Arc 4: Chapter 10: Along with a God
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Merlin had seen the ancient titan Godzilla emerging from the deep sea from a video.

He had also seen the giant bird Rodan that had sealed itself in the volcano in Isla de Mona.

The size of those two ancient titans was much larger than the King Kong in front of him.

But firstly, Merlin had not seen for himself the scene of Godzilla emerging from the ocean and roaring at the sky.

Secondly, the self-sealed Rodan was like a stone cocoon, it had no movements, and it didn't exactly look majestic with it covering its body with its wings.

So Merlin had not thought too much on the ancient titans that Monarch was researching on, he just thought that they were simply enlarged beasts that seemed powerful but lacked realism.

This unrealistic feeling had perished the moment he saw the chain-wielding, spear-holding King Kong walk out of the mountains.

The giant gorilla in front of him was merely a juvenile titan.

But its majesty of one-hit KOing the Skullcrawler, along with its movements as it strolled across the mountains, had projected the true meaning of 'titans' into Merlin's mind.

"A true titan..."

Merlin holds the one-handed blade and wand, he looks at King Kong who raises its arm, and like a towering giant, it waves the dragged chains and propellor; after swinging a few times, Kong lets out a mighty roar and throws the shop propellor in front of a fleeing Skullcrawler.

The propellor smashes into the ground, and as Kong dragged its arm, the heavy propellor plows a gully and cuts off the fleeing path of the ferociously ugly Skullcrawler.

Kong raises his hand and beats on its chest, turning to roar at the giant lizard behind it.

Like it was taunting it.

The Skullcrawler knew that it had nowhere to escape to, if it runs, then Kong's next 'meteor' attack would be aimed at its head.

The underground beast could only fight back in desperation.

It supports its body with both limbs and crazily slams on the ground with its tail, a few breaths later, it roars and charges towards King Kong like a mad man.

It used the force of its tail and limbs to pounce into the air and chomp towards King Kong's neck, but the giant gorilla grabs its mouth, throws it over its shoulder, and heavily slams it onto the ground.

The attack stunned the giant lizard, it struggled to get back up, but King Kong lifts its foot and stomps on its body.

The gorilla raises the spear that was as big as a tree and made with a sharp rock, aims it at the Skullcrawler's head, then like a legendary god warrior, stabs it downward ruthlessly.


With Kong's immense strength, the Skullcrawler's ugly head was pierced and ripped apart by the sharp stone slab.

In a short few minutes, two Skullcralwers have already died by Kong's hands, but the hunt is yet to finish.

As Merlin watched, Kong let out a very human-like smirk, it steps on the Skullcrawler's corpse and takes out his spear, then observes the swamp from left to right.

Soon, it finds its next target.

King Kong didn't pay attention to Merlin, it drags the chains, and following a mighty roar, it throws the heavy propellor; the thing was like a feather in Kong's hands, as it flew far enough to smash and chop off the claw of the furthest Skullcrawler that attempted to burrow back underground.

King Kong raises his spear, and like a javelin thrower, it throws the spear made of wood and stone.

Merlin could hear a sonic boom as it left Kong's hand.


The ending of the Skullcrawler that had lost its claw...

Not much needs to be said.

But without its two weapons, Kong becomes barehanded once more, and this made the two remaining Skullcrawlers see hope; they rapidly began to rush at Kong from left and right like two battle tanks.

These underground demons had a strong will of a predator, they knew that either they defeat Kong right here, right now! Or be torn apart by the giant gorilla one after the other.

Everything fears death as long as they're living creatures.

Under this fear, the underground predators make their last ferocious retaliation.

Yet the combined retaliation of the two Skullcrawlers was unsuccessful, one of them had been struck down by Kong as it approached it.

As for the other, Merlin had intercepted it during its charge.


As the darkness threshed, the charging Skullcrawler crashed into the Impedimenta Merlin had set beforehand, it crashing at the wall so quickly caused it to become dizzy.

And before it could recover, Merlin appears from the black fog and like a soaring arrow, stabs the Kree blade accurately into the lizard's eye that was protected by its bone plate.

The excruciating pain of having its most fragile weakness penetrated caused the Skullcrawler to enter a state of mad frenzy.

It was like a beast that's gone mad, roaring while smashing its whip-like tail and sharp teeth-filled mouth. Merlin stands on the edge of the swamp and looks indifferently at the struggling Skullcrawler, he extends his left hand, which transforms into black fog and seeps into the lizard's internal organs through its mouth and nostrils.

This was a new trick...

It was the second combined usage of his aerosolizing ability and dark mana. This was also something he had thought of when he fought alongside Carol.

He conjures up the black fog transformed from his left arm in the giant lizard's internal organs.

And like causing a mana explosion, Merlin injects as much dark mana into the giant lizard's body as he could like a compressed bomb made of dark mana; in Merlin's control, the dark mana is quickly compressed to its limit.

A few seconds later, following the snap of Merlin's fingers, the abrupt explosion of dark mana erupts from the belly of the howling Skullcrawler.

The burning energy flame burns across the lizard's internal organs destructively, decimating all the flesh in its path.

It was like an invisible blade had penetrated the heart of the devil-like Skullcrawler.

It whines and struggles a few steps forward before collapsing onto the swamp like a collapsing mountain, its ugly yet distorted body was twitching, and as it opened its mouth, threads of black fog escape its body.

It was not dead yet, but with its internal organs torn apart by the mana explosion, it was practically close to death.

Merlin walks forward, the black fog escaping the Skullcrawler's body quickly transforming into Merlin's left arm.

Merlin moves his finger and takes out the sharp Kree blade from his spatial pocket, he looks at the fallen giant lizard on the ground, raises the blade, and swipes it downwards.


Kong, who had finished off the last attacking Skullcrawler with brute force, raises the head of the giant lizard with one hand and beats on his chest with the other, roaring at the bright sunlight.

It looked very much like a legendary god.

No wonder the natives of this island respected Kong as if it's their god.

Merlin believes that if he was a normal person who had seen Kong, he could also treat this ancient titan as a god.

Kong had finished off its last enemy and finally places its attention on the outsider Merlin.

The terrifying 30 meters tall titan walks towards Merlin step by step, the overwhelming pressure made even an elite agent like Merlin take a step back.

But stepping backward in front of a creature like Kong was not embarrassing.

Merlin could feel Kong examining and contemplating him with its brown eyes, the glow in its eyes was not friendly, as it still remembers how those lunatic human soldiers had harmed him 22 years ago.

Merlin places the head of the Skullcrawler in his hands forward, takes a step back, and lightly bows at god-like Kong before him.

Like giving the head of this giant lizard as an offering to the king of this land.

Kong sets its sight on the head of the beheaded Skullcrawler, then looks at the two Skullcrawlers Merlin had finished off. Disdain appears in the eyes of this intelligent gorilla, it was extremely hateful towards the Skullcrawlers which had killed its parents.

It sniffles, seemingly contemplating, seemingly hesitating.

A few seconds later, it glances at Merlin again before turning around, he grabs the heavy chains and rusty propellor, places them onto its shoulder, and leaves just like that.

Like when it appeared, the victorious king soon disappears into the mountain entrance of its kingdom.

Kong's victorious roar echoed across the lands of Skull Island, there was a roar filled with happiness.

Perhaps, the lizard attack had ended for today.

This made Merlin relieved, to be honest, when he and Kong were having a stare-off, he was truly scared that the terrifying gorilla would just smack at him.

He was definitely no match for Kong with his current abilities...

A few minutes later, as Merlin finishes collecting the blood and tissue samples from the giant lizards, he realizes that a lot of unwelcomed guests had arrived in this quiet swamp area.

They were natives wearing yellow or blue body paint while holding spears.

They were surrounding Merlin from all sides.

They were peeping at Merlin from the bushes.

This unfriendly gesture instinctively made Merlin tighten his grasp on the Kree blade in his hand, but at the same time, a weak call resounds from behind him:

"No! Merlin, drop your weapon! They mean you no harm."


Merlin turns around and sees the weak Professor Serizawa waving at him. Professor Serizawa walks over to Merlin and looks at him with a gaze full of distrust.

Merlin knew the cover he tried to maintain had been exposed the moment he saw Professor Serizawa's gaze.

He keeps the Kree blade, looks at Professor Serizawa, and asks:

"When did you wake up?"

"I've seen what needs to be seen."

Professor Serizawa says so, then he continues softly:

"We'll talk about this later."

He walks forward and tidies himself, he makes an odd gesture, spreads both his hands upwards, and calls towards the swamp in an odd language.

Moments later, an elderly man wearing blue face paint and a blue robe walks out of the swamp under the escort of the native warriors.

Professor Serizawa converses with him in an odd language. The negative elderly was quiet, only responding once every few moments.

And Merlin also notices the native's gaze at him was full of indescribable awe.

A few minutes later, Professor Serizawa who had finished covering with the natives returns to Merlin's side, he says to Merlin:

"They say your courage and strength have won the acknowledgment their god Kong, you can, from here on out, freely roam Skull Island without restrictions."

"Also, they believe that you are a messenger from another god..."


Merlin looks at the natives with confusion and asks:

"I'm what?"

"Because in their perception, no one other than a god-like Kong could deal with the underground demons, yet you single-handedly finished one off...this proves that you have the same strength as Kong, yet you are human, which is not what gods should look like, thus you must be a god's messenger instead."

Professor Serizawa explains patiently:

"This is good, Merlin, this means that they'll also open up their tribe to you, there we can collect a lot of data on legends related to Kong."

"What are these natives doing here?"

Merlin looks off in the distance, the native warriors were trying to bring back the Skullcrawler's corpse using a specially-made boat while some other warriors carried Kong's giant spear.

The stone spear had become unusable due to the cracks on the spear caused when Kong smashed it at the wall.

"They're collecting trophies for their god."

Professor Serizawa says:

"They're collecting Kong's can't assume that Kong had made these weapons itself, right? The war spear made out of wood and stone was created by the natives for their god."

"I see."

Merlin has a sudden realization, but Professor Serizawa's follow-up question gave him a headache.

"So, Merlin..."

Professor Serizawa looks at Merlin and asks seriously:

"Who exactly are you?"