Escape? Rescue? FREEDOM!
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If its to save a life, Is forced Gender Transition A crime?
  • Yes, because They shouldn't have something so important forced upon them Votes: 1 3.4%
  • No, Because if its becoming Transgendered or Dead, Its obvious which is better Votes: 14 48.3%
  • Depends on the circumstances. Votes: 14 48.3%
Total voters: 29

[Mutate #66. Place your hand on the ground, and prepare for inspection.]

The voice over the intercom commanded. I immediately obeyed, as i had been disciplined before for disobedience, and it was an unpleasant experience i did not want to repeat.
A group of armed men entered, and began searching the place, as a tall woman attached a rope to the control ring, an explosive collar, around my neck. She dragged me to a standing position, my right arm falling to my side. My Left arm was long gone, taken by their "Discilplinarian"... I was just an animal to them. They'd already made me useless, and even crippled me... The woman grinned at me.

"Good news, Pet... Your Ascension has been moved up. Its Today, Right now in fact!"

I Shuddered. This was it. The end of the line... I'd be cut open, my brain implanted with machinery to make me an obedient Drone... I was led from the room...

We were almost to the lab, Where my life would end, when an explosion rocked the building... Rubble fell, crushing the men and the woman... i didn't know what to do... A strange man appeared before me, seemingly out of nowhere, and pressed a button on a device... the control ring dropped from my neck... but still i stood there.

"Whatcha waitin for, kid? RUN. Head for that silver cube outside the gates. We'll getcha to safety."

I accepted the man's command. It was only when i felt it, felt THEM, that i realized... i was free. I saw a big man fighting three robo-drones, and two 'Ascended'... He wasn't faring well, and they were between me and the silver cube... I knew i shouldn't act, i'd get disciplined... But i couldn't just stand here and watch freedom be taken away from me again... I reached into myself, and took hold of my power... and pointed at two downed Drones... i watched the functioning parts peel off, and gravitate toward me. Watched them rearrange themselves to suit my needs, forming a combat armor... I flexed my wrist and a blade of pure energy extended from my fist... About two inches long... I snuck up behind the nearest Ascended and delivered a strike to its head. As it fell, i heard a voice. "Thank... you..." i knew that voice. Tears started flowing from my left eye, blurring my vision... M#65... my elder Brother... I even remember his name. Travis.
"I'm getting out of here, Trav... I wish i could have saved you... but..." Once 'Ascended' Theres no going back...

My path was clear, and i was picking up more tech for my armor as i ran... I reached the cube, and learned it was a door into a cloaked ship. It was open. I jumped inside.

An hour earlier, Facility Airspace, Inside the 'cube'.

Four Figures stood around a central computer. the smallest was typing.
"Okay, so our priority target is #66, real name unlisted. According to our data, he's been called their 'secret weapon' and is scheduled for that horrible mind-control surgery today. any questions?"

A tall woman, dressed in medical scrubs, raised her hand.
"You don't need to raise your hand, Nine."
"Sorry Six, Force of habit... Whats the plan?"
"Explain the plan, Fourteen."

A huge man, Fourteen, grinned.
"THE PLAN!" he was loud. "EASY. FLICKER HERE-" A short man interrupted "Mah Names Twentythree, Numbskull."

Nine looked concerned.
"Isn't that extremely dangerous? you could be hurt!"

One hour after the rescue. Nine and Six looked at the cargo hold. Three terrified Children, the oldest only sixteen, Huddled in a corner, trying to stay away from an odd sight...
"Six, What the hell is that thing? Some kinda mechanical Cat?"
"No, Nine. Thats our Target... It appears to be Armor made from drone scrap..."
"So hes a Technomancer?"
"Better! An actual Technopath... Rather than using energy to control machines, he uses his mind... He's an anti-mech powerhouse..."
"I see... Still looks like a metal cat though."
"He certainly does, nine... he certainly does..."

/Authors Note: Please don't expect frequent updates to this, or any, of my series... I'm writing on mobile, prepaid, and have no high speed data left... But I'm continuing this, and Redlight Reincarnation, At my own pace, so bear with me.

About the Character: Imagine M#66 as a 14 year old trauma victim, missing his left arm and right eye(among other things), shaved bald. His combat form looks a bit like Bleach Character Grimmjow in his Arrancar form(at this time). 

Six is a small child with glasses, who has superintelligence.

Fourteen is essentially Brick, from Borderlands.

Nine is 17, blonde, and has healing abilities

and TwentyThree is 5'1", with a beak-like nose and sharp features... he can phase through solid objects and teleport.

More will be revealed in the next few chapters./

Disclaimer: This Story features dark themes, such as torture, rape, and forced gender transition leading to dysphoria... All thats later though. However, if you aren't comfortable with these themes, or Have an issue with the lgbt community, Or just came to post snide comments, Please go Away, We don't take kindly to your kind round here. Thank you.