only change to happen to her, but that's the only one I have a chance to notice before she asks, “How are you feeling?”

“What? Why are you worried about me?” Wait a second, why does my voice sound higher than it used to? The logical part of my brain is saying, “Hey dummy! You dressed up like a girl, so you probably have the body of one. To confirm, I quickly look down. Yep! Those are definitely boobs. I take in several more changes. All in all, I also notice significantly less hair on my arms, gentle swell to my hips, real cat ears, and tail.

Why am I not freaking out about this? I was a cisgender man, a few moments ago, right? Meh, I'll think about this later! Right now, I need to make sure she knows I'm OK. “Yeah! For a man, I'm doing well.” I smile to reassure her. It's strange how much easier that is. 

She has the brightest blush I have ever seen her give off. It's incredibly adorable and makes me wish I really was a girl. Oh, I really don't like that thought. Fia must notice my mood change because she starts to comfort me again. “Oh, Ariane. I can't imagine what you're going through. Do you still want me to use she/her pronouns or would you appreciate something else? I know you wanted she/her, but you also weren't expecting to magically turn into a gorgeous cat girl, either.”

My blush returns, many fold, as I manage to squeak out, “You think I'm gorgeous?”

“Of course, I do,” she defensively says while blushing. “But you didn't answer my original question. What pronouns do you believe you're comfortable with?”

“I think I'd like to try she/hers still, please?”

“Of course, Ariane,” she smiles, widely, at me. “I'd be more than happy to use those pronouns for the girl with a most beautiful heart.” She then grabs my hand and looks deeply in my eyes, “If there is anything I can do for you, please, let me know, OK?”

She really is awesome! “Will do! Thank you for being such an awesome friend.”

 She looks down at me. “Of course, anything for my friends,” she says. “I just... Look, we've all literally just changed because of some witchy spell, and we're all a little freaked out.” She pauses as I look around, and she's right. Most of the others look confused and trying to figure out what has just happened.

It's strange that the teacher isn't stopping us. Looking there, I happened to notice her doing the same thing. The interesting thing is that are clothes have changed size to fit our new bodies.

My attention is brought back to Fia, as she starts speaking again, “Hell, I'm freaking out, and I haven't gone through something as dramatic as you.”

I grabbed her hand gently and smile, “I'm here for you, Fia. And I promise that I'm doing OK. The real question is, are you?”

She gives me a weird look before saying, “Brat! I'm the one supposed to be helping you. I'm not the one that was bewitched into the body of the opposite gender.” Biting her lip and looking pensive for a few moments, “Listen, I don't want to pressure you, but you're handling this really well. I know I wouldn't be as poised as you have been so far.... Do you think you're transgender?”  

The more I think about it, the more that makes sense. Why I never felt comfortable with my birth name, why I gravitated towards feminine names, and why I wanted one of three feminine costumes (of which there were male variations, my brain helpfully adds). “Yeah, that is plausible,” I tell her. “I think I’d like to explore this until Monday.”

“All I'll say is this. You seem to be happier and much more, I guess, bubbly since you chose your name as well as... Now,” she stretches back and laughs, awkwardly. “I hope you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do,” I say as another easy smile overcomes my face.   

She smiles before stammering and blushing, “Well, I get if you don't want to because you *had* absolutely no intention of going to the dance tomorrow, but maybe this has changed things?” I think I know where she's going with this, but I'm not sure. She seems to be adorably embarrassed because her next words are rushed. “Would you go to the dance with me?”

As I’m making my way to lunch, I find my…date at her locker. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, at the thought of calling my friend, this beautiful and kind girl, my date to the dance. “Hey, Fia! Learn anything new?” Normally, this would be a stupid question as she just got done with French II, and I’m not that advanced. “About our transformations that is?”

Throughout the multiple past classes, we’ve seen some people with no transformations, partial, and some very thorough…like me. The partial and complete changes seem to make sense as the partial ones are often the more…dangerous ones. Apparently, the person, whomever did this, does not want psychopathic and/or blood thirsty individuals wondering around. That’s reassuring, but I've still yet to figure out why some haven't transformed at all.

“Nothing at large, but I figured out that I can fly using my wings,” grinning at me. “Also, apparently, I have super strength and endurance, in this form.” She has a mischievous glint in her eye, and I can see her thinking about something. It frightens me... but in a good way. I know she’d never hurt me on purpose, so I can't wait to find out what it is!

“That's awesome! I figured out I can do this.” I close my eyes and focus. I'm not too accustomed to this feeling yet. I focus on my cat features, and how it feels to have them. I feel the changes slowly start from my tail and ears. I can feel Fia’s eyes on me as I feel my shape begin to get smaller and more compact before I'm on four legs. It's not a hard transformation, but it takes some getting used to. I open my, now cat, eyes and see Fia looking at me.

“Awww! You’re so adorable!” Meow. “Did you just say thank you?” Meow! Meow, meow, meow? “OMG! Yes, I can fully understand you. Now are you going to change back we're gonna stay like this until we sit down for lunch?” Tilting my head ever so slightly, I ponder this question for a few seconds before coming to a decision.

I push off with my legs, doing a midair somersault, landing on her shoulder. “Guess, you made your mind up, huh!” Meow! “Then off we go,” she says.

We get to the lunchroom, quickly. Unfortunately, we still must deal with the slow garba…I mean, lunch line to get our meals. So far, only Sofia can understand me when in this form though.

When Fia just about dies from embarrassment when I called her, ‘My Gay Little Guardian Angel.’ The reaction and my smugness caused the lunch staff to laugh. They give her an additional tray without complaint. Do I get an award for transcending animal-human manipulation?

We soon find Ikki-Edwin and Hacker-James at our usual spot. They pack, we don’t. I really should though. It would likely be healthier and definitively tastier. Ikki-Edwin obviously sees us, “Hey, Sof! See you’ve got a companion. I’m guessing since I don’t see our resident catgirl anywhere that she’s the cat on your shoulder?” Have I mentioned that I really like being that? If I were human, I would be blushing up a storm. Thank whatever Deities that exist for small miracles.

My thankfulness ends abruptly when Fia laughs and says, “I think you’ve got your answer.” I begin to wonder what she's talking about when I suddenly become very conscious of the fact that I am purring. Oh, I'm going to get you back for that!

Meow, Meow meow meow, causing Fia to blush, profusely. Ikki-Edwin starts laughing. He doesn't need to know what I said to get that I'm teasing her.

I do a somersault over her shoulder to my seat as I'm transforming back into my 'default' form. Landing in my seat, I say, “Yep!” Turning my attention to the strangely quiet Hacker-James, “So James, have you figured out what happened yet?”

“Sorta? I've looked over the school guidelines, and it seems to be that there was a clause there that we had to sign off on. Seems to me it's just another one of those user end agreements that no one reads.”

“So, what you're saying is people that didn't have that signed haven’t transformed?”

“Looks to be that way. It said optional,” he says. “It says that the school would handle all situations in calls to the parents.” The others start talking, but I stop listening as I feel my phone vibrate.

Family Group Chat

Dad: Hey, Ariane! The school called a little bit ago.

Said that you might look a little different?

Figured I'd wait until you were in lunch 😊

Me: Yeah, I look different, right now.

Remember my costume?

Mom: On break from work! 🙌🥳

 Catgirl Witch, correct?

Me: Yep! Some weird women TRANSformed us (me). She said it’d last until


Dad: How TF is that possible?

Magical transformations don’t happen?

Me: Dunno 🤷‍♀️…It did

I’m a girl…now.

Apparently a cute one, according to Fia


Mom: Eric! How dare you?! That’s the 1st question out of your mouth?! The school fucking called you!!! They wouldn't lie about that! 

Instead, how ‘bout, “Oh no, sweetie! Are you doing OK?”

Heard Gender Dysphoria sucks

Ariane’s experiencing that now!!!

Me: …Actually…About that, I’m sure I’m transgender

Which means I’m currently great! 😅😄

Dad: 👍 Should’ve seen that coming! Thank you for telling us! We can

talk about it more tonight!

Mom: Same. Work too much, but I always wondered if you were gay 😅


Me: Technically, I am gay now

Going to the dance

With Fia 

(Yes, I actually know the hacker's name and show). Fun fact, I wanted Ariane to have Fia's costume, but she bitch-slapped me (HARD!!!). (Rant and spoilers, in spoiler...Avoid if you wish to avoid my musings)


Why did you want that name! I get that you're going to stay, Ariane, but why did you insist on it being your middle name, not 1st. You're 1st name is my middle name. Why you do this? (Seriously, Ari, You know, I don't like using names connected to me)


In other news, chapter 3 is written (and, assuming I don't hate it) will be released shortly