Side Chapter: Zhi’s Anatomy Lesson
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Hello hello! With this we've reached the end of my Patreon backlog. I've managed to write three more chapters since and am working on a fourth so the pace of 1 chapter per week will continue without issue. Please enjoy!


"Hey there Zhi."

"H'llo, Master"

"I'll be taking over for Yating for a bit, she needs to rest after managing her constitution." Suwan says and plops down on the blanket with a smug smile. Zhi furrows her brows and taps her fingers before turning to her.

“Dere anythin’ I ken do ta help with that?” She asks while gesturing at the plethora of manuals and books surrounding her. 

“Don’t worry about it, I've got it handled. Besides, constitutions are so rare you’re best off learning the rest first.”

“One a’ us got one tho.” Zhi shrugs and gets back to squinting at the pages in front of her. Staying near in case the girl has any questions but staying out of her way to let her focus, Suwan picks up one of the books and leisurely leafs through it. Mere minutes later she puts it back down and leans her chin on her hand. Craning her neck to peek at the anatomy books Zhi is carefully studying an idea creeps into her mind and she grins.

“Right, that’s enough trawling through pages. Time for some practical experience. Mu, get over here!”

“Yes, master!” Mu replies eagerly while leaping down to them. “How can I help?”



“Your fellow disciple is studying anatomy. A model is required to speed up this process, I'd do it myself but it’s easier to offer instructions if you take the role. If you’re up for it of course.”

While Suwan sorts through several diagrams and illustrations Mu takes a deep breath and gathers her courage. She quickly tosses her clothes off before the reality of what she’s doing can set in and puts her hands on her hips in an attempt to pretend to be confident long enough to actually become it. Without looking up Suwan speaks while arranging the papers in between her and Zhi.

“Right, for now just your top will suffice. Thanks for the help.” She raises her head and looks at her fully nude disciple pretending she hadn’t seen this coming. Face rapidly reddening Mu covers her nethers and plops down on to the blanket with her legs pressed together. Suwan drags her closer by the arm and sets her down firmly in between Zhi and herself.

“Given that you won’t be able to externalize your qi until you reach Foundation Establishment let us focus purely on mortal physiology for now, specifically the torso. Limbs can be restored given time even should they be lost entirely but damage to the center of your body can easily cost your life if it isn’t treated quickly enough. That’s why we’ll be focusing on and around the neck, chest and waist for now. We’ll get to the head in time but that’s a lot more complicated, anyway, I digress.” Suwan explains while nodding to herself. Those should be good enough excuses. Lifting Mu’s right arm with one hand she traces part of her shoulder with the other. “Let us begin with the muscles for now, can you name this one?”

“Ahm, the deltoid?” Zhi replies with a hint of uncertainty while leafing through the pages in front of her.

“Correct, now trace it as accurately as possible yourself. I’ll be providing an example on the other side to assist.”

Somewhat hesitant, Zhi reaches out and strokes Mu’s shoulder. Occasionally Suwan nudges her hand when it slides off the specific muscle group in question. Once she’s fully traced all around it Zhi looks to Suwan for further instruction and receives a nod.

“Alright, on to the next one, try to trace the sternocleidomastoids this time. Ah but before that remove your vest. Mu, since either of you can only use your spiritual sense on your own body it’ll be easier for her to fully understand what she’s doing if she can feel it the same way. Please mimic her movements so she can properly sense everything.”

With that the stage is set and Suwan leans back and lays down. A content smile sits on her face as she rests her hand on her elbow and her arm on the blanket while lounging leisurely, ready to watch the show. Spreading out one of the diagrams Zhi taps her chin and squints for a moment to memorize it. The muscle in question runs from just behind the ear all the way down to the ribs, just slightly off center above the sternum. Both Mu and Zhi blush fiercely moving their fingers to the top of it, the gesture almost seeming as if they were cupping each other’s cheeks. Slowly they both stroke downwards, a gentle caress over the other’s throat culminating just above their relatively modest chests.

Mu’s hand nearly twitches lower and Zhi seems inclined to do the same. Their eyes meet for a brief moment before both turn their heads away with a blush on their cheeks.

“Now, both sides simultaneously. Pectoralis major.”

It is somewhat awkward to position their hands accordingly with all four arms between them but before long they manage. Their breaths slowly begin to hitch as their fingers trace the sides of their sternums. Zhi’s nipple brushes against Mu’s palm causing both to flinch before continuing on. Before long it happens a second time and then a third, neither even pretending those were accidental. By the time they circle all the way back up to the top they are passionately staring into each other's eyes. 

“Show me what else you’ve studied, Zhi.” 

With Suwan’s words providing the excuse Zhi mutters out two words. “Rectus abdominis.” The abs. Her hands drop down running across Mu’s modest chest and eliciting a soft moan. Stroking over her belly in a decidedly unscientific way her hands slowly veer off her abs and to her sides caressing the soft skin and cringing when Mu’s hands mirror the movement on her unmistakably less smooth waist.

“They’ll fade in time if it bothers you.” Suwan shrugs while leafing through a novel.


“The scars. Cultivation removes impurities. If you consider them wounds they’ll vanish, if you consider them trophies of past efforts they’ll stay.”

Zhi’s shoulders noticeably loosen and her jaw unclenches. Her palms moved back to Mu’s front only for the petite pugilist’s own to simply move up and down over her waist, her fingers seeming to follow every line in turn.


“It’s such a waste that they’ll be gone soon. I want to memorize all of them, they’re so cool!”

Looping a hand around each girl’s waist Suwan pulls both girls on to her lap, each of them on one leg with their butts hanging over the side of her thighs. Zhi’s pants and underwear vanish in the process. When she looks down and then back up at Suwan the blonde gives her a wink. 

“Storage rings can have many uses if your qi control is good enough.”

She gropes both of their rears, her shoulders moving up and down as if she were weighing them like an auction’s appraiser. Despite the girl’s petite physique and flat chest Mu has quite the bubble butt, years and years of rigorous training having honed it into its current peachy shape. Whereas the pugilist's is firm and round, Zhi's is a bit softer. Thicker than before but with its lean roots noticeable beneath, the once malnourished girl is beginning to fill out in that department as well.

“It’s hard to study when you’re all pent up, let’s alleviate that issue shall we?”

Mu and Zhi look at her when she begins to speak and look away when she pointedly licks her lips, their eyes meeting as they do. Almost unbidden they lean forward and slowly shut their eyes as their faces draw close. Their lips meet and their arms circle around each other, pulling themselves close together as if afraid they’ll slip away the moment either lets go. Suwan’s hands drop lower and the tips of her fingers rub their flowers in circular motions. Zhi gasps at the feeling and Mu doesn’t waste the chance. Her tongue flicks out and licks the inside of her mouth. Suwan intensifies her efforts down below prompting both girls to kiss harder and deeper. Inserting a finger in each girl’s hole she pushes her qi in eliciting loud moans. Zhi and Mu clutch each other tightly as liquid sprays out of them and drenches Suwan’s thighs. 

Fire qi courses through their veins setting their loins ablaze and spurring them on. Their loving embrace turns into passionate pawing, their hands fondling and caressing without restraint. They pant and moan exploring tender flesh, their palms drifting further and occasionally brushing against Suwan’s skin as well. Their desire for each other is clear yet it comes through muddled and constrained, filtered through Suwan’s veins before reaching each other. Mu’s brow furrows even as she swirls her tongue, that won’t do. She knows she shouldn’t push her qi out yet but Zhi is already connected to her right now isn’t she? Then all she has to do is bridge the gap between two parts of the same whole, like sending qi from one hand to the other in preparation of a punch.

She traces the connection from where it enters her, blushing fiercely while her fingers brush against her master’s hand that’s still rhythmically having its way with her nethers. Her fingertips follow the flow of qi up Suwan’s arm and down her shoulder. She can feel her master’s chest heave as she reaches it. Pursuing the trail her fingers circle the stiff nipples atop her mountainous globes several times before she realizes what’s happening and puffs up her cheeks in a pout. An action that causes her blush to intensify when Zhi’s tongue promptly explores them from the inside.

Following the connection further down she reaches Suwan’s dantian and slips lower before darting back up, realizing her master hadn’t redirected the trail lower. For a moment she feels disappointed, it is quickly replaced with embarrassment when she remembers Suwan can feel her emotions through their bond. She can sense Suwan’s smug elation in the same way and her joyful acquiescence followed by the flow changing, dipping past the blonde’s nethers before continuing back up and into Zhi.

Mu eagerly follows, fingers circling Suwan’s clit before dipping in and stirring her up as she feels the connection deepen and seeks to chase it. Satisfied as her master lets out a gratified moan she continues on up her chest giving the other nipple some attention before trailing down her arm and on to the woman she’s kissing. Eagerly she repeats the process with her fellow disciple, going up her rear, over her side and finally down to her dantian where the connection concludes and cycles back through Suwan.

That is where she puts her focus. To see if she can take that connection and join it to her instead, fully completing the circle. First she looks back at her own flow and compares it to Zhi’s. Slowly she begins to redirect it upwards and stimulates her fellow disciple’s to do the same. Excitement makes her breath come out in pants and causes her chest to heave, her nipples scraping over Zhi’s as the ex-street rat seems to move her chest in tune to rub against them over and over. Her teeth begin to grit and she hurriedly aborts the motion before she clamps down on their still dueling tongues. It takes all she has to lengthen the cycle on her side further and further and she can tell Zhi lacks the experience to do the same on her own. 

Luckily she doesn’t have to. Suwan’s touch supports them both, helping control the adjustments without dictating their path and allowing Mu to focus on both sides as the struggle lessens. Zhi can feel her jaw hurt and sweat drip down her brow by the time her qi flow begins to near her mouth. Even her tongue begins to cramp due to the length of their kiss but the pleasure is too much for her to stop. More than the pleasure it is the support that drives her on. She can feel Mu’s eager drive, the kind that pushes those beside her to greater heights instead of down as stepping stones and so too can she feel Suwan’s mostly selfless support, only lust added on to the mix of care yet nevertheless without any self-indulgent expectations.

Ever so slowly the flow cycles through her tongue until it reaches the tip and all at once snaps into place, connecting with Mu’s as if it were meant to be. The shock threatening to destabilize their cultivation is smoothed over by Suwan and all the three can feel is their pleasure, shared and amplified into a feedback loop. A cornucopia of colors flashes through Zhi’s sight as her every muscle begins to spasm and her insides clench. She lets out a muffled moan into Mu’s mouth and feels her partner reply in kind. The intensity is overwhelming and they hang on to each other like the tides of ecstasy threaten to carry them away. They collapse bonelessly as Suwan forcefully disconnects their flows and stabilizes their cultivation, panting and moaning while the aftershock runs through them and leaves them twitching in their own fluids.

“Only you, Mu…” Zhi can vaguely hear Suwan mutter while shaking her head. All she can focus on however is the panting figure in front of her. She extends her hand and meets Mu’s, the petite woman making the same motion. Their fingers entwine and they lovingly stare into each other’s eyes. A wonderful moment that is soon interrupted as their master teasingly leans over them.

“It seems like you’ll be able to study qi in advance after all, you’ll simply need to get Mu’s help. Every. Single. Time.” She adds while licking her lips and sauntering off with a salacious laugh. The blonde nearly misses a step as she does, only her fine control keeping the flush of her face. ‘Wouldn’t look good to lose myself in front of them, now where’d Yating go.’ She thinks, the corners of her mouth curving up into a lecherous smile.


Thank you for reading!