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I'm starting this project, according to the explanation and poll in my other series, (poll link- I appreciate any and all criticisms or opinions, so I humbly ask you to express your opinions after the chapters. The prologue will be divided into two parts, the second will be tomorrow around 12PM

Anthony was a reclusive guy with few friends, who lived in a third-class neighborhood, and already worked in an electronics dismantling shop a few kilometers from his house. Despite being a tiring and full-time job, it made him very happy, since the company was not very strict, not even with its regulations, Anthony always returned home with some solveniers, which was not exactly uncommon among the employees.

 In his house, Anthony had several electronics of all different forms, showing parts and components to everyone, but what drew the most attention in this house was the silver-colored capsule with the semi-transparent blue-green glass, and inside it was possible to see a VR helmet with a built-in microphone, intravenous needles, and a very comfortable bed. Upon entering the house, Anthony deftly pulled out an integrated memory and processing device from his backpack, which he connected to the exposed wires of the silver capsule.

 In the newly installed part, there was a copy of the newest VR MMORPG Online game, "The Hunt for the Lost Ark!"; despite what the title implied, the game had nothing to do or any resemblance to the adventures of Idiana Jones. The game took place in the future, where civilization was no longer limited to galaxies, but how many light years your ship was capable of doubling with its engines. As he powered up and set up the capsule, Anthony muttered about the part's origin.

 "It's a good thing K9 didn't apply one more of his punches, or I'll be fried... Just like my TV after using the components he sold me..."

 After a few mutterings, Anthony had already completed everything he needed, he lay down in the capsule, turned it on from the inside, and after hearing the confirmation beep, he put on his helmet, and soon after his senses went numb before everything returned to normal, but such a sensation certainly weighed heavily on Anthony's already preoccupied mind.

 A few seconds later, on the helmet screen that was black, stars slowly appeared together with constellations, before becoming rays of light, forming a beautiful tube of lights that appeared quickly, and went out even faster, while music played, a voice can be heard, indicating the start of a cutscene.

 "Countless years ago, we were suddenly attacked on our planet, our colonies and space stations, by a species unknown to us, with their ships and weapons light years ahead of us, and after years of incessant conflict resulting mostly in our defeat. , we think of the previously unthinkable, to the point of being considered a taboo...

 Leave our home behind. And so began what we call 'The Farewell to Home', a plan capable of removing all and various animal and natural species from the planet, before being completely decimated. And after years and years of fighting to delay our attackers, study the alien technologies we recovered from our few battlefields won, and finally being able to complete the plan, the Ark was born, a ship with previously unimaginable technologies, with warp engines capable of save us, and drive us away from our attackers... and from our home, forever..."

 After a brief pause in the narrative monologue, the starlight tunnel finally ended, showing a planet several times larger than the earth, with incredible vegetation, mountains, seas and much more wonders, such a planet would surely be able to house a form of fugitive life.

 "In our flight we found our new planet, Artheon, a planet full of wonders and beautiful creatures, and safe from any kind of invader, and we quickly made it our new home. But fearing persecution and a second invasion, our leaders They never stopped discussing what to do to prevent such a misfortune."
