Chapter 7 : Please be Quiet!
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I… just revealed to her my probable biggest weakness…. Revealing something so personal like that… that was the biggest blunder yet!

But… I didn't regret one word that I said. I… as much as I loathe her and how she treats me… I… don't want anyone to go through the same thing as I did…. I don't want to witness anyone break down because of something like that…. 

Although… I highly doubt that she will be taking it to heart though. It's her we're talking about anyways.

“Oh, it's rare seeing you here.”

“Furushira-san…” I blankly stared at her, “Same here, I didn't expect to see you here.”

“Well, I usually spend some time here after-class.”

As always, her voice was kind and sweet. But this time, there was nothing else. It was just like that of a normal girl. She sat down across from me and started reading her own book. Well, if she can become like this, then that's better, even if it's only for a while. So instead of leaving the library since she's here, I guess I'll stay for a while.

That said, a few minutes had passed and both of us just spent our time reading. I don't know nor care what she's reading, but I'm studying as I usually do in my free time. I just hope she doesn't mention what I said yesterday. Oh… did I jinx it?

“That said…”

Oh no… here it comes!

“You're putting your all in studying huh? Although, that isn't gonna beat me.”

A~nd she's back to her usual self. See? What I said to her is useless, she doesn't even care about it.

“I never planned to beat someone I can't. Nor do I plan to take a higher spot.”

“Really?” she lowered her voice into a more serious tone, which is pretty unusual for her, so it gave me a chill down my spine.

“For once, there's something we are similar to.”

“Huh?! What do you mean?”

“Just as you said yesterday….”

Oh. She remembered it. Well, that's bad….

“I know the fact that not everyone likes me.”

Oh? Not the response I expected.

“Glad you know that yourself.”

“Not like I wanted to exist for everyone to like and respect me though.”

I hate to admit it, but….

“Even if as you know, I have a disgusting personality, I won't let the fact that people don't like that part of me hinder me. I am who I am. And I won't let the people around me change who I am for what they like.”

… I am kind of moved by her words…. I don't know what she'd think of me if she saw me right now, but it's a good thing that she said that as she read her book. After all, my eyes… are wide open, as if I just opened my eyes to something…. And I knew, even though I did that subconsciously… that I smiled and felt relief….

“What? Moved?” I saw her eyes the moment I lowered my own gaze, but she was staring at me. Her face was still into the book, but the angle was enough for her eyes to still spot me.


Crap, she saw me.

“Sh-Shut up….”

“Heh.” she smirked at me as she closed her book. “It's a little disgusting to know that you're moved by my words, but, oh well.”


As I thought, this girl and I can't really get along, even if for a while….

Then… she leaned towards me… and started poking me with her finger.

“Well? I can help you with anything if you want? Well, well?” she kept poking and teasing me as she see fit. But luckily, the current environment is on my side.

“Geez, please be quiet! We're at the library, the committee member is staring at us!”

“Hmm…” she turned her gaze to the side, and caught the Committee member in her field of vision. “Well, I'll let you be for now.”

And just like that, she stood up, but before she left, she turned to me and said.

“Also… not everyone hates you, you know…” her voice was that of a kind girl.


“But I will hate you on behalf of everyone.” she said pretty coldly.

This girl…. Just how much does she plan to mock me! Well, at least now I think my words yesterday won't be used against me for a while. I mean, she literally went all out using that against me today, so I can rest easy about it. After all… my past is something… even I can't open up to my closest friend, Leo to….