Chapter 41-50
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Chapter 41


While Eddie researches Serum, he also develops firearms and likes to modify vehicles in his spare time.

One of them was the gun he had given Jill, while the vehicle was probably the Trail Motorcycles he used when settling in his villa.




The familiar high heels sound came from outside; Annette usually came to Eddie's lab.

"What are you working on?" Annette asked; she saw Eddie tinkering with something. 'Is he assembling a machine?' Annette murmured in her heart, after which she walked towards the cupboard to get a glass of coffee.

"Just something I want to try to do. By the way, Sergei will put me in the Raccoon City Tactical Team, and from next month I may never return to this lab again. "

Eddie told Annette the truth.

Annette, who had previously been busy making coffee, suddenly stopped, her eyebrows shriveled, and she immediately asked. "Why so sudden? Has Sergei found anything about G-Serum? "

Eddie shook his head; "Of course not, yesterday I handed over some of my research to him, as for Spencer... I don't know where the old man is, so all business goes to Sergei."

"Shortly after that, he told me to join the Tactical Team; there were some tasks I had to do. Plus, no one will be watching your project after that, won't you be happy?" Eddie said, flirting.

Annette handed the brewed coffee to the man.

"It's just so sudden... You're gonna be on the Tactical Team? I hope you didn't give Sergei any critical information."

"Uh- Do you feel reluctant I'm going to leave this lab soon?" Eddie's eyebrows lifted, a big smile not escaping from his face.

"You overthink, of course not..." Annette replied as she tilted her head; strangely, her hands began to play around with her delicate golden hair.

"Annette, I want to help you once before I leave this lab." Eddie suddenly said in a severe tone.

Hearing this, Annette felt confused. "Helping me? What do you mean?"

"You need an upgrade. My advice is after you are done with G-Serum, you better get out of here. Otherwise, Umbrella will target you."

"You know the personality of Dr. William's so well, he'll never hand over the Serum to Spencer. I'm just worried about your safety, Annette." Eddie said with an expression of concern.

At first, Annette felt nervous, but afterward, her alertness began to slacken. She believed this one friend would never betray or attempt to forcefully retrieve G-Serum information from her.

"What you mean is your personal T-Serum, right? I don't need it; as long as you don't leak any information about us, I won't try to trouble you. "

"As you know, it is impossible to refine the G-Serum in a brief period. Unless Alexia herself is helping with your project, don't expect too much. "

"Dr. William is brilliant, but it is impossible for him to thoroughly test the efficacy of G-Serum. Let alone try to map the side effects he will face next. "Eddie tells Annette his opinion while sipping coffee.

Hearing that guy, Annette didn't know what to say. Feelings of good and annoyance that mix into one; "I appreciate your advice, Eddie. But I don't need to strengthen myself with your Serum." Annette still refused.

"No, as a friend, you've helped me more than I can give you. Believe me, if something critical happens suddenly, at least the Serum will be able to save your life." Eddie's sticking with his opinion.

"My business is none of your business; I'll take care of my own." Annette turned her face away, very difficult to accept the help offered by her friend.

"There's no other choice, you can refuse, but I'll do it anyway."

Without further ado, Eddie cornered Annette, after which he pulled a strand of hair as the material he would use to make the woman's personal Serum.

The lab door has been locked tightly; Annette won't get out until she completes the fusion process.

Because Eddie's physical resilience has increased several dozen, he doesn't have to wait outside the door as Annette did in his first fusion experiment.

In the room, Eddie accompanies Annette until the fusion process is complete...


Chapter 42


After the Fusion process, Annette disappeared for a whole day. However, it was hard for her to forget Eddie's kindness; she realized that she would never forget a best friend like that man for the rest of her life.

Initially, an enemy, now a friend, what an extraordinary process.


William's private lab door opens, there appears a man who is still busy with his own research.

With the Serum he developed, he was very confident that he would get enormous rights and benefits from the military. Undoubtedly better than when he was working at Umbrella... Much, much better.

Annette, who had still not adjusted her changes in body strength, walked in a bit of distress. Every time she steps on her feet, surely her high heels will slip a little.

Her strength increased many times, her old walking habits were no longer as smooth as usual. It seems that she has to adjust the force she exerts in every rare situation.

Before being injected with Eddie's Serum, carrying a cup was the most straightforward thing anyone could do. Still, for Annette, her clanking power was too strong that made it break instantly.

The power she got was incredible, it took her by surprise, and she was thrilled too!

But what she needs most now is to adapt to this new power.

"Eddie is expected to leave the lab in a month; he receives an assignment from Sergei. As for Spencer, I don't know where the old man is right now. For a while, we'll be safe. "

"Anyway, how far has your research progressed?" Annette said in a flat tone; there was no excitement that she continuously poured out like in the past.

It's like she's never been close to William.

"Moved? That's a good thing. "

Without looking at Annette, William replied.

"You better get out of here; I want to finish the serum first; after that, do some tests."

"How's your Antidote progress?" William refused to share his research progress with Annette; he didn't trust his own wife!

He only believed in himself; after he debated with Umbrella, William felt more anxious. It seems he can no longer work in this company; he needs to find a new way out.

Annette, who heard her husband's words, immediately snorted dissatisfied. Obviously, she doesn't like it when people say bad things about Eddie.

"Antidote can only be used no more than three hours after being infected by the virus. If it exceeds that time, then the antidote will not be able to work. "

"I can only develop it until this stage."

Annette said, still with a flat expression.

"That will do. I don't need a perfect Antidote; I just need to complete the Serum." William said with a sneering expression.

William's statement really upset Annette, did this man underestimate her ability?

This guy's getting paranoid; it's awful talking to him. Unlike Eddie, William never made her feel comfortable every time she was by his side.

"Then I'll go." Annette shook her head, then she walked out of the lab. She wants to see her daughter one more time.

Her intuition said something terrible would happen to her little angel. Still, there was also a feeling of joy and excitement. She didn't know why these three conflicting feelings merged into one.


Umbrella heavily guarded building. Sergei looks at the monitor that is currently playing a video.

In the video, a man is seen mobilizing all kinds of strange and horrible creatures to attack pedestrians at night.

This video was taken from a recorder who dared to risk his life!

"What do you think, Eddie?" Sergei turned to the young man who was next to him. His hands were still playing with knives like at their first meeting.

"Is this the man who's been pretending to be Uncle Marcus? Uncle Sergei, can you send an elite team to get rid of that man?" Eddie growled angrily. Indeed this anger is nothing but a pretense.

Sergei smiled playfully instead; "You really care about your uncle, don't you?"

"Of course, he was very kind to me. Although I rarely saw him, knowing someone was trying to impersonate Marcus really tarnished the deceased's name! "

"The copycat must be held up immediately. Don't you think the same, uncle Sergei?"

Eddie looked at Sergei with a thoughtful expression.

Sergei was not afraid of the sudden ferocity of the little man; he replied, "The elite Team still has things to do first. There's no time to get rid of that fake guy. If you want, you can finish him off yourself. "

"Surely I can't; I'm not too strong." So Eddie pretended to be weak, after which he grabbed a cigarette.

Seeing Eddie's attitude, Sergei scolded him in his heart, condemning the man's cowardice.

If he's like this, how will he survive in the S.T.A.R.S. Team!

"Not too strong? Don't you have a special team? I heard your Team has recently been renamed to the Wolf Team. "

"Your team is excellent; if you don't use them, it's better to give them to Umbrella," Sergei said with a sneer.

"No, it's my own team, I'm not giving it up."

Wolf Team is a team that he has chosen carefully; he will use this Team on many occasions in the future.

"You will soon be transferred to the Raccoon City Tactical Team as a member. Remember to keep an eye on Wesker. If the man is acting suspicious, let me know immediately. "

Sergei gave Eddie an order, after which he ended their meeting.

Get out of the office; Eddie can only smile. Trying to tool me? Luckily Eddie's been making plans for a long time. If not, then he'll be made into a dairy cow!


Chapter 43


Eddie's headed to Raccoon City University, where he called Yoko Suzuki earlier to discuss things together.

Eddie waited and notify Suzuki via text message upon arriving at the gate.

A beautiful Suzuki figure came out of the building; "Eddie, sorry to keep you waiting."

Suzuki waved her hand at Eddie.

"No problem. Then let's go." Eddie shook his head.

Holding Suzuki's hand, Eddie walked through various turns. They finally got to a subway station.

Their only destination is the Arklay Mountains. The station is tranquil because there are often strange things happening in the Arklay Mountains, so Eddie and Suzuki can sit free.

As for some of the people in the carriage, it seems that they are not afraid of death. Or just curious and want to witness the 'strange' events in the Arkylay mountains with their own eyes.

After getting off the train, Eddie went to pick up the Trail Motorcycles. He and Suzuki rode through a shortcut to his Villa.

Through a very lush forest, Eddie continued to drive the bike.

"That place looks pretty familiar." Suzuki suddenly pointed towards the abandoned facility building in the northeast direction.

"Oh, it's a hospital building that's been abandoned for quite some time. Word has it that there have been several accidents." Eddie said as he glanced at the facility. Eddie vaguely saw a man dressed in black holding an ax while chasing something...

It's true, that place has been surrounded by a biochemical monster!

When Eddie reached the Villa's yard, Yoko Suzuki jumped while stretching her body. "Is this Villa yours, Eddie? Why did you bring me here?"

"Of course, to do something special. You don't seem afraid I'm gonna do some nasty things to you." Eddie was joking; he admired this woman's bravery.

Villas in the mountains, no neighbors, just a man, and a woman, isn't this very dangerous?

Yoko Suzuki shook her head, she smiled; "I'm sure you're not that kind of person, Eddie."

"Of course, hahaha. Let's go inside. "

Inside the Villa.

"I want you to help me build a supercomputer server or any other tool that can copy Umbrella's big data. Can you do that?" Eddie asked wisely.

On the other hand, Yoko Suzuki began to think, "The Umbrella database is enormous; it is unrealistic to build a supercomputer server in such a short time. But I can make a tool that works exactly the same, just not as good as a supercomputer. "

"but can still copy data from the Umbrella database." Suzuki nodded at Eddie.

"That's good. Then you can start to make it now. It would be better if you made it easy to carry. "

"I will personally make you a remedy that can restore memory; right now is still on a trial period." Eddie offered his help, too.

Yoko Suzuki held her chin; she stared at Eddie and immediately asked. "What if when my memory returns, it turns out that I am a cold-blooded scientist who has conducted vile experiments. Are you still going to help me? Will your opinion of me change?" Suzuki's eyes blinked several times, apparently wondering what impression she would get.

Eddie smiled as he patted the opponent's shoulder. "We are friends; good friends must, of course, help each other. As for your past, I don't care about it, so relax. "

"You're right." Yoko Suzuki smiled sweetly; it seemed that this girl was devoted.

"Anyway, do you know how to use a weapon? I got some here; you can use it whatever you want. "

"This area is quite unsafe; there will be a lot of monsters that will probably roam around the yard; better be careful."

Eddie asked Suzuki.

"I can; I still remember how to use a firearm. But I think it's safe enough to stay inside the Villa."

"Also, maybe the device you want will soon be available in three days; all the materials needed are available here, I think...." Suzuki looked around the Villa; she nodded several times.

"I'll keep you company until the device you make is done. The Arklay Mountains are so dangerous, I'm afraid that if I leave, things will go wrong." Eddie thought for a moment, after which he expressed his thoughts.

Yoko Suzuki is an instrumental genius; if this girl dies suddenly, that ain't good.

On the other hand, Suzuki was surprised. It seems that she never gets any attention like this from anyone else for her entire life. "You sure? Don't you still have to research something? "

"Don't worry, I can still work on my research in this villa anyway." After that, Eddie went towards the defense facility to turn on the power grid.


Ada Wong spied on Eddie and Suzuki on a tree outside the Villa.

Perhaps due to her well-trained senses, Ada Wong felt a strange tickling feeling behind her back.

It's as if there's a dangerous monster peering from behind the tree right now.

And of course, twenty meters from Ada Wong's position, there were three horrible-bodied dogs with a very pungent stench.

The three Zombie Dogs were sitting on the grass looking at their prey.

They don't care if their prey is human or animal; all they want is to eat!


The three Zombie Dogs immediately sprinted while launching their attack.

All three split up, some from the left, some from the right, and some from the back.

Once turned into Zombie dogs, their movements become more agile and uncontrollable. Especially when they can't feel the pain. If a bullet doesn't hit them right in the head, then they'll keep attacking no matter what happens to their body!

Ada Wong saw the ferocity of Zombie Dog for the first time look shocked. She quickly grabbed the gun she had, after which she pointed the muzzle right at the Zombie Dog's head.

Even though her hands trembled slightly, her aim still hit the target.


Zombie dog hit by a hot bullet fell directly to the ground; the other two were agile and wanted to pounce on Ada Wong.

Ada Wong moved her body quickly, trying to avoid the two grotesque Dog bites.


"Hmm... What is that sound?" Yoko Suzuki was confused when she suddenly heard gunshots from outside the Villa.

Eddie just waved his hand; he said, "I'll check outside; maybe it was the monster attack I mentioned earlier. You stay here; if it's safe, I'll call you right away. "

"Okay, then be careful, Eddie-Kun." Suzuki nodded politely.

'Kun?' Eddie was slightly speechless after hearing the word; a few moments later, he finally remembered something. 'Ah, yes... She's from Japan.' Eddie muttered softly with a smile, apparently remembering these little details.

Without turning his back, Eddie waved his hand as he walked toward the exit. In his hand, he was holding a modified gun.


Chapter 44


Ada Wong immediately avoided the zombie dog's clumsy attack; this was her first time seeing such a monstrous dog. Her instincts told her not to let the Zombie Dog bite her no matter what.


Another gunshot was heard, Ada Wong managed to kill another Dog, but there was still one more.


In an instant, the Zombie Dog disappeared from Ada's sight, Ada looked around with great alertness, but she couldn't find it.

Suddenly, the sound of strong wind was heard. The last Zombie Dog suddenly jumped from the top of the tree with its claws and jaws wide open.

Ada Wong used all her abilities to evade, but still, it didn't work; she was too late.

She realized that the angel of death was already so close to her for the first time. "Am I going to die here?" Ada Wong's eyes were filled with fear and horror.

When the Zombie Dog would pounce on Ada's neck, suddenly...


Another gunshot was heard!

A bullet flew at high speed towards the head of a Zombie Dog.

The brain of a Zombie Dog affected by a bullet instantly explodes and splashes on the ground.

Ada Wong was still in shock, startled by a strong hand that suddenly grabbed her waist.

Eddie carried Ada Wong and immediately ran to the Villa's safe place. "The area around here is not safe, are you hurt?"

Eddie asked Ada Wong while carrying her in a princess style.

"The Arklay Mountains are dangerous, have you not read the news or the newspapers recently?"

Hearing the man's voice, Ada Wong froze. She seems surprised that the one who saved her was none other than his own target!

Ada Wong can't answer for a while because now is not the best time to talk!

Some rustling sounds were heard from the direction of the bushes. As if hinting that another horde of Zombie Dogs would appear.

Eddie rushed towards the Villa; he lowered Ada Wong after reaching inside.

Walking towards the living room, Eddie picked up two bottles of lemonade, after which he handed to Ada Wong: "Who are you, why are you in this area? If you don't have any significant business, it's best to leave immediately and never come back. "

"The area around here is hazardous."

Eddie said with a severe expression.

Ada Wong put down her gun, she smiled charmingly at Eddie. "Then what about you? Why do you still live in this area? "

Eddie doesn't want to play games with Ada; "The door is there, stroll and don't come back."

Ada was a shock. Just now, this guy tried to talk to her, but now he's telling her to leave. "Are you gonna let a vulnerable woman like me go alone?"

Seeing Ada's attitude, Eddie said sarcastically, "Sorry young lady. First, if you're really vulnerable, then it's impossible to come here alone. Second, your gun is not a market gun; I believe it's a modified one. If it doesn't, then it's impossible to kill that monster with one shot. "

Knowing the trick didn't work, Ada Wong immediately took out her fake identity and showed it to Eddie. "I'm an FBI agent. The purpose of my arrival here is to find my boyfriend, John Clemens. He is currently under training at the Umbrella Corporation."

"Don't try to get in the way of my duty, sir."

Eddie was silent for a moment. Doesn't this look very familiar? If I'm not mistaken, Ada Wong also introduced herself in precisely the same way after saving Leon in Resident Evil two, right?

"I don't care if you're an FBI agent or not. As for the Umbrella training center around here, it's closed. "

"There's nothing you can do in this area; if you really want to find your boyfriend, why not come straight to Umbrella Headquarters? Maybe the man was there, enjoying his life with his cute secretary, who knows..." Eddie said.

"Wait, do you know him? Are you from Umbrella?"

Ada Wong is still trying to play; this is a golden opportunity; since the other party is starting to bring up Umbrella. Ada wants to immediately pull as much information as possible.

Ada is sure of her charm; this man will soon be submissive with a bit of game.

"Not really; how about you check it yourself? I will go then. Don't go to the abandoned building outside; it's dangerous. "

Eddie suggests Ada for the last time, after which he goes towards the bookshelf to read some books.

"I can't leave John alone." But, Ada Wong keeps pushing.

"Then find him yourself," Eddie answered without turning his face away from the book he was reading.

"But it's hazardous!" Ada Wong said reluctantly.

"Then go and die with him." Eddie waved his hand a few times, acting like he didn't care.

"W-Why are you so cold-blooded! Wait... Is John already dead? "Once again, Ada Wong tries to play.

"I don't know; I've never seen him. If you want to leave now, then hurry up. If not, I can only give you one night; after that, you can leave tomorrow." Eddie said with a grunt.

"Well, then I'll take that offer." Ada Wong accepts Eddie's offer. Even though she acted like she wasn't satisfied, she still agreed.

Surely there will be important information that she can dig into while staying here, right?

Ada Wong suddenly walks closer to Eddie, her high heels sounding quite rhythmic. "By the way, I still don't know your name..."

"Eddie Cai," Eddie said briefly.

"I see... First, thank you for saving me. "

"Honestly, John and I just pen friends who have been communicating for quite some time. After receiving the emergency letter sent by him, I felt apprehensive. That's why I came to this area to look for him. "

"That's your business, not mine." Eddie was still reading books while flipping pages.

All the books in the Villa are private collections of Alex, each of which is a work of classical literature.

"Can I ask? Are you also of Asian descent?" Ada Wong suddenly opened a new chat topic.

"Yeah," Eddie said lightly.

"My name is Ada Wong; it looks like we're the same. It's adorable to meet fellow friends in other countries." Ada Wong smiled sweetly, introducing herself.

"Same? Sorry, I'm not too excited to meet an Asian fellow here." Eddie waved his hand, refusing Ada's words.

On the other hand, Ada Wong felt very confused; "Why? Don't you like meeting neighbors in other countries?"

"It's better to mind your own business. You know that even for a 'neighbor' can kill their own neighbor."

"Not all people are a good person."

Said Eddie in a severe tone.

Hearing these strange words, Ada Wong immediately smiled. "You're so funny, Eddie... Anyway, nice to meet you."

"Ok. You're an FBI agent, right? Can I ask you a favour?" Eddie suddenly said, his expression looking grave.

Hearing the serious tone of the man, Ada Wong thought that this time he was not playing around. So she sat quietly and nodded. "Tell me, if I can, then I'll help."

"Can you make food for ten portions? Thanks." After saying that, Eddie looked back into the book.

Even though Ada Wong looks cute, maybe Jill and Alex are better when cooking. That's why Eddie wanted to know it personally.

Is Ada Wong good at cooking? Eddie doesn't know that for sure.

Hearing Eddie's ridiculous request, Ada immediately fell silent. In her heart, she felt angry; wherever she went, she would always be flattered by men! But now she's abandoned. Does this man have no soul? Even tried to ask her to cook something.

'Does this man treat me as a wife or a maid? Only a wife will cook something for her husband!'

Ada Wong complained in her heart.

Eddie waited a moment; seeing that Ada didn't answer, Eddie immediately turned to the beautiful girl. "What? Don't tell me you can't cook?" Eddie asked with a startled, fabricated expression.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Ada Wong feels very angry; how dare she be underestimated.

She doubts, does her charm not work for this man? Or is the other side is a gay person?

Ada Wong wondered why her beauty doesn't work for Eddie.

After the dissatisfied murmur, Ada Wong walked towards the kitchen.


Chapter 45


Shortly afterward, he smelled an intoxicating scent from the kitchen; it smelled pretty good, which managed to get Eddie to stop reading books!

This is so surprising! Besides being a spy, a killer, and a weapons expert, Ada Wong can cook too?

"Dinner is ready." Ada Wong served those dinners with a blank look; it turns out she was making fried steaks with hot spices.

"It looks perfect; it turns out you're very good at cooking; whoever marries you in the future will surely be a fortunate man." Eddie praised Ada shamelessly.

"Jill's good at cooking, too." Ada answer with a flirting reaction; she knows that her target has a girlfriend. Also, she started running out of tricks to seduce this guy.

"Of course. Then let's not waste any more time, let's eat. Now, wait... I'll call someone first. "

"Also, don't run around; I know agents like you are very curious about all kinds of things. If there's anything you want to ask, you can tell me." Eddie said.

"Wait, why are you so friendly all of a sudden?" Ada Wong's anger suddenly subsided, she asked Eddie unconsciously.

"Since you will be staying here for one night, I don't want you running around the villa."

"What's more, I don't want to pull the monster close to this area; it's better to be safe. The night is a perilous hour. "

Said Eddie with a thin smile.

Ada Wong felt very confused; 'What a strange man, initially a little grumpy, now amiable.' She muttered in her heart. Apparently, the mission this time was a little complicated.

To be honest, she thinks that she can make a friend with this guy... Maybe?

Ada, who had previously wanted to explore the Villa, immediately discouraged her intent; she remained calmly waiting in the living room while Eddie was calling someone.

Shortly after, two people were seen walking hand in hand out of the research room.

Suzuki remains calm when she sees another woman inside Villa. She just nods her head while saying hello.

All three ate together quietly; after the dinner was over, Suzuki immediately returned to the lab.

Ada Wong was curious; she then asked, "Is that girl your girlfriend too?"

"You think one person can have two girlfriends?" Eddie replied rhetorically, one of his eyebrows raised.

"Why not? Some people have more than one wife anyway." Sneeringly Ada Wong replied.

"You said it, not me." Eddie just shrugged with a smile.

"All right, if you have anything to ask, then ask now. I have one hour or so before going to bed." Said Eddie quickly, after which he took a lemonade drink and sipped it in one breath.

"Is it true that Umbrella is researching illicit drugs?" Ada immediately asked. Her question was a little blurred because the 'drugs' she meant could have many meanings.

Eddie stared at Ada; he replied, "Stop with this pretense, Ada. I know you're a spy who wants Umbrella information. I checked the list of FBI members, and of course, you're not on that list."

"But I'll tell you one thing, trying to gather information from Umbrella is a suicide mission."

Ada Wong's eyes blinked several times; she looked surprised at the man's intelligence. Her beautiful eyes began to stare at Eddie; "You surprised me so much, Eddie. It's true, I'm not one of the FBI agents..." Ada Wong smiling seductively. "So... You know what I want, right?"

"Don't tell me you came here to kill me?" Eddie said with a fabricated expression of fear.

On the other hand, Ada Wong laughed sweetly. "What makes you think that? If I wanted to, maybe you'd be dead by now. And no, you're not my target right now."

"Good then, because you won't be able to kill me."

"Tell you what, let's make a deal, you ask me, I answer, and vice versa. So, what do you think?"

Ada's eyebrow raised high; 'This man looks very confident; is he sure I can't kill him? Interesting...'

A little later, Ada Wong replied, "Fair enough." Hearing the man's suggestion, Ada Wong's eyes glowed with a strange light; only God knew what this beautiful agent was planning.

"Then you go first. Ask me something, lady." Generously, Eddie asked Ada Wong to go first.

"What's your relationship with Spencer?" Ada Wong intends to build on the most basic information. Only by knowing the situation of the other party, then she can implement the right plan in the future.

"Marcus is one of the founders of the Umbrella company, a good uncle I really appreciate. He was killed by the Umbrella coworkers; I don't know who, but Spencer would have known about that guy.

"I need to find out who's behind the murder; if there's a chance, I'll hit back at them!"

"What if you don't have any chance?" Ada Wong asked back with a curious expression.

"If not, then I'll go on living, maybe with a little regret..." Eddie shrugged, looking indifferent.

"Interesting, well... It's time for you to ask. "Ada Wong raised the coffee cup gracefully, after which she sipped.

"Do you work for the Shen Ya Pharmaceutical or Tricell?" Ask Eddie.

"Both." Ada Wong answered briefly.

"What do you know about T-Serum and G-Serum?" Now is Ada's turn.

"I know a bit of T-Serum, but G-Serum, I don't know. G-Serum is currently being developed by a man named William." Eddie answered quick.

"Will you do anything as long as you are paid with a good and fair price?" Eddie's back asking.

This one question left Ada Wong suddenly speechless. With curiosity, Ada Wong asked, "What kind of work?"

Eddie blinked several times; 'Does this woman think I *cough* want her body?'

"I'm talking about spy work and some special missions."

"Sure. But, right now, I'm on a mission, helping The Family." Ada Wong nodding. Turns out she was thinking too far before.

"The Family? Do you mean a group that can match the power of Umbrella?" Eddie asked curiously. Isn't The Family led by Simmons? Eddie was pretty sure of that.

"Yes, of course, it's not my family, haha. I'm just an ordinary person, can't join them." Ada Wong laughed sweetly, explaining the multi-national group vaguely.

"Working with them is very dangerous. I think we can help each other..." Eddie suddenly invited Ada Wong...


Chapter 46


"Hehe, you're really interesting, Eddie. I'll think about your offer first." Ada Wong shook her head as she laughed softly.

"Anything else you want to ask?" Eddie sighed sadly because Ada refused his offer. But all this he expected, if Ada Wong is so quickly recruited, then she is not Ada Wong!

"I want to take a sample of G-Serum, do you know how?" Another quick question was posed by Ada. This one question is none other than the primary mission she's embarking on right now.

"You want the G-Serum samples? William himself still hasn't perfected it; you came too early. The cuisine you wish to is still not cooked." Eddie said with a curved lip.

"I came too early?" Ada Wong tilts her head. Is that true? Didn't the headquarters tell her that the G-Serum was perfect? But why does Eddie say the opposite?

"Yes, the G-Serum is still unfinished, even if you succeed in taking the samples now. G-Serum is nothing more than a semi-finished product. "

"But if you want T-Serum, then you can try taking it; the product is good enough. But not as strong as G-Serum. "

"At least the side effects are still less than the uncontrolled effects of G-Serum," Eddie explained with a serious expression.

Ada Wong thinks, eyebrows frowning... Turns out she came too early; the product she wanted wasn't even finished yet; "Then I want to get both. Can you help me get a sample of T-Serum and G-Serum?"

"I can help you; what's your price?" Eddie asked.

"Oh... You took my request very quickly. Aren't you afraid I'm gonna blow your cover on Spencer? I'm sure the old man will be very interested in your other story." Ada Wong said with a charming smile.

"I trust you; my instincts are pretty accurate. I mean, we're both the same, better-being friends than enemies, right?" Eddie shook his head.

"You're so naive, Eddie. It's stupid to trust a woman so easily!" Ada Wong frowning.

"Maybe... But I trust my intuition. If you want a sample of T-Serum, I can help you get it, but G-Serum? Forget it; I have less interest in the imperfect Serum."

"Also, you have to be careful with the military; it seems they have contacted William. That's all I can say." Eddie got up from his seat then went to the room.

Even though Ada Wong is beautiful, Eddie knows that this one tenacious woman can't be conquered in one night. As a spy, Ada Wong's alertness is high.

Better get acquainted first, in the future there will be many opportunities to work together.

For three days, Ada Wong stayed inside the Villa occasionally; she left the Villa just for a walk.

Wait, didn't Eddie only let her stay for one night? Well... The girl was very insistent, so Eddie let her stay on with one condition. He will let her stay if she becomes the 'chef' who proved all the food, so for these three days, the only one who cooks food is Ada Wong.

During those three days, Eddie was always watching Ada's moves.

To be honest, the area around the Villa is becoming more dangerous; it seems that the virus pollution has spread far enough. Even Zombie Dogs start showing up occasionally around Eddie's villa yard.

"Do you know where this biohazard leak happened?" Ada looking at some Zombies gathered not far from their position. Her beautiful eyes squinted with a severe flash.

"I'm not so sure... But it must be closely related to Umbrella's abandoned building." Eddie expressed his opinion.

Right now, he's trying to assemble a new weapon. Re-install magazine into the slot, after which he inserts the ammunition.

"Is that closely related to your warning not to ask me to go to the nearby abandoned building? What are you really worried about?" Ada suddenly smiled.

"Worried that you will die, it is better not to underestimate those monsters. Even trained soldiers will die tragically if faced with them."

"Throughout the ages, no one has ever seen a biochemical weapon, the fear of which prevents one from using their best abilities."

"When they let their guard down, then death is the only answer. Even after death, they will be resurrected. "

"They'll turn into the undead!" Eddie said in a deep voice.

Ada Wong's eyes blinked several times, her smile widened even more; she wanted to seduce this man; "Why do you care so much about me? Even worrying about my safety?" Ada Wong's smile looked very charming.

"I just don't want to see you die or get hurt. Okay, let's not talk about this topic again; we need to get back to the city." Eddie waved his hand several times.

"Why so suddenly?" Ada Wong asked curiously.

"You want to wait for the virus to spread to this Villa? Or do you want to be friends with those monsters?" Eddie replied by asking in a rhetorical tone.

"No." Ada Wong said briefly.

"Listen to this very carefully, Ada. Don't ever come to this area again if you don't have any very insignificant business. If you want to come, at least invite someone else, never be alone. "

After that, Eddie waved his hand. He wants to pick up Suzuki first; after that, get out of this hell zone.

"If I ever want to come here again, I will definitely ask you to accompany me." Ada Wong's attitude towards Eddie has changed quite a lot, at least more sincerely than at the time of their first meeting.

While she was staying at the Villa, Eddie was the one who taught her how to fight the bioweapon. Those zombies honestly have a fatal weakness; being shot right in the head would instantly make them die.

However, the fear of humans of the unknown makes them the soft target of the Zombies.


Chapter 47


Eddie took Yoko Suzuki back to Raccoon City. The device Eddie wanted was also finished; Suzuki gave him a particular magnetic device with a large capacity.

At the same time, it could also steal Umbrella's data unnoticed, but this still required Suzuki's control.

On the other hand, Ada Wong has left, apparently looking for the next target. Considering she is a tenacious person, it is clear that Ada Wong will not give up before she gets a sample of T-Serum and G-Serum.


Arklay Mountains, inside underground lab.

Spencer was seen with glasses, reading Eddie's research that Sergei had uploaded.

The research data provided by Eddie is fantastic beneficial for his longevity plans.

It seems Alex is right; Eddie is a very talented man in serological matters.

"Eddie... A good pawn; too bad you had such a close relationship with Marcus. To bad… Too bad..." Spencer, in the wheelchair, shook his head.

He is the one who sent Wesker and William to kill Marcus; if Eddie finds out about this and he tries to betray Umbrella, then there's no other way. Spencer had to kill that young man, too.

"Do you want me to get rid of him?" As if knowing what the boss meant, Sergei asked without hesitation. Sergei wouldn't hesitate to kill the man if Spencer wanted Eddie dead.

As a retired general, if Spencer doesn't hire him, he doesn't know what to do with the rest of his life. At least by working under Umbrella, he can still keep his skills sharp.

"No need, let him research another biochemical weapon first." Spencer shook his head; it would be a pity if that extraordinary talent were killed. Since Eddie still hasn't found the real culprit, keep him alive.

Many top scientists were seen gathering and doing research in this laboratory.

Recently a team led by a guy named 'Gream Ripper' came along with a vast frozen cabinet to Raccoon City.

This is nothing but a Tyrant product called Nemesis!

Because Spencer lives in Raccoon City, the Umbrella branch in French sent a project sample.

The French branch hopes to get another resource from Spencer while at the same time trying to embarrass their coworkers who work at the Umbrella headquarters.

When the French branch had developed a prototype, Umbrella headquarter had still not reached any 'good' stage!


Underground lab. Annette has successfully perfected the Antidote project she's working on.

After that, she went to William's room; this place was very dusty and poorly maintained. This is not surprising because William hardly ever sleeps in this room; he chooses to eat and sleep in his private lab room.

Annette frowned a little; she didn't like this filthy place. When she wanted to clean the room, she suddenly found a mysterious box hidden behind a hidden closet.

Annette opened the box curiously. Apparently, the book inside is a diary written by her husband, William.

"April 1998. Spencer asked Albert and me to steal the research results of our mentor, Dr. Marcus."

"The old man may not know that we've both been siding with Spencer for a long time. We both secretly killed Marcus, after which we took all of his paper works. "

Annette scanned the note; she felt shocked and disgusted when she reached this particular page. It was unexpected that her husband had killed her close friend's uncle. Moreover, the man he had killed was none other than his own mentor! It's too inhuman!

Annette feels more guilty; what if Eddie finds out about this? Does she have to side with her husband or Eddie? Annette felt very confused.




Suddenly footsteps sound, it seems that someone will come into this room. Quickly, Annette returned the diary to its original place, after which she jumped towards the three-meter-high ventilation duct.


Chapter 48


Eddie said goodbye to Yoko Suzuki, after which he headed for the lab. But all of a sudden, his phone rang; Eddie asked, "Yes?"

A moment later, there was a beautiful woman's voice; the caller was none other than Lupo. "Eddie. Looks like we still need another month to get back to Raccoon City. Please take care of yourself, besides, if you have time, can you send me my salary? Thanks."

"Alright, I'll send it quickly. You should also be careful." Eddie said with a nod.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself. Don't die first, okay? Wait till I get back."

"As for Team Wolf. Christine Yamata and the other members are indeed trustworthy." Lupo said good news to Eddie.

"That's good. When you get back, I'll give you a special gift." Eddie smiles; he'll be very patient with this lady.

"Sophia said she wanted to go to Raccoon City to play with you. What do you think, Eddie?" Suddenly the Mother Wolf (Lupo/Karen) asks questions.

A few days ago, her little girl wanted to see Eddie. So Karen asked her lover if he could accompany her daughter or not.

Eddie, who heard a specific meaning in her speech, began to answer, "Not for now; Raccoon City has become very unsafe these few days. You can suggest her to go somewhere safer or take a trip to the east." Eddie suggested. Indeed, these past few days, Raccoon City has become more dangerous; Eddie feared something terrible would happen to Sophia.

"All right, I'll try to persuade her. I'll look forward to your' special gift' when I arrive." Lupo said in a happy tone.

After that, they ended the call.

Eddie came to the lab shortly after; this time, he wanted to finish the weapon he was trying to assemble.

He'll have to bag himself with a good weapon since he's about to be transferred to the Tactical Rescue Team. But he wasn't sure if he would be paired with Jill's team or not.

A few hours passed; after the special weapon he'd made was finished, the lab door suddenly opened. Annette entered with a quite reluctant expression.

"Annette, what's wrong?" Eddie asked with confusion to see Annette's slightly strange attitude. Has he opened a romantic route with Annette?

"Eddie, I'm sorry," Annette whispered.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? What are you saying, Annette? Do you have a fever?" Eddie said as he tilted his head.

"Eddie, I want to say something important. But, can you promise not to get angry after I tell you that?"

Eddie crossed his arms; he replied, "Sure, I promise."

Annette inhaled a few times, after which she continued." Just as I was reading William's diary, it turned out that he and Albert had conspired with Spencer in the murder of Dr. Marcus in 1988."

"I-I'm so sorry... I don't expect my husband to even interfere in this..."

"Oh, I see." Eddie nodded, then began packing the weapons he had assembled; at the same time, he also checked out some medicine for Suzuki.

Seeing Eddie's reaction, Annette was amazed. 'Is that it? Is he really not angry?'

"Eddie, are you really not mad?"

"Mad? There is no point in getting angry. However, many people have been involved in the murder of Uncle Marcus."

"If I'm angry, will you divorce your husband?" Eddie said, flirting.

"You- What are you saying?" Annette lowered her head with a shy expression.

"What do you think? I mean, if you divorce him, maybe I'll consider it."

"If I mad and kill him, How do you feel next? I don't want to make you sad, Annette."

Hearing Eddie's words, Annette felt moved. She can't act about her friend's attitude on this one.

"Thanks... But I'll try to compensate you, I'll do whatever you want. So, what do you want, Eddie?"

Eddie's smile grew wider; he walked closer to Annette. "You asked for it. Don't regret your decision, okay?"


Chapter 49


Eddie immediately cornered Annette, their bodies crashing against each other.

"E-Eddie... W-what are you doing?"

Annette said with a heavy breath; her face had turned very red. Eddie's sudden actions made her heartbeat very fast.

"Didn't you say you'd give me compensation whatever I asked for, Annette?" Eddie whispered right in Annette's ear. His hot breath tickled the woman's earl; this made Annette even more aroused and embarrassed.


"Sshhh~ No 'but."

Before Annette finishes her words, Eddie stops her speech with an index finger.

Annette's eyes blinked several times. Right now, her heart is feeling very strange; somehow, she's feeling very excited.

She should be mad at Eddie's shamelessness, right? Actually, Annette wanted to, but she couldn't, her heart told the opposite...

"E-Ed-Mmmm~" Without warning, Eddie immediately kissed Annette's bright cherry lips.

Eddie's tongue broke into Annette's closed mouth quickly; initially, Annette wanted to rebel. But she finally smashed and immediately followed the young man's offensive rhythm.

"Eddie- Hmmm~."

Annette groaned loudly; she had never felt such a pure and wild kiss. Right now, she was enjoying every second of that man's kiss while closing her eyes.

Her hands grabbed Eddie's back; faintly, she felt the stiff muscles and the dashing from behind the clothes Eddie was wearing.


Eddie couldn't help but notice Annette's beautiful figure; her gorgeous body triggered Eddie's hidden lust.

Slowly, Eddie takes off Annette's white robe. Eddie looked at Annette's body with admiration when her clothes and trousers had been put away (leaving only underwear).

His eyes did not leave a single detail of Annette's very seductive body.

The black underwear is worn by Annette increasingly adds to her feminine and mature charm.

Seeing the pink nipples that looked very tempting, Eddie couldn't wait to taste and caress the two cotton pieces.

Annette leaned towards the wall, after which she took off her shoes while exposing her long beautiful legs and her very tight ass.


Seeing Annette's sexy figure, Eddie can't wait to do the love session he'll be doing for the next few hours.

The little hole exposed right in front of Eddie made his blood boil even more.

"Annette, come here," Eddie ordered Annette while patting his thigh.

Like an adherent wife, Annette strolled while looking very embarrassed. Slowly the woman straddled Eddie's thigh and sat on it.

Seeing Eddie's arrogant and dominant attitude somehow sparked Annette's passion to an entirely new level. Unknowingly, her lower lip began to secrete a fluid of love that she had long forgotten.

Eddie wants to know if Annette likes the game of 'domination' he's doing now; it turns out that Annette looks quite fond of it so far. It makes Eddie act further.

Eddie roughly grabbed both of Annette's breasts. He actively squeezed and also twisted her hard nipples with his fingers. This made Annette groan even harder unconsciously. Her hips began to move more and more vigorously, swiping Eddie's dragon spear.

"Hmmm!" A muffled moan was heard. Her hands embraced Eddie's muscular back even tighter, even starting to stick her nails into Eddie's skin.

But Eddie doesn't care about it; maybe that guy's back would be ripped apart and bleeding if it was someone else. Don't forget, Annette's strength has increased many times after using the Serum!

But Eddie also uses the same Serum, so they can play as wildly as they like without fear of injuring each other.

Eddie, who was still not satisfied, began to lift her new lover's hips. He rose from the chair and began to press Annette toward the table. He handheld one of the legs and raised it as high as his shoulder.

"Annette, I'll do it now." Eddie slipped Annette's chest and neck.

"U-Umm..." Annette could only nod. On the other hand, her hand gently stroked Eddie's chest, trying to admire this young man's hot body.

It wasn't just Jill and Annette who turned out prettier after using the Serum. So did Eddie, as if his whole look had been upgraded!

Eddie looks more handsome and muscular. Of course, his muscles are not like those of a bodybuilder nicknamed 'Muscle Freaks' but lean more towards 'Aesthetic.'

Eddie's body seems to have been carved like the statues of ancient Greek gods!

Since Annette wasn't a virgin, Eddie, without hesitation, immediately shoved his dick into Annette's tight and warm hole. After that, he pushed his dick inch by inch.

With every urge and beat felt by Annette, the spark of lust in Annette's eyes grew more and more visible.

This wild sex almost made Annette lose control of her body; the sense of pleasure she felt right now was really far from the sex experience she had ever had!

"Ahhh… Ah... Ahh!" Annette screamed loudly, her fingernails starting to grip Eddie's muscular shoulders.

Eddie presses Annette's sexy body on the table; he moves his hip even faster. His heavenly spear broke Annette's little womb with the head of his penis many times.

It makes Annette's eyes roll; her love liquid never ceases to leak from her lower lip.

"Annette!" Eddie groaned happily. The taste he's feeling right now can't be written in words; it feels so amazing!

His penis fired a hot, thick liquid right into Annette's womb a moment later.

Both feel a very great orgasm! A moment later, Eddie pulled his cock out from a vagina that had been filled with a thick white liquid. Slowly the sperm leaked and began to dirty the laboratory floor.

Annette groaned softly, her body trembling a little because of the happiness and also the orgasm she had experienced.

But Eddie was still not satisfied; his little brother was still standing dashing like steel!

Eddie kissed Annette's lips once more; a few minutes passed, and she began to take them off. The two thin threads were connected after they both let go of the kiss.


Annette was puzzled why Eddie suddenly turned her body around; a moment later, she felt a twitching hot object touching her virgin hole.

Annette's eyes widened, and she exclaimed in shock, "E-Eddie... Are you- Umm~"

Annette screamed in shock; she felt a vast object suddenly penetrate her ass!

Eddie smiles maliciously; he ignores Annette's surprise and immediately shoves his dick head into Annette's very sexy and tight butthole.

"Ah! No... Eddie! You put it in the wrong place!"

"Shss... I put it in the right hole. Be patient; you'll love it." Eddie whispered as he slipped Annette's lips.

After adding odorless and colorless lubricant to Annette's untouched, Eddie began to stick his dick in the hole inch by inch. Whereas Annette... She started moaning loudly.


Chapter 50


Annette couldn't help but moan her excitement, her body hugged by Eddie's strong arms tightly. As for Annette, her back leaned on Eddie's body; the man's chest and muscular belly felt very warm and comfortable.

His nerves intensified as Eddie began to slit her neck.

"Eddie... You can move it now." Annette said, slightly closing her lips. She's never tried anal sex in her life, so she wants Eddie to act less harsh...

"Alright." Lightly, Eddie bit Annette's earlobe as he slowly moved his hips.

"Uhmmm~" Annette whimpered, she felt a little pain, but the pleasure was more than the pain.

Eddie continued to move slowly, his hip movement becoming more active as time went on.

Annette trying to adjust to this new pleasure. This time, the feeling she felt was a taste she'd never experienced before. She doesn't want to admit this, but it's an extraordinary feeling which makes her addicted.

A few minutes later, the sound of a collision between meats sounded loud in the lab room. They didn't need to worry that their moans would be heard from outside; because every room in this building has a silent feature.

Every time Eddie pulls the dragon's spear, Annette will whimper with pleasure. When Eddie puts it back in, the woman will scream loudly while hugging Eddie tightly.

Fifteen minutes passed, Annette felt that she had been on the verge of orgasm. Unconsciously her ass moves on its own, trying to accelerate her orgasm.

But Eddie had other plans. The previously moving hips had stopped; Eddie grabbed Annette's two pieces of cotton while pulling both nipples with his fingers.

"W-why-Why did you stop... Eddie?" Annette asked with a sad expression. The sense of pleasure she constantly felt suddenly disappeared; of course, she would feel disappointed.

"Want me to continue?" Eddie smiled.

"Ummm... Please..." Annette replied in a soft voice while nodding shyly, her two cheeks turning red.

"As you wish," Eddie said, after that making a solid push towards Annette's ass. At the same time, his fingers were playing with both Annette's breasts.

"Ummm~!" Annette whimpered once more. Almost reached the orgasm she had been waiting for.

"P-Please don't tempt me... Move your hips wildly as before! "

Eddie responded to Annette's request with an action. One of his hands descended towards her stomach, after which it headed towards her wet lower lip. Gently, his fingers played with Annette's clitoris while his penis penetrated Annette's butthole endlessly.

This combined attack made Annette feel a euphoria she'd never experienced before.

The shame that she had previously was gone, replaced by a lustful face!

Happy whine keeps coming from her lip. It seemed that she could not bear this anymore; even her eyes became blurred because of this heavenly pleasure!

"Yes! Keep pushing Eddie, ah, ah, ah... S-so good~ "Annette shouted, no longer caring if her voice sounded loud.

Annette's words made Eddie even more excited. Without hesitation, he immediately clasped the beautiful woman's shiny lips.

"Aahh~" Annette whimpered, her ass pinching Eddie's throbbing dick while her lips connected.

At the same time, she felt the stimuli from other parts of her body.

Annette positioned her ass higher, making Eddie's penis go deeper.

Eddie banged the hole repeatedly at a steady pace. Every push of him produced a pleasure that she would never forget.

Annette's body began to twitch while her tongue began to stick out, her saliva flowing through her lips.

Annette felt so aroused that she couldn't think clearly. Her hips moved on their own as if hungry for the pleasure her ass was experiencing right now.

Unconsciously, Annette began to say 'oaths' of loyalty as well as other perverted things.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh... Eddie-A-I love you so much!" Annette grabbed Eddie's head, after which she took the opponent's lips by force. Before, she was always the recipient; now, she is the one who gives!

The pleasure she felt became more intense. Annette can't cope with the two stimulants experienced by her ass and vagina right now.

And indeed, a little while later, her pussy was spraying love fluids!

"Uhmmm~" Annette groaned loudly. Her butthole keeps throbbing when her pussy doesn't stop releasing honey...


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