(M) ֍CHAPTER 41: The Glutton
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The room was called ‘gluttony’. Kirill didn’t understand how to associate what was happening in the room to ‘gluttony’ at all. The clothes came off so fast and the next thing he saw and heard were naked bodies entangled in their designated places with the sounds of flesh slapping. Moans and groans and unabashed lewd words filled the room. He can clearly see Stanley, Alberto and Andre having sex right in front of him. Stanley was taking the boy from behind while pulling the root of the boy’s hair towards him. It should be painful to have his hair pulled like that but the boy was moaning in pleasure. The boy was completely naked while Stanley only had his zipper opened as his dick was shoved into the boy’s asshole over and over. It seemed that the boy had prepared himself since he didn’t look to be in pain. Or maybe escorts were just good at pretending to feel good to make their customers happy.

Both Andre and Alberto were fucking their girls. It was a contrast. Andre was fucking his escort lovingly while Alberto was very perverted. Andre and his escort were in a missionary position. He was kissing her as he was fucking her. His hands were fondling her naked breasts. She was saying things like ‘fuck my pussy’, ‘harder’ and ‘I love your dick’. She wasn’t completely naked. Her skirt was hiked up and her top was pushed up to reveal her busty breasts. She wasn’t wearing any underwear to make it easier for him to fuck her. Andre was calling her ‘Maria’. That somehow reminded Kirill of Kliment. He felt sick again. What added to this sickness is that he never knew that Alberto is also a sadist. He now saw it first hand. He had his escort’s hands and legs tied up with weird looking cuffs. Her mouth was also sealed with duct tape. She was completely naked and he was choking her as he was fucking her. It looked more like he was raping her and the escort played her part well. She looked like she was unwilling and she was crying. Kirill only understood that she was pretending only because he had heard their agreement beforehand. If it wasn’t for that, he would really think that Alberto was forcing himself on her.

Suddenly, Stepan’s hands started to crawl all over Kirill’s body and his neck was also kissed by Stepan’s lips. It caused Kirill to feel alerted so he grabbed a hold of Stepan’s hands. “What are you doing?” He asked in a panicked voice. Stepan only looked back at him innocently. “What?” He asked back, as if he didn’t understand the rejection. Kirill looked around. “There are other people around,” he indicated. Stepan only laughed and continued to kiss Kirill’s neck. “Other people are doing it too. See?” Stepan said uncaringly.

Kirill stopped his advances again. “I don’t like it. I’m not into these kinds of things,” Kirill said sternly. Stepan was starting to get annoyed. He could definitely force Kirill if he wanted to. He was stronger and no one could stop him. The only thing that’s stopping him from doing just that was because he liked it more when Kirill was willing. “Not into what kinds of things?” Stepan asked teasingly. “Sex in public? Being seen? Or group sex?” He ended the question with a meaningful smile.

Kirill gulped down on his saliva before answering. “All of that,” he said. Stepan shrugged his shoulders. He managed to take his hands off of Kirill’s grip effortlessly and began to hold him by the waist. He pulled Kirill even closer to him. “Oh, come on…” he coaxed lovingly. “You’re sure you’re not into it?” He whispered into Kirill’s ear seductively. He knew that it was his sensitive spot. “Okay, I promise no group sex. You’ll just do it with me,” he promised. “But-…” Kirill tried to protest but he was cut in by Stepan. “-Don’t you wanna try something new?” Stepan asked. He licked Kirill’s lips and sucked on his lower lips as he asked; “Something exciting?”

In fact, Kirill was curious as to how exciting it’ll be to have sex in public but still, he didn’t dare. Since he didn’t know if he could trust them. “I don’t know…,” he said. His voice trailed off and Stepan caught that as a strong indicator that Kirill’s defensive walls were going down. Stepan turned his head to look to the farthest side of the room. Near the corner in the back, there was a bed there that was quite hidden. “How about this? Let’s go to the back there,” he suggested. The bed was situated way back at the edge of the room. “That place has a curtain. They can’t see us. Okay?” He said, looking excited. He knew that what Kirill wanted was some sort of security so he needed to provide it to him. There was indeed a curtain for that particular bed at the back. That was the place where he used to do ‘bad’ things before. A curtain was provided for him because of the monstrosity of his actions since he caused the other patrons to feel uncomfortable by seeing what he did. But Kirill doesn’t need to know all that. It doesn’t matter now since for Stepan, Kirill is all that mattered to him from now on. Kirill sighed softly. “Why are we even doing it here? Can’t we just go back to your place instead?” Kirill tried to compromise.

Stepan only smiled at him. Kirill couldn’t help but feel attracted to the smile. When he showed him this kind of smile, all the sadistic words he had muttered before seemed out of place for him. Stepan looked like an angel when he smiled like that. Even Stepan himself didn’t realise that he only smiled like that towards Kirill. “Fine with me,” he agreed. With Kirill, Stepan knew that it was better to let him feel like he was in control. “Whichever. It’s your choice,” so he had to say that it was Kirill's choice. “But… here, I’ll only do it once. Back at home, I won’t stop until the next morning. Deal?” He gave him an ultimatum. Kirill was shocked by the statement. He hesitated before he answered; “What are you? A beast?” He knew damn well how much of a beast Stepan could be in bed. He was nervous but was also excited to see Stepan turning into that again. Stepan only laughed out loud in response. “Come on…” he said as he got up and pulled Kirill up with him. He then led him to the back of the room.

Stepan pulled the curtain and in that moment, it was like there were only the two of them there. Kirill knew then when he looked into Stepan’s eyes that he really liked this guy. Stepan looked like an excited little kid at that moment. He kissed him enthusiastically as he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his zipper. His abnormally big sized dick was pulled out of the opening. It was rock hard from the beginning. He was impatient. He wanted to fuck Kirill for a while now. He had waited long enough. Kirill’s wound should be healed by now since the doctor also had ended his medications. Kirill had no idea that he was paying attention to those details. “Kirill, I love you, okay?” Stepan said as he took off Kirill’s pants skillfully. He also couldn’t believe how sincere he was when he spoke these loving words. “I won’t let anyone else touch you,” he added. Kirill belonged to him. Only to him. He took out a condom from his pocket and grabbed two sachets of lubricant provided at a table near the bed. He ripped the sachet and started to insert his lubricated fingers into Kirill’s asshole.

Kirill gasped in shock and quickly covered his own mouth after realising he was being too loud. Stepan pulled Kirill’s hand away from covering his mouth. “Let them hear,” he said. He then smiled like a devil. “You’re tight,” he said. “And I’m impatient,” he added and immediately inserted two more fingers into his asshole. Kirill, with his mouth uncovered, moaned loudly. There was a bit of pain but there was also pleasure. But mostly, it was psychological pleasure. Stepan quickly searched for a spot he was familiar with. “Ahh! Ahh!” When he poked at that spot, Kirill moaned even louder. He even cum on his own clothes unexpectedly. It had been a while since he last had sex but to cum so fast from his behind caused him to feel a huge sense of shame. He almost felt like crying in response to the shame. Stepan only grinned at him. He looked at Kirill so lovingly that Kirill was stunned. He kissed Kirill’s face all over. He was so gentle. He was so in love. “I love you,” Stepan said without even realising it. He liked every part of Kirill. He liked every expression he made.

He quickly put the condom on and lifted Kirill’s legs up high. Kirill was pulled back and he was shocked a little by the strength and wild side of Stepan. Stepan really looked like a hungry beast at that moment. His eyes were fixed on his prey. He kissed and licked a trail on Kirill’s thigh, sending shivers down Kirill’s spine before thrusting his dick into Kirill’s asshole without warning. Kirill wasn’t fully loose yet. The sharp pain caused him to scream loudly. But at that moment, he forgot where he was. “Stepan! Wait!” He shouted but Stepan turned a deaf ear on him. He kept pushing his big and swollen dick into Kirill’s tight asshole. He was forcing his way in. Kirill’s face was twisted with pain. Stepan liked that expression which showed pain so he grinned evilly and he forced more of himself into Kirill. He bit his lower lips in pleasure as he felt like his dick was being sucked right in. Meanwhile, Kirill felt like he was really being consumed by a beast. It was like him being impaled as a punishment for a sin he did not commit and he ran out of breath. He couldn’t even scream for a moment. The next thing he knew was that Stepan already had his whole dick inside of him. He can feel it all the way to his intestines. Then Stepan immediately started moving, savouring the confused, painful, and lewd looks on Kirill’s face.

Kirill was of course hit with waves of pleasure afterwards. After the pain, there was that tingling feeling. He kept looking at the person who was fucking him. There’s an obsession in his eyes. There’s also lust and hunger. Now Kirill understood why it is called ‘gluttony’. A glutton would do anything to consume what he desired. In this room, Stepan was a beast and he was a delicacy. It felt good to be desired. But at the same time, Kirill knew that it was also wrong. He realised for the first time that deep within, he had already lost to this person. He was also in love and he didn’t know what to do about it. He knew that this person was dangerous and that he was not good for him. But he couldn’t help to let himself be pulled deeper into the whirlpool. Parts of him wanted to think that it’s okay even if Stepan is a bad person but the other part told him to fucking run. He was never the indecisive type but this time, he really didn’t know what to do. He knew that he was a fool to even go along with whatever Stepan wanted but he didn’t have the strength to deny him.

It took a long time for Stepan to cum. Kirill lost count of how many times he himself had cum by then. When Stepan cum, he held Kirill up on his lap with his dick twitching inside of him. “I fucking love you,” Stepan spoke in a low and hoarse voice. They were both drenched in sweat and cum. It was then that Kirill realised that the curtain was already half apart. He saw Stanley staring right at him. He gasped and immediately shrank his body, trying to hide as much of himself as he could. Stepan noticed it and turned to look behind him. He saw that all three of his friends had seen them. He couldn't care less about being seen. But this time, there's too much hidden meaning behind that intense stare by Stanley. So he definitely couldn't ignore the way Stanley perceived Kirill. He quickly pulled the curtain close and turned back to look at his lover and coaxed him. “Hey…,” he called out to Kirill. “It’s okay,” he said with a smile on his face. “Wear your clothes,” he ordered. Kirill looked for his clothes. He didn’t know when they were taken off but he was already completely naked. It should be somewhere in the middle where they think that their clothes were going to get dirty so they both started to strip. Stepan also started to put on his clothes. He was faster than Kirill since Kirill’s body was still shaking and weak. Kirill’s clothes were not exactly clean. It was smeared with his cum but he had no choice but to still wear them. Stepan was the first to leave the bed. Kirill was perplexed by his actions so he tried to quickly finish dressing up as well.

By the time he had his shirt on, he heard the sounds of glasses crashing and a loud scream in the room. He heard Stepan’s name being called in a panic by the others. He quickly pulled the curtain apart and tried to stand up from the bed with his legs shaking but he fell down to the ground. He couldn’t feel his legs for a moment but his adrenaline was rushing. When he looked up to where the sound was coming from, he could only see blood mixed with red wine spilled on the floor.


Next update: 2022/10/24

*Author’s Note: I’m not Christian so I had to research about the Seven Deadly Sins. I hope I got it right, somehow. I categorised obsession as part of ‘gluttony’. It is the desire to ‘consume’ the object of the obsession and in this case, the object is a person. But it is no longer a person as Kirill has been objectified by Stepan, if you get what I mean… At first, I wanted to go with ‘lust’ but lust kinda varies and common when it comes to sexual desires. I wanna try something else. Of course, a glutton will also lust over what they are obsessed with. I think the deadly sins can always overlap one another and that makes them more interesting to me. I guess I'm a sinner :-P of course… -K