Chapter 3
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Riley was having a good time picking clothes. 

The attendant tailed behind her, buoyantly at her beck and call.  

Riley put her fingers on her chin, contemplating on what would fit Irene best. 

Though this best friend of hers was already a big name, she still couldn’t for the life of her dress herself up. 

She was actually taken aback when she saw Irene and the entrance of the apartment complex wearing a plaid skirt. Normally, she would just go for the denim jeans. Except for work, Irene’s everyday clothes were as bland as it could be.

She thought that this buddy of hers was finally hit on the head and had a fashion revolution. So, under this optimistic impression, Riley made it her goal today to buy “fashionable” clothes for her friend.

She swept her gaze, trying to find the one. 

The attendant noticed her action; she sensed she may have a chance in this month’s performance award.

She eagerly asked Irene with her bright eyes. “Do you have something specific that you’re looking for, ma’am?”

The attendant’s expectant gaze made Riley discreetly rub her arms. Too much greed. (。ノω\。) She let out a hesitating smile and said, “Where are your new releases?”

Riley’s words caused the attendant’s eyes to glisten. Her choice was right. She hugged a thick thigh this time! 

The latest releases usually summed up three months of her wage without commission. 

Now a prospective buyer has appeared; she shouldn’t let this opportunity slip.

Her eyes went from brown to dollar signs and ardently led her to the dresses.

Among the line up in front of Riley, a fiery red cocktail dress snared her attention. 

The silky fabric had a tulle embroidered with a golden pattern of flowers and overarching leaves over it. 

The fine needlework sat on the midriff of the dress, accentuating the waist of its model. 

Riley was mesmerized. This is it!

Just thinking of Irene wearing such a dress caused Riley’s heart to explode. She was so excited, anticipating for Irene to fit the attire herself. 

Like greased lightning, she walked and called Irene over, skipping steps.

She recognized Irene’s tall frame out of all the customers in the store. Riley excitedly called, “Iren-“

Her voice was stuck in throat when she caught a glimpse of the woman facing Irene. F*ck! How could this woman be here?!

Multiple heads turned toward Riley when she shouted; they cast her a weird stare. Meanwhile, the attendant was dumbfounded and remained in her place, mouth ajar. A skewed smile formed on her lips. 

Huhh… She felt a secondhand embarrassment for her..

It was safe to say that the resounding cry attracted eyes toward the brewing tension in front of them.

Riley gnashed and said, “Hattie, nice to meet you.”

To think that they'd meet here, ugh.

Wearing a stiletto paired with her Prada bag, Hattie Rios stood parallel to Irene. Her smug look and condensing eyes drove Riley’s head boiling.

Hattie haughtily said, “Looks like you two are still together, huh. If I were you, I would’ve long dropped this friend of yours, Irene. She’s just munching off your fame.”

Since high school, Hattie and Riley have never seen eye to eye. For Hattie, Riley was like a leech, sucking blood from everyone close to her.

Hattie never knew Riley’s background, and Riley, herself, wasn’t privy to disclosing their family’s financial status. Out of all her classmates in high school, only Irene knew her family.

As a result, Hattie saw Riley as a pretentious girl looking to gain favors by using money. Plus, she never knew where the money came from, and seeing that she only rode the bus every time she went to school, it led her to believe she was doing some sketchy stuff. 

Thus, she spread rumors about Riley’s secret nightlife.

Everything was perfect, except for Irene. She always protected Riley. Hence, she made it into her hated group. 

The original Irene was confused about how she got into this girl’s bad side, but it didn’t stop her from defending her friend. Occupying this body, Irene would also do so. She said to Hattie, “You're right. That's why we’re not friends.”

The people who overheard their conversation were dumbfounded. Irene’s reply was slick and painted Hattie’s cheeks red. 

Hattie was furious. I’m obviously helping her, hinting her about Riley’s muddy character. And this is what I get?!

Inside this tense atmosphere they created, Riley’s words came through. “You better stop right now, if I were you.” She hated if this day would be ruined.

She knew Hattie had some beef with her; she even orchestrated those scandals flying around school about her. But she didn’t really care. In fact, she was grateful. Because of that, she learned who her genuine friend was, and till today, their friendship remained strong. 

Overtime, seeing Hattie in the vicinity irritated her because of the contemptuousness she consistently threw at Irene. She made Irene feel inferior for being friends with her, and that, to her, was never okay. 

She could slander her all she wished, but bringing Irene into the scene was a foul move, and she would make sure she paid for it.

Irene added, “Take a note of where you are. To actually stroll without masking your identity, are you stupid?” She didn’t give a damn if she wanted to fish for clout, just never pull her in. 

Lilian: “Irene, come. Don’t bother with that leech. Haha.” A snicker forced its way out. 

Riley grabbed Irene’s wrist and merrily fled toward the attendant. 

The backs of the two made Hattie seethe. She looked at the crowd observing her and felt ashamed. She wanted to stomp her foot, but was blocked by her assistant. “People are watching.” 

Her act halted, and she scanned the surroundings. People were holding their phones, expecting her to make a fool of herself. Sh*t. 

She didn’t wear any face covering since she wanted to be “candidly” shot by paparazzi,  make it on the trending list, and create a buzz for herself. But she didn't expect to see Riley and Irene. Now, it backfired. She messily dug a pit and jumped on it none the wiser. 

Before the people could capture more scoop about her, she made a prudent decision to leave. She swallowed back the raging inferno in her and resentfully left the store with her assistant in tow. 

With the play finally over, the customers and staff went on with their business. Meanwhile, those who captured the scene on full HD couldn’t wait to go home and share this juicy bit. That was Hattie Rios, ah. High traffic was already in the bag. 

But who was she fighting? 

A customer said, “That lady wearing a mask looks familiar.” 

“True, but I can’t pinpoint who.” Grappling to contemplate who, one attendant presented them with new clothes.

Irene was amused watching her partner laugh herself to death. “It’s good you find that amusing.”

The mirth in Riley’s eyes couldn’t be concealed while she hummed. She didn’t bother to reply to her. She was having fun and still wanted it to last. 

Seeing her childish behavior, Irene chuckled and said, “Where are you taking me?”

“Oh, right!” Remembering the gorgeous red dress, Riley hurriedly pulled Irene. The two of them already threw the scene earlier down the drain.

The attendant understood Riley’s expression and swiftly brought the dress out for them.

Irene was enamored by what she saw. Though not extravagant, she was fond of the elegant design. 

The enraptured look pasted on Irene’s face made Riley proud. My taste is excellent.

“Gorgeous, right?” Riley said with her chest puffed out. 

The corners of Irene’s mouth turned up. “Hmm.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Go on and try it.”

The attendant led Irene into a fitting room. 

Irene caressed the dress before putting it on. Without looking at the mirror, she knew how good it looked on her. She tidied up her hair before showing it to Riley.

Riley was giddy to have a look at her best friend. She couldn’t help herself. She fawned upon the image that she was conjuring in her head. 

In the midst of this, the door of the fitting room creaked open. 

She watched as Irene emerged from the door. It was heart gripping. 

The dewy-eyed look of both the attendant and Riley was precious. For Riley, this was just something else. 

The dress impeccably hugged the curves of Irene perfectly. Contrasting her snowy-white skin was the fiery red color. And her tall figure made it so that the dress just sat perfectly above her knees. It looked like it was tailor made for her. Without a doubt, this was a head turner. 

What befell her eyes shocked the attendant. Her sight crawled from the tip of the shoes to the face. 

The shock still didn’t wear off when she staggered. 

Irene! It’s actually Irene Blake! The Irene Blake!

In an instant, her heartbeat skyrocketed!

Though it couldn’t be seen on the outside, her mentality was in disarray. In her heart, she muttered, Be professional, be professional, be professional…. Huhuhuhu

Out of the corner of Irene’s eye, she noticed the awkwardness of the attendant. 

Understanding the thoughts spinning in her mind, Irene gracefully smiled and nodded toward her. 

 A burst of fireworks instantly set off in the attendant’s head. Huhuhu… Help, that was a critical hit. My goddess is playing unfairly. Huhuhu

“You look fine as f*ck!” Riley exclaimed. “Stay right there. I have to take photos of you.”

Riley turned on her photographer mode. She was a crazy fanatic, and she wasn’t hiding it. There was no better hobby than admiring your beautiful bestie. 

This jubilant personality of hers filled Irene with mirth. However, it also made her think about her sister. Even though it was just a flash of thought, a slight dim in the eyes could be perceived. 

Riley continued. “You gotta buy that.”

Distracted, Irene hooked her arms with Riley and studied at her face. 

A sense of nostalgia reflected in Irene’s gaze, but it was too subtle, and Riley was too elated to notice it. 

I need to send these photos to him.




One the same night of that day, an actress seized the highest position of the top trending list. 

It was a short and quick face off, nonetheless, that black look of Hattie was the front and center of people’s attention.






[Netizen M: That black look is hilarious. XD]

[Netizen N: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.]

[Netizen O: If not for her talent, with that attitude of hers, she wouldn’t have ever stepped foot in this industry.]

[Netizen P: How pathetic. Leave already.]

In the crowd that was criticizing Hattie, there were, likewise, fans of her.

[Netizen Q: Shut up. Obviously, the masked girl started it. She antagonized Hattie. Our goddess is wronged.]

[Netizen R: Upstairs is right. Hattie is wronged. Why are you ganging up on her?]

[Netizen S: Where did these stupid people come from? This malicious masked girl played our Hattie.]

[Netizen T: Hey, masked girl! If you’re so brave, show your face!]

[Netizen U: Wtf are these brain-dead fans. Are you all high? It’s clear as day that Hattie was the first to let go of harsh words.]

[Netizen V: Hattie is wronged.]

Fans and rational passersby duked it out on various social media platforms that night. It seemed like they didn’t care that they had to go to work or school the next day and went haywire till early morning. Good luck on their worsening eye bags.




In the eye of the storm, Hattie had muted her phone. She looked back at the scene earlier and went mad. 

She flung her phone at the wall with all her strength. A loud thud was heard, followed by the glass cracking. That hurt. A thousand dollars instantly gone. 

She hated Irene. Really. Hated. Her. And that b*tch Riley, grrrr. She abhorred her more.

The assistant on the side took action and calmed her. She didn't let things get out of hand. Looking at how experienced she was in dealing with Hattie, it was discernible that this wasn’t the first time this happened. By now, she would’ve run far away if it wasn’t for the high salary. 

After almost an hour of flattering, Hattie was pacified. The assistant was relieved to finally placate this lord. 

As of the moment, Hattie was relaxed as she put on her moisturizing face mask. That’s right. Why would I fear a backlash? Yeah, why would she? Everything would be dealt with. By the time I wake up tomorrow, it will be like nothing occurred.

After leaving the mall, she went back and notified her manager about what had transpired. They have already planned counter measures even before the video surfaced on the internet. 

Besides, she achieved her goal. She got her limelight. And those that were hating on her would be straightened out.

As of the moment, except for her fans, the ones defending her were paid by them to turn the tide. Evidently, it worked. 

The night was long, and people were losing steam to fight back. At the break of dawn, the sea settled, and the citizens got busy with their lives.



It wasn't Lilian. Hehehe.

Riley: t(>.<t)

Feel free to let me know what you think. Cheers!