Bar Night! (Part 1)
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“Why the hell are you still here. I told you to leave. Do you still think you can help me? Even after what happened? Look what you did to me… This wouldn’t have ever happened if it wasn’t for you! Look at me!”






Hey, it’s Saturday! I got to sleep in.


It’s been two days since I auditioned for Hells Kitchen with Alicia. I had been pretty lazy this past week, not gonna lie. Though, I wasn’t really going to change that.


I reached for my phone to look at the time, 11 Am. I slept in pretty well. I feel like my already fragile sleep schedule will get messed up.


Ah right, today was the bar outing. Elliot was a pretty weak drinker so I’m preparing myself for the worst.


I had a shit ton of time to kill though, so I might as well find something to do.



Yeah, I spent a whole day watching nothing but tv shows. I know, how quirky of me.


Before I knew it, it was already 7:30 PM. I’d be a bit late, but it wouldn’t matter much. 


You’d wonder how a bunch of college students could get into a bar. Well, the shortened long answer is this is a made-up world made up by a piece of shit who just wants entertainment. The short answer is that the drinking age is lowered to 18, not 21. 


It all works out, doesn’t it? 


I got ready and headed out the door, taking the bus to the bar. 


I walked into the building, where I was greeted with a bustling atmosphere. Y’know, Generic clinking noises of glass and the buzz of talking. I stepped further into the loud room, walking slowly as I glanced left to right trying to find Alicia. At the corner of the backroom, there she was. Beside her was a woman with dirty blonde hair and in front of her was a man with dark spiky hair. I walked a bit faster to say my hellos.


“Hey Alicia, sorry I got here a bit late. The bus ran late.”


I couldn’t really tell her I lost track of time because I knew she’d tease me about it. A little white lie didn’t hurt anyone.


Alicia lifted a brow up and smirked.


“No worries, you’re just in time. You met Mirabella before.”


I waved to her awkwardly; I’m not the best at communication.


“Hey, Mirabella, nice to see you again.”


She looked up at me and waved her hand in what I assume was an acknowledgment of my existence. I felt like I saw her eyebrow twitch or something. It was always tense with her. To be fair, we didn’t know each other well at all—a friend of a friend type of thing.


“And this here is Aaron.”


She pointed to the man who was sitting in front of Mirabella. He had familiar dark brown hair and an average face. He turned to me and flashed a friendly smile. Above him was a pink transparent box that displayed his role: Protagonist.


“Sup man.”




I knew it! I knew that name sounded familiar! The guy I saw after work was the same dude Alicia was talking about.


My heart pounded a bit faster than before. His being here was an unexpected blessing. He was my ticket out of here if my theory was correct. If I can get Alicia to fall for him tonight, I’ll progress the plot. After all, she’s the 2nd female lead.


I inwardly pepped myself up and flashed a smile to him. I was going to succeed! I had to!


I sat next to Aaron, which was the only open seat left. 


“Phew okay! Let’s get this started. This bar is actually kinda cool because instead of ordering your stuff from a bartender, you can order your things using this device here!”


Alicia pointed to a rotatable screen at the center of the table which was propped up at a slant. It displayed different drinks and appetizers, she spun the display around which caused a mocking “Whoaaa” from me. 


“Shut up, dick!”


Alicia lightly hit me on the shoulder.


“Argh! My arm! You broke it you brute!” 




Alicia and I chuckled. Mirabella humphed and Aaron… looked kind of annoyed? 


After a bit more talking, our drinks arrived and we began to talk about menial things as I lightly sipped on my beverage. Alicia was a good drinker, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her shitfaced in my life. I, however, was the ultimate lightweight, so I took it slow.


“Hey Alicia, I don’t think you’ve ever told me, what do you major in?”


“I’m in Biochemistry.”


“Whoa, I heard that majors very hard. You still manage to find time to drink?”


“Haha, I always find a way.”


Aaron started initiating the conversation with Alicia. Mirabella just sat and glanced back and forth at the two people talking. I never really got the best look at her, but she really was beautiful. Her dirty blonde hair was parted to the side and put in a low ponytail, with bangs that slightly covered up her long eyelashes. She had deep grey eyes.


Perhaps I was admiring her for too long because before I knew it those deep grey eyes were staring back at me. I felt my heart thump a little. 


I averted my gaze back to Alicia and Aaron, who were talking making small talk, and a faint blush appeared on my cheeks. She wasn’t a crush or anything, I just realized my embarrassing actions, okay?


Maybe this would be a good time to get to know Mirabella. I mean, I never really tried my best to make friends with her. Maybe she’ll open up.


“So, Mirabella. It’s crazy how we always see each other ‘cause of Alicia but we never talk.”


Yeah, I know I’m bad at this.




Mirabella replies as if I’m a fly on the wall that she so graciously allowed to speak to.


“Haha… well, what’d you order?”




“Nice. Is it good? I never actually tried it.”


She paused for a second before nudging her glass over.


“Want to try?”


Now it was my time to pause. I was a bit flustered obviously, but… it shouldn’t hurt, right? She didn’t have a pink transparent box above her head, so she wasn’t any important character. Plus, it’s no big deal, it’s just drinking from the same glass. 


I grabbed the glass and took a small sip. It was minty and citrus-like; It wasn’t that bad.


“It’s pretty good. I’ll probably order one later.”


Mirabella nodded slightly. I guess she’s just shy. A little smirk crawled up my face.


Suddenly, I felt a strong gaze on me, I looked up to see Alicia’s eyes glued to mine. It was a weird look as if she was frozen in time or something. I could still see Aaron talking to her and she responded in half-hearted nods. But her emotionless eyes creeped me out nonetheless. As if on queue, her eyes shifted back to Aaron and she reverted back to her normal self. It was a quick moment, but definitely something I should take note of. 


As the alcohol began to take its effect, we all started to loosen up. Aaron in particular. His advances toward Alicia increased. I had no idea if this was part of the story plot, but I assumed so. I looked at Alicia to see how she was reacting, her bright face was still visible as she answered Aarons's flirty questions. Guess she digs him too.


Maybe it was time to do my silent wingman strategy. I was already starting to get a little tipsy… I’ll just say I’m gonna take a break outside for some fresh air.


“Hey, I’m gonna take a step outside real quick. Need some fresh air.”


Alicia nods her head and tells me to not stay out too long. I got out of my seat and walked to the exit door where I sat on the steps, staring up at the dark sky and breathing slowly outward. I know I do that a lot.


Will my plan actually work? I mean, I know I kind of convinced myself into it. But what if it doesn’t…


Thoughts like these will just make me melancholic. I should just enjoy the moment.


I checked my phone for the time. Currently, it was 9:14 Pm. I knew that we still had a long way to go because of Alicia’s energetic lifestyle and Aarons's flirting.


I’ll wait like, maybe 5 or 10 minutes, and then I’ll go back in.


“Hey, cutie. Whatcha doing out here?”


A slurring voice entered my disassociating eardrums. I turned to see a 30-something-year-old woman walking toward me—stumbling a little. A confident yet drowsy look plastered her face.


“Uh, just uh, just taking a break outside.”


She walked closer and sat down next to me. She sat uncomfortably close to me as she leaned on my shoulder, either from her poor motor skills or another factor.


“Mhm… I know a good way for you to relax.” Her breath smelled of alcohol, and my eyebrows knitted in repulsion. 


“No… I’m fine. I think I’ll just go back.”


As I was about to stand up, she suddenly pulled me down and threw herself at me, burying her face in my neck, and taking little nibbles which caused me to shudder in confusion.


“What the hell, let go!”


I pushed her away to which she stumbled a bit backward before supporting herself with her arm. She turned to look at me before cursing under her breath and grabbing my shoulder. Her grip was a lot stronger than it looked.


The woman began to start punching my face as I kind of just sat there unable to process what the hell was going on. I glanced around hoping to find someone to help me out, to no avail. Eventually, I was able to get my bearings and stood up, heading for the door. The lady followed suit. Right as I was about to open the exit door and escape, it flew open.


There stood Mirabella. Her expression looked indifferent before she turned and saw me fighting off a drunk lady. Then, her face shifted to confusion and finally, anger. 


She silently walked toward me and grabbed my shoulder to pull me behind her. I gladly complied.


“The fuck are you doing!?”


Mirabella shouted at the lady and pushed her hard, causing the woman to fall to the ground, groaning. She stepped forward and nudged the lady with her shoe, trying to see if she knocked her out or something. The woman flinched a bit.


“Fucking creep…” 


She turned to me with a face of concern that I saw before.


“Are you alright? Did she do anything?”


Mirabella, my savior!