Chapter 36 – imprinting – short
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“Is he awake?” A woman said, staring down at the sleeping boy.  Was sixteen, and close to becoming seventeen.


“No, but the drugs have given him enough of a headache that he is particle out of it,” A second woman said.


“Can I have some medicine?” Charlie asked the two native women standing over him. Their strange language was usually oddly relaxing, but the odd words and phrases only hurt his head more. Turning from her native tongue and back into English, the first woman (or as Charlie knew her as this first maid) spoke.


“We shall get you your medicine soon Mr Black-Quill,” placing a hand onto his head, he first woman smiled. The drugs were working.


“My Lord your head is freezing! Allow my apprentice to warm you while I get the medicine,” The first woman said before turning and walking just far enough back that she disappeared from his vision.


“No, medicine, please give,” He said, his eyes blurry as he struggled to stay awake.


“Your sixteen master! Be you shouldn’t be so scared,” the second woman said as she moved to the far side of his bed. Unhooking her maid outfit, she allowed her dress to drop to the floor. Looking to the first woman, she gestured to the door.


“Clear,” the first woman gave in response.


A puff of red smoke flickered in the room for only half a second before the second woman was nude. In his dazed state, Charlie assumed the large tail and tall wolf like ears of the woman was simply a figment of his imagination brought about by his blurry mind. Still, he didn’t believe it as the woman climbed onto his bed and crawled to his side.


“May I have that medicine please, I’m starting to hallucinate,” Charlie said with a slight chuckle.


“Sorry sir, I’m trying to find it but all the rubbish in your draws is making it hard to find,” the first woman said as she pretended to look through his drawers.


Lifting the covers, the second woman slipped into his bed. Now he defiantly knew he was hallucinating as all of a sub den the woman looked to be at least two foot taller than before. Something gentle brushed against his legs. Looking down he saw the tail of the woman pressed against him.


“he is looking right at me, are you sure that he thinks my tails aren’t real?” The second woman said, a little nervous at showing both her nudity and true form to someone not from the village for the first time.


“It’s fine, this is all part of making get used to our form,” the first woman said, pretending as if she was now looking through a second chest of drawers.


“Why? Doesn’t the Chiefess like scared prey? And seeing us in our true forms would probably be very scary to such a young thing,” the second woman complained as she pressed Charlie’s head against her breasts. The first woman leaned across and slapped the bed at and feet of the Second woman.

“What what you are doing, you have to be carful with him,” she said before returning to her task.


“And for what you asked, its because this is meant to subconsciously get him used to the form of our kind, why do it? I’m not sure, but I know better than to test the anger of the Chiefess. So best do as she says if you don’t want to be the next in line to sacrifice,” the first woman instructed.


Carefully to make sure she wasn’t scolded again by the First woman, the second woman gently pulled Charlie into her arms. She believed that the humans called this the spooning position, and that the position she was taking was the place of the big spoon.


“That good?’ She questioned as she began to allow the boy to relax into the warmth of her arms.


Considering how cold he was from the drug, she wasn’t surprised that he gave no resistance as she dragged him deeper into her clasp. Noticing the flickering of his eyes as they fell shut, she understood why the Chiefess was so hell bent on having him.


“Okay, he is ready,” the second woman said, triggering the first into action. Swiftly moving to his side, she sat down and tilted his head until he was looking at her.


“Swing your tail around,” the first said and the second complied. Taking the tail of her apprentice, she placed it into the soft hold of Charlie. For a second his eyes flickered open. Looking at the tail, he almost instinctively ran his hands over the soft fur.


“Like that?” The first woman said, her eyes turning a deep, relaxing purple. Charlie’s eyes relaxed as he felt all pain seem to leave his body. The shivers and aching head included. Was this the medicine? Or was it the tail? Charlie thought as he rubbed his face into the fur of the tail.


“Good boy, sleep and relax, enjoy the hold of our magic, and remember that our kind are the ones to keep you safe,” she whispered the well rehearsed script give to her by the Chiefess and head Vulture Nolkonoe into his ear. As their hands ran through his hair, they began to massage away what remained of the head ache.



“What’s does this do?” The second woman asked as she began to rub her hands on his lower back.


“Over time it will start to make him think that back rubs and head rubs make him feel better,” the first whispered.


“How long shall we do this for?” The second said, now edging to enjoy the feeling of such an adorable creature.


“One hour, once or twice every month. We shall make him feel commutable around our kind without him even knowing it, as well as make him become weak to head and back rubs,” the first said, seeing he was now fully slipping into a sleep.


“Night, Night,” she whispered one last time before moving from the  bed to allow the boy to sleep without disturbance.


Hours past and night be came day. Lifting his head from his pillow, Charlie looked around the room. Smiling, he couldn’t help but think that despite his illness, the night before was one of the best nights of sleep he had ever had.