Chapter 1
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On the town of Terraria where bunch of streetfood sellers,children playing tag there was a certain individual walking down the middleway of the road looks so tired as if he was being forced to get out on a errand,as he sighing he can't help but to twitch his mouth and say.

"Tch,That woman do really have guts giving me order around why she want me to get outside?it f*cking hot on here,I prefer staying on my room all day than being dried on this sun"as he said that but he can't help because he was a slave.

This individual name was Natsuki Kira apparently he was a slave of a woman she being cursing around while walking if it weren't that time he was caught off-guard he will not  suffer like this.

"But rebelling on that woman probably not a good decision for me since I already dedicated my life for her" as he helplessly sigh because of what happened 10 years ago where she meet that woman.

On a the Cursed Forest where he found that woman running away on woods she didn't care where she tripped on a rock,or root of the tree she was just running until she entered on the cursed forest at first she was hestitating entering to it because she knows what is Cursed Forest is.

Cursed Forest-The forest was used to be living of spirits and guardian however when human started to ask for something absurd.

"Can we use the woods and the spirit powers?"as if this was some kind of trigger on spirit and guardian,however they provided it on the humans they just thought this was only one time and no more second time but at the second day more people coming in to beg more woods and blessings of the spirits as both of the spirit and guardian looked up each other although the guardian was hestitating he gave them permission to cut the trees however "kind shouldn't be taken advantage of people"

The guardian and spirit nodded each other and decided to looked what the humans doing.

As they decided to leave their forest and giving themselves a blessing to let them be visible.

As they arrived on the town as soon they saw the humans using the woods as merchandies on travelers it was very popular and a lot of travelers wanted to buy it.

As the guardian look on the spirit however a face of disgust guardian saw on the spirit face looking towards the people who fighting  against the beggars who not even can't fight against them using the blessing of the spirit they were blessed with the spirit power that can boost of their strength,energy,mentality,body boost,mana,both of them are indeed angry about this matter however "kindness still win at the end"they forgive them because they still faith for the humans maybe...this was just some sort of play however a shout make them go berserk.

As they heard the beggar that was lifted off and getting smack by the people around him although the beggar asked for help the guard who patrolling on the city however as soon he saw the man he pretended he didnt saw anything as walk away  them as he he saw the face the people around him laughing maniacally and said.

"Trash always will be trash,you and your friends are just waste of time,thats why you got ignored,society will be always mean on people like you have no power your lucky your the first one,tested my new power,be honored to be killed by me. "KUHAHAHAH"

As the beggar was crying helplessly to be beaten and his face was already butchered up.until ..

'Thats enough.'

As the boy released the grip of the collar of the beggar and look aside and he saw a young man who look handsome pure white skin as if looks like a snow except his hair black and his crimson eyes

As the man can't help to scream 


As the young man approach him and said

"Well well well...aren't this my childhood friend its been a while or not...time already passed you still like this?"


"Thats not important,what is gonna happen now was to kill you!as the young man dissapeared on the guy sight

And appeared behind him and said



Before he finish what he saying his head was already facing the feet of the young man.

"To be countinue-"