Chapter 9
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"Katon: Gouryuka no Jutsu!" After forming the hand seals, Itachi began to compress a large amount of chakra within his body and quickly began to mold it into the shape of a dragon head.

Itachi then skillfully manipulated the large fire to attack the Flame Lion.

"You are really reckless for a human!" The Flame Lion was irritated by Itachi's actions, as he hoped that the human would back down so that they would not continue this battle.

The lion then realized that there was no point in holding back anymore, as the chances of him perishing in this battle was enormous.

"Since you didn't back down, then I can only kill you!"

With a huge roar the lion launched itself towards Itachi while ignoring the dragon head coming towards him. This was because the lion realized that even if he was injured by this attack, he would still be able to get close to Itachi, and once he hit Itachi then it would be his victory.

With an extremely powerful thrust, the lion threw itself at the dragon's head and easily passed through it, but it was possible to see that its fur had been burnt, and there was blood running down its body from the burns. But the lion continued to advance as it roared towards Itachi.

Itachi seeing that the lion had resisted his attack didn't react very surprised, it was as if he already imagined that something like this would happen, or maybe he did it on purpose.

The lion, seeing that Itachi had no intention of deflecting his attack, gave a huge roar while raising his huge right paw to cut Itachi in half. Its attack was successful, and broke Itachi's body in half, but the blood that the lion expected to splash out of the human's body did not appear.

In fact, the lion felt only a complete silence around him, as if the world had found silence.

"Looks like I won..."

That was the last thing the Flame Lion heard before having its body shattered into dozens of pieces, with only its profound core rolling on the ground as it stopped at the feet of Itachi who was a few feet away.

Looking at the blood splattered on the ground, and the severed parts of the lion. Itachi didn't react and just stood there calmly.

"I didn't think genjutsu would work against profound beasts, but it seems that contact that these beasts possess consciousness then it is possible to put them on genjutsu..." Itachi thought quietly as he picked up the profound core that was at his feet.

He realized that this profound core had a different characteristic than those of the spiritual profound beasts, but he didn't care much as he stored it in his cube.

Jasmine had a confused look on her face, this was because she watched Itachi's entire battle from inside the cube, or rather she watched Itachi stand still as she watched the lion talking to himself. It was as if the lion was having hallucinations, since at no point had Itachi moved or attacked but here was the dead lion.

"How did he do that?" She thought a little confused but at the same time afraid.

Itachi seemed to have sensed that Jasmine was watching her battle but the truth was that he didn't care about that since he believes that it will probably take him a long time to figure out how he did it.

"Looks like I need to keep cultivating..." Itachi thought as he walked back to the wooden house he had built near the waterfall.

And as he walked back to his wooden house Itachi thought that cultivating the profound was much more powerful than chakra, since with cultivating the profound a person could live for thousands of years in addition to being able to stay young and at their peak, but with chakra things were completely different, since by cultivating chakra a person would only be able to extend their life for a few hundred years and even that was already rare.

"Also, from the knowledge I have obtained, once a cultivator reaches the Profound Sky Realm he will be able to fly, something that is extremely difficult in the shinobi world..." Itachi thought.


Jasmine right now is angry, and the reason for her anger is precisely Itachi.

"Did that bastard really refuse?!" She still can't believe that this idiot refused her offer to be her disciple. You have to know that millions of people would kill themselves just for her to give him a look, but here was one person who dared to refuse her.

Her face got even worse when she saw Itachi enter the cube and start leaving some plates of food on the table for her to eat. Just looking at Itachi's face made her angry.

"You are too stupid to refuse to be a student of this princess!" Jasmine said coldly.

Itachi just shook his head and with a slight sigh he said, "I can't be her student..."

That was the only thing Itachi said, as he pulled himself out of the magic cube, he felt that Jasmine might attack him if he continued there.

Hearing Itachi's response, she gave a huge huff of anger but didn't keep pestering him anymore to accept to be her student. That was because she realized that he might have his reasons for refusing this offer.

"Wait... He knew about the Realm of the Gods, so it's likely that he has a master from that place... So that's why he must have refused me." Jasmine thought. That was the only thing she could think of that would make Itachi refuse to be her student.

"Hmph! If he knew the identity of that princess it's likely he would be begging me to teach him." Jasmine muttered to herself as she began to eat the food prepared by Itachi. And she had to say, Itachi had a huge talent for making food.


Jasmine's face was flushed as she ate an omelet, she felt it was one of the best things she had eaten in her entire life.


Without knowing it, three months had passed.

The season that was just beginning to enter winter was now completely frozen and cold. The water of the waterfall came in at an extremely low temperature. However, Itachi was actually under the waterfall during this time of year. The upper part of his body was exposed, and his eyes were tightly closed as he let the violent flow of icy water frantically hit his body.

Itachi seemed to be rooted to that spot, like an immovable stone. In his body, profound energy was emitting softly as if he had become one with Itachi.

Before long, Itachi felt that he had trained enough so in light movements he left the center of the waterfall as he approached the shore calmly, one had to know that if there were other people here, they would be surprised as Itachi was walking on the water calmly.

Leaving the waterfall he went towards the pond he had dug earlier and soon entered it. He then picked up a head of wine that was on the edge of the pond and began to drink it.

Don't think that this is an ordinary wine, for it is not, for in this wine were dozens of herbs with healing and medicinal properties. In addition there were some cultivation pills that were ground to powder inside this wine.

After taking a light sip of the wine, Itachi let out a long sigh of relief.

In these months, he had spent the entire time training, with the few exceptions of when he would go out to test the level of his strength against profound beasts. During his battles with the profound beasts Itachi found no difficulty in defeating them. In fact, he stopped hunting these profound beasts because he didn't think he would gain anything from it other than a few profound cores.

Jasmine these past few months began to stay outside the cube longer as she watched Itachi train, and she had to say his training was somewhat barbaric, but over time she was getting used to it, plus she noticed that Itachi had made substantial improvements these past few months.

However, her expression changed as she entered the cube inside Itachi's body.

"Someone is coming."


Itachi did not answer Jasmine as if he had also already realized that there were visitors at his training site.

"Five specialists from the Profound Sky Realm..." Itachi muttered as he looked at the specialists who passed near his training site.

The five specialists realized that there was a person here, but decided to just ignore him since to cultivators like them everyone below the Profound Sky Realm was nothing but ants.

"Looks like something big is about to happen..." Itachi muttered, he was a bit undecided whether to follow these specialists.