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It was a beautiful night as It was Full moon today, but a part in the world was not so beautiful as there was constantly explosions and gunfire being heard in the distance 

One family was especially happy today as today was finally a night where they once together, but what they didn't know was that it was gonna be their last as their building was Suddenly struck by a shell 

Instantly killing their parents while the building fell on  top of two kids, They boy and the girl that was below the ruble were currently scared as they couldn't hear or see their parents, the only source of light came from a TV that was currently playing a sitcom 

When suddenly another shell landed in-front of them, the girl, she untentionally stuck her arm out when red wisp surrounded it, it turned off but the girl didn't know  as she was suddenly pulled by her brother, hugging her they both waited for their death 

But that's when something landed in front of them or someone, as the siblings open their eyes and could only see bottom half of their legs as the person was wearing black pants with shoes

The next thing they knew was the weapon that landed in front of them was suddenly gone, and a loud explosion above them 

"Ste v bezpečí maličkí"(You are safe little ones) They heard a voice and decided not to exit out their own little cave, but as seconds went by they still saw the man's shoes 

"neublížim ti"(I'm not going to hurt you) Once again they hesitantly exit out as the boy was the first one to exit while his sister closely behind him, they were now looking up, seeing the mans face 

"Si v poriadku? kde ste rodicia?"(Are you alright? Where are your parents?)The man said as they got a better look at his face as kneeled down to their level

They were speechless for a moment as this men was breathtaking but also noticing he was foreigner 

"My-Nevieme, všetko zrazu zmizlo"(We-We don't know everything suddenly blacked out) The boy said as he put his arm in front of his sister and pushing her back gently 

Mercury saw this and knew that they wouldn't trust him because who would trust a stranger that saves them from death...right? He inspects the damage of the building 

"je mi luto tvojich rodicov ale myslim ze to preslo...."(im sorry for your parents but I think there gone..." Once he said that the boy and girl shook their heads while tears poured out of their eyes 

"Všetko je to veľká chyba"(Its all stark fault" the girl said as she read what was on the weapon before she got pulled by her brother 

"Poď, vezmem ťa niekam do bezpečia"(Come, I will take you somewhere safe) Mercury said as he started to get up and levitate and hold his hand out to the siblings as this shocked the boy and girl making them clear their eyes with their shirts Sleeve

"Kde?" The girl said in which he smiled, once again he put out his hands in which this time they both grabbed one hand each and Mercury held them putting each one on his shoulders 

"Váš nový domov"(Your new home) Mercury said as they floated up while the siblings let out 'oh', gasp and chuckles 

They flew up above, seeing their hometown in darkness and in some places were bright, they flew towards the light place as the siblings let out giggles as they felt the wind in their face and in their hair 

They arrived at an orphanage which the care taker immediately went to him as the women who runs the orphanage already knew the existence of Mercury as there were times he would just drop them off here 

"You know your gonna have to move out of town for a while" The care taker said as the siblings got off Mercury shoulder and looked around 

"I know this is my last month being here, hydra is on to me, and I would rather not waste my time on them" Mercury said as the siblings looked at him 

"neboj sa, budem tu ešte týždeň"(Don't worry I'll be here for one more week) Mercury said as the siblings nodded slowly and the caretaker took them into the building and into their rooms 

And just like that a week passed of Mercury playing with them, feeding them and taking care of them as Mercury was currently outside in the backyard of the orphanage watching kids play and the siblings that he rescued were currently on the swings away from everyone else 

"There sad" The caretaker points at them and then back at Mercury "They know your leaving, the only one who looked after them when their family was gone" 

"I know, that's why I have to go, I killed a battalion of hydra agents just coming to this country" Mercury said as he sigh and rubbed his face 

"You may think your alone Mercury" but before she could finish Mercury shot back his answer "I am alone, after gettting my memories and seeing my past love life's dying in front of me...I-" 

"Mercury, Hope. That's what you lack. You have been so focus of not finding love that you forgot what Hope is." She said as she faced him "Your so focus on your past that you don't look at your future. Your future has endlessly possibilities that there may be someone you love out there that will stick with you to the end of time" she said as Mercury just nodded with one tear in his eyes 

"Thank you" he said as he looked at the sibling and noticed that they were watching him, Mercury waving goodbye in which they got off their swings and ran off to him to give him one last hug 

"I'll be back till then stay safe" Mercury said this is english as they knew what he meant as they practiced their english over watching sit coms 

And just like that he flew off with the caretaker and the twins waving at him 

1 year passed as he went back to the orphanage but what greeted him was a destroyed building 

End of flash back 


2 years passed as Mercury was living near Steve as they were friends, they considered to be around each other ever so often and Mercury talking about what happened over the time Steve was gone 

Mercury came out of his thoughts as he heard his phone ringing with an unknown caller


"Mercury it's me Steve" 

"Steve? Why didn't you use your phone to call me?"

"No time to explain, Widow has isolated our car for only 3 minutes"


"I may need your help, we're about to take down shield"

"wait why?"

"Apparently it's not shield but hydra" once Steve said that Mercury eyes started to glow but it soon dyed down 

"What do you mean?"

"No time to explain their about to kill 2 million people just meet me at..."

"Okay I'll be there but I don't know what you want me to do, you can basically take it down with the help you have" 

"You saw the news?"


"I just need you there if...things go sideways, it's always nice to have a backup plan" 

"So I'm the emergency back up?"

"Like the new name?" Steve said as he heard Mercury chuckle 

"Yeah sure old man"

"Huh, that's funny I'm recalling your-" but before Steve could finish his answer Mercury ended the call

Mercury rubbed his eyes with his hands as he let out a long sigh