Chapter 1 – A Good Night Kiss
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A small white chalk went flying a millimeter beside me as it almost hit my hair, bewildered, I looked ahead of me as I found the source of my panic. 

"Don't you dare sleep in my class, Akiyama Rika-san!" exclaimed a tall, gorgeous long black haired woman in her mid twenties. She smiled gently, yet her murderous aura didn't escape through her smile. 

Fearful of her wrath, I quickly lowered my head as I apologized. 

"I'm sorry, Ayaka-sensei," I replied. A sigh could be heard from the teacher in front of me. 

"You just never learn, huh. Come to my office after school, and don't you try to escape again," ordered Ayaka-sensei, a strict math teacher that was favored by both boys and girls in the class. 

I took a peek at the surroundings and saw the students around me laughing at the event that just took place. Embarrassed, I pretended to take notes from the math formula on the board. 

3 hours passed. The bell chimed to notify the end of the school. Most students prepared for the school club while some went home. As I didn't have a club in particular, I prepared my stuff to go home. 

"Don't you need to meet Ayaka-sensei today, Rika?" said Yuzu, my classmate who sat beside my desk. She had long silver hair and was considered the honor student in this school. 

"Nah, I don't feel like it. Besides, if she really wants to meet me, she would come to my house by herself."

"That's true, you two are neighbors after all," Yuzu nodded as she waved her hand and said goodbye to me and walked out the classroom. 

On my way home, It started to rain, so I took out my umbrella. As I looked around, I couldn't help being seduced by the aroma of coffee. I decided to treat myself to some coffee before coming home. 

Finally, arriving in front of my house, I saw a woman wearing drenched clothes with a seductive aura. Her bra was slightly visible from the clothes being wet and transparent from the rain. 

"What took you so long?!" The girl in question, pouted as she hugged herself while shivering from the cold of the rain. 

"Don't tell me, you forgot your house key in school again, Ayaka-sensei!" I asked with a loud volume as I followed it with a sigh. 

This woman is hopeless, I secretly thought as I unlocked the door and let her in. 

The moment I closed the door, she was already naked, running around the hallway making her way to the bathroom. 

"I'll take a bath!"

"Gee, You're already an adult, act like one!" I screamed as I took out a towel and clothes for her. 

Since I lived alone ever since middle school, Ayaka-sensei often visited my house to take care of me, or so it should've been. What ended up happening was me taking care of her carelessness and misfortune. 

Ayaka-sensei had always been an irresponsible adult, she often skipped breakfast and her room was always messy. Oftentimes when I visited her house, I would clean her room filled with a ton of empty beer cans while cooking up for something. 

As I was cooking rice for dinner, Ayaka-sensei came out from the bath. She was walking around the living room, with a towel on her hair, naked. 

Looking at her skinny and smooth skin, I averted my gaze to hide my blushing. 

"Put on some clothes, will you?!" I screamed as I threw clothes toward her. 

"What's the harm? We're both women anyway," said Ayaka-sensei while wearing clothes. She then took a remote and turned on the television in the living room. 

A few moments later I took out the curry that I cooked and Ayaka-sensei immediately sat down to eat with me in the dining room. 

"Let's dig in!" We both said at the same time. 

After we had dinner, Ayaka-sensei lazily laid down on the couch while preparing to drink sake. I sighed dramatically. 

"What's wrong, Rika? Do you want some?" asked Ayaka-sensei jokingly in which I could only murmur, "What are you saying to an underage…" In which she replied, "This is what it means to be an adult!" proclaimed Ayaka-sensei proudly while drinking. 

"Does that mean you have kissed before?" As I questioned her, she spat out some sake. 

"Where did that come from?" She looked at me with concern yet tearing up. 

"I was just wondering if you could teach me that, you're a teacher after all," I playfully said, yet my heart was beating so fast after I said that. 

In her eyes, she probably thought of me as a problematic student that gave up at school. Somewhere deep down, I wished that she would treat me more than that. One day, I would want her to take me seriously. 

While I was waiting for her answer, she looked down, deep in thought. She stood and walked toward me. 

"Sure, let me kiss you a goodnight kiss," said Ayaka-sensei. Flustered, my cheek reddened. My thoughts were in disarray. My heart raced faster as her face got closer to me. I could smell the shampoo she just took, and I could feel her breath in a rhythm. 

I thought. "Is she serious?"

She stared directly at my eyes, she smiled, and I subconsciously closed my eyes, until finally… 

"There, are you happy? Now you know what a kiss feels like," said Ayaka-sensei as she smiled playfully. 

I could only smile bitterly and pout while touching my cheek, she laughed at my reaction. 

"I did say I would kiss you, I never said anything about kissing you on the lips." 

"Yeah yeah, sure, now go home before you get drunk," I said that while I pushed her away from my house. She waved good night and left. 

I closed the door and immediately fall down toward the floor. I saw myself in the mirror and found just how I couldn't stop smiling and how red my cheeks became. Even though it's only a kiss to the cheek, my heart still raced from that sensation. I swore to myself to treasure this feeling.

I locked the door and after wearing my pajamas. I jumped straight toward the bed to sleep soundly, and forgetting a minor detail, Ayaka-sensei left her house key and she was probably crying in front of her house right now.