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With all her earthly concerns sorted, Estaria returned to Naggarond, and took her position with Filnon. Having less than 5% of the population left, The Empire was a deadlands for a few years. But eventually, colonists of all races flocked to it. The Wood Elves took over the forests, cleansed of Beastmen by the undead. The Dwarves and Humans took the lowlands, and more exotic races were splattered about the place, definite colonies sparse, most taking to the cities already made. The Empire - Now the Union Of The Living, to further spite the Vampires - became the greatest melding pot of culture in the World, with even Orc mercenaries being granted some land for services rendered in the Sylvanian War. Loud, Barbaric and Warlike, these Orcs were not savage like their cousins, and gained wealth through the many wars still to fight.


Estaria herself, joined with every raid that Filnon took part in, which was most of them. The Orcs and the Skaven had taken massive damage from the Undead Hordes, but many campaigns were held to ensure they remained in their weakened state. Filnon and Estaria’s beautiful dance of death carved through the Last Great Wargh, crushing the main battle line with a great tide of boiling blood and beheading a giant Orc by the name of Grimgore Ironhide. Thus ended the Orcs incursions out of the Badlands for over fifty years. Though, time is an enemy none can overcome, and as it passed, Estaria grew older, and older. The tales of the Wolf-Rider and her Queen Of Catastrophe wife spread across the Old World and eventually the New. The Druchii’s new reputation as exceptional mercenaries went with it, and the culture changed over the decades. Old Dreadlords died in battle or through poorly fated rebellions against the new Witch-Queen, and were replaced by New Dreadlords. Though, everything comes to an end eventually, and a hundred years after Estaria’s climatic battle with Vlad, she received news from The Empire.


A new man out of the Chaos Wastes, Zariel Montoya, had finally bested Archeon, The Raving Madman Of The Wastes. From here, he took the man’s equipment, and lead a new attack on Empire lands as the fifth Everchosen. The now ancient matron of blood was gearing up to go, when Filnon arrived in her room.

“You can’t go. You are too old, you’ll never survive a fight like that” her voice had a keening edge of desperation to it, but the gnarled Estaria simply rose a wrinkled hand and gave a smile.

“The Daughter of Khaine was never going to die in bed, Filnon. She must die in blood and fury” Estaria wiped the tears from Filnon’s cheek, and looked to Bloodwolf. His fur was far more gray than red these days, and he moved with none of the grace he once had. But then, neither did Estaria.”I am far older than any human has the right to be, and my body is just aches and difficulties trapped in the memories of days where I moved like lightning and struck with the force of thunder” Estaria spoke, and then headed for the door.


“Then I come with you” Filnon spoke, not so much a suggestion as an order with the forceful power of a Queen behind it. There was no stopping that tone, and so the Druchii navy set sail. Meeting the Everchosen in battle was the glorious end that Estaria thought it would be, and a fitting end to her life. Though her stats were low in relation to what they had been at her peak, she still showed why she was to be feared, still earned the reputation of The Wolf Rider one last time, before she fell to the ground, and did not rise, heralded by one final box in her sight.



You have died:


Estaria Nightfury. Elector Countess of Estaland, Daughter of Khaine.


Final level - 201

Final stats;

Strength: 200

Stamina: 200

Constitution: 200

Dexterity: 200

Agility: 200

Precision: 200

Intelligence: 200

Wisdom: 200

Luck: 200


Leaderboard scoring: 1st.


Reincarnate? Y/N