17. Crawling Hostility
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Fighting for my life. That's the only thing I know at this point. It's not like it'll be the first time I've done it either. While my opponents here, aren't schoolgirls or petty fighters, there shouldn't be a difference for me. Even if I know how absurd it must seem, I don't care. In the end, as much as I hate to say it, I'm still a human who doesn't want to die. As I dash forward, my gaze lingers on the woman. Her expression, makes it seem like she understands why I feel this way, as if offering some twisted sense of compassion.

I hate that. Although I'm just a single second from punching her lights out, she still gleefully smiles. To her, it must be a game. Some sort of afternoon activity to pass the time or just a casual indulgence that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. To me, it's a fight to prove that I'm worthy of existing. And so far, this fight is not going in my favour.

My fist, which I think will hit, is about to miss. The woman predicts my attack better than I thought she would. Even if I was on the brink of losing it a second prior, it's still a feat that's commendable. Before I know it, I'm going to concede my first attack. I brace myself for what is to come after.

Only to realize that there's no need.


Something changes at that instant. A series of affairs that cannot be explained by mere martial arts happens. Leaving behind a ephemeral image, my fist, which was thrust through empty air, alters its path of motion. Instead, it now rewrites itself to her neck. To my original point of attack, and following my original intention, it's a sight that's a miracle.

A miracle that I should otherwise be unable to achieve occurs.

It's impossible. I saw it. I was supposed to hit the air, and she was supposed to dodge out of the way. That was the effect that was decided upon by our mutual decisions, the fate that we were preordained to, once we decided our moves in combat. And yet, it was precisely that which didn't happen.

As surprised as I am, I see that I'm not the only one in this sentiment. Even my opponent has a expression of shock, albeit one that altered by amusement, it's still one that did not expect what just happened. Her body flies like a ragdoll. Straight down a meter or so of stairs, a series of satisfying thuds echo through the stairwell. Eventually, she stops rolling, and she recomposes herself on hard concrete. It's weird, but she seems even more excited then before. As if what I had done was some miracle of God rather than an instrument of destruction in her potential demise.

"Did you just rewrite causality?" The woman yells as she steadies herself.

At first, I don't even try to understand what she's trying to say. Then, I realize she's talking about my ability.

Causality, huh? If I recall correctly, it's basically 'cause and effect.' But, if I understand what she's saying, then did my attack just alter the cause and effect?

Wait. I understand now—my video game skills. If I remember correctly, Sucker Strike is guaranteed to hit as the first move in combat. While largely ineffective on its own, when combined with a sheer amount of raw force and initiative, it's borderline overpowered. In other words, its a skill that rewrites the fundamental laws of causality to make something that should not happen transpire. A skill that completely rewrites the effect of my first attack, to be in my favor. I now understand its true potential.

There are no other words for it besides 'broken'.

A sense of promised victory holds my breath and heart. If I can achieve the miracle that is rewriting fate, then can I win this battle?

My other equipped skill then flashes in my mind. That's right. I should have Armored Initiative on right now as a result of yesterday. But if that's really my latter ability, then should that mean I have a shield around me right now?

I stop my eyes for a split second, focusing it dead centre on my fists. Sure enough, there's a thin layer of blue that covers the outside of my body. Like a visible sheen of sweat, I instinctively understand it to be my shield.

If I remember correctly, it should be 20% of my max health, which would mean... 2.6 HP, that's the durability of it. More than half of the average person's vitality of four, I trust in its protection.

"My my, someone's hasty to get into a rumble."

Her body comes to a sudden stop as she stares at me straight in the eye.

"Am I supposed to introduce myself to someone who's whose trying to kill me?"

The woman's face quickly changes into that of light confusion before going back to its usual smug state.

"Perhaps. I'm not too familiar with the customs of this land, but a little bit of preemptive exposition does seem to be the standard, yes."

I don't quite know how to react to that. All I know is that her words penetrate my consciousness in a way that disturbs me. That and her posture, too, all loose and confident. It's hard to know what to do. Actually, now that I think about it, I shouldn't be so cocky. Rewriting fate to make your attack hit is cool and all, but what difference does it make if the attack itself is worthless?

In the first place, I used a punch in full force against her, and yet.

There's only so much as a bruise on her cheek.

"Fine, if you want to parlay so much, why don't you introduce yourself first?"

If she's so interested in talking with me, then fine. But, it's not as if I'm going to waste my time just standing still. As, I try to engage her in this conversation, I cast identify.


STR: 17 DEF: 20 VIT: 85/90
DEX: 15 RES: 34 CHA: 8

I don't believe it. At that moment, I feel neither fear nor regret. All there is a sense of nothingness. A complete feeling of disconnect from what I see, feel or smell. Compared against my own stats, this is simply just on another level entirely. I don't care what the standards for a magician or serial killer is, but this person is an genius per excellence. Someone who I just barely dented with a single blow.

"Aedi, magician, priestess and bounty hunter supreme." She replies.

Accompanied by a sardonic bow, I see her eyes peer straight at my box. Underneath her hair, I also see her flash a grin. "Though, I can see you already know that."

The feeling of an enemy acknowledging my power is odd. The man before didn't comment on it, and for some reason, I naturally assumed that anyone who came after wouldn't either. This alone sends the ingrained radar that is my brain haywire. If this enemy is already familiar with the way I fight, and everything about me, what chance is there to win?

I want to laugh. I don't know why but all of this is ridiculous to me. But rather then do just that, I manage to speak out a reply instead.

"Camille, fighter, gamer and the one who's going to kick your ass. Though just Camille is fine too."

The magician stares in wide-eyed amazement before laughing out loud at my reply. As if saying that she respects my resilience and attitude, the gaze in her eyes changes ever so subtly. Arguably less impressive than all the occupations she listed, I still can't help but copy her introduction. I don't think I should joke in a life or death situation such as this one, but I can't help it. Maybe because I've had some time to calm myself, or maybe because I'm on the brink of just losing it, I even manage to smile.

If I give up before trying to overcome this adversity before me, I don't think I can live with myself. So, no matter how improbable of a chance I have, my body steadies itself into a stance fit for combat.

"What are you guys doing?

The tension unfolds itself at a single yell of words. Coming from above us, I see that it's from the person with a grasshopper mask. The same person who was at my door a while earlier, and who I know realizes sounds like a somewhat high pitched boy. Maybe of around fifteen or so, judging by voice though perhaps younger. There's something about it, that makes me understand that there's something wrong with this situation.

That, as odd as it seems, that he might just not be an enemy.

"We were just having a little warm up between the both of us, weren't we?" Aedi replies, her mischievous face turning to me, then the boy upstairs. As a response, the boy who now shook with some degree of assumed anger, strutted down the stairs. Rather then leap, or pull of some insane feat, he instead just walks before stopping half way.

Out of all the possible things he could've done like do a backflip, he instead chose to walk. And with his hand on the railing no less, like some old dishevelled grandpa.

Ah, this is all a lot to take in. Try as I might to push it out of my head, there's no use. It's just, weird really. How could someone not laugh?


All of this is just too much fun.


I don't think my sanity can remain intact any longer. At first I was running away, and then I got into a fight where I thought I was gonna die, and now from what the universe seems to be telling me, I'm not going to die either. Is this really what just happened? Did me, Camille, someone who has until now, accomplished nothing in her meaningless existence, really been subject to such a wonderous state of affairs? Although I ask myself that, in truth, I already know the answer. From this point onwards, my life as an ordinary human being had finished.