Chapter 2.5 : Stop Treating You Like a Tool? (Fuyuko)
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I did throw in my usual “requests” as I'd like to call it today on him as I wanted to. But still, how dare he try to reject them?! God, this irritates me! 

Well, whatever. I'll just continue doing this until he finally bends over his own will.

“Hey, Ryou-kun, can you—” as always, I gave him the sweetest voice I could muster, but…


The way he rejected the idea was so cold, even colder than I could do currently. He gave me a talking to after that, but don't you dare think I'd walk away like that!

Treat him like a tool? Seriously? Is that what he thinks of how I treat him? A tool even is still pretty high, you know? To me, you're nothing more than air that exists to serve me. I'll make sure you realize that someday… that you are no worth of standing beside me.