Let me apologize
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I realize that recently there have been too many disruptions in my upload schedule, and I would like to apologize for that. I haven't uploaded for two weeks now, and I don't know how much that affected your immersion in the story I'm writing, but missing my own deadlines is always vexing for me. My mother has been sick, so I've spent most of my time at work or at the hospital with her. Thankfully she is getting better, and we should be able to take her home this week. There was enough time for me to still write, after all, I write on my phone, but I wasn't in the right headspace to create anything.

I've been a little depressed, as my life isn't really going the way I want, and with my mother falling sick and me not being able to afford her medical bill without begging other relatives, my self-esteem took another serious hit. Maybe that is too much info to put out there, I don't know, but anyway... That is why I haven't uploaded for the past two weeks. To make it up to you, for the next two weeks there will be double uploads, if my maths is correct, that should make up for the past two weeks.

Thank you, and once again, I'm sorry.