Octopus Nightmare
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Octopus Nightmare


By Ivaran Kealar




The seagulls were high in the blue skies.

The soft waves made their way onto the warm sand.

Laci Reed, 19, was stretched out on her red beach towel with her hands behind her head.

Laci was wearing a two-piece blue bikini, barefoot and wearing sunglasses.

Her strawberry blonde hair was tied into a ponytail.

Laci realised she was moving. She sat up and gasped in horror. She saw two reddish, viscous tentacles wrapped around her ankles – and dragged her towards the ocean.

Laci resisted against the tentacles, and fell backwards from the tug.

Her eyes were raised and her lips trembled with fear.

A large reddish and viscous octopus emerged from the water.

The octopus suckers were white, and it had a menacingly long tongue.

Laci was now a few inches away from this oceanic beast.

The octopus wound two of his viscous tentacles round one leg each. His threatening tongue came out of his mouth, and was near enough to slide between Laci’s breasts.

Laci opened her mouth and released a sensitive gasp. She grabbed the tongue.

The octopus wrapped two slimy tentacles around a wrist each and forced her arms aside.

Laci squealed. She looked with horror as the octopus slowly pulled down her bikini bottom – exposing her naked pussy. Her trembling legs were slowly pulled wide open.

The octopus gurgled as its tongue slithered in between Laci’s milky white legs. Its monstrous tongue got closer to her pussy lips.

Laci heard a sharp sound of an alarm clock...





Laci sat up straight in her small bed, clad in her pink pyjamas. Her sky-blue eyes were broad like saucers, and she was gasping. She lit her lamp and blindly searched for her glasses. After putting her glasses on, saw it was time for her to get up.

Right now, a girl in a black towel had entered the room.

She was Buffy Diaz – a 21-year-old Chemistry student who stood at five feet. Her green-leaf eyes were on Laci, and she was smiling. “Shit, you’re up early.”

“I decided to set my alarm early,” Laci stammered.

Buffy blinked and knitted her brow. “Don’t you have afternoon classes?”

Laci nodded feebly and avoided visual contact.

Buffy went towards her dresser and took out her black bra. She removed her towel, and put on her bra – covering her 32C melons. Next, she put on her black laced panties, removed her head towel, and put on a black skirt and a black shirt with a band motif. She slowly pulled on her knee high black socks, before blow drying her short chestnut hair.

Buffy sat on her own bed, crossed-legged.

“Are you still having weird nightmares,” asked Buffy.

Laci nodded her head gravely.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Since I turned eighteen....”

Buffy knitted her forehead, whispering, “Why an octopus?”

“I’ve been afraid of them ever since I was a little kid.”

“Ah, unresolved childhood trauma.”

Laci looked up and smiled. “Do you ever have bad dreams?”

“Yeah, I’ve ones where I’m falling from the sky, or being chased.”

“Being chased by what exactly?”

“Well, it ain’t a horny octopus.” Buffy winked.

Laci giggled a little and smiled.

“Good! We have a smile out of you,” said Buffy. She put on her black boots, and she put on her black lipstick – while looking at her vanity mirror. “I’m gonna grab a cereal bar, and grab my books to take with me to my lecture.” She looked at Laci. “You gonna be okay?”

Laci squeezed her pillow – nodding her head and smiling.

Buffy smiled mischievously. “Good lass. And I shall see you later.”

Buffy gave Laci a kiss on her right cheek, before leaving the bedroom.

Laci exhaled hard and long. She decided to rise for a warm shower.





Laci was standing naked in a shower, washing her hair thoroughly. She had previously washed her 34D boobs and pubic area. She felt happy being back in the real world.

After her shower – and drying herself off – Laci put on her maroon flannel shirt, her chestnut sweater, a long sable skirt and her knee high brown socks. She sat at the breakfast table – in the tiny kitchen – munching on some toast, and sipping some orange juice.

Laci researched various methods of treating nightmares online. Unfortunately, every time she looked for something about the octopus, she found hentai images. It disgusted Laci that there were people out there who were into that kind of thing.





In the afternoon, Laci went to her English class – she sat with countless students, hearing the droning of the professor. Laci struggled to stay awake, while typing notes onto her laptop, and she sometimes looked around.

Then she made a sharp stop. She saw something that resembles an octopus.

The red octopus looked down at Laci with hunger, his tentacles twisting.

Laci rubbed her eyes, and she found out the octopus was gone.

The bell sounded, and everybody packed up.

As usual, Laci was dead last and she released a tiny yawn.





At the end of the day, Laci returned to her dormitory.

Buffy sat down on her own bed cross-legged.

Buffy looked up, smiling joyfully. “Hey! How’s it going?”

“Fine,” Laci groaned, as she packed her stuff away.

Laci lay down on her bed, and faced Buffy.

“I thought I saw that creepy octopus again.”

“Were you like asleep or something?”

“I rubbed my eyes, and the octopus vanished.”

“Have you thought about seeing a therapist? Or are you on medication?”

“If I take sleeping pills, I’ll end up stuck in a nightmare, and the octopus will get me.”

Buffy put on a deep frown. She still couldn't believe the phobia was real.





Laci's eyes were quick to open.

She saw a blood-red moon floating through the skies.

Laci was on the ground, in a forest-like place.

She arose and frantically looked all over.

Laci was surrounded with a number of threatening trees.

Suddenly, Laci heard the sounds of twigs snapping.

She looked around, silencing a gasp with her right hand.

Laci saw nothing through the darkness of the woods.

The snap and breakage of the twigs became more and more strong.

Laci's feet started moving, and she was running through the woods.

Sometimes she looked back to see if her pursuers were after her.

Laci's left ankle hit a knotty root and fell on the ground.

Landing on her front, Laci groaned in pain.

Alarm set in when she realised that her legs couldn’t move.

Laci couldn't see, but a number of vines had tied around her legs.

Then, Laci watched helplessly as numerous vines wrapped around her arms.

Laci squealed when she was raised up in the air, and was now spread-eagled.

She watched in horror, as numerous vines clung to her pyjama shirt – ripping it open.

The vines wrapped around the cups of her bra – pulling it off to reveal her ample tits.

Then Laci saw her true attacker: The red octopus came for her.

The octopus made some horrible squelching noises and it moaned hungrily for Laci. He kept getting closer and closer until he was a couple of inches away from her.

Laci pulled hard against her ties, as she looked down and was on the verge of crying. She shook her head in protest, while the octopus's tentacles were wrapped around her legs and waist, and many of the tentacles were lying flat on her juicy breasts.

Suddenly a loud alarm went off and the world disappeared.





Laci woke up in bed, puffing and panting – with tears rolling down her cheeks.

She realised that her right hand was in her pyjama bottoms and in soaked panties.

Laci took out her hand, realizing what her subconscious had caused her to do.

Buffy turned on the light, and hollered, “Hey! Hey! Lace! What’s wrong?”

She wiped her hand with a handkerchief from her bedside table and avoided eye contact.

Laci sobbed, “Please, Buffy, don’t look!”

Buffy looked rather surprised. “Did you have another nightmare?”

Laci nodded her head slowly. “The octopus got a reaction from me!”

Buffy soon understood what she was talking about, and turned red in the face.

Buffy came out of bed and took a seat with her friend Laci.

Buffy put her arm around her and gave her a hug.





After her nightmare experience, Laci showered and changed into her usual attire.

She and Buffy didn't have classes today, so they were able to hang out.

Buffy wore her short red shirt – which matched her skirt and her high heels.

Laci and Buffy went to the nursing post to get advice about nightmares.

Buffy stood in front of the nurse's station with his hands folded.

Laci soon came out, carrying her blue bag, and she exhaled.

Buffy smiled sweetly. “So? What did the nurse suggest?”

 “She suggested I just take some sleeping pills for a peaceful night,” said Laci.

Buffy’s smile faded away. “Yeah, but if you do, your problem will still exist.”

An idea popped into Laci’s head. “Hey! Remember that scene in the first A Nightmare on Elm Street, where Johnny Depp has to keep watch?”

Buffy stammered, “You mean where Nancy asks him to watch over her?”

“Yeah, you could watch over me, and wake me if I have another nightmare!”

Buffy blew air out of her cheeks. “You do know that finals are soon, right?”

“Oh,” returned Laci. “Sorry, I’ll try and figure something else out, then.”

Buffy and put her arm around her and she grinned. “I’ll help, sweets!”

Laci beamed. She returned the embrace, and gave her a peck on the cheek.





After that, Laci and Buffy went back to their dormitory – they got their laptops set up, and they sat legs crossed on their own bed. They were working on their assignments.

Buffy had a coke with her, and used a straw to leisurely sip her drink.

Laci, however, typed with one hand and used the other to shove some crisps into her mouth. She had to do an essay on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Laci spoke, “In every English class I’ve been in, I’ve always done Romeo and Juliet!” She looked at Buffy. “What about you? Did you study that a lot in your schools?”

Buffy shook her head slightly. “The kids were too thick, so the teachers gave up.”

Laci giggled after hearing that remark. She finished her crisps so she could type with two hands. After she had finished typing, she saved her work before and after spell checking. She looked at Buffy. “When you’re done, want to watch a film?”

Buffy smirked. “Yeah, go in the living room and set something up.”

Laci got up, gave Buffy a peck on the cheek and exited the room.





Buffy and Laci were snuggled up close on their burgundy couch in their living room.

They were watching a cheesy 80s shark B-movie horror. The effects were terribly dated. The acting sucked, the music had too much synthesiser, and there was too much nudity.

Buffy occasionally looked at Laci with a smile on her face.

Laci got too wrapped up in the film and ate popcorn.

Buffy spoke, “I think I have a weird theory about your nightmares.”

Laci hummed, while her eyes were still glued to the screen.

“Well, maybe you’re afraid of octopi because of how phallic they are... I mean, the octopus tentacles are like dicks, and maybe that’s why you’re afraid?”

Laci looked at her baffled. “I don’t think I’m afraid of dicks?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to jump to the wrong conclusion,” Buffy stammered.

Buffy shied away, and she forced herself to look at the film.

Laci looked back at the film. “I like both.”

Buffy briefly looked at her, and beamed.





That night in bed the girls had brushed their teeth and donned their pajamas.

They had crawled into their own beds, and faced each other in the dark.

Laci spoke softly, “Remember, if it looks like I’m in trouble, wake me up.”

Buffy grinned mischievously. “Don’t worry – I’ll save you from the octopus.”

Laci giggled softly. She laid her head on the pillow, and stared at the ceiling.

Slowly, Laci’s eyelids felt heavy and she closed them – falling asleep.





In the middle of the night, Laci opened her eyes and was wide awake.

She looked around and noticed that she was in her and Buffy’s bedroom.

Buffy was sleeping deeply, with her head resting on her left side.

Laci beamed. She didn’t want to wake her friend.

Then, Laci noticed the closet doors were wide open.

She got up and headed to the closet to close them.

A tentacle shot out of the closet, and coiled around Laci’s left wrist.

Laci’s eyes widened like saucers. She attempted to remove the offending tentacle.

Another tentacle soon became attached to her right wrist.

Laci opened her mouth to scream, but another tentacle entered her mouth.

Laci pulled against the tentacles, and looked at Buffy with pleading eyes.

Laci felt dizzy. She couldn’t stop crying. She was frustrated that she couldn’t stop the assault. Her chest ached. Her need to escape increased immensely. Laci trembled. She moaned for Buffy, but her cries were unheard. Her throat felt like it was tightening. Her heart raced in her chest. Laci found it difficult to breathe. She was starting to sweat profusely. Her legs felt weak. She knew the octopus was going to kidnap her and rape her endlessly.

Laci watched in horror as two tentacles wrapped around an ankle each.

All of a sudden, Laci was dragged into the closet, and the doors closed...





Laci opened her eyes, and found herself in what looked like a grotto.

She was lying on the wet ground, and the red octopus loomed over her.

Laci cried out, but the thick tentacle in her mouth had shut her up.

She struggled against the tentacles which were tightly wound upon her wrists and ankles.

Then, the octopus opened its mouth: its tongue and the remaining tentacles coated Laci’s pyjamas in its thick slime – not missing a single inch of her clothes.

Laci went berserk and cried while she failed to stop the assault.

The octopus pulled the buttons off her pajama shirt and yanked it right out. It ripped off her pyjama bottoms, ate her panties and even ripped off Laci’s strapless bra.

Laci gave a cry of terror, because she was now completely naked and covered in mucus from head to toe. She felt the tentacles force her arms and legs into place, and was now spread-eagled. She fought fruitlessly. She knew the octopus wanted to win.

The octopus thoroughly caressed and licked every centimetre of Laci's lubricated body.

Laci squeezed her eyes shut tight.

Laci whined and writhed and failed to force her legs shut.

The octopus caressed every inch of her body – sending waves of unwanted arousal.

The octopus pulled its tentacle out of Laci's mouth to keep her from choking.

Laci took this opportunity and screamed, “Buffy! Buffy! Please! Please, wake up! The octopus is going to rape me! Oh, please, Buffy, please wake up and save me.”

One of the octopus’ tentacles wrapped around her mouth to mute her protests. However, the octopus caused her panic to rise when one of its suckers latched onto her mouth.

The suction cup attached to Laci’s mouth sucked in a smooth kissing motion.

Laci whined her frustration.

She’d never been kissed before, and it was ruined by an octopus. She suddenly felt a strange feeling of excitement in her – making her panic and go wild.

The octopus took turns caressing Laci's large breasts in a playful fashion. He was trying to figure out which one of Laci's tits he should play with first, and he was moaning greedily.

Laci glared daggers at the perverted beast. Her arms and legs fought against the slimy bonds. She badly wanted to kick the octopus away.

The octopus decided to play with Laci's left breast first: He used the tip of his tentacle to start from Laci’s nipple – he slipped outward, smoothing the breast and using slight pressure.

Laci instinctively pulled against the bonds to protect her tits, but had failed. She was whining about it. She pulled and pulled – hating that unwelcome feeling of excitement.

The octopus continued slowly touching the circumference of Laci's left breast. Then, his tentacle lifted Laci's breast up a little and massaged Laci's left breast like moulding clay.

Laci was trembling out of control. Her face reddened with displeasure.

She lolled her head from side to side.

She tried to stifle her illicit groans, and tears flowed from her cheeks.

Slowly, the octopus used gentle massage movements to twist Laci’s left breast in a clockwise motion – which caused Laci to whimper and moan sensitively. It alternated between the moulding and torsion of Laci's left breast clockwise and counterclockwise. Next, two of his tentacles cupped the side of Laci’s left breast near Laci's now erect nipple; he pressed down and out with a firm and gentle massage.

Laci released an inhuman grunt from her lungs as she tossed her head about. She pulled and pulled – wanting Buffy to save from this nightmare. Her body reacted to the illegal breast massage and she had felt disgusted.

The octopus was now playing with Laci's right breast: He was using the tip of his tentacle to leave Laci's nipple – he was sliding outside, smoothing Laci's breast and using a slight pressure.

The lower lip of Laci shook, while she groaned. Her self-restraint had shackled her arousal tight. Unfortunately Laci felt that her rebel body was challenging her. She snorted out of her nostrils.

The octopus slowly proceeded to caress the circumference of Laci's right breast. Then his tentacle lifted Laci's breast a bit and massaged it like kneading dough.

 Slowly the tentacle used soft massage motions to twist Laci's right breast in a clockwise direction. He alternated between moulding and twisting Laci's left breast clockwise and counter-clockwise. Next, two tentacles cupped the side of Laci’s right breast near Laci's now erect nipple – the tentacles pressed down and out with a firm but gentle massage.

When they were done, the tentacles lay flat on both of Laci’s breasts: the suckers latched onto the mounds of Laci's flesh, and sucked on Laci’s hardened nipples.

Laci shut her eyes tightly. She was moaning against her heart. A broad smile poured on her face. She could feel the suction cups alternating between sucking her poor nipples coarsely and softly. They sucked and stretched her nipples like they were milking her.

A strong trembling passed through Laci's body like an orgasm crashed on her. It was like a demolition ball that crashed into a fragile building – it came out of the blue.

Tears were falling on her pale cheeks, for she knew what the octopus had done. She could feel that its breast obsessed tentacles continuously massaged her tits and nipples.

Laci tossed her head from side-to-side. Her lovely toes curled and she pulled against her restraints. To her horror, Laci calmed down and her pussy was now wet.

The octopus noticed: His large tongue slithered in between Laci’s juddering legs. It rose a little upwards, and its tip finally touched the wet lips of Laci's pussy.

Laci jolted. She opened her eyelids a little. She realized that octopus was going to devour her. Her mouth was muffled with the tentacle. As she groaned without control, she shook her head to protest. She even tried to move her hips because she didn't want to get licked.

The octopus didn't follow orders. His monstrous tongue licked the wet lips of Laci's pussy; rubbing in slow circles – clockwise – ensuring that Laci could feel him.

Laci did. She squealed. She whined her frustration. She cried out aloud.

She laid her head on the wet ground. Her tiny hands clenched into fists as she fought weakly against the bonds. She failed to close her trembling legs, as she felt the large tongue lovingly lick every inch of her pussy lips.

When she felt it licking her puffy lips and clitoris, waves of unwanted pleasure took over her body. Each lick was enough to drive a blow to her self-restraint.

The octopus now focused on licking Laci's clitoris: he licked it from top to bottom, diagonally, side by side and alternated between rubbing hard and rubbing softly.

Another jolt passed through the small frame of Laci, while another orgasm shook her senselessly. She was groaning and wailing and screaming. She twisted her hips a bit to keep from being licked by the octopus. She failed again. This oceanic beast was torturing her. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks. She fought hard against her bonds, but it was useless.

The octopus knew exactly what he was doing. He moved on to his next evil tactic: He used his tongue to spell the alphabet on Laci's wet pussy – ensuring to hit all the targets in Laci's special areas. He spelled the letters A, B, C, D, E...

Laci twisted her hip as a sign of protest as she struggled and cried. She silently begged for the octopus to stop and fought harder against her bonds.

The octopus tongue continued to draw letters; F... G... H... I... J....

Laci felt her body disobey, as her hips bucked and trembled.

Laci wept much more. She begged. She pleaded.

She was trembling, struggling. Her sobs were uncontrollable.

The octopus licked: K, L, M, N, but it drew the O much more slowly.

The tentacle coiled around Laci’s mouth muted her moans.

Laci shut her eyes tight. She struggled like a possessed dolly.

Her nostrils snorted hard and also flared. She clenched her teeth in anger.

The octopus continued to lick: P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z...

Finally, another strong quake shook Laci's body as a powerful orgasm inundated her body. Laci stopped battling her bonds, and she lay on the ground. She breathed hard throughout her nostrils. She continued whining. Tears were falling on her pale cheeks.

The tentacle covering her mouth unfolded, and now curled around her thin neck. It tightened around her neck, just a little, giving the lass a firm and gentle choke.

Laci cried out loudly. Her lips trembled a little. Soft moans left her parted lips. She summoned the last strength she had to look at her captor through blurred eyes, and she pleaded, softly, “Please... Please...” She swallowed and paused. “... Fuck me... Please...!”

That octopus was a winner. Laci was his prized slut. So, his menacing tongue entered Laci's wet pussy and found its prize – Laci’s O-spot. The octopus slid his tongue backwards and forwards – and he rubbed Laci’s O-spot as his tongue licked.

Laci's body trembled and her hips twisted and shuddered once more. Her mouth formed a wide O, and her eyes shut tight. A series of submissive moans leave her mouth, while her new lover eats her pussy. “Oh fuck! Oh shit! Oh, God! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Christ! Oh!

The octopus lovingly watched her, as its mighty tongue wriggled, writhed and ate her pussy. Its bulbous head pulsated, as it continued to pleasure its slave.

Oh fuck! Oh shit! Oh crap! Oh no! Please stop! Please stop! Oh, Buffy! Oh, Buffy! Help me! Help me! Oh fuck! Oh shit!” Laci chanted, as another orgasm built up within her.

The octopus’ tongue alternated between rubbing the O-spot roughly and softly.

Laci was shaking with intensity, and earlier than expected, she was ejaculating hard and her love juice came out of her virgin pussy. “Oh, Jesus...! Oh shit...! Oh fuck...! Oh crap...!

The octopus groaned with hunger, as its long tongue dug deeper and pushed the sticky cum out of Laci's love channel and into his own mouth – swallowing the lot. His powerful organ was like a big snake that slid into a wet and sticky hole.

Laci’s body trembled with such passion. Tears of joy continued rolling over her cheeks. After her hips stopped bucking and trembling, her heart raced, and she moaned.

Laci begged, “Please...! More...! Fuck me...! More...! Please...!

The octopus’ lengthy tentacle cock rose between Laci’s shuddering thighs. Its bulbous tip brushed the wet lips of Laci's pussy, in slow sensual circles, letting Laci know it was ready.

Laci breathed, “Yes... Yes... Fuck me... Fuck me, master... Please...!”

The large tentacle cock unhurriedly pushed its cock into Laci's sticky pussy.

Laci’s back arched a little as she released an excited cry from her lungs.

The tentacle cock moved back and forth – making Laci want the cock.

Laci was still sobbing uncontrollably.

She wanted it to delve deeper and deeper into her core.

Laci’s hips juddered and bucked a little. She managed to move back and forth.

The octopus kept thrusting into Laci's wet pussy, adding a few more inches as he did.

Laci whimpered, “Please...! Please...! Deeper...! Deeper...! I can take it...!

In the end, the tentacle rubbed against Laci's cervical wall.

Laci shook and began to tremble with ecstasy.

She mewled in pleasure. She moaned deeply and gently.

Laci was really looking forward to being fucked.

The tentacle slowly slid backwards out of Laci's virgin pussy.

The octopus rubbed Laci’s clitoris and labia – in a slow clockwise formation.

Laci cried again. She cried loud and clear. She whimpered.

She bucked her hips in response.

Don’t tease me like this,” she wailed, “I fucking need this!

The octopus penetrated Laci again – travelling to the rhythm of a snail. He was digging deeper and deeper into Laci's damp pussy – heading for Laci's a-spot.

Laci trembled. She felt the dick slide back, to the rhythm of a snail, but not enough to leave. She felt it move onwards, slowly but surely, heading to her a-spot again. Her uncontrollable smile stretched even wider. Her sweet groaning was rising from her lungs. She could feel that huge tentacle striking her a-spot.

Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Keep going! Keep going,” she whimpered.

Laci felt the huge tentacle slipping back and forth. Multiple orgasms rushed through her tingling body again – which resulted in her shivering with ecstasy.

Laci’s body gyrated like she was riding the tentacle. Her eyelids fluttered, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her hips bucked and quivered, as she felt the tip of the tentacle cock repeatedly hit her a-spot – with a rough hammering force.

Laci’s song-like moans were like music to her great octopus lover.

The octopus slowed its thrusting speed, as it relentlessly slammed hard into Laci’s a-spot wall; like the frantic pressing of a doorbell. It moaned as it pounded her pussy hard.

Laci fought to breathe, while her body wriggled and twisted. Her eyelids fluttered like butterfly wings. Her hips bucked and quivered repeatedly.

Tiny cries of ecstasy erupted from Laci’s lungs. Her singing groans were at the same pace as the tentacle pushing hard and deep into her abused pussy. More tears were shed on her cheeks, and her final climax swayed in her body and limbs.

Oh shit...! Oh, baby...! Oh, God...! Oh, Christ...! Oh, Jesus,” she whispered.

Laci's legs were moving on either side, in a scissor motion, as she received it. Her head lazily moved about. Her nostrils flared as she breathed out harder and harder.

The penetrating tentacle alternated between moving backwards and forwards normally, and even drilled Laci’s once virgin wet and sticky pussy in a corkscrew motion – rubbing her inner walls. It stretched her love canal without mercy, as it moved backwards, slowly, almost leaving her pussy, and then propelled at an alarming rate and hit her a-spot.

Laci’s body and limbs were quivering, while an inhuman growl rose from her lungs. The girl had no restraint. She instantly became the slut the monster wanted. A strong, exuberant voice in her mind said she wanted the monster to make her come.

The octopus was watching Laci while she was getting laid. He picked up on the difference in Laci's body language. Laci no longer withdrew and sought freedom. Instead, Laci's body twisted with ecstasy, and her trembling hips twisted and rode the tentacle with enthusiasm.

That octopus knew it'd won. He knew that Laci was henceforth his prohibited sex slave.

Laci's body trembled and she was singing ecstatically. She squeezed the walls of her pussy – to grab the cock, which penetrated her wet pussy.

Harder! Harder! Fuck me harder and faster...! Please! Please! Please,” she sang.

The octopus moaned as he penetrated Laci's moist pussy. Moving forwards and backwards, he felt the interior walls of Laci's pussy tightening. It had to push even harder and faster into Laci's pussy, and it broke the spongy wall of the a-spot.

Laci experienced many orgasms flooding her whole body as a tsunami. She felt an incredible need to speak out for her lover. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her skull, while her hips were twisting, shaking and gyrating – as if she wanted to ride the dick.

A parade of rapturous tears flowed down her cheeks. And her lips bowed with a large smile. The tentacle that fucked her pussy hurt her, but she looked beyond the pain to receive this forbidden pleasure.

The octopus’s tentacle penetrated with gusto now: As he propelled back and forth, like a tireless piston, he hit the spongy wall of Laci’s a-spot at an alarming rate – like a battering ram. He moaned and groaned. He was giving her incredible ecstasy.

Oh yes! Oh fuck! Fuck yes! Oh, God! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Keep going! Keep going! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Fuck me! Fuck me! Give it to me! Give it to me,” chanted Laci.

Laci was now the octopus' slut. She saw stars through bleary eyes. Her body and hips bucked and quivered often. A whirlwind of orgasms shattered Laci's own control.

The octopus was moving faster now, while it was penetrating deep into Laci's pussy. He managed to rub against Laci's erogenous zones without fail.

Laci panted, and moaned, and groaned, and whimpered for the beast. The shuddering of her tiny body increased, as did the bucking and quivering of her hips. She had sweat and ink all over her. She was in a state of exhaustion. Laci's eyelids waved wildly as she groaned madly and her body trembled. She felt that she was approaching her final climax.

Laci moaned, “Please don’t stop screwing me! I'll do what you say! Please screw me real hard! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me long! Oh, hell yeah! I love it! Yes!

God, that feels so good! I can’t believe you’re getting me so wet! Your cock feels amazing inside of me! Oh, I like getting screwed by you! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

Fuck me! Fuck me! Give it to me! Let me have that! Turn me into your whore! Let me be your bitch! Oh shit! Oh crap! Oh fuck! Fill me up! Fill me up! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh crap!

I want you to come so hard I can feel your dick beating inside me! I want to be fucked to death! Fuck me hard! Fuck my brains out! I’m fucking dripping wet for you!

I don’t want you to quit, sweetheart! I don’t want you to stop fucking me like this! Keep going! Keep going! I love it! I love it! I want it! I need it! I want you! I need you! I love you!

Pound my little pussy with your big cock! You can do everything to me! Fuck me like your precious whore! Wreck my pussy! Fuck my pussy, sweetheart! I belong to you!

I’m all yours! You can have me! I love feeling that big dick of yours! That dick of yours is huge! Don’t let it leave my wet pussy! My pussy feels wet for you! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Harder...! Harder! Harder! Faster! Faster! Faster! You make me so fucking wet! You make me feel like screaming! I love being your slut! I’m your whore! I’m your whore! Yes!

Fuck me with your cock! Treat me like your sex toy, Slug Daddy! You’re perfect for fucking me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me rough! Don’t quit screwing me, babe! Fuck me!

“Fill me with your semen! Fill me with your spunk! Shoot your entire load in my pussy! Fill me up with your sticky love juices! Fuck me with that fat cock! I want it! I need it!

 “Come on, baby, come on! Make me come! Make me come, baby! Make me squirt! Make me come with your massive cock! Make me come! Please make me come! Make me come!

Ejaculate your semen in my pussy, baby! I want to feel you ejaculate inside me! I want to feel your sperm fill up my pussy. Fill me up! Fill me up so it comes out of my fucking mouth!

Your moans sound so fucking hot! You smell so fucking wonderful! You feel so fucking soft, too! Your cock gives me such pleasure! Please don’t stop! Don’t stop! Please! Please!

I’m your dirty little cum slut! Fuck me so hard that you hospitalize, baby! Fuck me into a coma! Give me brain damage! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh Shit! Oh shit!

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh, Christ! I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!

Laci’s back arched. Her vision blurred. Her nerves tingled. Her hips bucked and trembled. Her body quivered as if she was having a seizure on the ground. She could not stop smiling.

Laci whimpered, “Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...! Oh, God...!

Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...! Thank you...!

Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! Oh, Jesus...! I love you so much...!





Buffy then awakened from a shock.

Buffy looked up to see Laci in bed.

Buffy turned on the light and gasped.

Laci was naked and coated in slime and ink.

Buffy got out of bed and ran to Laci’s bed.

She checked her heart rate and was glad to find it.

Buffy grabbed Laci’s shoulders, but was repulsed by the slime and ink.

“Laci...? Laci,” cried Buffy “Please, Laci, wake up! Wake up!”

Laci opened her eyes gradually, and she smiled. “Hey, Buffy...”

“... Hey? Laci, you’re naked! And you’re covered in slime and ink!”

Laci looked at her, but still smiled. “Oh, it happened?”

“What happened? Laci, did you have another nightmare?”

“Yeah, but, it kinda turned into a really hot dream.”

“A hot dream...? You mean you enjoyed what the octopus did to you?”

Smiling, Laci nodded her head. “It was scary at first, but fucking hot!”

“Jesus, you sound fucking brainwashed,” Buffy gasped. She let go of her shoulders. “Stay here, I’ll run you a bath so you can get that shit off, okay?”

Laci nodded her head, and then placed her head on the pillow.

Buffy sped out of the bedroom in a panic and soon screamed.

Laci exhaled. She rose idly to see what was going on.

Laci entered the bathroom, and saw where Buffy was pointing.

The red octopus was in the bath.

Laci fondly rubbed his gigantic head and smiled at him.

Buffy looked at Laci. “You made it real?”

Laci nodded her head. She smiled at Buffy. “Can you please take it back to the bedroom to play with it,” she asked, in a singing tone. “I really need to take a shower, Buffy.”

Buffy watched her horrified, and the octopus wrapped a tentacle round her right arm.

But when Buffy looked at the octopus's eyes, she felt something stirring in her.

Buffy suddenly felt a sudden rush of excitement, and she had also felt mesmerized.

Without expressing any protest, Buffy brought the octopus into their room.

Laci turned on the shower-head and sorted out the temperature.

Satisfied, Laci stepped in and she began to wash every inch of her body.

It wasn't long before she heard her roommate and best friend whine sexually.

Laci used the shower head to masturbate to Buffy while she was getting fucked.

Oh... Oh... Oh... Buffy,” she moaned. “I knew you’d love him, too.


The End