Chapter 30 – Confrontation
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After a day filled with sex with my mother and our golem maids, it was the end of the weekend and the start of the new school week. Although I wasn’t planning on attending any more classes, there were still things I needed to do at school and reasons for being there. One of which was Hannah, who had just happened to arrive early and wait for me at the campus gates.

Once she saw me arrive, my girlfriend greeted me with a hug and more than a few kisses, despite the looks and gossiping such affection brought forward from our less-than-pleasant academic peers. "Good morning, Alek. Are you ready for another great day of studying the arcane arts?" She merrily sang after our lips parted, reminding me just how nerdy she was about all things magic. 

It also reminded me that I had yet to inform her of my plans for today, not that I really had the time to go over everything right now. "Ah, sorry, Hannah. I’m not actually going to be able to attend any classes with you today. There are several things I need to take care of, and I’m not quite sure how long they are going to take."

"If you’re not attending classes, why are you here wearing your uniform?" She raised her eyebrows, confused.

"The short answer is to blend in, but I promise you I’ll tell you more later. I probably won't be able to meet up with you for lunch either, so I’ll wait for you at your apartment after school. Is that alright?"

"Yeah… I guess." Hannah looked at me strangely. No doubt my short, vague explanation wasn’t really helpful.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the fiery, red-haired young woman who tried to kill me a few days ago, arriving at school. Realising that if I wanted to get done what needed to be done, I would need to act quickly, I turned back to Hannah and told her. "Well, you should probably be getting to class. You wouldn’t want to be late now, would you?"

"No, I wouldn’t…" She continued to give me that strange look, and I didn’t blame her. It was rather apparent that I was trying to get rid of her, she just didn’t know that it was because I wanted her to be somewhere safe just in case my plans went to shit.

Hannah looked back at me a couple of times as she slowly walked off to class, but I just stood there watching her leave, making sure she was out of sight before I made my next move. When she was finally out of sight, then and only then, did I spring into action.

Without another second wasted, I run over to the slender and tall Isabel Ignis. Before the red-haired young woman knew what was happening, my arm had slid around her shoulder in an overly familiar embrace, and I was pulling her away from the campus’ main thoroughfare.

"Ah, Isabel, I saw your sister's televised duel yesterday. That was quite something. She really is an Inferno Tornado, isn’t she." While I covered my actions with loud and purposeful small talk so that my close proximity wouldn’t be seen as suspicious, the fiery woman just scowled confused at me with those bright red eyes of hers.

"You cunt, what are up-" After momentarily being taken aback by my sudden and overfamiliar presence, Isabel tried to shout something back at me, but her words were cut off by one of my restraining bonds being conjured around her neck.

All it took was a simple mental command and I could increase the tightness of my golden glowing bonds. Although they couldn’t become tight enough to sever limbs, they could easily stop someone from being able to talk or breathe for a few seconds.

Fortunately for me, using divine power was much quicker than using mana, as the young woman instantly reacted to my attempt to abduct her by casting a spell. Her fingers started to trace the runic array of some spell, most likely a fire-based spell as both she and her famous sister was quite fond of pyromancy, but another conjured restraining bond was all that was needed to put that to a stop. With that band wrapped around her wrist, all I had to do was jerk her hand a couple of inches away and it would disrupt the runic array she was trying to draw, harmlessly fizzling out her magic.

Unable to talk or cast spells, Isabel was helpless as I led her away from any prying eyes. While we were walking like that, I leaned in and whispered into her ear. "This can be easy for you. If you do what I tell you to and don’t lie to me, then there’s no need for either of us to get hurt."

Isabel couldn’t say anything back to me, since I would just cut off her air supply if she tried to, but the woman did give me a nod. That said, she was also still staring at me with an intense scowl, burning with anger. 

Eventually, the two of us made our way to the picnic table at the back of the campus, where I had previously had lunch with Hannah once before. The location was private and out of the way enough that it was unlikely anyone was going to stumble upon us here unless we started slinging bright and explosive spells at each other.

Once the two of us were hidden away there, I pushed Isabel forward away from me and up against a thick tree trunk. The restraining bond around her neck had vanished, but she now had four of them on her, one on each of her wrists and ankles. The young woman was currently free to move and talk as she wished, but if she chose to be difficult, I could have easily brought any such attempts to a swift end using these bonds.

My plan to confront Isabel was going quite well so far, so I continued on and asked her the first question on my list. "Why did you try to kill me?"

Although I tried my best to be loud and intimidating, the fiery woman was having none of it. "Why should I bother telling you anything, you fucking cunt?" She spat back at me with quite a bit of venom in her tone, but there was something in her eyes. It wasn’t fear or anger, but something I just couldn’t quite identify yet.

The four bonds on Isabel's arms and legs spread apart and lifted her a foot into the air with a simple mental command on my part. "I would hate to hurt you, but do I really need to remind you about what kind of situation you are in?" I threatened her, but my words did not elicit the reaction I was expecting.

Instead of fear, the woman helplessly being held in the arms with her arms and legs spread in a star shape, looked… aroused?

That can’t be, right? I questioned.

Some people do have rather extreme fetishes. Allure helpfully answered. Even though I wasn’t really trying to ask her the question, I was still grateful for her insight. More than likely, this girl has some kind of noncon or rough play fantasy that your actions are closely mimicking. If you want to have a bit of fun and get the information you want out of her, here is what I would suggest you do…

The goddess proceeded to tell me her suggestions, and they were quite something. There were parts to it that I didn’t feel entirely comfortable with, but when I voiced those concerns with Allure, she suggested additional things I could do that I felt were much better at establishing clear consent. Even if Isabel was trying to kill me only a couple of days ago, I didn’t want to actually rape or sexually abuse her.

"Are you going to do something to me, or are you just going to keep me floating here. And here I thought you had more balls than that after everything else you did. You’re just a spineless cunt aren’t you?" Although Isabel’s voice was laced with annoyance and anger, her words seemed more like she was trying to egg me on and get me to do something drastic. 

With a grin stretched across my lips, I turned my full attention back to the helpless woman held in the air. However, the next few words out of my mouth only left her confused. "My safe word is ‘Calculator’. Do you understand?"

"..." Isabel just stared at me for a few seconds, utterly dumbfounded.

"My safe word is ‘Calculator’. Do you understand?" I repeated as I would again and again until she gave me a yes or a no.

"What the fuck are you getting at, you damned cunt!" She shouted at me again, using that same word as an insult once more. For whatever reason, she seemed particularly fond of using it. It wasn’t a word I tended to use since many people reacted rather poorly to it, but the fact that she freely used it was something to take note of.

"My safe word is ‘Calculator’. Do you understand?"


After a few seconds of silence, it dawned on me that the young woman might not know what a safe word was, so I added a little bit more information the next time I repeated myself. "My safe word is ‘Calculator’. If you say it, I will stop whatever it is I am doing to you and let you freely walk away. Otherwise, I won’t stop even if you beg and plead for me to stop. Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this explanation, Isabel’s eyes lit up, not only realising what it was that I was hinting at but also finding the idea enjoyable. The momentary lapse in her stony, scowling expression was soon shut down and she returned to her normal angry silence. However, this time I could see that she was thinking to herself and was actually considering my question.

Eventually, the fiery young woman managed to squeak out the words. "Yes, I understand."

"Good, now the interrogation can begin." I chuckled out loud, bellowing laughter as I stared at the helpless woman with my obviously perverted intentions, shining through the look in my eyes.

Moved along by the four restraining bonds, I floated Isabel over to the picnic table. Once there, the bonds holding her arms positioned themselves so that her chest was forced to be flat against the table while her legs were firmly planted on the grass below. Like this, she was positioned so that her butt and the length of her blue plaid school skirt that was covering it were pointed straight at me.

After slowly walking over to stand behind her, I let my hand come to rest just above the top of her skirt, on her back and said "This is how this is going to go down. I’m going to ask you a question, and every time you lie to me or refuse to answer, I'm going to spank you. The more you resist, the harder I will spank you."