Chapter 122 – *Title Redacted*
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A few days later in Nemesis HQ. Saydaa’s father decided to stay around, taking up a room in the facility. He and Saydaa were still awkward around one another…but they were talking.


And Saydaa…had never had someone to talk to.


As for the girl and the rest of Nemesis, well…


Saydaa peeked out into the room. The coast was clear. She tip-toed out into the hall.


“What are you doing, idiot?”


She jumped with a quick screech as Kiyosuke appeared behind her, metallic hands resting on his crossed arms.


“N-Nothing, um, see you!”


She ran off.


Kiyosuke sighed.


This had been going on ever since they had gotten back.


And not just him.


Saydaa…had been avoiding the entire crew.


Kiyosuke heaved a sigh.


Well…as for what to do when someone is avoiding contact, Kiyosuke had only one example. He decided to follow it.



The next day, around breakfast time, Saydaa slowly creaked her door open.


The coast was clear.


She slowly opened the door.


Then she heard a puff of smoke.


And a bucket of paint fell on her head.


She froze, her eyes wide open. She slowly turned her head, glancing around the room.


Kiyosuke appeared behind her, a smirk on his head.


Saydaa saw red.


From that moment on, Kiyosuke returned to being ‘the jerk’.


And slowly, Nemesis returned to normal.


Or perhaps…something more than before.



“It has been one week since a mysterious surge of energy covered the entire globe. Experts and scientists are still scrambling to determine exactly what happened, but no one has determined what, if any, effects the surge had.”


“Coincidentally, mutantand villain attacks have been on the decline ever since the surge, including the so-called kaiju attacks. World governments and the ILS are still urging caution as we have seen momentary dips in the past, but with each passing day the trend seems to continue.”


“We have received reports that mutant behavior has shifted. While formerly, these creatures were wandering into populated areas and attacking on sight, eye witnesses have reported more normal animal behavior. They seem to be avoiding populated areas and instead setting up their own territories. Please note that these creatures are still highly dangerous and extremely territorial, and all people should take shelter wherever one is spotted.”


“Now that the world has a chance to breathe, questions abound on where to go from here. Debates still rage on whether super children should be allowed in schools, or whether participation in the so-called super academies should be mandatory for all powered individuals. Those in favor of mandatory participation point out these powers can be extremely dangerous and that children don’t necessarily have the ability to control their own powers. Critics of the idea point out that the number of super academies is still very low, and only the ILS’s institution is considered reputable, so the policy would not be practical. They suggest that such a measure would simply lead to the ostracization of supers and the very tragedies the measure seeks to avoid.”


“Likewise, world governments are still discussing the militarization of the ILS with Director Green. Many are claiming the ILS has too much power and too much military capability for a private organization. Yet, it is a fact that all these measures proved necessary, possibly even insufficient over the past few months. There are even some calls that the ILS has not gone far enough.”


“Demographically, we are seeing a massive surge into cities that possess ILS shelters, following the recent crisis. It is to the point that cities are now offering funding to the ILS in order to construct and maintain the shelters. Some around the globe question whether it is right to pay the ILS with tax money, others point out it is not so different from how many utilities function in the United States.”


“All in all, what we do know is the world has undergone great changes in recent years, and we can only expect those changes to continue.”



Londyn leaned back in her seat, exhaling as she did.




It was over.


The Kaiju…the monster attacks…they had mostly stopped.


Sure there were still way more heroes and villains than ever before, monsters just a stone’s throw from any given human settlement, and that massive magic surge she was trying desperately not to think about.


Not to mention the political consequences of all the toes she stomped on in the rush to react. And the absolute mountain of paperwork they needed to sort out after the fact.


But…it was done. People were no longer dying as she spoke.


She even got a full night of sleep.


Just then Linda stepped into the room, carrying two cups of coffee. She handed one over to Londyn.


“Thank you, Linda.”


“You’re welcome, Director.”


“Seriously…thank you, for everything.”




“The last few months were the toughest challenge I’ve ever faced. And I got through it, thanks to your help. If you hadn’t been there, working as hard as ever…I don’t know if I could’ve handled it.”


“Director…if anyone deserves thanks, it’s you. You’re the one who saved the world.”


“And you’re the one who saved me in the midst of it. Seriously, you’re every bit of a hero as me, Linda. I just want you to know that.”


Linda’s eyes teared up a bit.


“Director…thank you. I’ll always be here to help, whenever you need me.”


Londyn gave her a nod.


“I’ll be counting on you. And giving you a raise. You deserve it. Well, guess we better get back to it. What was next on the schedule?”


Linda took out a tablet and scrolled on it.


“Oh, looks like you were giving a tour to the newest team from the Academy.”


Londyn nodded. Now that things were calming down, she could finally focus on fleshing out the Academy program. To start with, she figured she could get some of the students acquainted with the ILS infrastructure, as well as give them something to work towards.


“Sounds good, let them know I’m ready for them anytime.”


“Yes Director.”



“And this is the command deck of the mobile HQ.”


An ILS staff member brought the teens aboard. The Nova Guardians glanced around with wide eyes, chattering excitedly.


Except for one little girl, who kept staring at the staff at work instead of the actual command center. Londyn sighed as she stepped towards the group.


“Little PSI, don’t think I don’t see you there. No mind reading aboard the HQ.”


Roxanne crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks but the glowing rune faded from her forehead. Londyn sighed.


See, stuff like this was why she’s named ‘Little PSI’. Londyn was, of course, not at all upset about having her mind read when they first met.


“Well, come on. Let me show you the ILS in action.”


Tour went well enough. The Nova Guardians were very excited, as kids ought to be. Londyn even allowed herself to smile.


It was a good reminder, what this job was about. The ideals they strived for, the example they set. In the ILS, Londyn had built something more than just an organization, or an army. It was something beyond that, something that gave the people hope, motivated the brave to keep fighting just that little bit more.


And goodness knows this world needs more heroes.


She let out a contented sigh.


It was back-breaking work. She couldn’t even count the number of times she wanted to quit. But it was worth it in the end.


She couldn’t help but smirk a bit.


All this, thanks to a pair of faceless minions. Who would’ve thought?


It was at that moment that Londyn felt a tug at her sleeve.


Little PSI hadn’t left the room with her team.


“Little PSI, did you need something?”


The girl crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks again.


“...I’m not little.”


Londyn grinned and shrugged.


“Hero names only at the ILS, I’m afraid.”


“Then change that stupid name.”


“...I’ll think about it.”


“Change the name or I won’t tell you the really important thing you need to know.”


Londyn’s eyes narrowed. Roxanne met her gaze without flinching. Londyn slowly nodded.


“Let’s take this somewhere quiet.”



The two entered a private room, Londyn crossing her arms.


“Ok Roxanne, what is this about?”


“Promise you’ll change the name?”


Londyn sighed.


“Yes, I promise I’ll change the name. Now, what is this important thing you need to tell me?”


“There’s a spy in the ILS.”


Londyn heaved a sigh as her head pounded. Well…that was to be expected. No organization the size and fame of the ILS could remain free of spies. Heck, they had recruits straight from national intelligence organizations which Londyn was almost certain would be slipping things to their ‘former’ bosses.


Still…anyone in the mobile HQ’s command center warranted special attention.


“That’s a heavy accusation. Who is it?”


“That assistant girl. Linda.”


Londyn froze. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at Roxanne. She no longer made any effort to soften her voice.




“She was thinking about that Bob guy you’re always worried about. So I dug a bit deeper. Looks like she has a secret room, she sends him regular reports on the ILS.”


Londyn froze.


Her stomach boiled.


Ice ran through her veins, her face went pale.


The words got caught in her throat. She gulped and forced them out.


“ said…Bob? Did you take that name from my mind…or hers?”




Londyn clutched at her chest and leaned against the wall. Her eyes went wide as she started to sweat.


She had never mentioned Bob’s name to anyone.


Not even Linda.


So if Linda knew Bob by name…


Londyn took a deep breath and walked over to Roxanne. She grabbed the girl by the shoulders, glaring straight into her eyes.


“D-Director? That kind of hurts…”


“Roxanne. You’re absolutely certain? The Bob that Linda’s thinking about…is the same Bob I think about?”


“His voice is the same in both your minds. He talks the same way in your memories. I think you all worked together…back at Kayserling Tower? Bob brought her with him when he started there.”


Londyn’s mind went blank.




Londyn stood up. And then left the room without another word.



Linda walked down the hallway and entered the room. Londyn was waiting for her there, flanked by two guards. Linda turned to face her.


“Hi Director, what did you need? Oh, the Academy rep is wondering where Little PSI is, by the way.”


“Detain her.”


The two guards stepped forward, grabbing Linda’s arms behind her back and cuffing her wrists. Linda’s eyes widened.


“D-Director? W-What’s going…”


Londyn glared at her.


“Get this traitor out of my sight.”


The two guards grabbed Linda’s arms and began to haul her off the deck.


“W-Wait, Director! I-It’s not what you think! I’m really trying to help you! J-Just let me explain!”


Londyn didn’t turn around as the door shut.


Silence filled the empty room.


Londyn stood in silence for a moment.


Slowly…her body began to tremble.


She lifted her hands to her face…as she crouched down against one of the walls.


Several minutes later, the comms officer at the commander center got a call from the Director.


“Contact Dr. Fraser. Tell him to meet me back at the ILS HQ in New York. Then prep me a jet.”


“Right away, Director.”


With that, Londyn turned around and left the room. She grabbed Roxanne, and went straight to the hanger.


She didn’t speak another word for the entire trip to New York.


Chapter 122 - Betrayal

That…is not good. 

Needless to say, we've entered the next arc.  I'm sure it will all...probably not be fine if I'm honest.  L-Londyn will understand, right?  S-She'll stay calm and rational, right?  She wouldn't do anything rash...right?

Um, anyways…

How is Londyn going to respond to this betrayal?  Is Bob ready for what’s coming?  Tune in next time, to find out...