Chapter 56: Negotiate Part 2
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“Oh, how nice to hear from you! How are you? Did you have a great night?” Casper asked Mark, his grating, jovial voice crooning through the phone, earning an annoyed eye roll from Mark.

But Mark didn’t let his disdain for Casper be known and instead matched the man’s jovial tone. “Thanks to you, I slept like sleeping beauty! And how are you? Did you already think of a new game for us?” Despite the pleasant tone in his voice, Mark’s lips didn’t curl up and were pressed into a thin line.

“I’m so overjoyed that you asked! I have these few amazing plans written out. One of them is where-”

Mark muted our side so that he could curse under his breath without it being heard by Casper, “That incessantly talking motherfucking snowflake.” He groaned as he dragged his hand down his face. “This will take a while.” He exasperated, hinting at Casper’s ceaseless chatter.

Taking this chance, I opened my mouth as I queried, “Why do you have Casper’s phone number?”

Mark sighed. “Didn’t I tell you I knew him since high school and that I had worked with him for a short period?” He answered, shutting his eyes firmly, using his index fingers to draw soothing circles on his temple against Casper’s excited voice that tore through the phone as he was still explaining one of his deadly plans to us, causing Mark a soaring headache.

I narrowed my eyes. “So, are you telling me he hasn’t changed his phone number once in all those years? And even if he didn’t change his number, why do you still have it?” I cast a skeptical eye at him. Mark patted me on my head like he would do to a child and hushed quietly, “Sshht. That’s not important. What’s important right now is that I am going to resolve this peacefully just like you wanted.”

“But-!” I started, not wanting to let go of this matter hastily, but got swiftly cut off by Casper.

“Helloooo?” He sang loudly, dragging out the ‘o’. “Mark, dear, I really hope that I haven’t been talking to myself all this time. It’s awfully quiet on the other side~”

Before Mark unmuted us he gave me a look that told me to not make a sound and responded to Casper, “No, no~ I was just so astonished at one of your brilliant plans were you would sell our organs to the black market at the end.”

Dark chuckles could be heard above the static noise. “Okay, okay, let’s cease these fruitless prattles and tell me why you called me before your obnoxious acting is going to make me want to hurl.”

“I want a truce.” The sarcastic playfulness in Mark’s voice has dissipated, revealing a detached and clinical tone, matching his stoic expression.

Silence filled the room before a dry cackle from the other line reverberated, making it seem as if the small calling device was quacking inside Mark’s hand. “God, that was comical, and why would I form a truce with you?” He questioned, the turbulence in his voice still vibrant as he was trying to catch his breath.

With a stoic expression, not bothered by the condescending laughter of Casper Mark started, “I have few reasons,” His apathetic expression got then overtaken by a vindictive one, the corner of his lips tugged in to a grin as he continued, “But the biggest reason may be because you’ll be able to finally find a certain person again. You know the person whose name you’ve been using this whole time.”

My brows knitted together in confusion and once again silence reigned the room. What’s going on?

“Where is he?” Casper’s voice that came out softly filled itself with underlying threats that made every fiber in my body clamp up. His molted anger full of enmity seeping out of the phone, turning the whole ambience dark as if it has lowered the opacity inside the room down, but Mark was unaffected by the ominous mood of Casper. The grin on his face was only more uplifted, exposing his milky-white teeth, and I knew he was taking pleasure in this.

“I am pretty shocked that you haven’t found him yet. If only you knew how close by he was. Such a pity that you’ll never know since you sound so disinterested in this truce.” Mark shook his head in disappointment as he breathed out overly exaggeratedly, but then shrugged. “Oh well! Have a good day!” He said before hanging up.

Mark closed his eyes, releasing a sigh. His face plastered with a satisfied smile as he leaned back, the back of his head touching the wall. “Fuck, that felt good.” He turned his face to the side, his beaming eyes aimed at me. “You’re right kitten, I should have talked it out with him a long time ago.” He said with a shit-eating-grin.

My eyes widen in shock and I unknowingly blurted out with a voice that was dosed with worry, “Why did you hang up!?”

“Sshht.” Mark hushed as he patted my head. “I’m trying to sort this out for you.”

I glowered at him and swatted his hand away. “Don’t ‘sshh’ me! It only seems to me that you’re trying to worsen the situation and who was this person who you spoke of to Casper?”

Before Mark could answer me, a boisterous buzz resonated throughout the room. I tore my eyes away from Mark and looked down at the phone to see a notification of a message that was written in full caps: WHERE IS HE? And I didn’t have to second guess from who that message was.

Mark didn’t show that he would reply to Casper’s message and instead smiled as he put his phone face down on his lap as it vibrated incessantly.

I glared incredulously at Mark. “Seriously?” Can he be any more immature?

With both of his hands up, their palms facing heavenward, he rose up his shoulders, shrugging, as he gave me an obtuse look. “Play hard-to-get to get a successful relationship, don’t you know that?”

“You don’t play hard-to-get with me.” I commented as I quirked my eyebrow.

He winked at me and responded, “That’s because we are already in a successful relationship.”

Not a minute passed by before the phone rang again, requesting FaceTime. My nerves getting the best of me, I moved to take the phone, but Mark thrusted the phone up away from me while placing his other hand against my shoulder to obstruct my body from coming closer to the phone.

“What the hell are you doing?” He hissed.

“Making sure that we will have both of our heads on our neck at the end of the day.” I grunted between each word, stretching my arm out to shorten the distance with my short limp. And it didn’t help that Mark was keeping me in place with his hand.

Mark clicked his tongue petulantly, his piercing blue eyes being narrowed at me. “You were talking about camaraderie a few moments ago, but you’re no hair better. How are we supposed to have a harmonious marriage life when you can’t even trust me when I say that I’ll take care of this?” He grumbled accusingly, but didn’t lower his arm and neither did I.

“Well, how are we supposed to have a harmonious marriage life when you keep laughing in the face of danger!?” Gritting my teeth my voice came out strained, forcing my body to keep advancing despite Mark’s hand that worked like an impeccable wall.

For a second, Mark stilled. He retracted his hand that was placed on my shoulder. His sudden movement caused me to fall over as the force that I had put down against his hand had nowhere to go except forward. I yelped, surprised, but swiftly got caught by Mark as his arms looped themselves around my waist, pulling me against his chest. My legs were now straddling Mark’s, his legs imprisoned between mine. My torso flushed against his and my face found itself in the crook of his neck with my hands resting on his shoulder.

Groaning, I pushed myself slightly away from him, mumbling under my breath, “A warning would have been sufficient-”

A pair of blue orbs were twinkling like orbs of ambers reflected on the surface of the sea at night; brimming with excitement. Lips that were wobbly, as if they were trying their hardest to suppress a smile from breaking out. A face that would normally be stoic and unfazed had now a childish expression.

At the sight of Mark’s thrilled expression, my throat clamped up and my heart squeezed, as I had never seen this behavior before. My throat suddenly felt dry, and I croaked wearily, “what?”

Not able to hold back anymore, his face broke out in a grin as he spoke with excitement that refused to be diffused. “So you have already accepted the fact that we are going to get married?”

A streak of dusted crimson went from one cheek to the other. “W-What? No! Where did you get that idea from?” I stuttered, praying that Mark won’t feel my hammering heart against his chest.

“You said it yourself. How are we supposed to get married if I keep laughing in the face of danger?” He reiterated what I said, putting a lot of emphasis on ‘we,’ and ‘married.’

I glowered. “I think that you’re reading too much into what I said.” The red streak on my face spread out and dyed my entire head in deep red, covering my freckles.

He hummed amused and commented, “That’s strange, your heart has been thudding really hard though.”


“That’s how my heart normally is.” I blurted out a blatant lie.

His eyebrows quirked up and his eyes twinkled with mirth. “Is that so? Perhaps we should test it out if your heart rate is indeed like this normally.” He commented before his eyes slowly drifted off to my lips, their gaze darkening at the sight of them and I had to will my heart to calm down to prevent myself to faint from heatstroke. 

Waiting for me to produce any words in response to his suggestion he raised his hand and brushed a few lost hair locks that were blocking my sight behind my ear whilst his other hand rested on my waist keeping me in place with the phone still in his hand. His fingers wove gently in my hair, playing with them before laying his hand on the back of my neck, propelling me gently down toward him. As my face hovered above his face, my hands still resting on his shoulders, stubborn hair strands that refused to stay locked in place cascaded down; their tips touching Mark’s face softly and I realized it was the first time that I was able to look down on him.

My position allowed me to gauge and scrutinize his face features in detail. From his thick bushy brows that were naturally arched, framing his clear blue eyes perfectly to his stubble beard that had increased itself in length after one night. I couldn’t help but be in aw how this man was blessed with good looks. But it was the ones whose looks could challenge the Gods that were the most dangerous ones.

Perhaps it was a curse bestowed on them in exchange for their good looks. I sighed internally. And I’m the poor soul who got herself tangled with such a dangerous person.

“Hmmm I must be really boring for your mind to wander off to somewhere.” I snapped out of my daze and my breath got stuck in my throat, noticing the proximity between us. Our lips were inches away from each other, close enough for us to share the same air.

Oh God, when did we get so close? Panic filled my body, the blood in my veins being pumped harder as the core of my body pulsed insanely. Seeing me all flustered brought a mischievous smirk to Mark’s face. “There you are again! Maybe I should quicken the pace so that I can keep your attention here.” He hummed in jest, but I knew he wasn’t joking and that he would go through with whatever he intended to do to me, and I knew that I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough to resist it.


On cue, like a guardian angel, the phone that was forgotten rang relentlessly again, tearing both our attention away from each other- reminding us that there was still a raging Casper waiting at the other side of the line.

Mark tched, displease washing over his face, bringing the phone to him as he loosened his hold on me. I instantly scrambled myself away from him, sitting back against the headboard as I exhaled, relieved. Face still flushed as I placed my hand above my chest.

Mark answered the call after cursing slightly under his breath.

“Where the fuck is he, Mark!?” Casper roared into the phone, shaking the entire room with his thundering voice. From where I sat, I had a good view of the phone screen and I was flabbergasted at this unprecedented behavior of Casper. His platinum white hair that normally would be neatly combed back was in disarray, as if he raked his fingers through it many times in frustration. The normal poise sarcastic voice, which was both annoying and daunting, dropped together with his condescending smile as if he wasn’t able to keep on his act, looking animalistic.

I don’t know who that person was that Casper was anxiously searching for, but they have my condolence. Casper was obviously a person who lacked any form of empathy. I had only met him once, but I can bet that he doesn’t even understand the concept of love. Compared to him, Mark seemed human. 

‘May God be with you.’ I prayed inwardly for the poor soul who caught the eyes of this irrational man.

Mark only stared at Casper with a subtle smile that was difficult to decipher, saying nothing. Casper’s chest was heaving from anger, letting out elaborated breaths. Seeing how Mark wasn’t planning to give him the information that he wanted, he exasperated and ushered through gritted teeth, “Fine, let’s hear more of this truce that you were talking about.” His fingers running through his already tousled hair as he closed his eyes to bring back his composure before folding his arms in front of his chest.

Mark’s lips twisted into an even wider smile, reaching the bottom of his eyes. “Sure.” Mark listed out the exact pros and cons that he thought of, focusing on the arguments that would lead to potential profits. At the end of the explanation, Casper had on a thoughtful expression, considering each point that Mark had mentioned.

Stroking his chin, he hummed before speaking, “So aside from telling me where he is hiding, what makes you think I will not go after you anymore in exchange for a bit of manpower?”

“Because you know that I’m able to bring you enough profits to cover the damages of your hotel and any other past damages.” Mark deadpanned.

Casper’s seriousness dissipated, and his old, condescending smile was back. Snickering, he said, “Okay, sure, let’s do this. I didn’t come to New York for you to begin with. I just thought that killing you was a nice... “He paused, thinking of a nice way to put it. “perk to pass time. I was pissed at being stabbed, but I’ll let bygones be bygones!” He laughed.

“So we have a deal?” Mark asked. “You don’t come after April anymore and leave us alone?”

Casper waved a dismissive hand. “Sure, sure. Now tell me where Snake is.”