Chapter 2: Mutual Feelings Expressed (+18)
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A few moments later, there was a knock on the door before Lori came in and opened it, it was Javier and Leni holding his baggage. Lori told them they can leave the bags in the living room and they arranged them next to the couch so they don't get in the way.

"Oof, alright, that's it." Javier said as he straightened his back, before turning to Leni with a smile. "Thank you for your help, Leni." He said as he placed the bags on the floor.

"Don't mention it, I'm just glad you're gonna live with us from now on." Leni replied as she started to leave while Javier followed her until he stood in the doorway. She turned around with her arms behind her back and smiled at Javier. "If there's something you need from me, my apartment is right next door."

"Thank you Leni, maybe someday I'll pay you a visit." Javier said, nodding his head with genuine interest.

Leni blinked a few times as if she was surprised by his apology, but then she grew a smile before wrapping her arms around his neck. But she didn't stop from there, she inched closer to his face and gave him a peck on his cheek. This stunned the young man as she looked up at him with a blush on her face.

"I'm glad we could see each other again after a long time…" She muttered, clasping her hand on his cheek. Javier was slightly stiffened up just by feeling her touch, but that only lasted briefly before she stepped away from him, bringing back her usual cheerful self as she winked at him. "Have a swell night, Javier!" And she walked off.

Javier was flabbergasted while trying to process what just happened, it's like he just saw a side of Leni he never knew before. Nevertheless, he let this slide as he went back inside and proceeded to go to the living room.

"Nice place you got there." Javier said with a whistle, complimenting the expensive-looking furniture Lori had, such as a glass coffee table, the leather couch, including a plasma screen TV.

"Thanks, this is one of the perks of being the owner of a prestigious hotel." Lori answered while standing upright.

Javier quirked an eyebrow at the hint of smugness in her tone, and as he took a glance over her flawless body, he could assume there might be more reasons why she's having a luxurious lifestyle. But he shook it off. "Anyway, I think I should take a shower. I don't even remember the last time I took a bath." He said as he smelled his arm.

"Um, too much information." Lori's face scrunched up at his claim.

"Would you mind if I use your bathroom?" He asked.

"Oh, of course. It's in my bedroom, just go down the hall and there's a door to the left." Lori replied as she pointed at the hallway next to the kitchen.

"Thank you." But without warning, Javier pulled up his shirt and took it off.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lori shouted as her face instantly turned red, though at the same time she was astonished to witness the sleek muscles all over his chest, as a result of his prolonged wrestling training.

"What!" Javier said with sheer confusion as he was about to unbuckle his pants, but then something just clicked in his head. Looking down at his naked chest, he realized that was going to undress in front of Lori. He always did that when he used to live by himself that he completely forgot someone was standing next to him. At that moment, he felt like a moron and his face turned red like a tomato in shame. "OH CRAP! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!"

He dashed to the hall before he used the door to enter Lori's bedroom and closed it with a slam.

"Ugh… I can't believe I saw him topless! What was he thinking?" Lori groaned with her hands over her face as she slumped down on the couch. "Wait, why am I getting angry? It's not like he did it on purpose, didn't he? And he's looking ripped! Huh, come to think of it, he wasn't like that when we were younger."

Looking back on her days in highschool, it was so clear that Javier looked different at that time. He used to be skinny and kind of a wimp, so he was an easy target for the bullies or some classmates who found his physical appearance hilarious until Lori decided to help him, that was the day when they became best friends.

Javier sure changed a lot from that time. In fact, Lori can't deny that he looked rather handsome. She's seen muscled guys more than once before, but from her own perspective, they're not even compared to Javier. Not to mention his youthful face and his messy brown hair.

"Wait a minute, what am I thinking!" Lori got up from the couch while clutching her chest, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. Her face was still reddened to the point she was feeling warm. Taking some deep breaths, she strolled around the living room while talking to herself. "Okay, calm down Lori. It's just your hormones messing in your head! Yeah, I find him hot, but be aware that maybe he's not having the same feelings towards you!"

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks as she was now standing in front of the full-length mirror. As Lori looked at herself, she made a pose by sticking out her backside while placing her hand around her waist. It's not like she likes to brag on herself, but just to remind herself how good she's looking.

"Hmmm… I wonder what Javier thinks about me?" Lori scrubbed her chin in deep thought as she remembered Javier mindlessly ogled at her sisters a few moments ago. Of course, Lori didn't want that to happen, but the truth was she felt a little jealous Javier was paying much attention to her sisters, including her mother. Although he did pay attention to her when he looked over her chest back at the bar. But even so, she couldn't help but feel that it wasn't enough.

She wanted to find out if Javier was really into her.

"Hmm… I think I just have an idea." Lori muttered with a mischievous smirk.

"Haahhh… There's nothing better than taking a hot bath after a while." Javier said with a relaxed sigh after he stepped out of the shower. After drying himself with a towel, he used another to wrap around his waist before coming out of the bathroom. "I think I should apologize to Lori for almost getting naked in front of her…"

"Oh, you don't have to."

Javier perked up when someone called him, he turned to his side and gasped when he saw Lori sitting on her queen-sized bed while reading a book with a lamp on. However, she was now wearing a light blue robe, but the garment seemed a little small that Javier could catch a glimpse of her luscious thighs, especially the lower side of her voluminous buttocks.

"Had a nice bath?" Lori looked up from the book to give Javier a seductive smile.

"Huh? Oh! Y-Yeah! Yeah, I did." Javier almost stammered, trying to play it cool but failed. He couldn't hide away his glowing red face while he was keeping the towel from falling. "Um… What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I'm in my bedroom? You're in my apartment." Lori said with a look of perplexity, though she also giggled at his cluelessness.

"Oh, right!" Javier slapped himself in the head, feeling like a moron for making a stupid question. "W-Well, I'll just be on my way and get dressed. I'm going to sleep on the couch." Then he walked around the bed and headed towards the door.


He froze just before his hand touched the doorknob, Javier turned over his shoulder and saw Lori setting down the book before standing up from the bed and approaching him. At that moment, Javier saw her robe was kinda loosened that he could see from her midriff to her huge chest, even her breasts were slightly wobbling while walking. He tried to retreat from the beautiful blondie until his back was pinned against the door frame. Now he felt cornered like a mouse being pursued by a cat.

Lori's eyes trailed down to his waist as Javier was still gripping the towel with one hand tightly before it would fall down to the floor, but then she noticed something bulging through the fabric of the towel between his legs.

This was the kind of reaction she was expecting to see, but that wasn't good enough.

"How about you sleep in my bed?" She asked huskily as she stepped closer to Javier, invading his personal space.

"W-What?!" Javier almost shouted, completely dumbfounded at the scandalous suggestion Lori just made. "B-But, where are you gonna sleep then?"

"You don't get it, do you?" Lori giggled eerily as she gripped her hands on his shoulders, and before Javie realized it, she threw him to the bed before getting on top of him! As she kept him pinned down, Lori inched closer to his face so he could feel her warm breath. "I'm saying we should sleep together."

The words echoed in Javier's ears as his eyes went wide open. Feeling like the full control of his body was fading away while being under the bombshell blond's mercy, he was trying to convince himself this was some sort of waking dream, but on the other hand he was hoping that it wasn't. But while he couldn't just ignore the excitement seizing upon him, Javier was still beyond confused to comprehend why this was happening.

"What's gotten into you...?" He asked uneasily while trying his best not to look at her jaw-dropping breasts jiggling over his chest.

Lori blinked twice as if the question really caught off her guard, but that didn't stop her from giving him a lustful glare as she trailed her finger across his chest, making him shudder. "Oh Javier, don't tell me you no longer have a crush on me like you used to back in highschool." She asked while wearing a pout, pretending to be sad.

"What?" He gasped.

Lori sighed as she cupped her hand on his cheek, her face softened up as she decided to drop her act for just a moment. "Javier, I remember you used to be so nervous when you were around me, but you were also very nice to me that I knew you looked at me as something more than just a friend." She stated sincerely as the memories flooded through her mind. It didn't take long for me to realize that you had fallen in love with me. But what I couldn't understand is, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you started hanging out with Bobby..." Javier sighed as he looked away, while feeling embarrassed for being exposed, he decided to come clean after a long time. "I meant to tell you sooner, but I was a coward because I was worried you'd reject me. When I saw you and Bobby together, I was upset, but then I had to face the fact that you were happier with him. So I thought it was best to let you go and be happy with someone you fell in love with."

Lori's mouth was slightly agape after hearing his confession. This wasn't the kind she expected to hear, although she had the feeling that Javier tried to move on without her. She started feeling guilty, but not because she chose Bobby instead of him, rather because she didn't talk to him when she had the chance. If she could've told him their friendship didn't change, maybe Javier would never think about leaving.

Feeling now determined to make it up for her mistake, she decided to be straight to Javier with a question. "So tell me, even after all these years, do you still want me?"

Javier looked back at Lori in surprise as he knew he couldn't dismiss that claim, yet he felt unsure how to answer that question. However, he just came up with a risky idea. Without a warning, he circled his arms around her lower waist that drew out a surprised gasp from Lori, but she didn't resist. Now wearing a look of determination, he leaned up towards Lori's face, and before she would ask what he was doing, he pressed his lips gently against hers!

Her eyes shot wide open like saucers at the mind-blowing kiss that wasn't supposed to happen! She could even feel his tongue almost sliding into her mouth that was sending goosebumps all over her body. But she didn't fight back, as soon as her shock began to wear off, a lustful look etched over her features as she felt her heart racing with carnal desire. While she was deeply moved that Javier was being gentle with the kiss, she knew he was holding himself back.

Thinking it was time for some payback, Lori closed her eyes before pressing deep into his mouth with her own as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. This of course took Javier by surprise that he could barely process what was going on, but Lori took that advantage when his mouth was left wide open and continued to deepen the kiss with fervor!

Moaning blissfully into his mouth when she felt a burning sensation in her loins, Lori pushed his pink muscle with her own so she could lash her tongue around the inside of his mouth and taste every part of it with primal instinct. All the libido she didn't know that she built up for months, maybe even a few years, she's finally able to release it with someone who had feelings for her.

Sadly this wouldn't last long when she needed to catch a breath and was pretty sure that Javier also needed to. So Lori broke away from the kiss with a thin string of saliva draining from her lips as she and Javier let out a breath of air. As she looked down at Javier, he couldn't do more than staring her wide-eyed. At first Lori was worried if she went too far, but when she felt the bulge in his towel throbbing between her legs, she was pleased to know that he actually enjoyed it.

"Lori..." Javier finally uttered his words as he slid his hands down to her thighs. Even though he came to his senses, he was still feeling aroused after his mouth was practically plundered by her tongue. However, he seemed to be struggling internally when he still hesitated to keep going. "Lori, I'm not sure if we can do this… We just met again after ten years, you told me you broke up with Bobby, and I don't know if I… I mean, you..." Before he could finish the sentence, Lori placed her finger over his lips to quieten him.

"Javier, it's okay." Lori responded with a reassured, yet salacious smile. "You're right, we might be taking this a bit too far, maybe it's my fault since I was the one who started. But the truth is I thought I would never find someone else who I can love, yet until now, I forgot about a man who loved me from the very beginning. " Leaning down with her breast mushing into his chest, she cupped her hands around his face so he could look into her eyes full of burning desire. "I think this is a perfect moment to start what we missed for so long."

A small breath parted her lips before the beautiful blondie moved forward and then pecked on his lips. And after she looked seductively at him once more, Lori began peppering the crook of his neck with kisses, eliciting a gasp of approval from the young wrestler. The blond-haired vixen inched her tongue out and started slithering down to his pectorals until she reached to one of his nipples, twirling her tongue around the areola before starting to lick his small, hardened pebble.

"Aaahh! L-Lori!" Javier moaned, albeit a little embarrassed to have a woman licking his nipples.

"Mmmmm… You're enjoying this aren't you? Don't get too excited though, I was just getting started." Lori giggled as she lowered herself further down to his crotch level where she could stare at the bulge protruding from beneath the towel. "But first, let's get this thing off of you."

She then swiftly yanked off the towel and threw it back as Javier yelped when he was now full naked! After that, her mouth fell wide open as she laid her eyes on his ten-inch manhood, fully erected in all its glory with blood pumping through its veins. "Holy shit…" Lori muttered in shock, clenching her thighs together while feeling her nether lips getting thoroughly wet just by looking at this manly member. As far as she's concerned, there's no comparison between Javier and Bobby's size, but the girth was another thing.

"Um… Lori, is something wrong?" Javier said after noticing she's been staring at his member for a minute.

The blonde-haired beauty blinked at the question, but then a smirk plastered across her face. "Oh no, not at all." She then grasped gently around the length that drew a groan from Javier and began to lightly pump her hand up and down the man-meat as she felt it throbbing in her palm. "Oh wow, you're literally full of energy. Though I have to ask, have you had sex before?"

"N-No, I didn't." Javier shook his head embarrassingly, though he moaned in delight at the sensation of Lori's soft hand around his dick.

The answer was something Lori wanted to hear as she licked her lips with anticipation. "Then that means I'm gonna be the woman who's gonna take your virginity..." She said with a lecherous giggle before she untied her robe and slid it off her shoulders.

Javier shot up and his eyes almost bugged out of their sockets upon seeing Lori exposing her heavenly hooters before his eyes! His jaw hung open with indescribable awe as he came to the conclusion that they looked bigger than he'd thought. Her dusty, semi-erect pink nipples sitting on top of her wobbling melons were such a wondrous sight that made Javier's member pulsate furiously that it twitched.

"Like the view, darling?" Lori teased with a lecherous grin as she swayed her hefty breasts side to side as Javier followed the motion with his eyes like he was staring at the clock's pendulum. "I could allow you to touch my boobs right now, but I have something better."

She crawled slowly over him as Javier sucked in a breath heavily when her naked bubbling breasts touched his chest. Lori giggled with half-lidded eyes before she turned around, bent over, and then flashed her plump ass in front of his face!

"Oh mi Dios…" Javier gasped with his eyes roaming over her jiggling crescent moons, but they remained more fixated on her cute little pucker and her tiny pink slit that was practically moistened with juices flowing out from her womanhood. He ran his tongue over his lips before he brought his hands up and caressed her pudgy glutes gently, drawing an erotic moan from Lori. "Que gran culote tienes Lori…"

"Aaahh… Yeah, that's right. I knew you stared at my ass from behind, so I thought I could grant your wish." Her tone dripped with salacity as she bounced her butt to his face, only to moan as his strong hands squeezed around her supple flesh. But the feeling of his breath tickling her sensitive spot was too much for her that at some point she couldn't wait much longer. "Hey, don't just grope my ass… Come on, I want you to lick my pussy too!" She began pushing her crotch down onto his face to the point his lips brushed against her folds.

Javier was almost surprised to hear the hint of impatience from Lori, but then a splotch of her female juices glazed over his lips before he licked them out of instinct. Her taste was somewhat unique that he found delectable. A smirk split across his face at the sight of her wet snatch, and with a big craving, he spread Lori's buttcheeks before shoving his face in and clamped his mouth on her moistened slit before starting to lick up her cascading juices!

"Hhaaaaahh! Mmmm… Yes, that's right. Eat me out, Javiercito. Aaahh! Don't let my pussy juice go to waste!" Lori moaned as she sat on Javier's face to prevent him from escaping, the sensation of his pink muscle slobbering over her inner folds was sending jolt after jolt of pleasure up her spine. Words cannot describe how happy she was after having a lot of pent-up sexual frustration over the years.

Javier continued fervently sliding and dragging his tongue over her womanhood before he parted his lips away from her pussy for a moment so he could run his pink muscle over her exposed clit, playing with it for a little while as Lori mewled in approval. After that, he pressed his morsel back into her crotch before diving his tongue inside her cavern.

Lori arched her back and released another moan of ecstasy as she felt his slithery tongue wriggling around her inner walls. She cast a look back to see Javier with his face buried in her ass, her face then cracked into a faint depraved grin before she placed her hands on her plump buttocks and started bouncing up and down on his face.

"You naughty little fucker… Aaahh! If that's the way you wanna go, then go ahead! Nnghh! Work out with your tongue!" Lori cooed shamelessly as she wiggled her rear side to side, prompting him to probe every inch of her compact flesh tunnel so he could provide more sexual bliss to her, but that doesn't mean she would let Javier have all the fun for himself.

As she turned her gaze back towards his vein-popping cock, Lori licked her lips hungrily as she noticed his manhood was twitching in desperate need of attention. She reached down over his crotch with her right hand running gently around the shaft, her tongue inched out of her lips and pressed it into the bottom rim of the crown, before licking all the way up to the slit and got a taste of a dollop of pre-cum.

She heard Javier letting out a groan into her cunt the moment he felt the tip of her tongue running over his bulbous head, but then she continued licking his cockhead like a lollipop, making his mushroom tip spasm like crazy as more of his pre-cum came oozing out of his organ. Lori kept savoring the bittersweet taste of his seed to the point she was craving for more. Holding the lower side of his girthy rod with a steady grip and running her tongue over her lips with full desire, she reached forward and brought the full crown into her mouth.

"Mmmpphh! Aaahhh! Lori!" Javier reared his head back, having his mouth come off her cooch. He let out a gasp as he felt the sudden warmness of her mouth before realizing Lori started to suck him off while swirling her moist appendage all over the tip of his dick. Fighting through the moans she was forcing out of him, Javier buried his face back into the valley of her fat, juicy bottom and continued slobbering her sopping wet sex.

He continued thrusting his tongue in and out of her, plundering her inner cavern as he swung his arms under her legs and sunk his hands into her buttocks to hold them tight, fondling them like a pair of doughy mounds as he nuzzled between them.

Lori moaned around his man-meat as she took inch after inch of his cock the more she bobbed her head up and down. The loud sound of her mouth slurping was clear that she was driven by the sheer amount of lust for the desire of sucking more of his leaking cum. She used her right hand to fondle his balls gently, eliciting another moaning groan from Javier as she continued twerking her posterior on his head.

She pulled her head up and released the rod with an audible pop, leaving the full mass coated with spit, before turning back to her new lover as he let out a groan when he just noticed the sensation of her moistened mouth suddenly vanished, yet he didn't stop meshing his lips into her pussy.

"Aaah! Oh wow, you're still going at it?" Lori giggled between moans while Javier was still eating her out. "Mmmm! Well, I hope you're ready for the best part, sweetie."

With her mouth open, she sucked the rod back into her mouth once more, but then she pushed her head down further and started swallowing the entire length, while she removed her hands off the end base of the shaft and placed them on his lap. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she fought the urge to gag when his mighty steed was now sliding into her gullet.

Javier squirmed underneath her and his eyes shot wide open as he felt her throat muscles clamping down on his cock, the sudden rush of pleasure was too much to resist that he could feel his climax drawing nearer every passing second. His mind was racing on the overwhelming excitement he never experienced before, so he decided to retaliate by swirling his tongue inside her warm cavern and lapping up her womanly fluids voraciously.

Lori almost flinched and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, moaning profusely over her insides being ravaged that was driving her crazy! The blondette began to take his cock in and out of her mouth with an increased speed and vigor with every repeated bob, gagging and moaning while enjoying sucking more of his cum while she could. The more she was feeling Javier's little appendage scrapping her inner cavern, the more she realized her own orgasm was coming. Not to mention she was now aware Javier was reaching his limit at any moment, so she was eager to let him blow into her mouth.

This went on for a few good minutes until Javier felt his balls clench. Unable to take much longer, he bucked up his hips and thrust his dick all the way down her throat. And in the blink of an eye, his cock spasmed like crazy before a huge torrent of sperm was finally let loose inside her mouth!

"Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!" Lori's eyes snapped shut and screamed on his cock when she also reached her orgasm, squirting her juices in Javier's mouth. She pushed her head down until her maw was pressing into his pelvis before his almost endless rush of dick milk began to pour within her mouth that made her cheeks bulge out in an instant.

While Javier drank her sweet nectar from her snatch like a water fountain, Lori tried her best to gulp down as much of his non-stop spewing cum, but despite her effort, she couldn't take it all while his cock was pumping inside her throat as some of them spilled out of her lips and drizzled down his scrotum.

Just when his cock started to lose its hardness and his balls began to deflate, Lori pulled her head back with a loud slurp in order to suck all the cum she almost spilled it, until she let the bulbous tip come out of her lips with a loud pop!

As Lori drank the last batch of cum down her throat before running her tongue over her lips to lick the remaining cum, she looked back at his spit-coated manhood and to her surprise she saw it was still standing, albeit kinda flaccid after releasing the first batch of cum. Suddenly, she stifled a shuddering moan before turning over her shoulder and noticing Javier was still eating her snatch even after she just came.

Lori let out a scoff before raising her rear and rose up off him, Javier let out a gasp after she removed her cooch off his mouth with some sticky thin strands of fluids stretching between his mouth and her lower lips.

Javier looked a little dazed after his post-orgasm and drank almost a liter worth of female cum, but as he sat back up straight and Lori noticed he hardly seemed tired, rather he was giving a look to ask what's next. Her lips curled up, forming a cat-like smile before she placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed his back against the headboard gently. Since the curtains were open, the moonlight shone upon Lori's body that projected a marvelous sight of her glowing luscious figure that left Javier speechless.

She then propped herself on her knees on either side of his lower hips and straddled him with her backside resting on his lap. Javier gasped when Lori started grinding against his semi-hard manhood, rubbing it with her wet sex that fully coated the length with her juices.

Javier moaned profusely as he felt the adrenaline pumping through his dick once more that was starting to regain its hardness, no doubt her teasing was paying off. Placing his hands around her waist, he caressed gently across her skin along the motions of her hips. "L-Lori…" He panted as he looked up to face her.

"Mmhmmm! Oh Javier, I know you have some strength left in you…" She whimpered as she kept humping her hips back and forth. She then clasped her hands on the sides of his face and inched closer to him so Javier could see her the lustful glare she was giving him like a wild animal under the heat. "You've been dreaming about doing this with me for a long time, haven't you? Well, it's time your wish will come true…"

Slowly reaching down with her hand, Lori squatted a bit as she held the base of his cock and lined it up against her nether lips. She then lowered her hips until the cocktip plunged into the barrier of flesh. Lori let out a gasp as she took a moment to feel the phallus pushing into her warm entrance, and when she took a deep breath… She sunk herself down and impaled his cock deep into her sacred cunt!

Right at the moment, Javier let out a loud moan when his dick was inside of a woman for the very first time!

Her eyes shot wide open before she arched her back and screamed to the heavens with her tongue sticking out of her mouth. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Lori's body writhed around in a mind-blowing ecstasy.

When Javier was taken aback by her sudden outburst, he looked down and witnessed Lori's juices squirting out of her lower lips that spilled all over his pelvis. He turned back at the frozen young blondie as he realized she just reached another orgasm, it was just incredible to think Lori has been sexually frustrated for God knows how long. "Are… Are you okay?" He said with a tone of concern, though he couldn't help but savor the moment of his virginity finally being claimed by his long-time crush.

Lori leaned forward and faced him with her hands placed against his broad chest. "Oh my God… Haahh… I can't believe you're literally so big! Ooohh… Where have you been in my entire life?" She breathed heavily with a look of utter excitement on her face, almost drooling herself after her sudden climax as she felt her inner walls stretching by his incredible girth.

"Heh… You know, I could've asked you the same thing." Javier replied with a chuckle, as he brought his right hand to his cheek and caressed it gently.

A libidinous grin spread across the buxom blondie's face. She continued taking the lead by moving her hips back and forth along his pelvis, drawing some lewd squelching sounds of Javier's cock grating against the walls of her plugged twat, along the gasp and moans of pleasure from both lovers.

Lori took a moment to catch a breath to let her tunnels' walls adjust until they'd take the full shape of Javier's cock, it's been a long time she had sex after all. After a few minutes, she lifted her lower body up and unsheathed his sword as it churned its way out, until a fraction of his swollen head remained inside, and then she spiked herself once more! From there, she began to build up her rhythm with her plump buttocks clapping loudly against his lap as she bounced on his pipe up and down.

Javier craned his head back and groaned hoarsely as he felt Lori's compressed inner walls seizing his defenseless dick with a vice-like grip. He thought he would ever come prepared for this, but this was something that not even his wrestling training nor his time watching pornography could pay off, taking into account that this was his very first time to get a taste of a woman's pussy. At this point, he knew he could lose himself with his orgasm building up every time he watched Lori plunging his cock in and out of her sacred garden.

"What's wrong, Javier? Aaahh! Don't tell me you're feeling tired just now?" Lori spoke between her gasps with a teasing tone as she kept bouncing on his lap, though she was also feeling a little disappointed that seemingly there was no strength left in him.

What she didn't know however, was that Javier didn't tell the difference and assumed she was taunting him, though somehow gave him a zealous enthusiasm to retaliate. "Don't make fun of me…" He growled hoarsely as he slid his hands down her waist and reached behind, drawing a surprised gasp from the blond bimbo when he squeezed on her ass with a strong grip. After taking her by surprise, Javier placed the soles of his feet on the bed and pushed his hips upwards to meet her thrusts with his own.

"Ooohhh! Oh fuck! What's gotten into you! Aaahh! Yes!" Lori exclaimed with a hint of surprise at his newfound vigor, yet she couldn't hold back her ragged moans out of pleasure as she leaned back a bit and resumed riding on his thick rod, trying to match his pace to no avail as her glutes rippled upon impact with his pelvis. Since her hands were grabbing on his knees to balance herself, her teardrop-shaped breasts swayed around in circles while she hopped up and down.

That caught the attention of the young man as he looked up and watched her chest jiggling above his face. Hard to believe that he didn't even touch them from the beginning, and those melon-sized orbs are demanding attention, which Javier was more than happy to oblige. He reached up with his hands and grabbed a hold of her squishy breasts, groping and fondling them like a pair of buns.

A loud, drawn-out cry of pleasure flew through his beautiful crush with her body shuddering in delight. Her trembling hands were placed on top of his. "Aaahh! Yes! Grope on my tits! Hahaha! Squeeze them like you always wanted! Hhhaahh!" She screamed, almost laughing in pure ecstasy as she tried to apply pressure on his strong hands so he could keep fondling them. However, she knew that Javier wanted more, judging by the hungry look in his eyes, so she decided to lean further until her pair of jugs smothered over his face. "Come on, baby! Suck on my tits too! I know you want that!"

His eyes snapped open as her words echoed through his ears, and without any delay, he opened his mouth and claimed the nearby left nipple!

Lori reared her head back and restrained a scream as Javier sucked like a thirstful baby, running his tongue around the dusty aerola and using his teeth to nibble her spasming teat. He also used his hands to grope on the sides of her orbs, squeezing them each time he bobbed his head back and forth while pulling her puffy nipple with his mouth, making her squeal as she went practically cross-eyed.

Javier continued thrusting his pistoning cock in and out of her burning twat in tandem, as he kept sucking on the teat harder until he pulled it out of his mouth with a pop. Turning his attention to the neglected right nipple, he brought it inside his mouth to give her the same treatment and pinched the other pebble with his fingers. Soon enough, he picked up some pace as he thrust his lower half at a heightened speed with his balls slapping audibly the clefts of her ass.

"Oh God! Oh fuck! Oh fuck, yes! You're driving me crazy, Javier! Fuck me harder!" Lori cried out lewdly as she grabbed the back of his head with one of her hands, getting a fistful of his hair. The other arm circled around his neck before Lori shoved his face even further into her heaving tit. No matter how much she tried to match his stride with her own, Javier didn't allow her to maneuver herself down, so she just resigned and let him take the lead.

"Aahh!" Javier released the saliva-coated nipple from his mouth with a gasp. He then craned forward and sat up to look at the beautiful blondie, as his face was mushed in between her cleavage. "Fuck! Your pussy is so fucking good, Lori! I love you!" He moaned as both his arms circled around her waist firmly for an affectionate hug.

"Aaahhh! Oh, I love you too, Javier! I love you so damn much!" Lori cried out while shedding tears of joy, and in the brief moment as she finally took the chance to bounce herself onto his dick, she just got a distinctive feeling that Javier was going to burst. And to confirm her suspicion, she heard him grunting hoarsely as if he was in pain, but Lori knew exactly what's going on. Growing a sly smirk, she leaned to his ear and whispered. "Hey, you don't have to hold back, you know. Let it out. Pour your precious cum inside me. Come inside me!" She exclaimed in sheer ecstasy as her plump ass bounced joyously against him when she started riding him like a cowgirl taming a wild horse.

Javier could barely process what he just heard, at this moment he didn't care what happens next, the only thing that mattered to him now was to fulfill his lover's wish. He pulled back his head off her breasts and looked back at Lori, he noticed that the hairband suddenly snapped and her hair was set loose, framing her otherworldly beautiful face that prompted him to lean forward and meet her lips with his in a starving, yet very passionate kiss as her plushy mounds pressed against his hard pecs. His hands found their way to her jiggly ass before Javier groped them, making the blond vixen mewl into his mouth.

Both lovers embraced each other tightly while exploring each other's mouths with their tongues with unwavering passion, no matter how much Javier tried to last as long as he could, his climax was drawing closer and closer until at one point he couldn't wait much longer, and this time it's going to be stronger than the last time.

His hands pushed Lori's backside into his crotch and restrained a roar when he slammed his cock deep into her cunt. A fresh flood of virile hot jizz spurted out of his spasming glans like a fountain and began to fill up her womb! At that moment, Lori writhed in his arms as she screamed into his mouth, yet she didn't pull her lips apart from his as her arms tightened around his neck to deepen the kiss.

Javier held her on as he continued pumping his seed inside her sacred garden with every second that passed, he had plenty of sperm left to fill her up like a balloon. He could feel his crotch getting wet all of a sudden, but later he realized that Lori was sprinkling her juices when she also reached her mind-blowing orgasm, he could only wonder how long she was holding back and how bad she wanted to experience the sexual relief once more.

By the time their simultaneous climax simmered down, Javier broke the kiss and gasped for air with a thin trail of saliva stretching between the tips of his tongue and Lori's before splitting apart. He felt completely spent that he had nothing to spare in his testicles. Cracking his eyes open, he met Lori's half-lidded gaze as her consciousness was slowly returning back to normal.

While catching up her breath, Lori clasped her hands on the sides of his face before planting some loving kisses to his lips, letting out some quiet moans.

Javier returned her kisses as he laid back down on the bed while pulling Lori gently on top of him with her humongous tits mashing into his chest. As they continued kissing, his cum-coated dick fell limply out of her battered cunt before some thick globs of his overflowing cum began to spill out of her twitchy hole and dripped on the bed.

After a few more minutes, Lori pulled herself away from Javier as she was done kissing. "Aahh~ Goddamn, Javier. That was literally the best fucking I ever had." She said with a giggle without a shred of decency, as she rested her head on his toned chest.

"Heh, I'm glad to hear it." Javier responded with a tired chuckle, feeling more than pleased to hear her words. But then his smile disappeared. "Hey… Lori?"

"Hmm?" Lori looked up at him with a quizzical look.

"I just wanna say… I'm really sorry I never told you the truth, and for leaving Royal Woods without telling you anything. If I should have stayed and heard what you and your family were going through, I would have done something to help you out." He said while looking away out of shame.

Lori blinked before she furrowed her brows, and then flicked his forehead with her finger.

"Ow! Hey!" Javier snapped while rubbing his sore spot.

"Stop feeling sorry yourself, dude." Lori scolded. "You were also going through a hard time and you didn't know about the situation we were in." Her expression then softened up as she cupped her hand on his cheek. "So stop blaming yourself. What really matters is that you're now you're living with us and from now on we're gonna work together."

Realization hit him like something just clinked in his head, not only for what Lori just said made a lot of sense, but he completely forgot that he had reasons why he made that choice because he put his own needs instead of somebody else's. "You're right, sorry. Dammit, I said that again." Javier slapped himself, earning a laugh from Lori. "Anyway, I guess we're finally a couple, huh?"

"Oh, we are so." Lori then inched his face closer to his so he could see her eyes glowing with unbridled lust. "For your first time, you seem to know how to make a woman scream. We should do this again sometime, what do you say?" She asked while sticking out her tongue playfully.

Javier was almost taken aback at her suggestion, but the more he thought about it, it actually sound like a great idea. With a smirk plastered across his face, his arm curled around his back before giving her supple ass a squeeze, drawing a cute moan from Lori. "I'm really looking forward to it, babe. But wait, what would your mother and your sisters say about this?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Oh, I'm sure they won't mind. In fact, I'm sure they're gonna like you after they get to know you better." Lori reassured before she nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "Now stop worrying and get some sleep, Javiercito. Tomorrow you're gonna start a new life with me and my family."

"Yeah… A new life." Javier muttered before he let his eyes close as he began drifting into sleep. For the first time in a long while, he felt very peaceful at the fact that his new life with the Loud family, and with his girlfriend, will give him a new positive perspective about his future. But he knew that was just the beginning.