Father and Daughter
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I was confused at first and remembered that people from the Morgan family would attend the party. I looked at the old man who was looking, alternating between Mother and me. I didn't know that my mother had kept my existence a secret until now. Father took the lead and said---

" This is Samuel, our son. " He said, looking at the group of people. He held the mother's hand, reassuring her.

" Father, I wanted to tell you about it, but-- " she looked at the old man's face, which was not looking good, and continued, " But I know how you will react; so I wanted to do it in person. " She finished, determined about her decision to come clean to her family.

Everyone stared at her, but the middle-aged trio snapped out of it and began to introduce--

" Larry D. Fink from investment firm AmericanRed; Thank you, Master Samuel, for your earlier explanation." One of them said while nodding slightly; he was the one who asked me to continue my explanation earlier.

" I am John Bond, the current chairman of HSBC Holdings; It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Samuel. " He was a little uptight about it; From his manners, he seemed to be a person of higher status among them.

" Katsunori Nagayasu from Bank of Tokyo, your theory seems highly probable. I have to research it further. Thank you for your guidance. " He bowed slightly with a bit of an accent in his voice and his appearance; you could tell he was from overseas.

" Miles Morgan, I am the elder brother of Laura. I hope we get along in the future. " One young man said.

" Huldah, I have to verify your theory. I can't just believe a strange child's words." The other one said with dissatisfaction.

The old man was still staring at me, so I politely introduced myself.

" I am Samuel Rothchild. It is a pleasure to meet all of you and please just call me Samuel in future; you are all my seniors. "
Everyone nodded, and the old man finally opened his mouth.

"Nathaniel Morgan. Laura, I think you should give me an explanation about this." He said, motioning his daughter to walk further away toward a private space.
Mother nodded and left, following him toward the inner premises. I was still confused and asked my father, who was standing beside me.

" Does the mother not get along with her father?"

Robert made a strange face; He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

" You should ask mother that," he said, dodging the question.

" Laura, what is the meaning of this? Who is the boy? His secret child? " Nathaniel retorted.

" No father it is not like that, he-- " Laura tried to explain, but he cut in between her response.

" I always told you. It is not good for you to marry into this family. That child looks older than ten, which means Robert must have had him even before you met him. I always warned--- " He tried to pile up his complaints, but this time Laura screamed and said--

" I AM INFERTILE. I CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN'S BECAUSE OF MY DISEASE. " Laura's voice came out of her inner core. She had moist eyes which were forming little droplets. She buried it to avoid her father's disappointment but letting it all out made her feel relaxed and ashamed simultaneously.

" So please don't jump to conclusions. Robert supported me through all these years; I always told you he only had loved me all these years. He--" She tried to utter words but could not form them. Tears were flowing non-stop from her cheeks; she lost her previous composure and started to cry with her head held low, unable to look toward her father's face.

Suddenly a pair of hands held her cheeks, which lifted her head. Nathaniel lifted them toward them and looked at her face. He also had wet eyes because he felt guilty about his previous words.

" You don't have to be ashamed. I know you feel inadequate, but you will always be my little pumpkin. I am sorry about my earlier comment. " He said and held her in his arms.

" Why did you not tell me about it? You always told me; your problems. You also didn't mention it to your mother. You know that we will always support you." he said.

" I could but you never called me all these years. " she said.

" Neither did you after you ram away from home. " He fired back.

Laura started by explaining her last five years of circumstances. She was enthusiastic at first but became gloomy when explaining about her time when they were scrambling for the solution to her problem. She then explained about Samuel and their first encounter. She went on for a few minutes squeezing in as much information as possible. They both chuckled a little and separated from the hug.

Nathaniel frowned, nodded from time to time, and sighed at the end.
" It is good. I am happy for you." he said, expressing his approval about the subject.

" Thank you Father. This party will serve as his introduction, and I agree on this; we cannot keep hiding him forever. People with power will know about him sooner or later. " She said.

They chatted for a few more minutes before someone knocked on the door to signal them that the party was about to begin. They walked out with smiles on their faces. Both were happy inside that they could finally resolve their differences.

Though they were pitiful all these years because of their separate pride, a little vulnerability was the perfect storm to wash away those ugly clouds.


Robert was on the main stage welcoming all the guests. He was the one who invited them here. Samuel was enjoying time with other family members. He was getting strange looks from other guests. They were wondering who he was. But their train of thought got interrupted when the leading players entered the entrance. They saw an entourage of people entering, led by an older woman.

They all stood upright, showing respect. One of them whispered to his absent-minded friend, who was enjoying his wine with his back against the entrance-- " It's the Queen and other royal family members."