Chapter 6
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My bad about sunday. I had some things to do so I didn't post.


Heh, get it..




I got you today with a double update to compensate.

And hope I receive comments since I like reading them 

and uhh...




Meanwhile, we have another piece of news, an anonymous tip in regards to the whereabouts of Dante Tanaka being sighted at an amusement park-". Turning off the news, Azure heaved a sigh. He finished up his food and thought.

'Villains and heroes can all do whatever they want, but this society is rotten to the core. No matter how much the heroes try, putting the "cancer" in a cell won't stop the rotting, and they forget that this "cancer" is highly infectious. So I'll use my own methods. Instead of moving this "cancer" to another location, I'll just exterminate the "cancer" so it can't cause any more trouble."

Meanwhile, back at the compost where the bodies were, right after Azure left*

The building was supposed to be quiet, but suddenly a voice could be heard inside. "Interesting. This one should be able to keep me interested for quite a while. "


In an area with a sea of flames, there was only one person standing in the middle. He had black glossy hair that shined in the night and starry blue eyes that gleaned, yet under this moon, they gave off a cold feeling.

Looking around at the sea of flames, bodies, and ashes were littered all around. There was blood seeping through the rocks on the outside. However, surprisingly, these rocks formed a circle just outside the flames. The place was truly barren, but despite the bright blue flames and the smoke rising into the air, there was no noise or response, as if this scene was common.

Dante Pov

I'm breathing roughly, trying to gather my breath. "Damn, that villain who can control rocks was truly troublesome. He forced me to overuse my quirk to burn those stupid things. But who was truly scary was his subordinate, who could telepathically call his allies? " I couldn't help but recall these troublesome opponents I fought.

After regaining my breath, I take the time to look around. I'm not surprised that there's no one here.

'It seems that the villain I fought earlier wasn't lying. Even though I've been fighting for an hour, not one police officer, hero, or anyone else showed up.'

The ugly expression on my face couldn't be concealed, even though the lower mask I had on covered my nose and mouth.

Anger surges through me as I feel my emotions about to blow. Not only heroes, the people who are supposed to protect the citizens aren't vigilant enough to notice such a commotion. But also, because the villains are getting stronger!

After I first became a vigilante, I went towards the most dangerous parts of Mustafu. After all, in my mind, the more dangerous and stronger the villains are, the better off the world and its people would be without them.

I was quite proud of the amount of scum I'd killed and how much this improved society. But after interrogating one of the important but weak henchmen, I realized that I underestimated the number and strength of the villains.

This is the fourth base I've exterminated this week, and from my recent intel, these guys weren't even the strongest of the bunch. This base was even only considered a "front" for recruiting, and that's why the strength was low. 'We'll go according to that guy.'

And the corrupt heroes are even stronger. I don't know how I'm going to defeat and defend against the retaliation of those top tear villains.

'But I have to do it. If I don't, then who will? Even if the odds are stacked against me, I'll just need to surpass the odds. '

But what really caused my disgust was those corrupt heroes. "These people are supposed to protect the people, yet for some money, they'll turn a blind eye to the crime committed right in front of them. Some will even go out of their way to prevent others from finding out about it.

The only word I could use to describe these people would be "revolting." They shame the term "hero" itself.

"But thinking about it, All Might isn't doing all that much anyway. Heroes rely on their reputations to deter villains, especially since I heard that he's a big shot in America, but so what?

The villains aren't idiots. Since he's not here, they can do whatever they want, and they'll just hole up when he comes back.

*Sigh* Heaving a long sigh, I start walking back towards the alleyway. But before I even took three steps, from behind me, in the shadows, someone said, "You should tone down on the killing."

All the hairs on my body stand up, and I jump back while turning around to face this unknown assailant.

While I'm vigilantly looking at this mysterious intruder, the only thought going through my head was, 'How long was he here.'

As if he read my mind, he walked around and said, "I've only been here for the past 10 minutes or so."

This makes me even more alert. 'The past 10 minutes." And I couldn't even tell. If this guy wanted to kill me, I'd already be dead. ' At that thought, sweat rolled down my face.

But as if this wasn't already a tense situation, the mysterious person starts walking around while finally stepping into the light, allowing me to get a good look at his face.

He has black spiky hair, and azure-colored eyes, which are in contrast to my deep blue ones. But what I was focused on, and what caught me by surprise, was the dark purple skin and stitches.

Looking at these features, I feel as if I've seen him. 'Who is this guy? He seems so familiar. '

The guy continued to walk around while leisurely talking, "Don't be so anxious, I've been watching for a while and I realized that you seem really inexperienced." Barely any control over your flames, just spewing them everywhere.

Rough fighting technique, small body, I'll guess that you are young, around 11-13, a late bloomer who just awakened their quirk. Hmm, did I get it right? "

Instantly, I break out into a cold sweat.