3.8 Jerome
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Inside the mansion in a suburb, a monotonous room smelled of medicine. Beside the table full of blood stained bandages and alcohol, in a king size bed laid an unconscious man. His long eyelashes flutters and slowly he opened his dark eyes, just like the night skies without the stars and moon, it was completely void of anything.

Jerome Lanc, he was the youngest son of George Lanc.His father is a wise and cruel man, he let his children fight for his inheritance and turned a blind eye even when he was crippled because of it.

He didn't actually want to join their family, after all. He was just an illegitimate child born from a crazy woman who yearned for his father's love. Jerome's mother, Alicia was a very beautiful woman. She was kind and always wore a smile on her face. She met her father when she was just 16 and thought that it was true love but this fantasy broke down really quick when she found out that she was just one of his mistresses. She tried to be strong and fight for his love, she was was so happy when she bore his child but broke down seeing him with another woman with their child. The constant jeering and malice from her family, neighbors and those woman....even her beloved man left her...

She was young and pure but this all broke her heart to pieces.

She wanted him back, she knows it's crazy but he's all that she's got! She wants his love! So...

She raised their baby, hoped that maybe he will accept her again if their baby looks like him and was very disappointed that the child looked like her. She hated the child, if the child looked like his father then...then he might give her attention right? She might regain his love again.. Then a long time passed, her love turn into hatred.

She turned vicious, greedy, crazy woman because of love. She hated her child and pours all her negative emotions into his little body, vent her anger, her hate, her love but she didn't want him to love, no she didn't want him to feel. Because it hurts her so much.

Expectedly, the child also grew crazy. Maybe because he was her child that he's also crazy?

He's broken inside and learned to mask it all with a smile. He wanted to make his mother happy, whatever it takes he indulge her. It's not much of a surprise if he also got broken and crazy, right?

His mother died. But he didn't feel a thing, after all. She always, every passing moment of his life, mentioned to him that feelings, emotions are unnecessary things. He didn't need them, all he has to do is gain everything he wanted so, he gained it and he didn't care if someone got hurt after all, who cares?

From all that, he didn't feel a thing but he learned to mask them with a smile, he learned to act normal so he managed to make some friends though he didn't expect them to betray him, it didn't affect him that much. Just, the humiliation he experience and the long lost frustration because of the youth was felt and he was irritated because of it.

Still, he narrowed his eyes as he remembered what happened to him at this time. 

They must be prepared for letting him a chance to live and not kill him thoroughly.

He looked at his state and found that he was already bandage. He called his assistant from outside.

Seeing him, " Find someone for me. He's from a show.. " Jerome furrowed his eyebrows trying to remember what show was shown at that time when he saw the youth.

" Birth of an Idol. He got lustrous long black hair and dark eyes, probably in his teens. " The assistant nodded and was about to accomplish his order when he was stopped by Jerome.

With a cold and indifferent face, " Open the television and turned it to that show. " His voice taciturn as he ordered him. He somewhat, want to see the youth again, even in screen.

The assistant find it funny inside but maintain his professional poker face and turned the television on into the show then bowed before leaving.

Jerome's expressionless face leaned on the bed as he knead his aching head. He waited to see the youth again and noticed that everytime he saw him, the pain would fade. 

He frowned and was about to turn the television off when suddenly the youth smiled and his hand reaching towards the remote stopped then silently retreated to lay on his side.

He silently watched the youth and sat up. His left leg was the payment for winning the inheritance of his father. It was done by his supposed legitimate siblings. Though he doesn't mind it before, but now whenever he sees the youth, he felt like...

Jerome's adam apple slightly trembled, a ball of something bitter got stuck on his throat, making him almost unable to breathe. It was different from the pain he experience everyday, it was frustration and helplessness that he had long forgotten.

With an indifferent face, he reached for his prosthetics and wore it then he stood up to walked towards the television, seeing the enlarged beautiful face if the youth, his lifeless eyes slightly lit up and dimmed again.

He turned off the television and the youth disappeared, the room was immediately covered in darkness.

Jerome silently stood there for a while and turned back to the bed. He sat and glanced at his phone. He pursed his lips in annoyance and took it.

He registered an account and the live broadcast of the show appeared again. Seeing the comments, his fingers stilled for a moment and started typing furiously, trying to gain attention from the youth. 

Though he knew, he won't see it...he didn't stop typing.

Back to the plane, the contestants was crestfallen at what they just learned: How to Sky Dive Safely...

" Okay! Fall in line! " The Host said then opened the door of the plane, " We are ten thousand meters from the ground, good luck! "

" Then Jump! " He shouted then one by one the contestants jumped. They all have an individual camera following them with a speaker

" Don't worry, we also have staff from the island to make sure your safety! " The Host shouted.

[ Check your wallet: Wow! Sky jump! ]

[ Whoawhoa: Cool! ]

[ Givehimtome: Where's my baby? ]

Kayl was falling from the sky and feeling of the wind surrounds him. He remembered that his spot is in the forest in the west side of the island, he maneuvers and safely landed after a while.

He looked up and found the plane was gone.

He looked around as he removed the parashoot and gathered them then fold them into a bag.

He carried it on his back and walked towards the biggest tree he found near. He put it down and decided to build a camp as he looked at the setting sun.

[ Ding Dong! First Mission! Build a camp! As an idol, you have to have the capability to shine on your own and be independent to support yourself! ]

He blinked at the floating camera that suddenly talked or rather the speaker.It seems that it's broadcasting live, it must be the reason why this show is so popular.


Is that what an idol supposed to be...?

Kayl looked at the camera complicatedly, he didn't know that..

Is he just dumb or this show is nuts?

Meanwhile, in the beach of the island.

A luxurious tent was erected while the crew was busy arranging the screens, in contrast to the busy and noisy outside, the inside was carpeted with a maroon colored cotton. There's a king sized bed at the side and a table and chair where a man was sitting there languidly looking elegant and relaxed as he asked to his assistant, " Where's my dinner? "

The assistant was used to his operations and answered immediately, " It's on its way, sir. "

The man raised his eyebrows at him.

The assistant cough and repeated, " It is on it's way, Director. "

The man, Director Cloud, narrowed his eyes at him and nodded then turned to the screens arranged by the staff.

There are three big screens with 150 different contestants in the dark and desolate forest, some are stupidly standing and looking around while some already started to do the mission.

" Mm. " 

" There's too many stupid things this time. Didn't I tell them to send only smart ones? " He suddenly mumbled after watching for a while. The assistant pretended to not hear anything and get his dinner from the staff and place his dinner on his table.

His attention was turned towards his dinner, " Good, as expected of my crew. Good job. " He said and started eating sophisticatedly.

The staff and the assistant just smiled and thanked him, they were used to this man's mood and eccentricity. They didn't know if it's good or not though...

" After a week, let's start the elimination mission. " He suddenly said which the assistant nodded and turned to the staff to tell the others.

The assistant is sure that at least half of the contestants will be removed after the elimination mission. Well, it's like this in the entertainment business.

" Heh, I should let them suffer for a while for sending me stupid things. " He said as he leaned on his chair and leisurely watch the contestants on the screen while eating.

Kayl decided to make a simple place to stay, after all he didn't have anything on him.. 

Just a parashoot, which will do.

It's big and durable so he can use it plus there's also some ropes in it.

Decided, Kayl started to make his camp.

First, a tent or not, a roof can do.

He looked at the parashoot then tied it to the trees surrounding him to make a roof in case it rains.

He looked at this and make sure that it won't fall or be blown by the wind then nodded, alright

He should find some woods to make fire.

He walked around his camp and noticed that if it rains, the place under the parashoot might be wet too...

Now what? Ah!

I should level the ground around my camp so the water won't reach inside. Okay...

As he was busy, the camera filmed this faithfully.

The beauty was sweating and the darkness almost seemed like hugging him but his eyes sparkles brighter than the stars, he was like a fairy, the only light in the darkness which makes the viewers love him more.

He pulled his shirt up to wipe his sweat in his face, his abs and white thin waist showed from the screen, a massive sexiness was suddenly bombed towards the viewers.

[ Givehimtome: !!! My baby! Noo! ]

[ Nicaeraaa: I'm a mother... Ahh I want to be a wife!! ]

[ Iknoweverything: Lick it? Lick!!! ]

[ Hannahaha: Screenshot! Screenshot! ]

[ Jayden: The contrast of his lovable personality and sexiness is moe!! ]

After a while, Kayl without knowing the viewers going wild again, from finally finished his camp.

Looking at the parashoot, the leveled ground and then the fireplace which is also in another shallow pit, in case he got hungry and needs to cook.He also found some big leaves to cover the ground and he also found some soft looking leaves then decided that it was safe to be his beddings.

Satisfied, he sighed then nodded.

[ Ding Dong! Wow! So amazing! You have completed the first mission! Seeing that you have the capability to shine on your own, we will you the second mission! ]

[ Ding Dong! Second Mission! Find and Cook! As an idol, you have to be versatile and be ready at any time! ]


It's really food this time.

Kayl blinked stupidly and then looked around, he should check the surroundings if there's anything he can eat..

" Oho? I like this kid, whose company is he again? " Cloud blurted out after seeing a youth finish the mission after 2 hours. The youth looked good too even when he looked dirty, his shine can't be hidden ah! That trait is what an idol is! Shining even in the darkness of days! Beautiful!

" Director, he's from the Celest Entertainment... " After the assistant said this, Cloud's face crumbled and stare at the kid then humphed. Turned away and looked at the other contestants.

After a moment of silence.

" Should I poached him from Lukas? " He suddenly said, looking serious, the assistant sweat drop.

He turned back to look at Kayl's screen, " Why does it has to be Lukas huh? Why didn't you find before?! " He bursted and felt frustrated, somehow he felt like he will lose the bet this time.

" Uuuhh so frustrating! " He drank his wine and leaned on his chair.

" Fan me. " He said to his assistant with a glare like he was accusing him of adultery...

The assistant sighed and accepted his fate of being this big guy's assistant as he took a fan.

Meanwhile, all of the contestants finally finished the first and second mission.

[ Ding Dong! Wow! You guys are great! You already have the capability and versatility! But can you survive? Live here for a week and let's see if you can survive the arduous entertainment industry! Good luck! ]

A week passed, six contestants was eliminated during this and only 144 contestants was left. 

Kayl and others was dirty and has no clean clothes, few of them looked like a beggar on the street, gone is their beauty and handsomeness on the first day. While some still look decent even when wearing dirty and scratched clothes, one of them is Kayl, whose handsomeness is still glowing.

They all stayed in their own camp as they waited for the announcement of the third mission.

Kayl just finished munching on an apple when he heard the announcement.

[ Ding Dong! Third Mission! Ah, you managed to survive that's good. In the industry, talent, good looks, luck and endurance is needed to get resources. Find the flags scattered in the island, you only need three to passed this round But! Only half of the current contestants will be able to passed as we only have 216 flags! We will give you 48 hours to gather them. Well then! Good luck! ]

Kayl saw a timer in the floating camera, [ 47:59:00 ]

It started to count down. 

Kayl turned serious, he have to win this.

[ Givehimtome: Ah my baby Kayl looks so handsome when serious! ❤️ ]

[ Nicaeraaa: I support you hubby! ]

[ My sweet Kayl: Ahh baby I love you! ]

[ HungryHungry: Gambatte! ]

Kayl took his mini bag made of leaves to out the flags on then he set out. He didn't have many things to use anyway.