Chapter 23
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Overall, the first dozen or so offers were at least unattractive for Viego. Either they were decorations, such as an antique Greek vase, or paintings. Nothing really worth paying attention to.

One picture, though, did seem really interesting. It depicted the goddess Aphrodite. The painting was painted by Hephaestus and the image turned into a visual representation of the idea of the person looking at it. However, Viego was not particularly interested in this. He himself believed that the goddess Aphrodite herself was terribly artificial, if the rumor that she took the form of every guy's ideau. So naturally, except for a sickly sigh, he said nothing.

The goddess Hera gave him a smile then, but he himself did not see it. So he watched on.

(Varg)-Dear ladies and gentlemen. We just got to the middle of today's auction. And from the fact that today we host many beautiful ladies. I believe that the next product can be a perfect gift for the other half.

Then two people dressed in Asgardian armor brought to the stage a table with goods covered with a red blanket, already familiar to everyone. As Varg walked over to the table and pulled off the red cloth. The eyes of buyers and the public, a cage, specifically a birdcage, has appeared.

(Varg)-And here, Ladies and Gentlemen, you can see the last find of one of the Asgardian ambassadors in the Mayan Pantheon. Apparently, Lady Ragnar found this creature when it tried to bite into her chest like an insect. Unfortunately, the creature's teeth were too weak to break through the Ambassador's skin. So she was captivated by the beauty of creation with the consent of Hunab Ku. She took the creature to Asgard, but for reasons that were not revealed to us. This creature was given to us at an auction.

When Viego looked at the creation, he saw something really interesting. Generally a little dragon, because that's how you can describe it at first glance. It had a slightly serrated shape, that is, it had no legs or anything that would distinguish it from a snake at first glance. However, it has two pairs of wings, one closer to the dragon's head, the larger one, and a smaller pair on the lower portions of the creature's body. The scales of the creature on the outer side are really peculiar green in color, and the bed is perfectly visible even from such a distance. On the inner side, the scales are slightly creamy in color. And the feathers of the wings are slightly pink, which gives the dragon a certain charm.

The dragon's mouth was, as expected, knotty. It had pink plumes and something like a bony sheath that looked like a crown. Currently, the dragon with the venom in its eyes was looking at the people around it and hissed and made quite strange serpent noises.

Viego himself tried to recall what he associates a given creature. But he couldn't remember anything. However, Viego himself had reflections on how he wanted to have a serpent in his previous life. However, his mother would not let him. So he was motivated to fulfill this desire from a previous life.

That's why before Vard started bidding with a ridiculous 10 gold coins. Tighter close the plate with his buyer number. What Hera noticed and asked in a softer voice.

(Hera)-You are interested in bidding, why?

Viego smiled slightly, and knowing it was nothing. He decided to be honest and answer.

(Viego)-I've always wanted a snake, from an early age. But my father never let me have it. So now, with that possibility. I want him.


She said and laughed shortly then started looking at the little dragon.

Hi audience heard Vi's statement. And the rumor quickly spread through the crowd. Therefore, hardly anyone conquered the precious, especially when Hera for some reason looked angrily at God in a straw hat. Which for some reason lifted precious with a smile. As a result, Viego made the first purchase.

(Varg)-Sold. A majestic little dragon, he lands at Mr. 69. For the amount of 25 gold coins. Thank you for your purchase and I invite you to collect the goods after the auction.

Viego slightly not controlling himself, happy to fulfill his own dream. Uncontrolled, in a rather charming, happy voice, he said quietly.

(Viego)-I have snake.

He said it in such a childish voice that she was a woman of Olympus. She couldn't hide a smile and a giggle, even though she covered her mouth with her hand.

Further items at the auction were not very spectacular, but Viego bought some ingredients at really low prices. Because during the auction, although only rare goods are shown, the price is not always high. For example, Viego bought, among other things, five piur of the rare albino Harpi variety. For literally 1 gold coin, which wasn't too much.

From interesting information, Hera bought a lot of furniture and the like. However, literally no one could purchase a feather of any creature if these goods were auctioned off. Viego was the only one who got 5 feathers. But only because either Hera was in a good mood or she didn't like the feathers.

Loki purchased a highly potent resin obtained from rare African Baobab varieties, specifically from Wakanda. Unfortunately, Loki has not revealed what he needs it for. But if the rumors are true, Prince Thor is in trouble.

Hephaestus only bought rare jewels that he wants to obtain to create a gift for his wife. At that moment, even Loki looked with pity on an all-too-good God. And he patted Hephaestus amiably on the shoulder.

The auctions went on and there were really plenty of goods. However, little caught his attention. The last thing Vi bought was Surtur's old bone. Which flew away after fighting ODyn. The bone is only a fraction of the size of a fist, but Viego bought it for just 400 gold coins.

After the action was over, Viego and the rest of the gods went behind the scene to complete the transition.