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I woke up just like any other day and prepared my breakfast for the day, living alone has its adventages and disadvanteges, one such disadvantege is that when you find that something is broken you become lazy and wait for someone else to fix it, but they never come, such as my problem, one of the main power cables to my house keeps on releasing electrical lines and making those electricity noises, I thought that it can't be ignored anymore but when I called for the elecrician he said that he was bracing for the incoming storm, well how could I have predicted this...

I quickly went to work, being a young bright and successful law-firm agent sure does take you places, too bad they never told me these were places I never wanted to go to, these days I work 10 hours a day and take the job with me home, I rarely have time for myself...

By the time I got back home winds were picking up and I nearly fell because of how strong they are, I hope that the women in my job had someone to help them get out, otherwise they would be swept away by the strong winds.

Reaching home I quickly got my tools and barred the home, and 5 hours later I think I did a pretty good job, so I went inside and closed the door barred it and locked it just to be  on the safe side.

This storm didn't frighten me, I had already been threw a multitude of storms and this was no diffrent was what I thought at the time so to pass the time I got to my office at the second floor and closed the door, I also put on my noise canceling ear buds so that I will be able to focus.

Hours have probebly passed and I stayed there doing my job, probebly would have been smarter to evacuate while I still could but after some time I got hungry so I went down to the kitchen to get some canned food I prepared but what I saw shocked me, the water was almost a meter in hight and soacked with water, seeing this I decided to evacuate as there wasn't any other choice as the entire house itself could be destroyed by the water.

Wearing my water resistent shoes and fully clothed from bottom to top with only my face showing I took other items like a first aid kit and so on and went down the stairs, I could still see the doorway with the help of the stairway lights, 'it seems that they didnt cut off the electricity to this area yet' I thought, so I decided to open the lights in the kitchen to navigate better and walked towards the door, I went down and entered the wanted but what haponed next shocked me, quite lituraly, as I felt every muscle in my body move arbitrarily and a pain so bad that I couldn't even think, and then it stopped suddenly abd I closed my eyes.

I opend my eyes to see a woman holding me and handing me over to another woman and she looked at me, she had the most wierdest look, green hair and blue eyes, not a color that you see people dye their hair to on the day to day,but then it hit me, why was she holding me who is she and why is she so huge!.

It all happned so fast, and before I knew it I was choking on some fluid and quickly coughed it house with that woman hitting my back and tickling me and I felt so much discomfort when I took a breath that I cried, it was like I just took my first breath! 

'Hmm some things seem to start to add up, getting picked up by a gaint woman, coughing and crying right away, am I perhaps a baby?' 

That realisation hit me and I cried once more this time harder because I knew that I would never see my past life friends and family ever again' it all eventually came out of me untill I couldn't cry anymore and then I fell asleap.

Shen I woke up I was extremely hungry so I did the only thing that babies can do to let others of their discomforts and I cried and quickly a nurse came up to me and fed me from a bottle, it was hot and tasted like milk so I immidiatly knew that it was the proper baby food.

After 14 days of being in the baby room togather with all of the other babies I was discharged to my parants care after getting my vaccine shots, not that I ever saw my father in this life yet. The one who came to pick me up was my mother who took me to my new home, it was an apartment complex that looked nice and well furnished, but once again I had a problem, I needed my new mother to change my dipers, so I cried and she came right away 'Its as if I am summoning her to battle every time I cry hehe' a little smirk appeard on my face before she put me down and finished replacing my dipers. 

It was wierd being a child and a baby at that a second time but after some considiration it looked like a nice place to grow at and maybe grow past what I had been in my past life, but something had been nudging me, I couldn't understand anything that anyone said so far, it seems that they are speaking in a foreign language 'Well I have the time to learn a new language so there's no problem'.

But then something I could have never predicted happned, a man who I can only presume as my new life's father a man with black hair and green eyes came rushing into the house wearing a white lab coat and screamed something at my new mother, almost as if he was pleading, my new mother still weak from giving birth took a white lab coat from the closet and took me with her, we reached into a car and my presumed father drove as fast as he could and we reached our destination very fast, it was a lab like building that we quickly entered, we rushed into a room that looked like it came strait out of sience fication, filled a multitude of diffrent mechines that looked pretty intimidating on first sight.

Then my father stopped and pointed at a mechine, my new morher had tears in her eyes as she reluctently placed me there and fell to my new father's embrace, whilst I was just watching, not knowing what is going on.

The mechine started to work and I felt a liquid being injected into the back of my head and as one mechine finished I was passed to the next untill they finished doing whatever they did to me and then I felt powered, well not the normal kind, but I felt like I could compute things more easily now. But before I had too much time to think about what had happned I was put into a pod but before it closed my parants started talking to me saying many things that I did not understand but it was so emotional so I started to cry and then they abruptly stopped and my father and mother looked at each other for confirmation before placing a chip into the pod's hardware and closing it.

The rather large pod quickly filled with a strange see threw and somehow breathable liquid, then I felt a force pulling me down and the light was blocked as the pod went deep below the ground, but just as I started to contemplate on what was going on I heard an ear piercing explosion that must have destroyed the lab up above the ground.

I kept on falling or so I thought and tried to cry not knowing what happned above ground only to realise that the liquid washed away my tears. Before long I reached into a vast underground room, it looked interesting, almost like a secret bunker but the mermory of what had just happned will forever scar me 'Although I didn't know you for long I will forever remember your sacrifice...'

By this point I felt sleepy and my body responded by falling asleep instinctively and it felt like ages will go by before I will wake up again..

To be continued? Its your choice, this is an expieriment my part, if this doesnt do well I will stop this as I am writing another story.

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  • Pretty good but needs improvements Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Pretty bad but can be saved Votes: 1 3.2%
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Total voters: 31 · This poll was closed on Jan 25, 2022 02:08 AM.