Chapter 7 – Getting to know Ayla
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Skylar went further away from the Buffer Zone, venturing further from human civilization than he's ever been

Although the area they were going to was far from human control, it didn't mean there weren't any humans

Humans try to strive wherever they are, and the humans in the Buffer Zone were no different. There were plenty of humans who survived outside the Buffer Zone, mingling with the locals and preferring to live outside the laws of the Buffer Zone and Earth

And there were many humanoid races that even looked exactly like human, only they don't call themselves humans and came from other realms similar to Earth

There were also shapeshifters and races like demons who could take human forms, or hybrid looking humanoids that were recognizable to humans as creatures of myth like mermaids, centaurs, harpies, and even werewolves

There seemed to be also creatures like elves and dwarves, orcs and goblins, but even Skylar didn't know if they were local to this realm or from other realms

In a way it was similar to the elves that Ayla came from, however she was much more powerful, stronger and faster than these elves. He didn't know if that was because she was because she was the hero of her realm, that she was now a mummy or zombie, or even that she was a form of superior elf

After a week, he had become accustomed to her presence and started to get to know her better, besides just having sex with her every moment he got

She had regained all her memories, so he started asking about her past and her abilities. She responded, but either it was because of her cold personality, or that she was a mummy or zombie, she never volunteered any information, nor did she say or do anything out of her own initiative.

In fact, she sat silently like a doll whenever he didn't initiate anything. Back in Awayo, she only appeared to bring him away when he mentally called her to

Mentally, he could communicating emotions, but not thoughts. So he couldnt' really read her mind or she his thoughts, but she could feel that he was in danger, or fearful etc, and could receive basic commands like to come and to fight

"Ayla, you don't hate me, do you?" Skylar suddenly asked one day

"No" she answered briefly

"Then, do you love me?" Skylar asked

"No" she answered without emotions

Skylar's heart dropped

"Then why are you with me?" Skylar asked, heartbroken

"You are my master" she responded

"Is that all?" Skylar asked

"No" she answered

"Then.. what else is there?" Skylar was afraid to ask

"I like sex with you" she replied, which surprised him

"You... like fucking me?" Skylar asked, knowing that his penis wasn't particularly large or was he a good lover. In fact, he had lost his virginity to her and she was his only lover

"Yes. You... make me feel good" she said

"You've... never had sex before?" Skylar asked

"No, I've had sex before" she said

"When?" Skylar asked 

"I have many lovers in my life. And I was raped as they killed me" she said, without elaborating

Skylar decided not to get her to elaborate and changed the subject

He looked at her while she stared ahead blankly

She looked just like a picture as she was so beautiful

He could even instruct her to grow her hair to his liking, as her golden hair grew to just under halfway down her back

It also flowed down her front and just barely covered her breasts when they made love

The dress that he brought for her, a dress he once bought for Miranda was now frayed and torn shreds

It was never meant for rough usage and over the past few days, the track through the plains, she had hunted for food in the dress

But he didn't know how her body worked

The amount of times he came in her pussy, he started worrying. What if she got pregnant?

Can an undead give birth? Was she still considered an undead?

She seemed to be able to produce vaginal lubricant, what if she started producing ovum?

And it has been a week and her stomach was getting rounded

He decided that since he didn't know, he straight up asked her

"Are... you pregnant?" Skylar asked

"No" Ayla answered stoically as usual

"Then how come your stomach is growing?" he asked

"The food in my stomach is collecting" she answered

Skylar looked at her in confusion, before he suddenly realized something

"You... need to take a shit?" Skylar was shocked

"I don't need to. But it is building up" Ayla responded

The realization hit Skylar instantly. She didn't even defecate if he didn't instruct her to. For the same reason, she probably needed to pee too!

Quickly he got up and asked her to relieve herself

Ayla squatted and pulled up her dress which was so badly torn, it seemed like ribbons were handing of her. She was also not wearing underwear and she started squatting down and started both urinating and defecating

Skylar was shocked as an ungodly amount of shit came out of her abdomen, and her urine started wetting the feces on the ground

"Wait!" Skylar yelled as he started moving her to a better spot as where she was, the shit was already nearly touching her ass

With his command, she instantly stopped releasing the feces and urine

He decided to hang her butt over a nearby cliff and allowed her to release

From the side, he could see her shit dropping in a continuous long shit, down the cliff exceeding over 3 meters and her urine was raining down the cliff as well

Skylar decided that he would get her to relieve herself whenever he did, so that he could remember to never let it build up in her again

Finally, she was done and created an ungodly stench 

It wasn't because her body had digested the food and turned it into feces, but the bacteria in her body had decomposed the food

He realized that he should have instructed her to digest the food, rather than keep it and let it rot in her body

As it is, it wasn't clear if she needed food, but he thought it best that he didn't let her digest these rotting food and feed her properly in their next meal

Skylar looked at her dress and it was ruined with urine and shit that had hit it 

"Damn, I wish there were water so that you could wash" Skylar said

"You want me to wash, master?" Ayla asked, summoning water that floated in the air from her hand

"Er... yes!" Skylar answered, surprised and realizing that elves are magical creatures with an affinity with nature

Water appeared and surrounded her, washing her ass completely clean

He asked her to remove her clothes and in the open, on top the cliff, he got her to bathe herself and him too, getting a nuru massage as they ended up having sex again


"Er.. so Ayla. Explain all your magical abilities?" Skylar asked, realizing he needed to ask specific questions to get the answers he wanted

"I was a high elf and so was able to freely control all four elements... fire, water, earth and air. I could also control variants of those elements, like lightning, ice, lava, nature...." she explained

"Ok ok. Besides magic, what are the levels of magic in your realm? How high were you?" he asked

"In Erindar, magic is classified into 9 stages. Beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert, master, grandmaster, sage, archmage, demi-god" she explained

"Oh, only 9 stages... there are no other levels?" he asked absent mindedly. He wished the magic in this realm had such classifications, but they classified everyone together here, magicians and warriors etc, to Ranks, from E rank to S ranks. But there were rumors there might be SS Ranks in existence

"No there are no other levels after demi-god" Ayla answered

"So.. what level did you reach?" Skylar asked

"I was ranked as an archmage level. But that was because I was too young. I could fight and defeat several archmages" she said

"How about demi-god levels? Can you face them?" Skylar asked

"Demi-god levels didn't exist until we met the deity that ruled over the Realm of the Dead" Ayla said

"Oh..." Skylar said. He knew she was defeated by the denizens of the Realm of the Dead. He didn't feel like he wanted to ask, since he knew she had been raped, killed, dismembered and was intended to be used to create a powerful elder mummy

According to the scientists who have studied the undead over the decades, they theorized that the abilities of a mummy and zombie were nearly the same. In fact, when they unwrapped a mummy they captured, it was no different from any other zombie

The basic abilities of a zombie and a mummy were the same. They were typically strong and extremely durable and hard to stop. It was theorized that this was because they were undead and didn't feel pain, and their strength was that of a human, but one who is able to use his/her whole strength without limiters. 

Usually a human's brain have limiters to prevent using a human's full strength, as it will rip and tear the muscles and sinew, even crush the bones of the human

But a zombie or mummy, the undead being seemed to have crazy regeneration abilities. Thus there was no fear of being injured while using it's whole strength. 

The only difference is, a mummy seemed to have other abilities that zombies didn't have. For example, they have catalogued mummies literally casting fear, producing an aura of death, creating sandstorms etc

Skylar continued questioning her about her abilities and was shocked at how powerful she was, way beyond what they intended

She was a high elf, and was the most talented of her generation. She not only controlled all the elements, but also the magic of light and shadow

Even if she wasn't the hero, she would have ranked among the most powerful mages in Erindar. 

Light was usually controlled by elves, and shadow by dark elves. But when the realm of Erindar needed to fight the whole Realm of the Dead that invaded, many races came together to help train the hero and her band of warriors

As the hero, she had the special ability to train any skill, and become the best in the world at that skill

The dark elves' darkness magic was one of the many skills she learned

She also gained the title of the best physical fighter in Erindar, being an untouched expert in using melee weapons, as well as ranged weapons. She had many nicknames like the Sword Princess, the Battle Maiden, the Hero of Victory and so on

Too bad when the Realm of the Dead invaded and took over the whole realm, she experienced her first loss which ultimately led to her death

"No wonder they wanted to turn her into a mummy. I'm fortunate that she is mine" Skylar thought, looking at Ayla who stared straight ahead, looking like an inanimate doll

When he shared or more accurately, duplicated her abilities, he didn't know how powerful she was and never used anywhere near her full capabilities.

Now he discovered that she was the ultimate Mary Sue. However even so, she was killed. So he didn't feel invincible. If Ayla was ultimately killed by the undead, how could he feel so confident?

No doubt Ayla fought and won against the death knights, but she faced them and much more, that the Realm of Death could throw at her, and although she was more powerful now with undead abilities, there was still a doubt that she would win against the full force of the Realm of Death or other such forces

He looked at her body, now completely nude, and felt a bit guilty as he was completely dressed in his old academy leather armor

He tried to let her wear his shirt, but her breasts were squeezed together, and she was still naked below. He didn't think it was a good idea if she wore all the clothes and he remained naked instead

The forest path had just ended and it opened up to a medium sized town ahead. 

He would find someway to get clothes there, so like with Awayo, he instructed her to stay hidden in the forest while he got clothes for her. He fortunately had scrounged up a little bit of money that he had saved when he returned to Awayo. He wished he had the presence of mind to rob those adventurers when he overpowered them

With Ayla hidden in the nearby forest, Skylar walked towards the town