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Even Gods have favourites

   Am I the favoured one? 

no, I am not. 

As far as I can remember life has been reminding me that quite often. It started when I was in 3rd or 4th standard in school. Our class teacher was a lady named Shina, of age 24-25 can’t tell but she did look a bit mature. She was a decent teacher and did teach us well but the thing that irked me was her behavior towards a few selected kids who she thought were cute.

 I was not particularly good looking in my childhood may be a 5 on a scale of 10 but still I thought teachers were supposed to treat everyone in their class the same. Well, I was wrong and that was my first encounter with the hypocrisy of this world. 

People say your looks don’t matter, well sir you are wrong they do matter and as a matter of fact they matter the most. Feeling jealous of those so-called cute kids I wished to be cute too. Ah! How nice must it feel to be pampered by your teachers. 

As I grew up, I did face such situations a number of times like once there was this charming and beautiful girl in my class. Whenever our class was punished for something, she used to be forgiven or punished lightly compared to rest of us 


I asked myself (as I was scared and shy to ask the teacher) just because she is a good looking, she will be forgiven!? Does god not love us the same, if he did then why has he created us so different. Well talking about god let me tell you an interesting incident.

 I was one of those kids who have been bullied, while I was going through this traumatic experience, I wrote down a prayer on a piece of paper, learned it and started praying to god to help me and punish my bullies but he never did anything, I got very angry with him (lol) and asked myself why is he not helping me. Does he hate me? Why am I going through all this? Does he even exist? If he does then why is he watching me suffer. 

Now that I think about it that was really naïve of me. I lost my faith in god after that incident. Now I don’t really care if he really exists or not. whenever I meet the so-called Favored Ones I like to stay away as far as possible from them.

But sometimes I think being favored by him won’t be such a bad thing.