Oneshot – The Guy Who Slept Through Time
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Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! 

As I woke up, I turned off the deafening table clock. Eyes still crusty and all. While regaining consciousness, I slowly moved to the bedside, slouching myself. By the time I fully recovered, blood had rushed to my brain, instantly jolting my neurons. 

Whoa, that was loud, is it just me or was it louder than usual? I thought oddly.

Out of nowhere, I was flabbergasted. But then it hit me, that was my 45 minutes ‘till class starts alarm! My legs tensed up, I rushed straight to the bathroom. I washed my face quickly, and ended with some mouthwash gargling. I then pulled out a random button-down shirt from my clean pile, and wore it over my stanky shirt that smelled from last night’s quick bar run. I then wore with whichever trousers was closest to me and completed my outfit with my dope 3 year-old slip-on sneakers. After getting my sling bag that was hanging next to the shoes, I dashed through my apartment’s front door. And just like that, my day started with a swift swoosh.

Usually, other people would be like “Oh 45 minutes? I still got time.” But not me, no sir. The bus from here to my campus takes at least 30 minutes, and that's not counting the waiting time at the bus stop. Luckily when I got there, the bus was the one waiting. I went through the door at full tilt, tapped my student ID which doubled as my bus pass and sat right next to the empty priority seats. What luck am I right? The bus was already there and empty priority seats with no elderly or pregnant women in sight. Plus, both my wallet and my ID card were in these trousers!

I took the time to slow myself down and take a breather, processing the sheer luck that happened just now. But after reaching into my pockets, my luck ran out, cause it looks like I forgot my keys.

No biggie, Irene’s next door, and I didn’t see her on the bus earlier, I’ll just text her to keep it for a while. I thought to myself.

But then I realised, my pockets were empty. I couldn't feel my apartment keys nor my phone. 

Yeah whatever, imma just borrow Daniel’s phone or something later. Assuming that he'd be coming to class.

Not long after processing my mishaps, the bus arrived at my stop. I tapped out, stepping myself into campus grounds.

Fuck, its gonna be one of those days isn’t it…


After walking for about 3 minutes, I arrived at the lecture hall's front door. I then took a deep breath and went in. Lo and behold, no one was there except for the janitor and 3 other randos that I’ve never talked to before. 

Was I late? Of course not, there’s no way I woke up to a late alarm, unless…

I then glanced at the large digital clock that was hung right next to the door.

“What the fuck.” I audibly thought, I was actually 45 minutes early. The clock also showed today’s date. Upon realisation, I felt something odd about today. I might’ve had plans for tonight with my friends or something, another bar run perhaps? Either way I wouldn't remember now without my phone’s agenda.

I went to my favourite seat, plopped my bag on the table, rested my chin on it, and then sighed for the first time today. Rather than giving a damn about the early wake up call, I chose to close my eyes and hoped that Daniel would wake me up before class starts. I mean, if  we did have prior plans for the rest of the day, he should be coming to class right? Or maybe, because of those plans, both Daniel and Irene won't even bother with waking up? Either way, I couldn't be bothered to give a shit.

As I started to doze off, I saw a faint feminine figure that I couldn’t recognize. But once again, I couldn’t be bothered to give a flying fuck about it. All I wanted was to take a quick little nap.





“Wake up sleepyhead.” A woman’s voice said.

“5 more minutes pwease.”

“What do you mean 5 minutes, it's already been 10 minutes since the last alarm”


Wait what? What alarm I thought as I abruptly open my eyes.

I proceeded to wake myself up while cracking my back.

“Wasn’t I in class before?” I mumbled.

“Huh? Class? You were at home all night hon’.” The woman said as I turned my eyes towards her.

I took half a minute or so to take in my surroundings. I pretended to rub my eyes to make it look like I wasn’t fully awake yet. I was in an odd-looking bedroom that’s definitely not mine. The colours all had this muted shine to it, with questionable decor that contrasts to my plain white bare-bones apartment. Meanwhile right in front of me was a pregnant lady who looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She had shoulder-length light-colored hair and tanned skin. Her facial structure had somewhat subdued Asian features, mixed perhaps? But definitely gorgeous. I also can tell that under that baby bump of hers, she's smoking hot. After snapping out of my brief trance, I came to the realisation that this is definitely not my house and this girl is definitely not my girlfriend! Not that I had one in the first place anyway.

“Nevermind, I just had the craziest dream ever.” I finally replied.

“Did you fall from the sky again?” she asked.

“Uhhh haha, Nope”

“Well whatever it was, you better get going, the bus leaves in like, five minutes.”

“For?” I nonchalantly asked.

“Work ya dum-dum, what else, stop messin’ around now. All your stuff is on the table, your lunchbox too. No breakfast, cause you woke up late.” she said in a somewhat cutely manner.

I ran immediately to the bathroom, which was coincidentally just across the room. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. This guy is definitely me. Though I looked older by about 3-5 years or so, evident by the faint traces of crow’s feet, slightly greying shorter hair and a slight stubble. As I observed myself in the mirror, I slapped myself real hard, bit my arm, and pinched myself in the nuts. It all hurt, the nut-pinching especially. It's clear to me now, I was somehow transported into the body of my future self, I think. 

But I definitely can’t talk to that girl about it, she’ll think I’m loco.

So I decided to keep up the act, at least until I get to know the Whats, Whys, Wheres and also How I got here. Will there even be a way to get back to my original time?

I cleaned myself up, put on the clothes that were on a hanger behind the door, took the stuff on the table and then proceeded to the front door. After I put on what seemed to be my boring-ass shoes near the doorway, I was ready to go.

“You forgot something.” she said as she came up to me.

I turned my face to her, she was slightly leaning with her eyes closed. I’m guessing that she wanted a kiss. Which led me to pecking her on the cheek.

“Hey…” she said as she pouted adorably.

“What?” I asked like the idiot I am

She then pulled my tie and gave me a deep kiss, complete with tongue action.

“You’re being weird today.” she said while squinting her eyes at me.

“Whatever. Anyway, don’t forget about tonight.”

I gave her a nod, without knowing what she meant.

“ Good luck at work! Wuv you!” I heard her say as I stepped out the door.

“ Wuv you too.”


While walking to the bus stop that was 5 meters to the left from my door, I looked at my nametag. It looks like future me works at a bank. Not my first choice, but at least it's within my majoring field. When I arrived at the bus stop, I took a quick look at the route map, and it turns out that my destination’s just 3 stops away, sweet.

I stepped onto the bus, tapped the card behind my nametag and then sat near the window. I then took a glance at my fancy-looking watch, it was 7.40. If I consider the average starting hours for bank employees as 8, I’d still have 20 minutes and probably around 10 to 5 minutes left after my stop.

“Wow.” I whispered under my breath. 

Nothing really changed huh. I thought, as I looked through the window.

To be fair, it's only been 7 years since I slept and even 10 years before that, the world also didn’t look that much different. The only noticeable differences outside right now are probably the cleaner air, more electric cars on the road, and people using oddly shaped phones.

Wait, PHONE?

Dude, I’m a working adult, I would totally have a phone! I thought to myself as I frantically checked my pockets and my backpack. Only to find my wallet, a pencil case, a small notebook, and a slightly futuristic-looking laptop.

Holy shit, it really is gonna be one of those days!


As I tapped out of the bus, I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey man, didn’t see you on the bus before.”

It was Daniel, looking older and all dripped out in a similar office fit to mine.

“Yoooo, you’re up early today.” he continued

“Am I?” I replied

“Well, earlier than usual.”

Am I really that tardy?

“Y’know last night I had found this really good pizza-” he said as he was interrupted by a notification from what looks to be a futuristic smart watch.

“Oh shit, I got an early briefing today.”

“Well uhh, go on then” I replied, while he picked up his pace.

“Yo, don’t forget about tonight brah.” he said while looking back from 3 meters in front of me.

What’s the deal with today? I really thought it was gonna be just another Tuesday.


As I stepped out the elevator and onto the department floor that was conveniently written on my nametag, I couldn’t help but realise how nice the interior is. Very cozy and comfy for an office. I tapped my card and did the fingerprint thingy by the door, then proceeded to casually walk while searching for my cubicle. After passing by and greeting some of my co-workers, that I don’t even remember, I finally found my cubicle which was actually not as far as I thought it would be. 

As I sat down and set my workspace, I couldn’t help but notice this framed photo of me and the girl from this morning. We were at a picnic, just the two of us. In the picture, she was noticeably not pregnant and as expected, she’s as stunning as I thought she would be. I guess it’s safe to assume she’s my wife, since I’m wearing the same ring as hers in the photo. Right next to the photo was a table calendar and to no surprise, today’s date had a special marking on it.

“God, I fucking hope someone would tell me what is up with today…” I said under my breath.






I then looked around for the source of the noises.

“Yo dude, you got the stuff ready for tonight?” Said the girl while peeking her head out of the cubicle to my right.

I flinched, it turned out to be Irene. She looked out of character with her office lady look, but I could still see remnants of her slovenly self from her messy hairdo. What are the odds of me, Daniel, and Irene working at the same place.

“What stuff?” I asked.

“You know the-” she said, continuing with a drinking gesture.

“No” while I lightly shook my head in confusion.

“Huh? You didn’t get Daniel’s text last night?”

“Uhhh of course not, I was in a deep sleep.”

“Ohhh deep sleep huh, I getit I getit.” she said while winking at me.

“No seriously dude, I didn’t bring anything.”

“Whaa? Damn, yea whatevs, we were planning to get more later today anyways.” she said as she slid herself back to her cubicle with her chair.

“Fine by me.” I replied.

Huh, so tonight’s one of those nights. I’m surprised we’re still doing that shit at this age.

But then I remembered, I’m expecting a baby. This morning my wife was talking about tonight too, does that mean she's gonna join us? She doesn’t seem to be the type of person who’d put herself in danger just for a little fun. I then came to a conclusion that she probably would just be watching over me while drinking juice, or something like that. Either way, I guess that’s nice of her.

With the mystery of tonight somewhat solved, I proceeded to turn my attention to the report future me was working on in the laptop.

“No use just staring at the screen I guess, I’ll just do what I can.”



Time passed by me quite quickly, this obviously wasn’t the first time I actually worked on one of these. I guess last year’s internship did pay off. Thanks to the laptop’s calendar and notes I miraculously opened, I managed to find out some important info, important to future me at least. Today, it seems like future me and my wife were planning to check up at the doctors for the baby. Not just any other check up, this was going to be the last check up before her expected delivery, which was 2 days from now. Daniel and Irene both seemed to not know about this, future me was probably too caught up to tell them I guess.

It was already 5.30pm. So I packed up, ready to get back home. I took the elevator down, and pressed the lobby button. As I stood there, I wondered to myself, Why am I here? How in the world did I get here? Did future me get hit in the head and reverted back to the me from that specific point in time where I slept in class? Or maybe this is all just a dream, regardless of the 'tests' I did this morning? Not long after pondering these futile questions, the elevator doors opened. As I stepped out to the lobby, I spotted Irene and Daniel smoking outside.

“You guys were waiting for me?”

“Uhh yeah doofus, who else?” Daniel replied.

“Yeah man, what took so long? We were supposed to be out by 5.” Irene added.

“Ummm, too deep in thought?” I joked.

“Har har, good one.” Daniel snarkily replied. “Anyways, I know it’s super early but, why don’t we just go right now?” He added

“Alrighty then, finally, after a long hiatus, operation: daddy-to-be celebration starts now! I’ll go get the car, y’all stay here.” Irene said as she dashed out of the conversation.

In all honesty, I was kind of scared of telling them I had more important plans. Not to mention, I felt bad because they were super enthused about all this, this too was not some spontaneous plan either. Before I had the time to continue my musings, Irene pulled up in a car. 

“Your ride, sir.” Daniel said, while opening the back door pretending to be a butler.

“Y’know I-”

"Please remain silent until you have boarded the vehicle sir." He interrupted, while pulling me to the car. To my surprise, he sat beside me at the back. He then promptly closed the door. Looks like I was trapped.

Damn, what do I do now? 

I really had to tell them about my plans. But at the same time, a part of me wanted to skip all that and have a little fun with them.

Besides, I still got a few hours, maybe I’ll make it. If not, I could just reschedule the appointment for tomorrow right? It was from this moment on, the party animal within me took over.

“Change of plans guys, we’re going to the bar tonight. I figured we could cough up a bit more than usual, since we’re celebrating and all. Y’all okay with that?” Irene said while keeping her eyes on the road

“Alright, I’m down. How ‘bout daddy-o here?”

“Yeah fine, whatever.”

“Oh come on don’t be like that champ, put more spirit into it, it's a big day for us too y’know.”

“WOOOOOOOOO, LETSSFUCKINGGOOOO” I sarcastically cheered.


We arrived at the bar. It was filled with people who just got home from work, more so than college kids. Well, the place did look like a more sophisticated establishment. Or maybe it would seem that way just because I’m comparing it to the places I’ve been going to recently.

“Alright, I’ve talked it out with Daniel, and we’ve come to an agreement. Tonight, the bill’s on us.” Irene said with toothy grin. At this point, I definitely don’t wanna be a buzzkill.

Y’know what, fuck it, maybe I’ll wake up back in the real world.






“Shit shit shit”

I woke up to the sound of Irene's non-stop cursing. All I remembered before passing out were the crowd of people cheering me on while I half a bottle of Jack Ds.


Before I said anything, I took a look around to sober myself up. I was already back in Irene’s car, with Daniel half-sober sitting shotgun.

“What’s the rush guys? Did Daniel throw up on the bartender again?” I said while not yet sober.

“No, the doctors called. Cathy drove to the hospital ALONE.”

“Called who? I didn’t bring my phone y’know. And who’s Cathy?”

“Oh my fucking god, your wife jackass.”


“Dude, you could’ve told us you had an appointment today.”

“Well uhh, I was gonna reschedule it to tomorrow.”

“Too late now, she’s gone into labor.”

I really did not expect this, nor was I supposed to in the first place. That conversation definitely sobered me up.

“Hey, you got any water?” I nonchalantly asked

“They were out of bottled water, there’s Diet Coke behind my seat.”


As I finished the can of soda, we arrived at the hospital. We rushed inside while propping Daniel up, helping him walk. We wanted to leave him in the car with the AC on and all that, but he was the one who wanted to join us. Ultimately, Irene waited at the lobby with him, while I went straight to the delivery room. 

As I went inside, there she was, my wife from the future, laying on the delivery bed mid-labor, I really couldn’t do anything but hold her hand at that point.

“Hey babe, you made it.”

“Honey, I’m really really sorry-” I said while being crushed by the guilt.

“It’s okay babe, at least you’re here now” She replied while enduring the pain.


After waiting what seemed like forever, the doctor said that only one more push was left. I held her hand tightly, while she held mine like a vice grip. She then pushed with all her might. Just from looking at her face, you can feel her intensity. She really gave it her all.

With sweat dripping down her face, she laid her head back. Her hands started to relax, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. The baby was safely delivered. Not long after, the cries of a newborn filled the room. At that moment, I started crying as well. I couldn’t believe that I had just witnessed the miracle of birth the same night I made probably one of the stupidest decisions ever in my life.

“Congratulations sir, it’s a girl.” The doctor said as she handed over the baby to me.

“She’s beautiful.”

“She has your eyes.” Cathy said.

“Yeah but she has your nose.” I replied jokingly.

I took a moment to take it all in. Even though future me was supposed to be the one here, I was glad that at least I was able to fulfil his duty.

“Hey uhh, I really am sorry for being reckless and for forgetting my phone too. I really didn’t know what came over me today,” I said while stroking her hair.

“It’s okay, I knew something was off about you today the moment you almost forgot to kiss me this morning.” 

“You knew?”

“Yes, but it looks like it's time for us to say goodbye now.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“Bye honey, it’s time for you to wake up.”


"Thank you for being by my side."





“Wake up.”

“Hey, wake up.”

I woke up to a gentle shake, accompanied by a girl’s voice.

“Dude, wake up, class is about to start.”

I opened my eyes, while slowly rubbing the crusts out. As I composed myself, I tried to crack my back, fixing my posture. I then took a look around to see that the class had been filled, without Daniel or Irene in sight, so much for showing up. All of a sudden, I remembered my keys that were still left at the apartment. I had to make a call somehow. This prompted me to ask the girl to my left, the very same girl that woke me up from my eye-opening nap.

“Hey umm, I gotta make a quick call. Can I borrow your phone? I left mine at home.”

“Sure.” she answered.

While she was reaching for the phone inside her bag, I couldn’t help but notice her silky long hair and her slender build. But before I could fully take in her beauty, she handed the phone to me.

“Oh uhh yeah I think we’ve never talked before.”

“So it seems.”

“I at least would like the honour of knowing my saviour.” I snarkily replied.

“Quite the joker, aren’t you.” She said with a giggle

“I insist, what is thy fair maiden’s name?”

“Since you asked politely, name's Bond, Catherine Bond. But my friends call me Cathy.”




Hey everyone, THANK YOU so much for reading! This is obviously the first story I had the guts to publish here. I honestly forgot how the plot idea came to be in my head, but the title is an obvious nod to The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. I did make the cover myself, but the character illustration itself was made using, so credits to them.

I really do hope you all liked it. Be sure to checkmark the story, like it, follow me, and share it if you want more! And of course I accept any form of feedbacks, so don't forget to comment and review as well. Here's to more stories to come!!!