Ch. 8
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Hey there readers! I would first like to say thanks to everyone who has read my stories and given such wonderful words of support! I truly do appreciate it. I genuinely hope that you will continue to enjoy them, as I shall definitely continue to enjoy writing them!




The Door (Chapter 8)


Elite Shade




"Alright Mr. Longmire, I just need to give you another shot and then you can rest some more," said the panda doctor as he readied the syringe. Baily had always hated needles, but he knew that he needed these shots, unless he wanted blood clots to form. He winced a little as he felt the pinch from it going in. Luckily it was over in just a moment.

"And there." The panda placed a bandage on Baily's arm, giving him a smile. "Alright Mr. Longmire, now just back to bed and a nurse will be along shortly with your lunch." Baily nodded and climbed back into his bed. The upraised part made it easier for him to just sit and turn. Dr. Williams took his leave. Shortly after, a lioness in pink scrubs carrying a tray with some sort of covered dish, entered.

"Hello there, Mr. Longmire!" she said in a sing-song voice. "Here's your lunch!"

She sure seems chipper, Baily thought as he smiled back.

"Thank you miss, but, I would really like it if you, and maybe everyone else here, could just call me Baily. I'd prefer that over Mr. Longmire," he said as he helped set up the tray. He blushed as he realized that he may have sounded too demanding. "S-sorry, "he followed up while looking down.

"It's alright Mist--ahem, Baily. I'm Sophia by the way," the lioness nurse said gently as she removed the cover to his food.

"Thanks again miss Sophia." He quickly started to devour the meatloaf in front of him. Baily knew that hospital food didn't have a reputation for being good, but to him, it tasted like heaven. Sophia watched as Baily rapidly ate. As she saw how quickly he ate, she looked him over once more. He was really skinny. Not having seen any other humans herself, she didn't have much to go on for reference. But she did remember hearing some of the doctors talk about how malnourished he was. Sophia felt a pit form in her stomach as she took him all in for the first time. He was already clearly recovering, but he was still visibly injured. Suddenly, she snapped her head up as she came to the realization that Baily had finished his lunch and was looking at her. She had been standing silently staring at him the entire time. She blushed before taking the tray with the empty plate.

"I'm thinking that you'd like seconds, right?" she asked. Baily looked over to her and then quickly looked away, nodding.

"... You don't speak with a lot of people, huh?" she asked as she looked at the strange looking creature in front of her.

"N-not very often... most people try not to look at you when you're homeless..." He began to feel very nervous.

Sophia looked at him for a moment, and then flashed him a smile.

"Well, just so you know, I have absolutely no problem speaking with you Baily," she said, once more in her usual chipper tone of voice. Baily looked up at her for a few seconds, and then a small smile crept onto his face.

"Thank you Sophia, I can't describe how much that means to someone like me."

"No problemo! Now, let me just go and see about seconds for you." She happily exited the room and started to head towards the cafeteria. As she walked, she passed by Robbie who waved to her.

"Hey there Sophia!"

"Hiya Robbie! You on your way to see that Eli boy?" she asked.

"Oh no, he was discharged earlier today."

"Really? So did child services come and pick him up?"

"Nope! He was released into the custody of my friend Judy," the beaver said as he started to continue on his way.

"Wait, Judy Hopps? The ZPD officer?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"The one and only! She's going to become his legal guardian!" Robbie happily called back over his shoulder as he continued to hurry off to perform his rounds.

Sophia was initially stunned by the news. After a couple of seconds of letting it sink in, she smiled as she continued on her way.




"Nick!" Eli, Nick, and Judy had all just set foot into the electronics store when a calico cat in a blue t-shirt and khakis quickly spotted them and made his way over.


"Reggie! Nice to see you as always."

"It's been a while mam! How goes the whole cop thing?" he asked.

"It's going great actually. Speaking of which, this here is my partner Judy, and my friend Eli," the fox said while gesturing to the two. The cat looked at Eli curiously, until he saw Judy.

"Well, hello there," he said with a slight purr, a paw extended for Judy to shake. Judy looked to Nick who appeared to be as surprised as she was.

"Hello, Reggie was it? Um... we're actually looking for a computer for Eli here, and Nick said that you could help us," she said as she and Reggie let go of each other's paws.

"Well he was certainly right. Just right this way beautiful." He gave her a wink before he started to lead them in the direction of the computers. Eli looked from the confused Judy to the confused, and now slightly annoyed looking, Nick.

"You know carrots, I actually have another buddy who might be better at finding a computer. I'm pretty sure Finnick could get his hands on one for us at least," he offered.

"Nick, we're already here. Let's have a look." She noticed his annoyed expression. Suddenly, a slight smirk appeared on her face.

"Besides, your friend Reggie seems nice. It would be rude to just up and leave like that," she said while smirking some more at Nick's obvious jealousy. The fox just huffed and crossed his arms.

"Whatever," was his response. Eli frowned a little as he followed them, but then noticed Judy looking at him. She smiled and winked conspiratorially before gently taking his hand in her paw. He started to understand and smiled back as they headed in the direction Reggie had gone. When they caught up, he looked curiously at Judy holding Eli's hand, but said nothing about it as he started asking about what they were looking for.

"Definitely something for schoolwork," she said.

"And of course something that could also be used for some serious hardcore gaming," Nick said casually, trying to get a rise out of Judy. She didn't respond as Reggie had started showing different models, gently laying a paw on her shoulder. Seeing that, Nick's tail quickly bushed out. Judy almost had to stifle a laugh as she saw Nick's reaction in her peripheral vision. After a few more minutes of going over different models, they finally settled on one. Judy paid for it, at a significantly steep discount, and a wink from Reggie, who purred as she thanked him for being so helpful.

"It's truly my pleasure, miss Hopps," he said as he personally rang their purchases up. Nick was still sulking as this exchange went on, until he was struck by an idea. He smiled slyly as Judy and Eli both started to carry the computer to the car. Just as Reggie was about to head out with them, he rested a paw on the cat's shoulder.

"Hey Reg, I was also wondering if you could help me out with something as well."

Reggie looked a little confused as he turned to see Judy and Eli make their way through the parking lot but just shrugged and gave Nick his full attention.

"Sure thing Nick! Whatcha lookin' for?"

"I'm looking for a brand new GameStation 4," he said. "As well as a few games to go along with it."

"Oh, well, right over here," Reggie said as he led Nick over to the game section. He unlocked the case containing the GameStation 4s as well as the games themselves. Nick picked out a few different titles, and the two were quickly back at the register.

"Okay then Nick, with one GameStation 4, plus--" he was cut off by a look from Nick.

"Before you ring this all up Reg, I would like to point out my special discount," he said with a wink.

"Oh, well, I'm already taking 30% off Nick, you don't need to worry about that," Reggie said happily.

"I was thinking something more along the lines of 75%," he said while looking at his nails nonchalantly.

"Nick, I know we go back a ways, but I can't just--" he stopped when Nick cleared his throat.

"Yeah, we sure do go back a ways. Like, remember the time back in senior year when you were almost busted for dealing catnip?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Reggie was visibly blanching under his fur as he quickly looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"75%, okay! Just, stop talking," he said nervously. Nick smiled slyly as he motioned with his paw the action of zipping his lips shut.


In the parking lot...


"I wonder where Nick is?" Judy asked as she and Eli placed his new computer in the trunk. Eli looked around and then quickly spotted the fox walking out of the front doors with some bags, one of which had a large box in it.

"There he is," Eli said, pointing to where he was looking. Judy looked just as Nick managed to make his way right over to them.


"Don't close the trunk just yet!" he called as he quickly moved around Eli to place his purchases next to Eli's new wardrobe. He quickly shut the trunk before Eli or Judy could get a good look.

"Nick, what was that?" Judy asked, confused.

"Oh, just a little surprise I got for Eli," he said. The rabbit and boy just exchange glances and shrugged before they all got into the car.

"So, where to next, Carrots?"

"Well, there were a few more supplies I needed to get for myself as well as for Eli, like toothbrushes and shampoo, but I decided to get those yesterday. I hope you don't mind sweetie," she said while looking in the rearview mirror at Eli blushing in the back seat.

"That's fine." Eli started blushing a little at all of the attention Judy was showing him. That's not to say that he didn't enjoy it, quite the opposite in fact. She was the first person in a very long time to ever show him any concern. He looked up to see her smile a little to herself.

"So, for now, I think we should head on to my place," she said.

"Oh yeah, you know, I still haven't seen it," Nick said.

"Well then I guess today is your lucky day," Judy said to her partner. His ears perked up at that, and there was a bit of a blush underneath his fur. Eli looked up in time to see this, and couldn't help but giggle a little.

"And just what seems to be so funny?" Judy asked as she drove them down what to her was now a familiar route.

"Uh... nothing Judy," Eli said, trying to suppress his smile. She just smiled back at him as she turned onto a street and stopped in front of a house.

"And here we are! Eli, welcome to your new home!"

The boy looked up at the building. It was a two story brick house, with a small front lawn and a short white picket fence. He could clearly make out a small garden, with what he, correctly, guessed were carrots growing. The overall feel he got from just looking at the house was one of cozy comfort. He smiled a little before turning to help unload the car.

"Hold on there bud," Nick said to the boy, holding up a paw to make him halt. "Wait here for just a sec, I gotta get something that I can't let you see just yet."

Eli was a little confused, but nodded and turned to take the key's Judy was now holding out to him.

"It's this one sweetie," she said while holding up one of the keys.

"Okay," he said, still confused as he took the keys and walked up the concrete path to the front door.

"This sure is some place you got here carrots. It sure would have been nice to know that you were moving," Nick said as Eli walked out of earshot.

"Well, this place just went on the market, and I had to act quick to get it before anyone else could." Judy sighed as she started to pull out some shopping bags. "And yes, I did have an official inspector look the place over before I officially bought it. There are a few rooms that need to be fixed up, but nothing majorly expensive or a health risk," she said as she started to head up the path. Nick looked at her as she walked before he quickly got his purchases out of the trunk and stowing them under the dashboard, to make sure that they were saved for last. He smiled as he then grabbed the computer box, as well as a few more bags and headed inside as well. As he rapidly made his way to the front door, he started to hear Judy's voice.

"No, Eli, I want you to sit down and relax on the couch there. You still have those stitches in you, so I do not want you overexerting yourself," she lectured to the blushing boy just as Nick entered. He looked around, and it was clear that Judy had just recently moved in. There were still several unpacked boxes here and there, and many places where her numerous family photos were yet to be hung up on the walls. He soon spotted a pile of shopping bags on what he figured was the dining room table, not far from the living room, and quickly set the ones he was carrying down there. There was a honk from a car, and Judy went to the front door to see a large moving truck with Francesca's Furnishings written on the side. It took less than a half an hour for the movers to set up Eli's new bedroom furniture, as they were quick and efficient. Judy gave them an extra big tip for their services. During all of this, Nick was able to quickly bring in the rest of their purchases, as well as his, without anyone noticing.

"Alright Eli, are you ready to see your new room?" Judy asked excitedly.

"Yeah," he said, blushing a little. He was excited, as well as nervous. Judy smiled as she held his hand and led him up the stairs and down a hall, pointing to several doors.

"Now, this one's the bathroom, this one I'm planning on making into a study, and this one is my room. If you ever need anything, always know that you can come and get me," she said, turning to look up at him. "Understand?" she asked. Eli blushed some more and nodded. The rabbit smiled and squeezed his hand gently before leading him to the door at the end of the hall.

"And this," she said while turning the knob, "is your room!" Judy opened the door and led Eli in. The afternoon sunlight was streaming in through the large window, out of which Eli had a clear view of the city. Looking around, Eli could see all of the furniture he had picked out back at the store. There was his new bed, complete with a new light blue comforter. On the far wall was his desk, which had his computer all set up on it. It was oak, all hand carved with several drawers for various supplies in it, and it even had a small shelf just for his keyboard.
He could see his new white dresser, which was next to his closet, and he could see all of his new wardrobe hanging in it. He also say a small shelf right next to his bed which had a few board games that looked brand new and unopened, as well as several books. It was the first time since Mary the he had ever had a room all his own. Everything in this room was clearly for him, and Eli immediately felt hot tears start to form. He was touched. He tried to blink them away as Judy stepped in front of him and looked up.

"What do you think sweet--" she couldn't finish her sentence as Eli suddenly knelt down and hugged her. She could feel some of his tears land on her shoulder, but she ignored it as she hugged him back, reaching around to rub his back as she did so.

"Thank you, Judy," he said, his voice filled with joy.

"Anytime Eli," she whispered back as she held him, tears starting to form in her eyes as well. They stayed like that for the longest time, until they heard a certain fox clear his throat. They broke apart, but with Judy still holding Eli's hand. They turned to see Nick standing there, a genuine smile on his muzzle.

"So, I take it that he liked it?" he asked while leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. They both just nodded to him. "Well then, I think that he's going to like something else he got today." Nick walked out of the doorway, motioning for the two to follow him. They looked at each other for just a moment before following the fox. Nick led them both back to the living room, where they both quickly noticed the GameStation 4 box, which had been opened. The GameStation itself was currently hooked up to the TV in the living room, the five games he had purchased for it laid out in a semi-circle in front of the console itself.

"Nick... you bought him a GameStation 4?" Judy asked, clearly impressed. She looked up to see Nick smiling and nod her way. She smiled back, and quickly pulled him into a hug. He blushed under his fur as he hugged her back. Eli couldn't help but smile at their display, before turning back to the console.

That must've been expensive, he thought, suddenly feeling guilty.

"Nick... thank you... but you didn't need to buy me this. I know that back on my world something like this would be really pricey," Eli said bashfully, looking down.

Nick gave him a wink. "Oh, it wasn't nearly as expensive as you would think bud," the fox said. Judy broke off the hug and folded her arms, her ears perked as she flashed him a suspicious look.

"Nick, what did you do?" she asked in a familiar disapproving tone.

"Hold on carrots, I just got it at a discount from Reggie, that's it," he said, leaving out the part about the blackmail. Judy said nothing else, but narrowed her eyes, letting him know that he was going to be explaining himself later on. She then turned to Eli, who clearly looked like he wanted to start playing it, but was also clearly holding himself back from doing just that. She sighed before smiling as she went over to it.

"Sweetie, I promise that it's okay to enjoy us spending this much on you. Nick and I are not going to get mad at you for it, nor are we going to regret doing these things for you," she explained.

"... Are you sure?" Eli asked, not sounding entirely convinced.

"Of course Eli," she said, Nick nodded as she did so.

"It's true, bud. Now, how's about you get introduced to vegging with some of your new games while Judy and I go have a talk that will more than likely involve her rolling her eyes at me?" he said, casually resting a paw on Judy's shoulder. She smiled as Eli giggled a little at that, before saying "Okay, Nick... thank you."

"No problem, bud." Judy took him by the elbow and led him into the dining room. The smile didn't truly disappear from her face as she turned to see that they were out of Eli's earshot and folding her arms over her chest, eyebrow quirked, obviously waiting on Nick.

"... Okay, so, it's like this..." He started to explain his discount.


There you go dear readers! I, once again, genuinely hope that you all enjoyed this new chapter!