Chapter 175 – He saves the world in this one. It isn’t particularly important.
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By the time I awoke this morning, the sun was already nearing its peak. I can't imagine this habit of waking up late is particularly healthy, but, today at least, it shouldn't be a problem, since the tournament doesn't start until a little after noon and we don't really have any other plans. 

Naturally, I was the last one to wake up. Again. S and Sis were already out doing the morning fishing. Feels like that's sort of becoming a tradition for us at this point. It's good fun, at least in a world where I don't have a TV or a computer and can't read anything. It's quite economical, too, since we've started eating some of the stuff we catch.

I sure hope this place doesn't have mandatory catch and release laws. I also hope that society hasn't progressed enough to require us to get fishing licenses. 

Uh, that shouldn't be a problem, though. I mean, what are they gonna do, slap a fine on a couple of kids having fun?

. . . Yeah, probably. They let us own property, after all. Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It's not like we're hurting for cash at this point.

S was the one that suggested we start eating fish, even claiming that he was "really freaking good at cooking them." I was never a big fan of fish, but I agreed anyways because I figured I should start eating healthier. Also because I wanted to eat S's cooking. 

Turns out his signature recipe was slapping salt haphazardly all over the entire thing and roasting it over an open flame. 

I considered myself lucky that he elected to only pour sand on his own meal.

Still didn't taste that great, though. Probably because I really don't like fish. I ended up just drowning mine in various condiments I bought at the store. Some which I even recognized. 

Uh... Probably countered some of the health benefits... And the economic ones... But... Well, it is what it is.

The past 3 days have been rather uneventful. Which I quite like, if I'm entirely honest. Not that I don't enjoy a good adrenaline rush every now and then, but it's nice to sit down and sleep sometimes. 

Speaking of sleep... Well, we've still got a few hours 'till the event. I don't think anyone should mind if I... Catch a few... More... ZzzzzZZzzZZZ...

Some time later,

"Aaaalllright!" S said, clutching his ticket in hand, "Finally, it's time for the tournament!" 

It seemed like a weird thing to announce while we were walking there, but he was excited, so I didn't say anything.

"Yeah, duh." Sis said, tactlessly.

S didn't take to the sleepy, relaxed vibe of the past few days as well as I did. He didn't say anything, but I could tell he was restless. Still, I'm glad he indulged us. To be honest, I got the feeling he's been in a great deal of pain for some time now. I'd wager that's why he wasn't so eager to go out and get hurt for fun.

Beyond that, I caught glimpses of him trying to use magic every now and then. Nothing particularly grandiose, but I could occasionally spot him stretching an arm or a finger out at nothing while glaring intensely. It was especially bad come nightfall. Sometimes he'd just wake up in the middle of the night and feverishly reach out his arms, straining himself even to the point where it caused him to grunt painfully. Sometimes I was convinced he wouldn't let himself sleep at all. Some nights, I can't say for sure he ever did. I won't lie, it was kind of sad.

I imagine the whole situation makes him feel like a caged bird, eagerly awaiting some sort of release. And it certainly made me apprehensive about the things he's gonna want to do when that release eventually comes... Maybe I should take up armor training in the meantime? 

But that'd really clash with my aesthetic... Though, a bit of black leather might be nice. But nothing too bulky. Also, it might get kinda hot like that...

Anyways, "Y-yeah, should be fun." I said, disregarding Sis's unnecessary comment. "A little excitement shouldn't hurt. Us, at least." I'd wager that even wooden swords pack a mean punch, even if they're just for training.

"Right, for sure!" S said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. "N-not that I've been bored the past few days, or anything. Just, uh... Should be fun!"

"Y-yeah." I said, again.

It's hard for me to blame him for being at least a little bored. When one's life is a series of loosely connected adrenaline rushes, I'd imagine that slowing down to fish and talk about the weather would be a bit jarring. And that's most of what we did.

Well... "'Cept for the asteroid..." I mumbled to myself on accident. 

"Wha?" S asked.

"Oh, uh, n-nothing, sorry. Just, uh, thinkin' out loud."


To be honest, I almost forgot about that. 

I understand how weird it sounds that one could forget about something like that, but it really wasn't all that big of a deal, not an impressive story at all.

But it is a long one. 'Bout the length of the better half of a day.

Here's the abridged version. 

We came across a crazy powerful probably magical telescope as a result of some shenanigans. Maurice was also there.

We looked into space. Saw a big rock. Coming for us.

More shenanigans lead to us finding out it was gonna collide with the planet sometime. We, uh, couldn't tell when. Sometime between a decade or so, or several centuries. There was also the possibility that it was never gonna collide. Nobody could really say anything for sure, this world doesn't really know much about space stuff. And I only knew a little bit more.

Anyways, Sis and I figured we should deal with it. Nobody else really cared much. Guess they weren't aware of the destructive potential of giant space rocks. Regardless, I fixed it. 

Since I'd seen it, I figured I might be able to just teleport it really far away and then not have to deal with it.

So, I took the telescope for a while, looked out into empty space as far as I could possibly go, and put a reaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllly big hole there. Oh, looks like I can make holes in space, by the way. I'm not sure if I can connect them into this world's atmosphere, but, fortunately, I didn't have to try. I put the other hole directly in the path of the rock, it disappeared and, just like that, it became some other planets problem. 

And that's it.

In summary, I saved the world.

If you're wondering how that possibly took the better half of a day, it's because of a distinct lack of urgency. I wanted to get it done right away, but there was this street performer, we stopped for ice cream, it was a whole ordeal. 

So... Yeah. Saved the world... 'Course, I guess I can't prove it to anyone... Looks like I won't be putting it on my resume, or anything. Hah...

Yep. That's... That's it. 

. . .

'Least ice creams still good over here.