Chapter 1
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My name is… well, other people think it's Julianne. That's wrong, but I don't really care enough to correct them. I'm a half-human half-vampire, although how that works is a bit weird. Regardless, I do still need blood, but it doesn't have to be human blood. There are people who are understanding of vampires here, so I get a regular delivery of pig blood.

For the last while, I've been living alone; the advent of technology and especially the internet has made this easy. I don't really need to do much to hide my vampire aspects anymore, just hiding away indoors enjoying the internet has been great.

I recently ended up finding an old… tome? Grimoire? Book, in my home recently. I'm pretty sure this wasn't here before, but I suppose it's mine now. This book seems to contain something about magic.

Despite being a "supernatural", and knowing a number of our kind, magic is rather out of my wheelhouse. I don't know anybody that can use it, heck, I don't know if it's something that actually exists. Just because some things from human myths, like vampires, exist, doesn't mean everything does.

Trying to read the book itself has been quite a pain. The very beginning is in a somewhat antiquated, but understandable, English, but the rest is something else entirely. Despite having the assistance of the almighty internet, I couldn't figure out what language it is. After some time trying to decipher it, I decided to just do what the beginning part in English says.

It was instructions on how to cast a magic spell. The rather annoying part is that there doesn't seem to say anywhere what the spell actually does. Hopefully it helps me read the rest of the book. I grabbed a bag I put everything I need for the spell in and took out the candles putting them in a bunch of specific spots, as noted in the book.

Next, I took out the chalk and drew the required magic circle, keeping the book in hand to make sure I was doing everything correctly.

After I did all of that, it was mostly done. Last part was to just put my hand onto the middle and…

…I must've fallen unconscious.

I pushed myself up from the dirt ground.

This isn't my house. Where am I?

I looked around and found myself on a dirt path near a forest. It's also become night. That means…

It's my turn now. I've been called Angeline, which is wrong, but I don't really care to correct them. I'm the vampire half. We're not actually that different on the inside, pretty much the same personality and memories, but it just feels right to refer to ourselves as different people.

On the outside, her black hair becomes white, and her blue eyes becomes red. Otherwise, we look pretty much identical. That said, our abilities are rather different: she's a human, I'm a vampire, enough said. So with that, she's in charge during the day, I'm in charge during the night. Somehow that means we don't need any sleep. I don't quite get how that works, but it's fine for me.

That spell I cast was a teleportation spell, I guess? I noticed I still had the book in hand, so I opened it up. Despite my best efforts, I still can't read anything past the beginning, so I closed it up. I put my bag on during the ritual and it's still on me, as well as the clothes I'm wearing, so the spell knew to get me and whatever I'm wearing or holding, but also didn't take the floor with me somehow.

Well, whatever, I need to figure out where I am, other than "in the middle of nowhere". I took out my phone from my pocket and… no signal. Great. I took a deep breath and…


I smell blood. I don't really want to say this, but probably human blood. I looked towards where the smell was coming from, and started running down the path towards the source. It wasn't too long before I found a dead body, off of the path hiding in tall grass.

Now that I think of it, not really sure how do the human-side vampire-side split for the perspectives. I suppose I can make the vampire side red, but that feels like it can become difficult to read, and text colour change can be weird with having to handle both light and dark modes. Thinking right-aligned, what do people think? Doing nothing is also an option.